Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES) (8 page)

BOOK: Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES)
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“Yet? Are you saying that you are becoming a hockey fan?” I felt my face get red.

“You know,” he said in a low voice as he leaned in closer, “you are beautiful when you blush.” I felt his thumb glide over my cheek ever so gently.
Yep, I am going to have to take a cold shower

“Since this night isn’t going on
like I planned it. Why don’t you pick what to do next? We could go to the bar and chat or go to my room and watch a movie. Your pick?”

Alone with Lucas in his room was going to throw me into a panic attack, but we would not be able to talk in a bar.
I saw that the restaurant was not going to be open much longer.
Don’t panic. What would Fun-Sara do?

Going to his room
didn’t mean sex. Lucas didn’t seem to be putting off those vibes to me. I did want to spend more time with him.
Fun-Sara has been alone with a guy before.

“But if you are tired, I under-,”

I cut him off by standing, “A movie sounds great.” I smiled.
Yes, I can do this.

He stood up and we headed out of the restaurant. He remembered that I didn’t take elevators and went straight for the stairs.

“Sorry about being on the
twelfth floor,” he stated as we began climbing the stairs.

“No, I am sorry that I don’t take elevators.”

“No biggie. So, you never told me how you got my number?” Lucas asked.

“Oh, my legal assistant was able to obtain it.
She is remarkable when it comes to research,” That was an understatement. Charity was the best. That girl could find any person, code, or statue in the land without a problem. When I asked her about finding Lucas’ number, she accepted the challenge. I was a little surprised that she was able to find it and she never really told me how.

“She must be really good to get my number.
I thought I had it completely protected.” I giggled.

assistants have their talents.”

Our conversation felt so easy.
I was happy when we were walking up the stairs and he was holding my hand.

“What time do you all
leave in the morning?” I asked trying to keep the conversation going.

“Not until
nine AM. You?”

“We leave at
eleven AM.”

There was silence as we reached his room but it was not uncomfortable.
Lucas opened the door and I went in to find that he was in a suite.

“Do you stay in rooms like this al
l the time?” I looked wide-eyed.

“Absolutely not,” he laughed.
“The whole team stays on the same floor, but they ran out of rooms. So, I got the suite, lucky me, eh?”

I sat on the couch and he walked over to grab the remote.
He sat right next to me and we quickly agreed on a movie. Well, I just agreed because I knew that I was not going to be paying attention to anything on that TV. Lucas was so close to me that I could smell his cologne and it was making me weak in the knees.
Thank the stars I am sitting down.
Come on, Fun-Sara you can do this. Think about how happy you were when Charity gave you his number.

“I hear that hockey players don’t have all their teeth.
Are yours real?” I blurted out.
Yeah, those crazy stamps are back!

Lucas laughed. “Surprising
ly, yes I do have all my teeth. I am one of the few though, that is for sure.”

Broken a lot bones?”

“A few
, nothing that kept me out too terribly long, though. What about you? Do you have all your teeth and are your bones intact?” I felt myself stiffen.
Should I say anything? I know he can see my scars, but he has not said anything. I am a sucky liar

“My teeth are real.
I’ve had a few broken bones.” I just didn’t go into details and hoped that he wouldn’t either.

“Really, I
didn’t take you as the adventurous type.”

“Um, I had an accident.
That is where the broken bones came from.”

I can hear Rachel yelling at me
in my head right now for calling it an “accident”.

“Oh, I am so sorry.” He rubbed the top of my hand again.
I just nodded. I could feel tears coming.
Stop! I am Fun-Sara right now

I cleared my throat
. “Let’s watch the movie.” I tried to sound cheery, but wasn’t sure I succeeded.

As the movie started I realized that Lucas was still holding my hand.
I silently counted to five to calm myself and then I did it. I laid my head on his shoulder.
I can do this. I can be the girl I once was.
Just act casually, even though I truly don’t remember flirting being this hard

“Is that George Clooney?” I
looked up at him. Lucas was leaning on his arm, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip. He looked extremely nervous.
Okay, maybe I am doing this wrong. Maybe I am reading the signs wrong. Crap, Rachel was right again, I am out of practice.

I sat up
. “Lucas, are you okay? I can leave if you are tired.” I went to get up, but he gently grabbed my arm.

“No. Sorry I was thinking about something.
Please don’t leave yet.”

“Lucas, I am sure you are tired.
We are going to see each other in a couple of days. It’s fine,” I said quickly.

“No, please stay.
I don’t want you to leave.” He placed his hand on either side on my face. I stiffened. Lucas looked at me with concern.
He is not Jake. He is not Jake. What the hell is wrong with me? Will I always be this scared?

“Sara, you are as white as a ghost.
What’s wrong?” I knew in my head if I didn’t do it right now, I never would. This was my one chance. I could either sink or swim.
Please God I hope I am right about this. I can’t be scared anymore.

licked my lips and gripped his wrists gently as they still held my face. I leaned into to him and looked into his eyes, feeling his hot breath against my skin.

He very gently kissed my lips and I am pretty sure my hormone department
took over because I leaned in deeper. I felt his tongue on my lips and I instinctively opened my mouth wrapping my arms around his neck. He dropped his hands to my waist. I felt a twinge of pain when I opened my mouth wider, but I didn’t want to stop.
Wow, can he kiss! I wanted to kiss him forever.

It was too soon but w
e finally pulled away. Lucas laid his head on my forehead. Neither of us said anything. I was trying to remember to breathe and get my heart rate back in check.

“You need to say something, so I don’t over think this situation,” I
truthfully told Lucas.

“Perfection,” Lucas said. I laughed. It was a real laugh, something that I had not done in a long time. He pressed his lips to mine again. We kissed until the knock on the door a moment later.

pulled out of the kiss and ran his hands through his hair. “You have got to be kidding me.” He stood him and headed to the door.

I ran my fingers over my swollen lip and couldn’t remove the smile from my face, even if I tried.

I heard Lucas say something about being there in a minute. He walked back to me.

“A few guys are acting immature and I need to get it handled.
I’m sorry.”

“No, it
’s fine. I understand. I will see you in a couple days.” I stood up and grabbed my purse, then stood on my tiptoes and gently kissed his lips.
Why does that feel so natural? My rational thinking department must still be on strike.

“Let me walk you down to your room,” he said

“No, its fine.
I am just a few floors down.”

“I can take her,” said a male from the hall.
I yelped and jumped behind Lucas who smirked down at me. I looked around Lucas to see Max chuckle.

“Thanks Max.
Take the stairs please not the elevator,” Lucas directed.

.” Max walked over to me and bowed. “My lady it would be my honor to accompany you to the fourth floor.” I couldn’t help but laugh at Max’s attempt at an English accent. It was really bad. I took Max’s arm as we walked out, then turned and saw Lucas head the other way down the hall.


WOW! What a night!


Chapter 13 – Sara


“Sorry about taking the stairs,” I told Max as we were heading down the stairs together.

“No big deal.
I needed to work off some of the dinner anyway.” He patted his non-existent stomach.

“Does Lucas have to break up a lot
of fights on the team?” I asked curious as to why they didn’t get the coach instead.

“Fights? Oh, no they weren’t fighting.
They were throwing water balloons out their window on teammates standing outside. Some of the guys were not happy about it, that’s all.”

It seemed childish
, but I remembered Rachel saying that there were a lot of young players this year.

“Rachel told me you have a young team.”

“Yes. Most of the team is under twenty-five. We are the youngest in the league, right now,” Max confirmed.

“Guess that makes Lucas and you the old guys,” I laughed.

“It does, actually. Although, Lucas has always been mature. He is always focused on hockey and goals he has. You’re the first girl he has talked about in over two years.” I stopped dead on the stairs at that statement.

“What? Lucas hasn’t had a girlfriend in
two years?” I was shocked and confused.

How could someone that good
looking be alone for two years?

“Lucas is not a partier and he doesn’t run around.
Trust me he could if he wanted, but he always puts work first,” Max explained.
Wow, Lucas sounds a lot like me.

, Sara,” Max stopped me as we made our way to my door. “I like you and I know Lucas does. My suggestion to you is: just be easy with his heart. He might look like a big, bad hockey player but he has feelings.” I looked up at Max and nodded.
Really? I have been so worried about me I never thought about Lucas.

“Be sure to tell Rachel I still want her as my girlfriend
.” He winked and walked away.

I walked into our hotel room to see Rachel
lying in her bed. She was wearing sweats and a huge t-shirt and still looked stunning. I noticed that she was reading a large case brief.
I am sure that is not for work.

“I expected to see you in the morning doing
the walk of shame,” she laughed as she looked up from her reading.

ha. You know me better than that,” I huffed as I threw down my purse and flopped onto the bed.

“Did anything happen?”
I knew that if I didn’t tell her she was just going to keep on me until cave.

“Some kissing may have happened.”

Rachel yelped and leapt over into my bed. “Tell me everything. Leave out no details.”

I told her everything and even included my panic attack in my head.
I told her how my emotions were all over the place and I had to keep reminding myself that Lucas was not Jake.

“You can’t keep comparing guys to Jake.
I know it’s hard but you cannot do it. Plus, he hasn’t had a girl in two years. I find that a little strange but if he isn’t a player then it’s a good thing.”

“I know,” I sighed.
I got up and began to change clothes to head to bed. “Lucas was so sweet. He was nothing like Jake and I knew it. I was a bit shocked about the girlfriend thing too. Is that normal?”

It was then there was a knock on our door.
I stared at Rachel and she rushed to the door. She giggled and opened it. “May I help you?” she asked formally.

“Hello, Rachel. Is Sara still awake?” I heard Lucas
ask from the hallway. My heart jumped into my throat. I had just changed into my PJs and my hair was in a messy ponytail. I looked a mess.

“I will get her
.” Rachel came back and threw me an Eagles sweatshirt to cover my tank top. “Put that on but don’t cover your legs,” she whispered to me.

“What? I am in boy shorts. I feel exposed,” I whispered back.

“Shut up! Your legs are incredible and you are not
‘exposed’,” she air quoted “exposed”.

I rolled my eyes
, as I put the sweatshirt over my head. I took a deep breath and opened the door. There stood Lucas, the stunning man that he was. He looked me up and down with a smirk.

“Nice shirt
.” He tugged at the hem of the sweatshirt. I smiled and nodded.
Talk, Sara!

okay with the team?”
Good girl.

“Yep, small mishap, it’s
over now. However, I felt bad for not properly saying goodnight.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled. I hissed in pain and Lucas immediately let go.

Are you okay?”

“Oh yea
h, just a little um…” Lucas held my hand and pulled my sleeve of the sweatshirt.

“You have pins in your wrist,” he
simply stated.

“How do you know that?” I
looked at him with a shocked expression.
There is no way he could know that.

“The scars
.” He rubbed his fingers over the scars on the inside of my wrist. “I have seen hockey players with the same scars when they need pins from broken wrists,” he said matter-of-fact. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to tug like that.”

“No, its fine
,” I smiled sweetly at him. He put his hand on my cheek and pulled me close to him. The kiss was gentle, but it still made me weak in the knees.

Too soon, Lucas pulled away.
“I will see you soon, for our real date.” He kissed my forehead and walked away.


I could hardly sleep because I kept thinking about my night with Lucas, about his amazing kiss and how perfect he was. I thought that he might stop by before he left, but he didn’t, and I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

ur plane ride home was uneventful. Rachel and I made small talk about the firm and recent law changes that would affect us. I was ready to go to my own apartment for a while when I got off the plane. It was actually nice to walk in and have the place organized. I placed my bags in the bedroom to begin sorting out what needed washed and dry cleaned when I heard my phone beeping. I looked at the display to see a text coming through:

: Have my phone back =) keeping Max & Marc away from it ;)

I could not help the smile that came across my face.

: Good!

Fun-Sara can still flirt, even if it’s through text messages.

I had
a long talk with Rachel in the cab before I was dropped off and, yet again, she was right about me moving on. She told me to grow from what happened that it would make me stronger. I needed to think about me. I had a great career, wonderful friend and it was time I enjoyed more personal interactions.

Just as long as I don’t have a panic attack while enjoying them.

: We still on for 2 nite?

: Yep. Where R we going?

: Surprise! Can’t tell ya….

Oh dear stars! Deep breath, I can do this. Fun-Sara can do this. Just flirt back

: Surprise, huh? What if I don’t like it?

: You will like this, promise! C-ya @ 6! Text me your addy and I will pick you up.

I was nervous about giving out my address but I knew my building was secure and Lucas was not Jake.
Then it hit me:
Great, what am I going to wear?
I had a few hours to figure it out.
Who am I kidding?
I called the one person who could help.


After about a hundred outfit changes and Rachel’s doing my hair and makeup. I was ready and about to pass out from nerves. I had on a pair of dark jeans with knee high boots and, a red button-down shirt with a black cami underneath. Rachel left my hair down with my natural curls everywhere and light makeup. I thought my hair was too frizzy and my clothes too casual.

look great,” Rachel cooed as she fluffed my hair again.

“You know something, don’t you?”
I accused her. She would have usually dressed me all up for a night on the town. This time I was dressed casual. I could see it on her face.

“What? No
ooooo,” Rachel sang out and walked away from me.

“You little liar-
,” I chased after her. Just then my door buzzed and I stopped in my tracks.

“Do you remember our talk? Deep breath
s and have fun.”

’re right. I am going to have fun tonight,” I walked out of my bedroom straight to the door. I was a little shaky, but determined to have a great time.


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