Memory: Volume 3, How Far We Have Come, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) (86 page)

BOOK: Memory: Volume 3, How Far We Have Come, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)
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“This is Lizzy’s fault.”

“Go ahead and think that if it makes you feel better.  Nobody else will agree.”  She stood and started to leave the room.

“Where are you going?  Attend me!”

“You are not ill.”  Lydia looked at her.  “Get up, nobody feels sorry for you.” 

Mrs. Bennet stared after her.  “How can you speak to me that way?  I am your mother!”

“You are mother to five girls, Mama, not just the ones that you like.”  Lydia walked out of the room and met Mr. Bennet in the hallway. 

“That was quite a set down, Lydia.”

“I apologize, Papa.  I guess that I know what I was and now I see girls coming into the school, and I just have no patience for that sort of behaviour anymore.”  She sighed.  “I will go back and sit with her.”

“No, child.”  Mr. Bennet smiled.  “You are, I think, the only one who might get through to her, but you are home to be with your sisters.  She will have a rough time tomorrow.  She has no idea.”

“I know.”  Lydia looked back to the room.  “Well, I cannot dance so I will stay with her.” 

“I am proud of you.”  He gave her hand a squeeze.  “But you misunderstand, she will have a rough time because she is not going to the assembly, I have not told her yet, but I will in a moment.   I am glad to have you home for this event, but I will be gladder still to send you back to school.  You are not your mother’s keeper, that is my responsibility and I have shirked it for far too long.  Now, go see Kitty, I think that she has a gown you might like to borrow for tomorrow.”  He smiled and watched her go. 

“Hill!  Hill!” 

Mr. Bennet’s smile fell away and he walking into the bedchamber, closed the door.  “Mrs. Hill is occupied, Mrs. Bennet.  Now, get out of bed, I have some news for you.” 


“AHA!”  Rosalie cried and watched the pins topple over when Robinson rolled the ball for Wallace. 

“What are we supposed to be playing?”  Bingley laughed and hurried down to set them back up.

“Ninepins.”  Darcy smiled, holding her back from helping.  “No love, you stay here.”


“Not yet.” 

“Not yeeeet.” She sang.  “More!”

“Patience, little love.”  Darcy sat with her between his legs and watched.  When the pins were in place, he got on his knees behind her and kissed her cheek.  Bingley rolled the ball and Robinson stopped it, and handed it over.  “Now,” Darcy helped her to bend and give the ball a push.  “Roll.”  She did and the ball went a foot and stopped.  “Try again, dear.” 

Rosalie ran up and bent over, holding onto the ball and looking through her legs to her upside-down father.  “Papa.”

“Yes, love.”  He chuckled and the rest of the men laughed.  “Go on.” 

“Ball.”  She continued staring at his unique position. 



“Rosalie.”  He said sternly.  “Your turn.” 

She sighed and looking forward, rolled the ball, watching it move slowly to just tap a pin.  “Wheee!”

“Not quite.” Darcy smiled, and waited for Bingley to roll it back. “Try again.” 

Wallace broke loose from Robinson and rolled over, reaching for the ball.  “Papapapapapa.”

“He said Papa.”  He cheered and looked to see Darcy’s understanding smile.  “I am an easy mark.  What has become of me?” 

“It is not so bad, is it?  To care for someone.” 

Robinson smiled and looked to his son.  They laughed to see that Wallace had managed to grab the ball and was curled around it, his head tucked and mouthing the wood.  Rosalie was trying her hardest to grab it away, and both were squealing loudly.

“What are they doing?  Rosalie!”  Elizabeth cried from the doorway.  Instantly the she let go of the ball, sending Wallace to topple backwards, still clutching his prize.  “You must share.” 

“I do not believe she likes that idea.”  Mary came in and joined Elizabeth on the floor, and smiled at Louisa, who took a more dignified and far more comfortable seat on a sofa.  “She wants that ball.”

“Well she will have to learn to share.  Soon enough she will have a sibling, and very likely many more.”  Elizabeth smiled to Darcy who was grinning from ear to ear.  “NOT fourteen, Mr. Darcy.”

He laughed and watched Wallace roll across the floor to knock the pins over himself.  “You will have to remind me of that when the thirteenth is born.”   

“I do not think this is working too well.”  Bingley sighed and reset the pins.  Robinson tried not to laugh when Wallace again merrily knocked the pins down with his hands and Rosalie rolled the ball straight at him.

“Let us try this again.   Set up the pins.”  Bingley saluted the captain’s order and got to work.  De Bourgh called, “Rosa!”


“Yes, dear.  Please bring Uncle Peter the ball.”

“Ball.”  She bent down and picked it up, looking at him uncertainly. 

“Come on,” He smiled and knelt, holding out his hands.  “Bring me the ball.” 

Everyone watched as she looked from him to Darcy and back again.  She started to run straight for de Bourgh and then veered to her father, giving Darcy the ball and a kiss on the cheek.  “Papa, ball!”

“Good girl.”  He laughed and smirked at de Bourgh, who sighed and sank down to sit.  “Brilliant girl.”

“I tried.”

“It is their game.”  Elizabeth smiled.

“Their rules.”  Louisa agreed.  “Ohhhh.”  Everyone laughed when Rosalie ran over to hug de Bourgh and kiss his cheek. 

“Are you blushing, Peter?”  Mary laughed and watched him staring after the little girl when she ran off to help Wallace as once again he knocked down the pins.  “Someday that will be us.”  

Groaning, Bingley bent to set the game once again.  “I am doing all the work, why have I not been kissed?”  Feeling a tug on the back of his coat he turned around and was kissed square on his lips.  Rosalie giggled and ran off again.  Bingley blushed as brightly as de Bourgh had.  He looked up to see Darcy staring at him with raised brows and his most intimidating glare.  “I . . . I . . . She kissed me!”

“Stay away from my daughter, Bingley.”

“Darcy!  She is not even two!  She started it!”  He continued to stutter as Darcy glowered.  “Darcy!” 

“I challenge you to a duel.” 


“Weapons?”  Hurst asked.

“Tops of course.”  De Bourgh winked.  Bingley closed his eyes and sank down to the floor to hold his head in his hands.

“I think he really believed he was going to die.”  Robinson snorted.

“Feel better?”  Darcy laughed.

Rosalie and Wallace sat on either side of him and rested their heads on his chest. Bingley started to laugh and hugged them both.  “I pity the man who courts your daughter one day, Darcy.”  







Chapter 27



hank you, Mrs. Annesley.”  Mr. Bennet indicated the chair before his desk and waited for her to be seated.  “No doubt you are fully aware of the activities of the last few days.”

“I could not help but overhear, sir.”  She said diplomatically.

“Hmm, yes, it seems that no amount of warning can bring silence.”  Mr. Bennet mused. 

“If I might speak sir, I believe that there is nothing like the chastisement of one’s peers to bring about self-awareness.”

“Or increased petulance, or is it anger at this point?”  He raised his eyes to the ceiling.  “I dragged her to church and that seemed to go well, but we returned from our journey to find her in bed again.  My wife has felt the sting of her peers at the dinner, and her daughter in our home.”

Mrs. Annesley nodded.  “I have found with my charges that it is the wider population expressing the same dismay as their inner circle that eventually breaks through, at least to the most difficult cases that truly require a . . .”

“Hammer strike to the head?”  Mr. Bennet wearily sank back into his chair.

“Forgive me sir, for speaking plainly.”

“I do not mind, Mrs. Annesley.  I admire any woman who displays sense, it is a quality sadly lacking in this house since my eldest children married and my younger ones departed for new adventures.  I am impressed that my son Darcy chose you for my daughter and his sister.”  They sat in silence for several moments while Mrs. Annesley waited for him to continue.  “I have told my wife that she may not attend the assembly tonight, I will remain here as well.  I ask that you accompany Kitty and Lydia and look after them so that their elder sisters may enjoy the evening with their husbands.”

“I will be glad to do that . . .”  She paused.  “Sir, I am not in your employ so I will dare to speak my mind again.  I think that leaving Mrs. Bennet at home is a mistake, and that you remaining here is a greater one.”

“Why?”  He sat up and frowned. 

“She is still protected here, she should face her neighbours.  And you sir, should demonstrate that you are the master of this home.”

“I thought that I was by keeping her here.  I do not wish to embarrass the other girls.”

“Sir, I was not a witness to the dinner at Lucas Lodge, but I do know Mrs. Darcy.  She will not allow anyone to embarrass her.  Most of the neighbourhood has yet to see her or her husband, and Mrs. de Bourgh, she is practically unknown as well.  I say let them be admired and let your wife see that.  The neighbours will take care of the rest.”

“You mean they will praise the girls and round on my wife if she claims any credit?”

“Yes, sir.”  She studied him staring down at his folded hands.  “Forgive me sir, I have overstepped my place.”

“No, no not at all.  Mrs. Annesley.”  He looked up to the younger woman.  “You are a widow, I understand.” 

“Yes, sir.  My husband was a gentleman not unlike yourself.”  Her face was blank but her eyes betrayed her feelings.  “I was left to make my way upon his death.” 

“I am sorry to know that.”  He felt the years of neglect over his family weigh him down again.  “And that is proof enough that you are no mere servant, I take your advice with the sincerity that it is offered.  Thank you.”

“You are welcome, sir.” She stood and started to leave, and Mr. Bennet stood as well. 

“Mrs. Annesley, I would appreciate your still attending tonight.  I will look after my wife, but the girls still need you.”  He smiled a little.  “You will have the far more enjoyable task, I think.” 

“The evening will be what you make of it, sir.”  She nodded.  “Perhaps you might dance with your daughters?”

“Oh.”  His eyes grew wide.  “I . . . I am not . . .accomplished.”

“I doubt that they would mind.”  She smiled, softening the severity of her expression, and left the room.

Rubbing his hand over his face, Mr. Bennet closed his eyes.  “Dancing?  No, no, one misery at a time.”  Hearing his wife upstairs, he sighed and picked up his glass to down the last of the ale.  “Well, I wanted the whole family together one last time.  Lord help us.”  Climbing the stairs he looked down the hallway to where he heard Kitty and Lydia laughing together.  It was a familiar and missed sound; and one likely to end soon if Kitty decided to depart with the Darcys.  When Mrs. Annesley’s voice was added to the conversation, he remembered his purpose and walked to his wife’s door.  Knocking, he cleared his throat and spoke.  “Mrs. Bennet.”  He opened the door to find her sitting at her dressing table.  “It is good to see you out of bed.”

“I was told to get out.”  She started brushing her hair angrily.  “I was told to do for myself, I was told to go to church.  I was told that I may not attend the assembly.  What are you going to tell me now, Mr. Bennet?”

Well we have definitely moved from petulance to anger.
  “Very well Mrs. Bennet, here is my prediction for the assembly should we attend.”  Instantly he had her attention.  “You will be the object of ridicule.”

“Mr. Bennet!”

“Mrs. Bennet, an entire day and morning have passed since your humiliation at Lucas Lodge.  We escaped gossip at church on Sunday because the ladies’ tongues had not yet wagged, but what was not spread at church in Meryton yesterday has surely been discussed in the shops this morning.  Our appearance will be anticipated, and your humiliation will be complete.”  She coloured.  “I am giving you the opportunity to remain here and avoid more of what you heard at Lucas Lodge.”

“I have no idea what they were complaining about; did I say anything that was found to be incorrect?  They agreed with my . . .”

“Insincerity.”  Seeing her lips press tightly shut, he shook his head.  “No.  No.  I will not fool myself into believing that you are by any means ready to appear in public with our daughters.  I will remain with my original decision.  I will not ruin my daughters’ likely last evening together with the delusion that this entire family will ever be close.  No, you will be without them when you discover the truth of your circumstances.”  

“The truth of my circumstances?”  Mrs. Bennet stared at him.  “I am the mistress of Longbourn; I have three daughters well-married . . .”

“Yes, those are your circumstances, but none of those fortunate daughters have you to thank for their happiness, and sadly, they do not have me to thank either.”  He sighed and walked to the door.  “Enjoy your evening alone, madam.  I expect that I will be late.”

are going?”  She gasped. 

“I am.”  He closed the door behind him and against the sound of her wails.  Walking down to the bedchamber, he stood at the door and watched as Kitty held up a gown to Lydia.

“Oh this is just perfect for you!  Madame Dupree was so excited about this new silk and Lizzy was happy to have the dress made up for me, but then I . . .”  She looked down at her bosom and blushed.  “I am afraid that I could not wear it for very long.” 

“It is lovely, Kitty, thank you!”  Lydia cried happily and went to stand before the mirror with the dress.  “Jane showed me the new gowns that had been hidden from me at Lucas Lodge, the ones that Mama had made up for me, and I cannot imagine wearing anything so . . .”

“I know.  I was so grateful that Lizzy took me to have gowns made when I went to school and then after I came out.”  She went to her small jewellery box.  “Look, Lizzy and Fitzwilliam gave me these pearls for my birthday.  Mary said that they gave her a similar necklace when she came out.  I am sure that you will receive the same when you turn seventeen.”

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