Mercury's War (10 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

BOOK: Mercury's War
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    “Hey, Doc, you’re not answering me.” He adjusted the shirt beneath the band of his uniform pants, watching her back carefully now.

    “What did you say?” She turned back to him, her gaze slightly distant as she focused on him.

    He restrained his smile. He liked Ely.

    “I said, is everything okay?”

    “Fine.” She nodded, turning back to the vials as she stored them in one of her contraptions.

    “So why more tests? You just did this whole thing last week.” He stood to his feet, watching her carefully as he re-strapped the weapon holsters onto his body. They were a part of him now; he felt naked without them.

    “You know how it goes.” She shrugged. “You’re in close-quarter contact with an unknown female. I like to keep an eye on your tests in that case. Just in case.”

    Just in case. He breathed out heavily, silently.

    “She’s not my mate.” He growled the word because for the first time since he had learned of the mating heat he was pissed off that there wasn’t a chance of it affecting him. He’d lost his mate before he’d ever had the chance to know what having one meant.

    “I’ve never believed you truly mated, Merc,” she reminded him. “My experience with this is that it takes more than wanting or caring deeply for anyone.” She turned back to him, her gaze compassionate. “Have you been feeling any changes since Ms. Rodriquez showed up?”

    She moved toward him, her bare hand, devoid of the gloves she normally wore, gripping his wrist to check his pulse. Then she rubbed his arm, almost like a comforting gesture, before patting it as she would a child’s.

    At this point, he was watching her suspiciously.

    “Do I get a sucker too?” he asked warily.

    “You didn’t answer my question, Merc,” she reminded him. “Feeling anything unusual?”

    “Well, Doc, there’s no enlarging of the glands under my tongue, but you checked those, so you know that. No funny taste in my mouth, and that little stroke and pat against my arm didn’t have me cringing in pain,” he reported with an edge of disgust. “Is there anything else I should be looking for?”

    Her lips twitched. “You have the symptoms down, I see.”

    “Pretty hard not to with the damned epidemic that seems to be going on,” he snorted. “Lawe and Rule are bitching constantly over it. I think they like their footloose and carefree ways.”

    “And you don’t?” She leaned against the table, watching him carefully.

    “You a psychiatrist now, Doc?” He grinned back at her. “Come on, put away the doctor stuff here. Tell me what you really want to know and we’ll work from there.”

    She shook her head at that, a light laugh leaving her throat. “You caught me. Are you attracted to Ms. Rodriquez, Merc?”

    “She’s a woman.” He arched his brows. “I’m a man, and I’m not mated. And Jonas has me on her butt twenty-four-seven. What do you think?”

    She nodded at that, but something flickered in her eyes that had him frowning down at her. “Is something wrong here, Ely? Something I don’t know anything about?”

    “Trust me, Merc, if something was wrong, Jonas would be the first to know and you would be the second. Chain of command.” She rolled her eyes. “If you want to be first in line, you’ll have to take it up with him.”

    “Then let’s put this another way,” he growled, growing tired of the feeling that there was a very subtle game being played here. “What would make you suspect it is possible for me to mate Ms. Rodriquez when none of the symptoms are there?”

    She sighed at that. “Honestly, there’s no suspicion. As you said, with all the matings recently, and the fact that there were very few in the years after Kane and Sherra, I’m merely being diligent. And a word of warning-when the techs in the control room contact me that you’re acting unusual in regards to the clerk in the file room, it’s my job to check for the mating hormone.”

    Mercury stilled at that. “Unusual how?”

    “I should inform you, just because they can’t see exactly what you’re doing doesn’t mean they aren’t speculating on it.” She grimaced. “I received the call just before coming for you. They were afraid.” She inhaled slowly. “They thought perhaps you were doing something Ms. Rodriquez may not have been agreeing with.”

    Mercury’s nostrils flared as he fought back a rush of pure male fury. “They thought I was raping her?”

    “There’s a fine line, Merc,” she said. “They merely thought there might be a problem. I checked it out and now I’ve taken the required blood, semen and hormonal samples. I’ll let you know what I find once I find it.”

    “There is no fine line,” he gritted out. “No means no. Dammit, Ely.” He forcibly pulled back the anger eating inside him now. He could feel it building, welling in his head until a tide of red edged at the corner of his vision.

    “As I said, it was merely a suggestion.” His gaze flashed down as a needle punctured his vein again and blood washed into the attached vial.

    Icy rage stole over him. His eyes lifted, and he was only barely aware of the growl that rumbled from his throat and had Ely pausing to stare up at him in surprise.

    “I forgot the last tube I needed.” She slid the needle from his arm and efficiently disconnected the sealed tube of blood from the needle.

    He clenched his fists, the need to jerk it from her grip nearly overwhelming him. He needed that blood back. He couldn’t risk it… He reached for it, his hand quickly covering her wrist as she stared back at him in shock.


    “You don’t need that blood.” He felt as though he were staring out at her from someone else’s eyes, feeling someone else’s rage. He couldn’t allow her to keep that blood.

    But he had no reason for it. No reason for the anger, no reason not to trust her, other than the fact that something warned him that he couldn’t trust anyone. And why he felt that way was confusing as hell.

    He released her hands slowly, staring at the vial of blood in her fist.

    “You’re lying to me, Ely,” he stated, watching her closely, inhaling deeply. He swore-and he had never smelled emotions as other Breeds sometimes could-but he swore he could smell her deceit.

    She swallowed tightly. “You’re not acting yourself, Mercury,” she whispered. “Are you certain there isn’t anything wrong?”

    “Are you?” He had to get away from her; every word that passed his lips was a growl. He held his hand out. “Give me the vial.”

    “I can’t run the tests without it.” Did she pale? Was that fear flickering in her eyes?

    “You have enough. Make due.”

    As he spoke, the lab door opened and Kane, Sanctuary’s head of security, and Callan Lyons stepped into the room.

    Mercury looked up at the all-seeing eye of the camera. Like the labs. Always someone watching. How could he have forgotten that? Always the suspicion, always the eyes tracking and second-guessing.

    He turned back to Ely. “I asked nicely,” he reminded her.

    “Merc, what’s going on here?” Kane’s voice was questioning, but Mercury could feel his pride leader watching, tracking, smelling the danger in the room.

    “He doesn’t like giving blood suddenly,” Ely said nervously, moving to turn away.

    Merc didn’t touch her this time as he stepped in front of her. “Make sure you get everything you need from that vial of blood, Dr. Morrey,” he said softly. “Because you’ll get no more.”

    “You were ordered…”

    His growl surprised him. It rumbled, fierce and threatening in his chest.

    “I’m not Jonas’s gigolo, or his puppet. Tell him to get screwed if that’s what he thinks.” He flicked a glance to the other two men.

    Kane was watching him worriedly; Callan’s expression was thoughtful. Mercury had had enough. He brushed past the other two and jerked the door open as he moved through the narrow corridors of what had once been a Council lab. The cameras followed him; he could feel them now, and he never had before. Like a brand against his back, they burned into his flesh and sent a surge of anger pulsing through him.

    He moved to the first floor, turned down the hall and stepped back into Ria’s office, where she lifted her head, surprise showing on her face.

    “Merc?” she asked warily as he moved to the corner of the room, lifted his arm and jerked the camera from the wall, before turning to her.

    Ria stared at him in shock. His eyes, once a perfect golden amber, were highlighted with tiny blue sparks. She swore they glittered like blue stars against a pure gold backdrop.

    As large as he was, he suddenly appeared larger, his muscles harder, his shoulders broader. His fingers clenched around the camera in his hand.

    “Was I raping you?” he snarled back at her, his canines flashing and something more than rage flickering in his eyes.

    “Excuse me?” She stood from her desk slowly.

    “Was I raping you?” The camera flew from his hand to strike the wall across from her, and then she heard it. It wasn’t just anger, it was betrayal. Something in his voice, in his expression, echoed with it.

    “You weren’t raping me.” She shook her head slowly.

    He paced closer to the desk, staring at her, eating her with his eyes. She could feel his gaze almost as she would a caress stroking over her face.

    “Are you scared of me?” he growled. “Is that why you’re saying that? Do I frighten you, Ria?” He suddenly sneered. “Is that why you’re reluctant to take my touch, to feel pleasure from me? Is it too much like fucking a goddamned animal?”

    “Let me hear that word out of your lips again and I’ll give you an animal,” she retorted, her hands propping on her hips as she glared back at him. “You might be pissed, Mercury Warrant, but that’s no reason to take His name in vain. Settle down or leave.”

    Ria moved to sit back down, though her stomach was jumping with nerves. He was nearly enraged, furious over something. That rage, that hard, lonely look in his eyes did something to her that it shouldn’t. It made her ache, and the worst thing she could do was feel enough for this man to ache for him.

    “Answer me.” His hands flattened on the table in a short, sharp burst of flesh meeting wood. “Is that why you’re reluctant to take me to your bed? Do you fear me?”

    She lifted her eyes, let her gaze lock with his. “The only thing I’m scared of where you’re concerned,” she stated clearly, “is allowing you to ever make coffee again. Other than that, no, you don’t scare me. But at the moment, you are making me angry.”

    And he made her want to touch him. She had to restrain herself to keep from lifting her hand, from touching his hard jaw. Who could have dared to suggest he could force her into anything?

    He stayed in position, leaning over the desk, his long hair framing features so savage she should have been terrified. Not dying to reach out to him.

    Then her office door was pushed open, banging against the wall as she watched Mercury’s jaw clench, watched his eyes flare brighter. He stayed still, silent, staring back at her as she looked around him to see Callan Lyons and Kane Tyler at her doorway.

    “Can I help you gentlemen with something?” she asked politely.

    Callan’s gaze went to the camera that had bounced to the floor across the room.

    “What happened to the camera?” he asked. His expression was hard, his gaze flat and dangerous, and he looked entirely too powerful for a man who had nearly died two months before.

    Ria stood to her feet. “I don’t appreciate being tattled on,” she stated as she gathered the files from her desk and moved around it, aware of Mercury shifting, sliding around her protectively, keeping himself between her and the other two men. “I’m aware what happened earlier may not have been particularly politically correct in such a setting, but I was assured Sanctuary was quite informal.” She turned and leaned against the table set up for the files she was using at any given time. “I asked Mercury to turn it off.” She looked at the camera and grinned. “I believe he may have taken me a little too literally.”

    “I jerked the son of a bitch out of the fucking wall before she could say a word,” Mercury growled as she rolled her eyes at him. “I don’t hide behind a woman’s skirts.”

    Well, he was the first man in her life who had made that claim. Most of the men she knew, with the exception of Dane, begged to borrow her skirts if the Leo was anywhere near.

    “Is he always so arrogant?” she asked Callan then.

    Callan lifted his hand to his shoulder and the enforcers behind him moved back, the door closing behind them as they left, leaving the four of them alone.

    “Mercury is usually fairly calm,” Kane stated, his pale blue eyes watching the scene curiously now.

    Mercury was silent, his gaze steady on her, those blue tints to his eyes almost mesmerizing her.

    “I didn’t say he wasn’t calm, I said he was arrogant,” she stated. “I apologize for our earlier actions…”

    Mercury growled. This could get on her nerves fast. She sliced him a silencing look and continued to stare. He was obviously struggling to maintain some sort of control, to keep from doing something. He stood ramrod stiff between her and the other two men, his expression carved from granite and forbidding in its fierceness.

    “Or perhaps I don’t.” She crossed her arms over her breasts and leaned against the desk. “Would someone like to explain to me what’s going on?” she asked them then. “Ely drags off a perfectly reasonable man and he returns pissed off to the point that he rips the camera out of the wall and asks me if he was raping me? I’m a little confused here.”

    Kane cursed. Callan grimaced but no one spoke. And something wild and merciless flashed in Mercury’s eyes. That look should have made her wary, it shouldn’t have made her heart jump with excitement instead. And it shouldn’t have made her remember what it felt like to have him covering her back, growling out his demand that she touch her own breasts.

    But she could see where things were going here, and the why of it was beginning to piss her off. She had expected someone to attempt to distract her for weeks now. She hadn’t expected this. But perhaps others had seen what she was only beginning to suspect herself. Mercury could be a very habit-forming weakness of hers.

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