Merrick: Harlequins MC (16 page)

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Authors: Olivia Stephens

BOOK: Merrick: Harlequins MC
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The Harlequins were so effective Will had several of their drivers come up in various prop cars, and had the Harlequins allow drivers to pull in behind towed car, so the streets wouldn’t appear to be empty.


“Merrick. I want you to ride along about ten feet off the right side of the prop car. Can you do that for me?”


“Sure. Why?” he asked as they prepared to make another run in the opposite direction along Lafayette and Saunders Street, one of the busiest roads in Laredo. They would have never been allowed to film there if it meant blocking the road.


Will shrugged and grinned. “I like the way your bike looks.”




“Cut! That’s a wrap people! Great job today!” Will dropped the walkie into his lap as he sat back and sighed. They’d just completed two days of filming in a half-day, which took a huge bite out of their backlog of shots. Another day like today and they would be back on schedule.


Merrick was already back at the depot, sucking down another bottle of water, when the camera truck pulled to a stop. He was hot, tired, and his bike was running on fumes, but he felt like they had done yeoman’s work today.


“Ready?” Poppy asked as she approached, her helmet in her hand. He’d stashed the helmet he’d loaned her in the prop car because he didn’t have any place else to put it.


“Still on for dinner?” he asked.


“Of course. I need to go back to my room and change, but then I’ll be ready. Where are we going?”


He smiled. “It’s a surprise.”


“Oh, good. I love surprises.”


She buckled the helmet on and was riding away as the bus arrived to take the rest of the cast and crew back to the motel. They had to stop for gas, so they arrived at about the same time as the bus, Poppy and Merrick riding the elevator with Blake, Will, and part of the crew.


“That was some fantastic work you did today, Merrick. You and the rest of the Harlequins. We made up almost two days of shooting today. So thank you very much.” He grinned. “I can’t promise anything because with all the delays we’re probably going to be over budget, but I’ll see if I can get Taylor to put a little extra something in your paycheck.”


“You don’t have to do that, Will. We’re just doing our jobs.” He returned the older man’s smile. “But I won’t say no if he does.”


Poppy grinned. Blake looked like he had indigestion as the doors dinged open. She’d noticed the bit of envy when Merrick had hustled them all out to the sidewalk when the gas was leaking, but it was even more obvious now Blake didn’t like all the attention being paid to Merrick.


They disbursed into their rooms, Merrick following Poppy into hers. He needed a shower as well, but he didn’t have a change of clothes, so he sat in the chair and waited.


“I think you’re going to need on a little more than that,” he said with a smile as she stepped out of the bathroom wearing only a towel.


“You haven’t heard? It’s all the rage in Hollywood,” she replied as she turned and allowed the towel to slip to reveal her back, but she was watching him in the mirror, knowing he could see everything.


Merrick grinned. He knew her game. He thought about taking her right then, but decided to play it cool. Besides, he didn’t have another condom anyway. “Do I have to remind you this isn’t Hollywood?”


She grinned and rewrapped herself. “No. And thank God. I love the fact that here we were able to do what we needed to do today without half the police force showing up to tell us we couldn’t. If we’d tried that in LA, we’d have been sued a dozen times over,” she said as she selected clothes. “How should I dress?”


“I’m going like this.”


She looked at him, then selected another pair of jeans and a light blouse. “Don’t peek,” she admonished, then giggled when he didn’t move. “I guess you’ve seen it already, haven’t you?” she said as she dropped the towel and began to dress.




“Two” Merrick said as they stepped up to the hostess.


The woman looked at them a moment. “Has anyone ever told you that you look like Poppy Landrieu?” she asked as she pulled two menus from the pile and escorted them to a table.


“Can’t say they have,” Poppy replied with a smile.


“Well, you could be her sister,” the hostess said as she placed the menus of the table. “Enjoy your meal.”


Merrick noticed several people were looking at them, but nobody approached. “It is so refreshing to be able to sit down without someone wanting an autograph,” Poppy said softly.


She’d just completed the sentence when the woman sitting at the table across from them rose. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but you’re Poppy Landrieu, right? Could I please have your autograph?”


He could see the disappointment in her eyes, but she smiled brightly at the woman. “Certainly.” The woman fished in her purse and came up with an envelope and a pin. “Who should I make it out to?”




Poppy scribbled something then handed it back to the woman.


“Are you an actor, as well?” the woman asked hopefully.


Merrick chuckled. “No. I’m her driver.”


“Thank you,” the woman mouthed then moved back to her table, whispering excitedly to her boyfriend or husband.


Poppy had to sign a few more autographs, but after that, nobody bothered them, though there were a lot of eyes on them. “That wasn’t so bad,” she sighed.


“And you didn’t bite anyone’s head off either,” Merrick said with a grin. He didn’t like everyone looking at them, but he took comfort from the fact he wasn’t the one they were looking at.


She grinned. “I know how to play the game. I just don’t like doing it. You have to be nice to the fans. They’re the ones who keep me employed.”


“Here you are, Ms. Landrieu,” a man said as he sat their orders of barbecued brisket on the table. “I’m Billy Todd, the owner. I was wondering if you’d mind posing for a photograph before you leave. It would sure mean a lot to me.”


She smiled. Even though Merrick knew she probably didn’t want to, you couldn’t tell by her response. “I would be delighted.”


Chapter Sixteen

“Where are we going?” Poppy asked as they rumbled through the warmth of the evening.


“Someplace a little more private than your motel room,” Merrick replied.


She felt a chill travel over her, despite the heat. “Where’s that?”


“My house.”


She smiled, wondering what kind of house he lived in. In her imagination she ran through everything from a trailer with beer cans piled all around, to a large house full of expensive trinkets, and everything in between. What he pulled into surprised her. It was a tiny, older house, made of cream stucco, with a drive running along the side of the house to a garage tucked in the back. The yard was small, but well maintained, with two large Ash trees providing welcoming shade.


He parked the bike in garage beside a truck with
Capra Framing
stenciled on the door, then led her into the kitchen. The first thing she noticed was how small the house was. The entry to her house was larger than the entire living room-dining room-kitchen combination. The second thing she noticed was how tidy it was.


“Nice place,” she said, closing the door behind her.


“I like it. It’s my first house.”


“You built it?”


“No. I bought it to flip, but I decided I liked it, so I kept it. It’s only a thousand square feet, but since it’s just me, I don’t need much.”


She smiled. The master suite of her house was probably bigger than his whole house, but then, it cost 2.6 million dollars, too. Despite its small size, the house was charming, with tile and wood floors, contrasting trim, recessed and indirect lighting, and an overall feel of quality workmanship.


“I like it,” she said.


“So do I. You should have seen it when I bought it. It was a sad little place. I only paid sixty-two for it, then spent another forty putting it back too right and adding on the garage. Want to see the rest?”


“I’d love to.”


He led her through the rest of the house, explaining all the improvements he’d made. The house was originally a three bedroom, but he’d used the space occupied by the tiny third bedroom to enlarge the single bath and create a larger master suite with more closet space.


“You did all the work yourself?” she asked, impressed despite herself.


“Pretty much. Took it one room at a time.”


“How long did it take?”


He shrugged. “About a year, I guess, working on it nights and weekends. Why?”


She grinned. “I’m still trying to figure you out.”


He smiled and held his arms out to his sides. “What you see is what you get. I’m not complicated.”


She moseyed up to him, smiling as his arms closed around her and pulled her in. “And that’s another thing I like about you.”


“There’s more than one?”


“I can think of at least two off the top of my head.”


“What’s the other?” he asked with a slow smile.


“Let me show you,” she breathed as she stretched up for a kiss.


He took her lips in a slow kiss, then pulled back. “What time is call tomorrow?”


“For me? Ten.”


“I think my men can manage a few hours without me tomorrow morning, don’t you?”


She began to unbutton his shirt. “I don’t think they’re going to have any choice.” She kissed his chest. “How many condoms do you have?” she breathed as she caressed his skin with her lips.


He chuckled. “I don’t know. Ten, twelve, maybe.”


She looked up and grinned. “I hope that’s enough,” she breathed before she kissed him again.


He took her lips, pulling her in tight, breathing in her scent of flowers and soap and desire. He’d bedded a lot of beautiful and sexy women, but Poppy turned him on like few others. She’d started out slow last night, but had then come alive, gasping and pulling at him as they fucked, begging him for more, grunting and sweating as they rolled and tumbled. It was as if she’d discovered something about herself and had taken a full measure.


She allowed him to turn her, and she ground her ass into his crotch as he began to unbutton her blouse while his lips explored her neck, caressing the skin with slow, erotic, kisses. He’d controlled her last night, devastating her with pleasure unlike any lover before him. But she was ready for him tonight. Tonight she would give as good as she got. She smiled, looking forward to her labors.


She pulled out of his arms and slowly slid out of her clothes, taking her time and giving him a show, smiling has his eyes wandered then returned to her own eyes, only to wander again before returning again. She knew she was beautiful and sexy, but he didn’t seem to be awed by her beauty, or fame, and that made him more desirable still. As the last of her covering fell away, he smiled.


“Stunning,” he murmured, holding her eyes and not looking down.


The fact that he didn’t look at her body again, but held her eyes, made her fires roar. Their eyes locked, he slipped out of his shirt, then pants, his eyes never leaving hers. She didn’t want to look down, but she couldn’t hold his gaze as he stepped out of his pants. She glanced at his hardness before bringing her eyes quickly back to his. His small smile was both infuriating and playful, acknowledging his victory in will and control.


He watched as she seductively licked her lips then sauntered up to him, moving like a jungle cat, all power and grace, before she pressed herself to him, placed her hand behind his head, and pulled his lips to hers. They kissed, long and slow, before he clasped her firmly to him and lifted her from the floor and turned before lowering her to the bed. He followed her down, then began to kiss down her body, pausing to taste her breasts and tease her nipples to erectness with his tongue, before continuing on, slowly turning in the bed to drape himself across her.


His tongue darted and explored, his finger inside of her tickled her in just the right way. She wanted to cry out in pleasure, but she couldn’t find her voice, and all she could do was gasp and writhe. He was destroying her again and she was powerless to stop him. She wanted to hold back her orgasm, wanted to surf the wave of pleasure, but was unable to push it away and it rolled over her like a wave, drowning her in pleasure. She burned in sweet agony, unable to breathe, her voice stolen, until her climax washed out of her, leaving her adrift in the backwash of her orgasm. She released the breath she was holding with a gasp and giggled.


Merrick grinned, slowed his teasing, then kissed the inside of her thigh as she gasped and panted, her deep and breathy giggle going straight to his cock.


“God, I needed that,” she sighed, then giggled again as an aftershock passed through her. She pushed at him and as he rolled to his back, she moved with him. Last night, when he started to moan, she’d pulled him from her mouth, thinking he was about to come, but tonight she was wiser and knew she’d underestimated him. She wouldn’t make that mistake again.


She was still no Sonya, but Poppy was a quick study, his soft gasps, moans, and murmurs teaching her how to pleasure a man with her lips and tongue. She’d been working on him for a while as he slowly, gently, played with her pussy, keeping her on boil as she sucked him. He was in no danger of coming, but that was fine. He preferred to come while fucking a woman anyway.


He tugged at her, pulling her lips from his shaft. “You’re going to make me come,” he breathed as he took her lips, his words thrilling her deeply. She knew she wasn’t the most skilled woman when it came to giving head, and had used his sounds of pleasure as a guide to learn how to please him. She didn’t think she was ready for a man to come in her mouth, but she was disappointed he’d stopped her before he came.


They turned in the bed, kissing and touching, until he reached for his protection. She plucked the condom from his fingers with a smile, and rolled it over his shaft as she cooed and purred in delight. Merrick smiled. She may not be the greatest at giving head, but she was expert at playing the sex kitten. Protected he smiled down at her as he positioned himself between her legs.


His soft caresses as she sucked him had kept her ready and on edge. She sighed softly as he slid slowly into her depths, the pleasure of his passage intoxicating. He began to thrust slowly, hooking her legs behind his arms to tilt her hips so he plunged incredibly deep. They had just gotten started and she could already feel her orgasm beginning to build.




“Come on, baby,” she cooed, delighting in watching Merrick struggle against his orgasm. She pumped her hips harder, trying to force him over the edge and into the abyss. She’d just had her third hard orgasm and now it was his turn. “Come on baby,” she purred again, locking her fingers with his and pinning his hands to the bed. He growled, low and deep in his chest, his lips twisting into a feral snarl, his erotic distress exciting her at a deep level.


He was losing his battle with pleasure. There was no doubt he was going to come; the only question was how much longer could he hold out. Poppy was thrusting on his cock as she stared into his eyes, a sexy smile on her lips as if she knew she was wearing him down. With each thrust of her hips, the hard points of her breasts were lightly grazing his chest, and that was turning him on in deep way.


“That’s it,” she smiled. “Give it to me.”


“I’ll fucking give it to you,” he snarled, powering out of her pin to clasp her tightly to him. He began to pound into her furiously hard as the last few threads of his control snapped.


He grunted as he pushed into her as deep as possible, his embrace becoming crushingly tight for a moment before relaxing. She smiled in satisfaction. He hadn’t lasted as long tonight as he had last night, which pleased her in a profound way.


She relaxed on his chest and sighed. “That was incredible.”


“You’re incredible,” he said softly.


A ghost of a smile crossed her lips, his words pleasing her. She rose and kissed him, a long, slow, kiss that made promises. She sighed out of the kiss and lay back on his chest. “You’re pretty incredible yourself.”


He held her, enjoying the feel of her around his cock and on his chest. After a few moments, she slid off him and into the crook of his arm and sighed deeply again as she snuggled in. He smiled as she relaxed into sleep and her breathing became slow and regular. She’d upped her game from last night. She was apparently no longer content to passively allow him to fuck her, and had been an active participant all night. He could feel the tug of sleep pulling at him, the lack of sleep the night before catching up with him. He glanced at the clock. It was only nine, which meant there was plenty of time for another round later.




Merrick swam up out of the darkness of sleep, grinning as Poppy softly snored beside him. The lights were still on in the front of the house and he could clearly see her nestled into his side, her face soft and peaceful in her sleep. He glanced at the clock and smiled. It was only midnight, about the time they started last night, and they didn’t have to get up.


He slowly worked his way out from under her, then began to kiss her awake, working his way down her body.


She sighed, her hand coming to his head to hold his mouth to her breast. “Mmmm…that’s nice. What time is it?” she asked, her eyes still closed and a faint smile on her lips.


He took his time in answering, his mouth occupied with other things. “A little before midnight,” he said as he kissed across her chest to tease the other nipple to erectness.


She sighed again, then pulled him up, steering him between her legs as she pulled him down into a long, slow, kiss. “I want you,” she whispered as their lips slowly parted.


He was clean, and he suspected she was clean, as well, and though the urge to enter her and fuck her as nature intended was almost overwhelming, he paused long enough to make sure they were protected. After he had the condom on, he slowly pushed his way into her wetness, their sighs of pleasure mingling as he took her lips again.

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