Read Merediths Awakening Online

Authors: Violet Summers

Merediths Awakening (8 page)

BOOK: Merediths Awakening
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“Remember the rules, Princess. You must ask for what you want. If you can’t take what I’m giving, then say the safe word.”

Her head fell to his shoulder as she whispered, “Why, Tony? Why are you doing this to me?”

He could tell she was terrified, her body trembling, her control slipping. These were uncharted waters for her. It was up to him to help her find her way.

“Princess,” his voice was a low purr against her skin. “Have you forgotten the rules already?” He allowed his hand to squeeze one firm ass cheek warningly.

Meredith tensed, refusing to open her mouth. Tony was a patient man. His fingers tiptoed lightly across the bare flesh of her spine. She arched into his touch, silently asking for more, but he kept it light. His breath whispered along her shoulders, her slim muscles bunching under her growing need.

“Fine,” she finally exploded, her voice fire and ice. “Why,
Why the hell are you doing this to me?” Her voice was like venom. Good, he thought with satisfaction, at least it was an honest reaction, not a cold calculated, practiced line. And at least she didn’t sound afraid anymore.

“Princess, I’m doing this because it’s what you want.”

“It’s what I…” Her tirade was cut off as Tony’s hand connected with her ass. The smack wasn’t hard, it was merely to gain her attention and cut off her impending tirade.

Her yelp of surprise gave Tony a reason to nip her ear.

“You have been in charge for so long, I know you’re tired, Princess. I see it. It’s in your eyes.” He watched her swallow at his words and continued to press her. “Give yourself over to me. Now, in this moment, let me give you what you really crave.” Tony ran his tongue over the pulse in her neck. Her breath hitched, and he smiled as he bit down a little harder, careful to not leave a mark. He would honor her request and save that particular pleasure for more private parts of her body.

“I promise to take care of you, Meredith.” His hands slid up her ribcage. She was swaying back and forth, into and away from his touch. Her inner war played out across her stunning face.

“I will take you where you’ve always dreamed of going, but could never go on your own. Say the words I need to hear, Princess, and the world is yours.” Unable to resist, he leaned in, nipping her bottom lip and stroking it with his tongue.


He was seducing her with his words, making her want nothing more than to give over to him. And suddenly she realized she could. She could let him touch her, let herself lose control completely. She could do this because he’d tied her up. She had no choice.

She could walk away afterward without a single regret or backward glance because it wasn’t her fault.

The realization was freeing, and she didn’t fight when he slid his hands down the length of her torso to curl around her ass cheeks. When one long, rough finger probed from behind before slipping into her creamy sheath, she moaned out loud, but not in protest.

“Yes.” Meredith couldn’t bring her voice to above a whisper. She was holding back tears. Could she trust this man? Her head told her no. Hell, no! But her soul, her weary, battle-scarred soul, wanted to, and in the end she gave in to the most wounded part of herself. Her spirit needed healing, even if only for a few hours.

“Please, Anthony, give me what I need.” She heard his growl as he ripped off the blindfold. His dark eyes delved into hers, and she knew he was looking for any sign of doubt. Oh, she had plenty of doubts. Most of her life was lived with doubt. But not this moment.

In this moment, Meredith found herself completely sure of one thing. She wanted this man, and she was going to let him take her.

She lowered her eyes. “Anthony, please,” she gave over completely, “don’t make me beg.”

He was on her lightening fast, locking his mouth to hers in a kiss so scorching it knocked the breath from her lungs.

When he pulled back, Meredith moaned from the disappointment. Tony stood back from her, cupping her cheek with the palm of his hand, running his thumb across her swollen lips. His jovial expression was gone, in its place a serious mask.

The look he gave her shot a secret kind of thrill down her spine.

“You’ve given yourself to me, Princess. Body, mind and heart.” She shivered as he walked over to a black bag on the floor. Bending over and giving her a delicious view of his round, tight ass in the black leathers, he retrieved a set of leather straps from the bag.

Meredith felt the sweat break out on the nape of her neck. She hadn’t noticed how warm the room was until just now.

He eased back to her, going to his knees.

“Spread your legs for me, Princess.”

She started to raise her eyebrow but the blaze in those brown eyes stopped her.

Slowly she moved her legs apart. Tony gripped one ankle and wrapped a leather strap around it. Securing it tightly but not uncomfortably, he pulled her leg out more to her side and tied the loose end to another hook, this one screwed into the floor.

He repeated the procedure with her other leg, so she was wide open and exposed, and very uncertain. This was so far out of her comfort zone that the safe word popped into her head, but pride made her hold it back.

Tony stood up, going over to the bag again. This time he brought it back and plopped it down in front of her.

Leaning over, he pulled out a thin gold chain. Meredith felt herself freeze as she recognized what was on both ends of the chain. Tony rose, and she knew her horror was written clearly on her face.

“Oh, Princess. You have to trust I won’t hurt you. I would never harm you.” He leaned in and brushed his mouth over her forehead. Gripping the back of her neck, he tugged her head up to look at him.

“Meredith, there is a difference. Men who hurt their women, whether it’s a wife or a daughter, are the worst sorts of cowards. They’re beneath contempt. What we share and what you’ve experienced in your past aren’t remotely the same.” Meredith’s jaw dropped in shock.
How the hell does he know
? And then she deliberately stiffened her spine. She would not be pitied. She’d survived the past. It was over. Suddenly, to her increased horror, a stray tear managed to slip out. Tony’s warm tongue licked it away, he closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers.

“Princess, I’m going to show you. Remember you always have an out. I am a man of my word. If you say the word, I’ll stop.”

Meredith eyed the delicate chain. True, she was scared, but her body had gone soft.

The idea of him putting the thing on her made her thighs throb, her nipples stand at attention. Her body was telling her to trust him, to take what he offered.

“I’m going to suck you now, Princess.” He wasn’t asking permission, he just leaned down and wrapped his lips around one stiff peak. Meredith’s head lolled back. He was much rougher than before, biting and nipping before soothing with his tongue. He played with her until her entire breast was swollen, begging for something more. Meredith knew what the more was. She wanted him to clamp her, wanted to feel the bite of pain.

He reached up one hand and palmed her neglected breast. He spent seemingly endless amounts of time playing with her, pulling at her nipple, pinching it between his finger and thumb, manipulating her supple flesh. Her pussy wept with arousal; she wanted him so deep inside her she’d forget her own name.

He stood up and, clasping one breast like an offering, he kissed her nipple almost reverently and placed the clamp on. As he let go and the clamp bit into her Meredith cried out. It hurt, but as the seconds ticked by the pain subsided, leaving her with a heady kind of need. He quickly clamped her other nipple, then soothed both, licking the very tips with his tongue.

Tony moved back a few feet. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her.

“Fuck, but you’re beautiful, Princess. Tied and wet and ready for me.” Meredith’s chest heaved at his words. He was the most seductive man in the world.

She wanted to giggle as she realized he was smoother even than Daniel Ellis, and that was saying something.

“Tell me, Meredith. Tell me how you’re feeling.”


Tony watched her hesitate at his question; it made her uncomfortable. That was good; he wanted her to be uncomfortable. Off balance. He wasn’t giving her the chance to think about any of this. The more she talked about how she felt, the easier getting through to her would be.

He stalked back up to her, hooking a finger under the chain now suspended between her breasts. He tugged lightly, pulling her nipples away from her body. Her whimpers became sharp cries. He smiled. She would be screaming his name before he was though with her.

God help him if she ever found out she had the power to bring him to his knees.

“Tell me! What does your body feel right now?” Easier to keep her concentrating on the physical, not the emotional where her real pain was housed.

“Empty. I feel empty.”

When she stopped, he demanded, “More!” He tugged a little harder on the chain. She moaned and his cock jumped. He would never tire of her voice. He’d bet she never even realized how sexy and smoky it became when she was aroused.

“I ache, all over, but especially between my legs.” He pushed his finger just inside her slit, running it slightly up and down.

“Right here? Is this where you ache?” She nodded her head and he stopped his hand.

“Tell me, Princess.”

“Yes, Anthony, yes, right there. Please…”

“Please what?”

“Please don’t stop touching me.” Her voice was breathless and Tony increased the pace of his finger. He knew her pussy so well; hell, he’d never forgotten the feel of it against his hand. She clasped him so tight, a perfect fit.

Her cries became little mews as he pushed his middle finger deep into her channel.

Her silver eyes opened wide as he plunged into her, grinding the heel of his palm against her clit. He pulled out his middle finger and replaced it with his first finger. His wet middle finger explored beyond her wet entrance. He tapped at her tight rear opening.


Meredith couldn’t help but to squeeze her butt together as Tony probed her rear entry. She had never, ever considered letting someone touch her there, let alone do more than touch.

Without removing his hungry finger, he bent down and retrieved a tube from his bag.

She watched in anticipation and apprehension as he removed his hand from her and spread the clear lube all over his fingers.

“Don’t close yourself to me, Princess,” he whispered, holding her face with one hand, while he brought his other back between her thighs.

He plunged his thick finger back into her pussy, the extra lube making it that much easier to slide through her clenching muscles. Her greedy cunt grabbed his finger, pulling it deeper.

She stiffened again as she felt his middle finger beginning to probe her anus.

“Open, Meredith.” He commanded though clenched teeth, his face directly in front of hers.

“Anthony…” his name with a hushed whisper. She felt like she was telling him her deepest, darkest secret. “I’m so afraid.”

“I will know every part of you, Princess. You will never hide anything from me.” His eyes delved into hers, and beneath the seething passion she glimpsed such a well of emotion it destroyed all her barriers. “I keep telling you, I will
hurt you. Never.” He leaned in and rested his forehead against hers. “I won’t stop proving myself to you, Princess,” he was whispering now, too, right against her lips. “And one day you’ll trust me enough to believe me.” She clamped her lower lip between her teeth as his finger breached the tight ring of muscles. “Just relax, bear down and breathe through it, Meredith.”

Meredith relaxed her back, letting him slide his wicked finger in and out of her ass, his palm digging into her clit. The finger deep inside her pussy bent toward the front of her body. He pushed and pulled and scraped her insides, until she felt something new.

She couldn’t hold back the cry as he seemed to recognize what he’d found and explored it thoroughly.

Oh God, was this her G-spot? No, couldn’t be, she’d read it was nothing more than a myth. But this was fucking real, this pleasure exquisite, mind-blowing.

Tony’s hand moved in and out of both entrances in earnest, now. His other hand went from her face to the chain holding the clamps. He tugged hard this time, and jerked a sharp cry out of her. She didn’t recognize her own voice as lightning seemed to zig-zag throughout her body.

“Oh God, Oh God,” she chanted, completely out of control.

Tony chuckled, but it sounded tight and strained. “Ask me, Princess. Ask me for what you need. Hurry, before I have to punish you.”

“Please, Anthony, I need to come. God, please let me come.” Meredith didn’t care if she sounded desperate. The absolute truth was, she

“Princess,” he purred against her neck. “That’s perfect. I want you to come hard for me. Show me how good it feels.” Tony tugged harder on the chain while plunging both fingers into her body as deeply as he could. She rose up on tiptoes as her legs began shaking. The orgasm started all the way at the top of her head and shot like a cannon down to her toes. Her screams echoed off the bare walls.

BOOK: Merediths Awakening
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