Read Men of Alaska 2: Sterling Sunshine Online

Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Tags: #Contemporary; Menage; Polyamory

Men of Alaska 2: Sterling Sunshine (13 page)

BOOK: Men of Alaska 2: Sterling Sunshine
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Matt nodded. “Bradford and I will be doing tours here and in Homer, if the tourism numbers aren’t high here yet. We can fly hunters to their locations too. I won’t promise never to take a lucrative job up north, but it’ll be the exception.”

“We’ve heard that before,” Ross said.

“We can put a number on it. Not more than one week of travel every two months or six weeks total for the year, not counting personal visits to family.” Gretchen made notes.

“Sounds fair,” Tony said.

Ross nodded and looked at Matt.

“Fine with me. Now about the mortgage,” Matt said.

“I need to chip in too if I’m living here permanently,” she said.

“Try to leave,” Tony teased.

She stuck her tongue out at him. “What’s the damage? Splitting it four ways will be easier.”

“No, I think Tony and I should handle that and insurance. The big fixed expenses covered by the regular income is best. Matt has been putting money away for us in these accounts like a group retirement. I think that’s great. Save when the money is coming in, but it’s not a regular payment like the mortgage. Starting up a new business takes some cash. If Matt cooks, helps with chores, plus keeps up the saving—we’re good. Right?” Ross asked Tony.

“Yeah, definitely. And we can go on a hunt before winter. Fill the three big chest freezers. I saw that you made stew.” Tony rested his head on Matt’s shoulder.

“What about me? I’m the girl so I get a free ride?” she asked.

“We’ll never charge to ride you,” Matt said with a wink.

She blushed. “I need to reestablish my authority here. I’m not getting a regular salary but I can clean and learn how to cook.”

“You don’t know how?” Ross asked.

“I know normal food. Moose, caribou, fresh fish, and all of that is newer to me. I can learn. I want to try fishing one day too. Hunting is you guys. Self-defense is different, but I’m not shooting animals.”

“Even a wolf?” Tony asked.

She brought her tablet over and sat between Tony and Ross. “Damn right, not a wolf. Unless it’s going to hurt me or someone else.”

“Deal,” Ross said.

“I can help with groceries and smaller bills,” she offered.

“We all take care of one another. Don’t stress,” Matt said.

“Seriously, a change of tune.” She nudged him with the toe of her sandal.

“My mother and I had a long talk about how she felt about life when I was young. She’s set for money now, but she’d rather have had my dad around and alive to enjoy some fun once the kids were gone. I don’t want regrets or to fly my life away and miss out on the people.” Matt slid his hand along the couch and pinched her ass.

She smacked his arm. “Good. I hope she wants grandkids too.”

“Oh, our woman is serious,” Tony said with a grin.

“If we’re negotiating living together, then you should know that will be happening at some point.” She shrugged.

“Do we get to vote when we’re ready?” Ross asked.

“Of course. I’m not pushing for a proposal or anything crazy too soon. But if you don’t want kids, tell me now.” She poked each guy in the chest.

Matt kissed her. “I won’t spend six weeks a year away from my kids.”

“Good answer,” she said.

“Don’t tell me you’re like Mel and don’t want anything traditional,” Ross said.

Her cheeks pinked up. “I don’t have her aversion to marriage. True, it’d only be a legal marriage to one man, and there are some benefits we’d need to assess to see what helps us from a legal standpoint. But a wedding really is just a party to celebrate love and share the commitment with the community. That event, at the right time, would mean a lot to me. It’s all or nothing for our group’s commitment.”

She waited for a response. It’d all happened fast and oddly, but she couldn’t deny she loved these guys, and they’d negotiated the quirks. Tony’s ego seemed soothed, and since he had family locally, she expected he’d be a natural dad.

Tony smiled. “I think Sterling needs a first lady. Legally speaking. Plus the benefits and perks that go with it. Really it’s the best move.”

“I think the first lady thing would be more ceremonial. You’ve got the best job security, Tony. I could be voted out next year, but with crazy Alaska weather and the dangers we’ll always need paramedics,” Ross said.

“This is the worst proposal ever,” Matt said.

Gretchen smiled despite it. “Well, I don’t think this is official. You guys can sort out the legal crap as to what’s the best move for the family since you’re more knowledgeable about Alaska quirks.”

“Well, either way, my cousins are sending you some of their seal as a gift to welcome you to the family,” Ross said.

“Seal? Like seal? That’s nice but what’s wrong with some Alaskan king crab?” she asked.

The men laughed.

“You’ll get used to the rarer food Ross’s family sends,” Tony said.

“I think we should break out the bison ribs in the freezer and give her a barbeque tomorrow,” Matt said.

“Sounds good, but right now I think we should go upstairs and celebrate Matt’s homecoming properly. FYI, the clock starts ticking now. Six weeks for the next twelve months. No sneaking in trips,” Tony said playfully.

“Does that go for all of us? None of us can travel for work more than six weeks?” Matt asked.

“Absolutely,” Ross said.

“Duh. I have to go for training, but that’s only a few weeks,” Tony replied.

“Of course,” she agreed.

Matt stood up and tugged Gretchen to her feet. “Good. And you’ll come and meet my mother? She’s already met those two guys and likes them.”

Gretchen nodded. “I’d love to. I want to meet everyone. Including these cousins of Ross’s. But right now we need more fun.”

Matt stood up and led the way. The group piled on the bed and undressed each other playfully.

“You better be here in the morning,” Tony said to Matt with a wink and a teasing tone.

That sentence could’ve been delivered with a nasty undertone, but the picking and sniping was gone. Gretchen pinched Matt’s ass then Tony’s. “Everyone better be here.”

Matt, already naked, tugged off the rest of her clothing, then pinned Gretchen to the bed on her back. With Ross and Tony on either side of her, Matt eased down between her legs and licked her pussy. Spreading her thighs farther, she tilted her hips up for optimal contact. Ross and Tony took turns kissing her and her breasts. Hands were everywhere, including hers on their strong chests.

“Tony definitely needs to be in my calendar,” she said.

“Damn right.” Ross leaned over and kissed Tony’s chest, biting at his nipples.

Gretchen felt a stab of desire and her breasts ached. The men together turned her on and made it all so much better.

“Is it strictly print or digital?” Matt asked. He went right back to tonguing her clit.

Gasping, she nodded. “That’s fucking brilliant!”

She grabbed Tony’s cock and pulled him to her mouth. “Every computer, tablet, and smartphone in Alaska will have my calendar on it.”

“I think she’s enjoying this,” Tony said.

“We aren’t?” Ross asked.

“I’ll get the supplies,” Tony said.

She pulled Ross down for a kiss. “Think we can put the digital calendar download on the town’s website?”

He laughed. “You can have anything you want if you stop thinking about work.”

“I’m going to have to work harder.” Matt thrust two fingers inside of her.

“No more multitasking. I promise.” She pulled Ross’s erection in and sucked his dick possessively.

Matt’s fingers teased her insides until she moaned, then were gone. A different tongue worked her pussy and she looked down. Tony was eating her and Matt was behind him.

“Just like it should be,” Ross said.

She nodded with her mouth full of his balls. Squeezing his ass, she teased him with her tongue as Tony made her so wet she ground herself to his mouth. Finally he kissed up her body and slid his cock into her. Tony helped her suck Ross’s erection, then pushed himself up on his hands.

Watching Tony and Ross kiss made the pleasure triple. She felt like she was floating as he thrust in and out of her slowly. Sucking Ross in time with Tony’s fucking, she looked down and saw Matt push into Tony’s body. She felt Tony react and his groan made her pussy tighten.

Matt winked at her. “Like it?”

“God, I want this forever. All of us together. Harder.” She pinched Tony’s nipple.

He chuckled and licked down Ross’s muscled form to help her with the blowjob. As he kissed her and helped her with that big dick, Tony added force to his thrusts.

Groaning, she lifted her hips to meet Tony and listened to her men. Ross was panting. Tony’s mouth was occupied. Matt’s moans reverberated as he fucked Tony’s ass.

Tony kissed her cheek and down along to her ear. “I don’t think we’ll last long this round.”

“We’ve got all night,” she said.

“It’s not even night yet. I hope you’re up for it,” Tony said.

“I hope you guys are.” She nipped his chin, then ran her teeth along Ross’s balls. “I’m not the one who has to keep things up to have fun.”

“I love a challenge.” Matt smacked Tony’s rear.

The pleasure registered on Tony’s face as he moaned. She couldn’t but smile as Matt’s rough strokes made Tony move faster and harder into her. Grabbing Ross’s rump, she pulled him in and out of her mouth. He didn’t go too deep and she sucked, tongued, and nipped at the tip of his dick until he was shaking. She blew on the head of his cock to tease him but he slid in between her lips again. Caressing his balls, she swallowed as much as she could and moaned. He came in a grunt and braced himself on Tony.

The chain reaction was unstoppable. Tony kissed her lips and shared the cream. It fueled Tony’s lust even more. He rocked forward and back.

“Shit!” Matt screamed as he collapsed on Tony’s back in orgasm.

Tony reached between them and rubbed her clit until Gretchen couldn’t hold out. The pleasure was wonderful and she wanted to drag it out, but he was determined, and her body was only too willing to give into the climax. She grabbed Tony’s back and dug her nails in as she came shrieking. Hopefully the neighbors could hear! Being shameless and satisfied was so good!

One man left, Tony filled her twice more while Ross kissed him and Matt smacked his ass. A group effort was so much hotter than just a couple. She was spoiled, lucky, and exquisitely happy. Tony shouted and ground to her body as his release seized him.

She watched him come down from the sexual high. Tony and Matt kissed, and she knew the world was right. Her world was perfect, and no one would mess it up. Negotiation, renegotiation, whatever it took…she’d make sure her men were as happy as they made her.

“I love you guys,” she said.

“I love you three too,” Matt said.

“Damn right.” Tony eased from her.

“Prove it, I need more than a blowjob,” Ross said.

Gretchen rolled to one side and pulled Ross down. They could take turns and everyone would get exactly what they needed or wanted. “Do you want to be the fucker or the fuckee?” she asked.

“Yes,” Ross said.

Matt and Tony shared a grin, then a kiss. She kissed Ross, then the other two men. A little break and round two would begin. It’d be a wonderfully long night.

* * * *

Gretchen woke up a little after midnight. The group had enjoyed four rounds of great sex before succumbing to sleep. No one had dashed off in the night. She looked around at her men with love and possession. There was another night of the Taste of Sterling and she wanted to enjoy it with her guys. Stress-free and everyone there. No more drama. It was all out on the table. All their talents and unique jobs pooled together along with the love.

Life with these guys and in Sterling would never be boring. She had a lot to learn and plenty of helpers. As warm and comfortable as she was in the mass of male forms, she slid from the bed. Finding her phone, she checked for texts and e-mails. The photographer got all the shots for the formalwear and would drop in on the men at work. She had to schedule the men for the half-naked pics.

With a grin, she glanced at the bed. What would women pay for that picture? She was lucky and loved. Coming to Alaska was meant to be—even if her job was a bit free-form. A lot of jobs around here weren’t normal. The town pulled together, but Alaskans also liked their independence.

She moved to the next text, and it was from Mel asking how it went. Then Bethany sent one very similar. And Tiff as well. Then another text from Tiff saying she knew someone from high school who’d relocated to Anchorage and did wedding planning. There she’d met a man and moved to Seward to get married, but he’d died. The woman was talking about coming home to Sterling for a while to be with her family and could probably use the distraction of Gretchen’s project when she was ready.

Replying to the three friends, Gretchen assured them she was very happy and all her men were staying. She’d led the negotiations, and they were all on the same page. Then she texted Tiff about her widowed friend. It was very sad and certainly Gretchen would love to meet her and help. When the friend was ready, Gretchen would love a wedding planner on the team.

Done with the texts, she flipped to her e-mail. A few companies in Homer wanted advertising. She grinned, she hadn’t contacted them. Word was getting around about her project. That meant it was a good idea. She was giving Sterling businesses priority.

Drafting a quick e-mail to the relevant parties, she told them about doing a digital version of the calendar so it was an easy download. With that sent, she spotted a message from the Sterling Inn. They wanted the whole back cover of the calendar.

“Yes!” she shouted.

“What?” Matt sat up in bed.

The other two woke and looked around.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you guys up.” She brought her phone and hopped into bed. “The Sterling Inn wants the whole back cover of the calendar. We should have enough advertising dollars to cover the printing costs and distribution.”

“I thought you were starting another round without us.” Matt cupped one of her breasts.

“This is a huge deal. That’s a big ad.” She didn’t smack his hands away but checked for other urgent e-mails before setting her phone on the nightstand. “It can wait until Monday.”

BOOK: Men of Alaska 2: Sterling Sunshine
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