Men of Mathematics (26 page)

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Authors: E.T. Bell

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Disgusted at the pettiness of the Leipzig faculty Leibniz left his native town for good and proceeded to Nuremberg where, on November 5, 1666, at the affiliated University of Altdorf, he was not only granted his doctor's degree at once for his essay on a new method (the historical) of teaching law, but was begged to accept the University professorship of law. But, like Descartes refusing the offer of a lieutenant-generalship because he knew what he wanted out of life, Leibniz declined, saying he had very different ambitions. What these may have been he did not divulge. It seems unlikely that they could have been the higher pettifogging for princelets into which fate presently kicked him. Leibniz' tragedy was that he met the lawyers before the scientists.

His essay on the teaching of the law and its proposed recodification was composed on the journey from Leipzig to Nuremberg. This illustrates a lifelong characteristic of Leibniz, his ability to work anywhere, at any time, under any conditions. He read, wrote, and thought incessantly. Much of his mathematics, to say nothing of his other wonderings on everything this side of eternity and beyond, was written out in the jolting, draughty rattletraps that bumped him over the cow trails of seventeenth century Europe as he sped hither and thither at his employers' erratic bidding. The harvest of all this ceaseless activity was a mass of papers, of all sizes and all qualities, as big as a young haystack, that has never been thoroughly sorted, much less published. Today most of it lies baled in the royal Hanover library waiting the patient labors of an army of scholars to winnow the wheat from the straw.

It seems incredible that one head could have been responsible for all the thoughts, published and unpublished, that Leibniz committed to paper. As an item of interest to phrenologists and anatomists it has been stated (whether reliably or not I don't know) that Leibniz' skull was dug up, measured, and found to be markedly under the normal adult size. There may be something in this, as many of us have seen perfect idiots with noble brows bulging from heads as big as broth pots.

Newton's miraculous year 1666 was also the great year for Leibniz. In what he called a “schoolboy's essay,”
De arte combinatoria,
the young man of twenty aimed to create
“a general method in which all truths of the reason would be reduced to a kind of calculation. At the same time this would be a sort of universal language or script, but infinitely different from all those projected hitherto; for the symbols and even the words in it would direct the reason; and errors, except those of fact, would be mere mistakes in calculation. It would be very difficult to form or invent this language or characteristic, but very easy to understand it without any dictionaries.”
In a later description he confidently (and optimistically) estimates how long it would take to carry out his project: “I think a few chosen men could turn the trick within five years.” Toward the end of his life Leibniz regretted that he had been too distracted by other things ever to work out his idea. If he were younger himself or had competent young assistants, he says, he could still do it—a common alibi for a talent squandered on snobbery, greed, and intrigue.

To anticipate slightly, it may be said that Leibniz' dream struck his mathematical and scientific contemporaries as a dream and nothing more, to be politely ignored as the fixed idea of an otherwise sane and universally gifted genius. In a letter of September 8, 1679, Leibniz (speaking of geometry in particular but of all reasoning in general) tells Huygens of a “new characteristic, entirely different from Algebra, which will have great advantages for representing exactly and naturally to the mind, and without figures, everything that depends on the imagination.”

Such a direct, symbolic way of handling geometry was invented in the nineteenth century by Hermann Grassmann (whose work in algebra generalized that of Hamilton). Leibniz goes on to discuss the difficulties inherent in the project, and presently emphasizes what he considers its superiority over the Cartesian analytic geometry.

“But its principal utility consists in the consequences and reasonings which can be performed by the operations of characters [symbols], which could not be expressed by diagrams (or even by models) without too great elaboration, or without confusing them by an excessive number of points and lines, so that one would be obliged to make an infinity of useless trials: in contrast this method would lead surely and simply [to the desired end]. I believe mechanics could be handled by this method almost like geometry.”

Of the definite things that Leibniz did in that part of his universal
characteristic which is now called symbolic logic, we may cite his formulation of the principal properties of logical addition and logical multiplication, negation, identity, the null class, and class inclusion. For an explanation of what some of these terms mean and the postulates of the algebra of logic we must refer ahead to the chapter on Boole. All this fell by the wayside. Had it been picked up by able men when Leibniz scattered it broadcast, instead of in the 1840's, the history of mathematics might now be quite a different story from what it is. Almost as well never as too soon.

Having dreamed his universal dream at the age of twenty, Leibniz presently turned to something more practical, and he became a sort of corporation lawyer and glorified commercial traveller for the Elector of Mainz. Taking one last spree in the world of dreams before plunging up to his chin into more or less filthy politics, Leibniz devoted some months to alchemy in the company of the Rosicrucians infesting Nuremberg.

It was his essay on a new method of teaching law that undid him. The essay came to the attention of the Elector's right-hand statesman, who urged Leibniz to have it printed so that a copy might be laid before the august Elector. This was done, and Leibniz, after a personal interview, was appointed to revise the code. Before long he was being entrusted with important commissions of all degrees of delicacy and shadiness. He became a diplomat of the first rank, always pleasant, always open and aboveboard, but never scrupulous, even when asleep. To his genius is due, at least partly, that unstable formula known as the “balance of power.” And for sheer cynical brilliance, it would be hard to surpass, even today, Leibniz' great dream of a holy war for the conquest and civilization of Egypt. Napoleon was quite chagrined when he discovered that Leibniz had anticipated him in this sublime vision.

*  *  *

Up till 1672 Leibniz knew but little of what in his time was modern mathematics. He was then twenty six when his real mathematical education began at the hands of Huygens, whom he met in Paris in the intervals between one diplomatic plot and another. Christian Huygens (1629-1695), while primarily a physicist, some of whose best work went into horology and the undulatory theory of light, was an accomplished mathematician. Huygens presented Leibniz with a copy of his mathematical work on the pendulum. Fascinated by the
power of the mathematical method in competent hands, Leibniz begged Huygens to give him lessons, which Huygens, seeing that Leibniz had a first-class mind, gladly did. Leibniz had already drawn up an impressive list of discoveries he had made by means of his own methods—phases of the universal characteristic. Among these was a calculating machine far superior to Pascal's, which handled only addition and subtraction; Leibniz' machine did also multiplication, division, and the extraction of roots. Under Huygens' expert guidance Leibniz quickly found himself. He was a born mathematician.

The lessons were interrupted from January to March, 1673, during Leibniz' absence in London as an attaché for the Elector. While in London, Leibniz met the English mathematicians and showed them some of his work, only to learn that it was already known. His English friends told him of Mercator's quadrature of the hyperbola—one of the clues which Newton had followed to his invention of the calculus. This introduced Leibniz to the method of infinite series, which he carried on. One of his discoveries (sometimes ascribed to the Scotch mathematician James Gregory, 1638-1675) may be noted: if π is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter,

the series continuing in the same way indefinitely. This is not a practical way of calculating the numerical value of
(3.1415926 . . .), but the simple connection between
the odd numbers is striking.

During his stay in London Leibniz attended meetings of the Royal Society, where he exhibited his calculating machine. For this and his other work he was elected a foreign member of the Society before his return to Paris in March, 1673. He and Newton subsequently (1700) became the first foreign members of the French Academy of Sciences.

Greatly pleased with what Leibniz had done while away, Huygens urged him to continue. Leibniz devoted every spare moment to his mathematics, and before leaving Paris for Hanover in 1676 to enter the service of the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, had worked out some of the elementary formulas of the calculus and had discovered “the fundamental theorem of the calculus” (see preceding chapter)—that is, if we accept his own date, 1675. This was not published till July 11, 1677, eleven years after Newton's unpublished discovery, which
was not made public by Newton till after Leibniz' work had appeared. The controversy started in earnest, when Leibniz, diplomatically shrouding himself in editorial omniscience and anonymity, wrote a severely critical review of Newton's work in the
Acta Eruditorum,
which Leibniz himself had founded in 1682 and of which he was editor in chief. In the interval between 1677 and 1704 the Leibnizian calculus had been developed into an instrument of real power and easy applicability on the Continent, largely through the efforts of the Swiss Bernoullis, Jacob and his brother Johann, while in England, owing to Newton's reluctance to share his mathematical discoveries freely, the calculus was still a relatively untried curiosity.

One specimen of things that are now easy for beginners in the calculus, but which cost Leibniz (and possibly also Newton) much thought and many trials before the right way was found, may indicate how far mathematics has travelled since 1675. Instead of the infinitesimals of Leibniz we shall use the rates discussed in the preceding chapter. If u,
are functions of x, how shall the rate of change of
with respect to x be expressed in terms of the respective rates of change of
with respect to x? In symbols, what is
in terms of
Leibniz once thought it should be
which is nothing like the correct

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