Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)
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shrieked in excitement when she heard that Serenity could officially move back to Miami and start anytime.

“My car was delivered today, so I’d like to start tomorrow. I enjoyed today, but I don’t think I can survive too many days of luxury,” she said with a grin. “But I’m not saying I won’t be back,” she warned.

“You want to move into my old room? You know Sam said it’s okay?”

Sere nodded.

Moira smiled. “Okay, but can we do that over the weekend? Stay here the rest of the week, then you can move out, if you still want to,” she said grinning.

Sere looked at

“She’s the boss,” he told her.

Sere laughed. “You mean bossy?”

Lucas roared in laughter.

“I’m not touching that one with a ten foot pole,” he replied. “I’m already in enough trouble as it it.”

“Oh, oh. What did you do?” Sere asked laughing.

Moira groaned. “He kissed me in front of Jeff. In a cafeteria full of employees having lunch,” she hissed in his direction.

“Who is Jeff?” Lucas asked.

“Some fucker after Moira,” Conrad answered.

“Jeff is after any female. He can’t help it,” Sere told him.

“Yeah, well. I needed to make sure he wouldn’t continue snooping around Moira.”

“Him and everyone else got the message loud and clear when you told the whole crowd I was
his girlfriend.”

“Oh, no he didn’t,” Sere said.

“Oh, yes he did. And proud of himself too.” Moira looked at a smirking Lucas. He was clearly enjoying his friend’s discomfort. “Lucas, maybe you can tell your friend that when a girl says there are guys she will never go out with, she means it.”

“What she said,” Lucas said to

Everyone roared.

Moira helped Conrad set the island table with silverware and wine glasses. She handed the red wine to him to open and he poured into their glasses. Moira filled hers with orange juice. Once Conrad had added a huge slice of beef onto each plate, he passed them around and they all served their own salad and vegetables.

Thirty One

The next day
Moira and Conrad left just after lunch. Moira had an appointment with her OB/GYN. Five minutes after they had checked in, she was told Dr. Andrew Chandler was ready to see her. Conrad was excited about Moira having a scan so they could see the baby. They opted to wait until twenty weeks to have that done. Moira told the doctor she had gone to Europe for about five weeks, but had been checked the entire time she was there.

“If you are feeling good, then there is no need to do an early ultrasound. But call me if anything changes,” he said to her. “And continue taking your pre-natals.”

Moira nodded and smiled.

shook hands with him and they were on their way. They went straight home and made love all afternoon. Conrad cherished her all afternoon long and told her how much she meant to him. Moira wept tears of joy and wondered what she had done to deserve Conrad. Yes they had had some false starts, and a rocky middle. She hoped the rest of their lives would be full of love. She could picture them with a houseful of kids. He had told her his dad had asked them to move into the house whenever they were ready. The house that would be his when his dad passed. But Conrad thought his dad wanted to be more closer to his grandchild than see them everyday. Moira had laughed at that.

Tomorrow they were going to visit him after work. He was coming back from his golfing trip, back from California.
Moira had already made plans to make him his usual treats and deliver them personally tomorrow. She loved William. He was a nice guy.

As soon as Sere walked in,
Conrad made dinner. He refused Moira’s help. “You cook for a living everyday. Let me spoil you when you come home,” he said to her.

“But that’s just pastries and desserts,” she told him.

“I know, but until you start laying off your legs, you’re not allowed to cook at home.” He kissed her cheek. “Besides if you’re too tired when you go to bed, then it means I’m not having some.”


He laughed. “What? Just stating facts.” He forgot about the dinner he was supposed to be making. “And I’d rather have some of you everyday.” He pulled back. “Many times,” he groaned and took her lips with hunger.

Serenity cleared her throat loudly grinning at the couple about to devour each other in the kitchen. “Sorry. If I wasn’t hungry I would just stay in my room.”

laughed. “Hormones,” he said. “They are making her go crazy for my body,” he explained.


He laughed again. “What? Sere needs to know it’s all you.”

Moira sputtered. “You are the one to talk, yet you can’t get enough of my body. A body you may not be getting if you keep telling tales.”

“Guys, guys. Just dinner please,” Sere said laughing.

Conrad held his hands in surrender. “Dinner coming right up. In thirty minutes.”


By Friday, Moira’s belly had swelled and her pregnancy was noticeable despite what she wore. Conrad grinned and rubbed her belly as she cried at the size. “How can the thing just balloon just like that? None of my clothes fit anymore. Even the most loose of them,” she cried going through her wardrobe. She finally found something she could wear to work and walked out of her closet. She had to lean to the side to see her feet. Looking straight down wasn’t an option anymore.

That weekend Sere agreed to accompany her shopping.
Moira suspected Conrad was thinking about the day she ran away to Italy, because he insisted on accompanying them. Moira agreed. They hit the shops early before every age group filled the shops. They had a heated argument when Moira found the driver had stopped outside a row of expensive shops.

“That’s my baby too
Moira, in case you have forgotten,” he told her. “And don’t forget you wore the clothes De Marco bought for you.”

gasped. “Are you serious? Antonio is like a brother to me and you are comparing him to you?”

“Of course I’m serious. I want to be the one to dress you in luxury. I hate it when you wear something he bought for you, but because I know he means a lot to you, I prefer not to say anything about it.”

“And yet, here you are saying something about it.”

“That’s just because you forced my hand,” he said with heat.

“Fine!” Moira shouted. “Let’s go.” She rattled the door and immediately the driver opened it for her. “Men,” she huffed as she got out and walked inside the first shop. “Sorry,” she said to Sere as she caught up with her.

“I know you don’t want to hear this, but he has a point,” she said to her friend.

“You are right. But I’m still going to buy every damn dress in my size. By the time we are done, he’ll be bankrupt,” she hissed.

Sere giggled. “I doubt that even if you were to spend a million dollars in one day you would bankrupt him,” Sere advised.

Moira stopped. “Sere, whose side are you on?” she asked.

Sere laughed. “Yours honey. Look at all the piranhas falling all over your boyfriend.”

Moira looked back and true, she saw customers along with shop assistants fawning all over Conrad. “Well, they should keep him occupied for a while,” she said.

Moira, are you not afraid of someone taking him home?”

shook her head. “There are many things I may be afraid of, but that isn’t one of them,” she said. She dragged Sere along, “Let’s go.” They found another assistant who was willing to help them. She didn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the piranha’s in the front of the shop.

“Morning ladies. My name is Sa
lly. Can I help you look for something?”

“Hi Sally,” Sere said extending her hand. “I’m Sere. And this is my best friend,
Moira,” she said and Moira shook Sally’s hand too. “My friend needs maternity clothes. Lots and lots of them.”

Sally grinned at them. “Congratulations. Come this way.”

They followed her and she piled clothes in her hands and took them to a dressing room where Moira tried the clothes with Sere giving her stamp of approval or rejection. Sally kept coming with more styles and different colors. She brought t-shirts, jeans, trousers, blouses, skirts, full dresses. By the time they were done, Moira was a little tired. They had a nice huge pile of possible clothes to buy. She added more of the items she liked in different colors. They left Sally taking the clothes to the register and walked to the shoe department. Moira grabbed a few flats and sandals for easy walking around at work. She didn’t think she could wear heels, even low ones for a while. Not all day at least. Sally joined them and took their choices back to the front of the store again.

“How about something sexy to tempt your boyfriend with?” Sere whispered.

“Conrad doesn’t need tempting, but I get your meaning, so we’ll take some items,” she agreed.

When they were done, they found
Conrad still entertaining and being entertained by the piranhas. There was a huge sigh of sadness as he smiled at them and walked over to Moira and Sere. Moira could feel daggers in her back when Conrad took his time kissing her. “I’m sorry about earlier, baby. It came out wrong.”

“Because I actually had fun shopping in here, you’re forgiven. I just hope your card isn’t rejected by the end of the day,” she warned.

He chuckled. “You want to go to another shop?”

“Yes. You’ve unleashed my shopping spirit. Sere’s too.”

Moira gasped at the total. Sere squeaked beside her. Conrad smiled and handed his card. His guards took their packages and they walked to the next shop. Moira made sure that Conrad had tipped Sally well before they made their exit. Sally grinned from ear to ear and they waved to her as they left.

After the next two stores they were done.
Moira was hungry and her feet were now aching. Conrad found a quiet café hidden behind a bookstore. They ordered lunch there and relaxed for the next hour and a half.

hour later they had unloaded Moira’s new clothes in the penthouse and loaded Sere’s clothes in the SUVs and were on their way to Moira’s old apartment. Sam wasn’t at home. They let themselves in and Moira with the help of Sere packed her clothes into the huge plastic containers they kept for moving purposes.

“Relax and I’ll finish unpacking my clothes. I just need to unpack enough to last me through the week, the rest I can unpack a few every night,” Sere told her.

Moira dropped onto the bed. “Thanks. My feet are aching.” They talked as Sere unpacked her suitcases. Moira didn’t even know when she fell asleep. Sere used that time to finish her unpacking. Her clothes fit really well in Moira’s huge closet. No longer cramped like they had been before. She put some stuff away in the drawers, and put her cosmetics in the bathroom.

When she was done, she joined
Conrad and Sam in the living room. She had heard him come in about an hour ago. She thanked him again for allowing her to stay with him.

woke up alone and in a dark room. She realized it was her old room. She stretched and relieved herself in the bathroom. After washing her hands and face, she followed the voices. “Hi Sam.”

“Hey sis,” he replied, then he did another turn and his eyes grew round. “Oh, oh! You’ve grown in a week,” he said in wonder.

Conrad took her hand and pulled her gently to him. “The sooner Little Bo Peep is born, the sooner you can start your niece sitting duties,” Conrad told him.

Sam groaned. “I’m not sure I’m ready for that. But I’m ready to see you as a mother,
Moira. And Conrad fumbling as a father,” he said with laughter.

“Thanks Sam,”
Moira said with a smile.

“I hate to burst your bubble Sam. All the events here are
not mutually exclusive. Once Moira becomes a mother, I become a dad, and you too become an uncle with niece sitting duties,” he explained. “And especially after the six weeks are up.”

slapped his arm. “Conrad!”

“Six weeks for what?” Sam asked. “Oh, Jesus. Must you
discuss sex with my sister to me everytime?”

Sere laughed as
Conrad smiled smugly.

stood up. “I’m going to order dinner. And after that you need to leave. Sere is welcome to stay of course. This is her home after all.”

chuckled to his back.


“It’s a girl,” Dr. Andrew Chandler told them. Their baby was now slightly over twenty weeks. She was halfway there. At least the growth of Little Bo Peep had slowed a bit. She had been afraid if she had kept growing like she had done that week she had been back in Miami, she may have been the size of an elephant by now. Dr. Chandler was happy with the progress and confirmed everything looked good. Conrad hogged the little picture they had been given. He stared at it in amazement.

invited everyone for dinner the next day. He passed the pictures around like he was showing off a live baby. William slipped a tear. “If only your mother were alive,” he said to Conrad.

Sam said the same about
Moira’s dad. He hadn’t known Moira’s mother. She had been robbed and murdered before either of them were grown enough to remember her. His mother had dies in child birth. Their fathers had bonded over the fact they had both been raising kids as single fathers.

Sere smiled at the picture of her unborn goddaughter. She
could already see what a beauty the child would be.

“Uncle Lucas? So what do you thin
k? Ready for diaper duties?”

Lucas grimaced. “No diapers duties for uncle Lucas. He has hotels to run, sorry,” he said not sorry at all. “But he will spoil her like crazy.”

Everyone in the room laughed. Moira looked around the room and saw how much her daughter was going to be spoiled by all the males in the room, and not forgetting her godfather, Antonio. Her godmother was a given.


Sex positions were getting interesting by the day. Moira was still surprised when some women told her their husbands didn’t want to have sex with them once they found out they were pregnant. Moira was surprised everytime at the amount of sex they had, the amount of sex Conrad still wanted from her. He never went by without unless she wasn’t feeling well. Sometimes the baby sat hard on her and she felt very uncomfortable.

lay her on her back and slipped pillows under the small of her back. Her butt rose, suspended above the pillows. He waited at her entrance and at her nod, he slipped into her warmth. He rode her nice and slowly, kissing her huge belly from time to time. “Moira, I love you more everyday,” he whispered to her. “Come for me baby,” he said and rotated his hips.

She gritted her teeth. “No,” she screamed.

“Yes, now Moira.” Conrad gripped her thighs tighter and slipped out.

whimpered, tears coming out of her eyes.

Moira,” he repeated and slid in again.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!,” she cried out as she surrendered.

“Baby,” Conrad cried out and pumped excitedly before he too surrendered and errupted inside her. He knelt up and suckled her sensitive breasts, then moved on to her lips. “Beautiful.”

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