Michaela (22 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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There were tables too. One looked like a doctor’s examination table, complete with stirrups at one end. It had a lot of straps, apparently intended to tie down whoever was laid upon its surface. There was a strange chair with a headrest, arms, and padded leg rests, all equipped to also strap someone down. Between the leg rests was a mechanical device that took no imagination for Michaela to figure out. With the rod ending in a dildo and that dildo pointed where the sitter’s crotch would be, she knew it was some kind of fucking machine.

There was a padded bench that reminded her of a pommel horse. Then another padded bench that she’d seen in one of Raxstad’s naughty movies he liked to watch. One was to crouch along its length with legs and arms cushioned on either side in troughs attached to the main bench.

There was a seat that reminded Michaela of a saddle. It had a cock-shaped piece rising from the seat, apparently meant to be ridden on.

The walls had devices Michaela recognized and others she could only guess at. Some were obvious: straps, paddles, floggers, even a whip. Then there were shelves of dildos and other instruments. Last were areas where a person could be bound to the wall with collars, manacles, and chains.

In her fear over the coming punishment, it looked like a medieval dungeon where a hooded torturer would hold sway. Michaela wanted out of the room and started to back away from Raxstad.

Raxstad grabbed hold of her again and started yanking at her clothes, pulling them apart at the resealable seams. “Oh no you don’t.”

She struggled even though she knew the futility of it. Next to her behemoth Nobek, she was like a child. He already had her blouse and skirt off and shredded her bra and panties as if they were made of tissue paper.

Michaela yelled in desperation, “But I didn’t say the bad word! I didn’t call myself a freak!”

Korkla’s tone was matter-of-fact. “‘Misbegotten accident’ is not a term I approve of either. You knew when you called yourself such that there would be repercussions.”

He helped Raxstad in raising Michaela’s arms to the manacles overhead. They snapped them around her wrists. There was a loud ratcheting sound like coming doom as they adjusted the cuffs to fit her wrists.

“By the ancestors, she’s tiny,” Raxstad growled. “The cuffs almost don’t tighten enough to keep her from slipping free.”

“At least there is no chance her circulation will be compromised,” Korkla said.

With Michaela bound naked and helpless, Raxstad stalked over to the wall. Meanwhile, Korkla adjusted the length of the chains so that Michaela was forced to rise up on her toes.

The Dramok looked her over, stretched taut with her arms pointed up to the ceiling. His gaze went dark with lust. “Mother of All,” he whispered. “You are beautiful like this.”

Michaela would have enjoyed the effect her state had on him but for Raxstad rummaging through the spanking implements. The Nobek tested the weights of straps and floggers in his hands and looking at her with speculation. Even worse, Govi began picking out things on the shelves. She had no idea what the things he chose were going to do to her.

She pulled against the manacles holding her prisoner, hoping she might slip through their grips. No matter how she twisted her wrists and tried to make her hands smaller, she couldn’t slide free.

“Damn you, I don’t like this!” Michaela yelled at Korkla.

The Dramok continued to watch her, arousal scent wafting from him. “That’s the point of punishment, little one. We will get you to stop calling yourself ugly things or you will be made very uncomfortable for the rest of your life.”

Raxstad headed their way. Michaela’s heart skipped a beat to see a long metal bar in one hand and what could only be a paddle with a long handle in the other. Tears filled her eyes to know he would spank her with the wooden length. It would definitely not be a spanking meant to excite. This one would hurt in a bad way.

The Nobek knelt down and laid the paddle to one side. He placed stiff leather circlets around her ankles. Then he hooked the metal bar to the leather cuffs, placing it between her ankles and forcing her legs wide apart. Korkla adjusted the chains stretching her up so that Michaela stood once more on the balls of her feet.

Michaela began crying for real. She didn’t want to pay the price for her disobedience. “Come on, guys. I’m sorry, okay? I goofed up and it won’t happen again,” she pleaded.

Govi returned with his hands full. He gave something to Korkla, but his gaze riveted on her. “It would be nice if that were true. Unfortunately, you’ve got a lot of bad notions in your head. You’ll have to be trained so that you equate despising yourself with unpleasant outcomes. It’s become clear that extreme measures have to be taken to force those bad thoughts out.”

“Extreme measures?” She tried to look at the things Govi and Korkla held, but her vision was too blurred by tears. Raxstad rose to his full height, dwarfing her yet again, making her feel small and defenseless. She yanked again at the manacles in the vain hope she could get free.

Govi’s tone was gentle and reasonable. “All right, my Matara. What set off this latest episode of self-hatred?”

“Nothing! It was just a passing phase. A momentary lapse.”

Raxstad said, “Lie number one. You get two swats on the ass with this for each falsehood.” He held the paddle up to put emphasis on the trouble she was in.

Korkla added, “Plus fibbing earns a little additional discomfort besides.”

The Dramok plucked at Michaela’s nipples to make them harden and stand out. She gasped at his touch. Despite her growing fear, heat trickled from his fingertips to her cock and clit. Both tingled in reaction.

Korkla placed a tweezer-like clamp on one nipple. He tightened it until Michaela hissed with the sharp pain that quickly drained away the momentary arousal. Fresh tears sprang to her eyes. Then the Dramok clamped her other nipple and she moaned. Shards of white-hot misery shot through her breast before settling down to a throbbing ache.

Govi smiled in sympathy, but he didn’t try to make Korkla stop. Instead he said, “You’ve been quiet much of the day, my Matara. Silence is not acceptable when something is bothering you this badly. This is your second chance to answer my question. Why are you upset?”

Michaela didn’t want to say Feyom’s name. She didn’t want to remind her men of the other woman’s perfection. She knew she couldn’t compare to the Kalquorian Matara’s beauty.

Instead she summoned more tears, crying more piteously to make them feel bad or at least to soften their displeasure with her. Getting herself to cry more wasn’t that hard, not when her tits hurt so much and Raxstad held that brutal paddle.

“I’m just tired, that’s all. It put me in a bad mood and I started thinking stuff I shouldn’t.” Michaela poured all the sincerity she could into her words.

Raxstad made a disgusted sound. “For someone who had to hide what she was all her life, you can’t lie worth shit. You’re up to four swats.”

“And a little more punishment from me,” Korkla said. Anger had returned to his tone.

He attached teardrop-shaped pieces of silver to the clips on Michaela’s nipples. The added weight brought fresh agony to her flesh. Her cry rang out, echoing in the large room.

“And now you’ve earned punishment from me as well,” Govi said when her wails diminished enough for him to be heard.

He held up a small dildo to show her. The Imdiko squirted a tube of lubricant over it, greasing the piece up. Michaela didn’t know why he would think such a thing would be punishment until Govi moved behind her and pushed it into her ass.

It wasn’t as big as any of the men’s cocks, but it was big enough to send an ache into Michaela’s back passage. She yelled at Govi.

“You bastard! You didn’t prepare me for penetration!”

It was Korkla who answered. “You were warned not cooperating would lead to discomfort. Stop being so damned stubborn.”

Govi came around to stand in front of her once more. As gentle as the man usually was, his jaw had set. In a no-nonsense tone, he asked, “What upset you, Michaela?”

She stared at the one thing the Imdiko still held. It was all metal and appeared similar to the vibrating dildos the men had used on her before ... usually for pleasure’s sake. Whatever this thing was, Michaela knew it wouldn’t make her feel good. It had a bend in its length. There was also a flat piece at the base of it. From there, it curved upward to end in a ring.

Michaela did not want Govi to use it on her. She was certain of that.


The three men standing before her exchanged confused glances at the name she blurted.

When Govi and Raxstad shrugged at him, Korkla stared down at Michaela, his brow knitted with bewilderment. “Feyom?”

Govi seemed every bit as mystified. “Michaela, our relationship with that woman was a long time ago and brief. Why would that bother you?”

Is he kidding?
Michaela couldn’t believe they would be so clueless. They were pretending to be at a loss. Did they think she was stupid?

In a heartbeat, she went from frightened to furious. Her tone dripping with sarcasm, she snarled, “Why would it bother me that you’ve had a real woman? One not completely fucked up and weird? Gee, I can’t imagine why I’d be bothered to be compared to someone as perfect and beautiful as Feyom.”

Korkla’s anger matched Michaela’s. “No one is comparing you to her. There is no comparison. She’s a bitch that likes to play men against each other for her own amusement.”

Govi’s face went red as he battled his own inner turmoil. “And as for her being a ‘real’ woman ... damn it, Michaela. She is not what we want. We got what we want – you.”

Surprisingly, Raxstad seemed the least upset. His countenance was downright peaceful as he said, “You are the one who is perfect.”

Michaela thought she had been irate before. At the Nobek’s meaningless assertion, delivered with callous casualness, she discovered a new level of outrage. Her temper blew.

“Stop saying that!” she shrieked, all good sense fleeing before the livid storm that exploded in her head. “I’m not perfect! I’m not even supposed to be alive! They would have killed me back on Earth if they’d found out what I was. An abomination! A freak! I don’t care if you forbid me to say it for the rest of my life, but the truth of it is I’m not anything but a freak. Freak! Freak! Fucking messed up, monstrous freak!”

Michaela ran out of breath. She inhaled sharply, ready to continue her rant. The momentary lull gave her the chance to get a good look at her clanmates’ faces. What she saw there killed the frenzied words that had been boiling up her throat.

Korkla’s face had gone as dark as a storm cloud. His purple eyes were wide, bulging from his face as he stared at her. His plump lips had thinned as he pressed them together hard in his fury. There was even the distant sound of thunder ... then Michaela traced that noise to Raxstad.

He growled low in his throat. Raxstad’s expression was no better than Korkla’s. If rage had possessed a face, it would have been his. The Nobek stood very still, almost as if he was afraid to move. A tremor ran down his frame. 

Michaela looked to Govi, desperate for the Imdiko’s gentle regard. He didn’t look as livid as the other two ... in fact, his expression was frozen. Seeing those gorgeous features schooled carefully into blankness frightened Michaela more than the naked anger on the other two’s faces. It was as if Govi feared giving evidence of his feelings. The gorgeous face of her Imdiko betrayed nothing, and so told her she’d gotten herself into more trouble than she could handle.

The anger on Korkla’s expression faded, settling into resolve. He drew an extraordinarily deep breath before speaking. Michaela had expected him to yell at her, but he did not.

She thought yelling might have been preferable to the deadly tone her Dramok used. “Very well, my Matara. For your lying and refusal to obey my orders on treating yourself with the respect you deserve, you will receive ten strikes of Raxstad’s paddle, along with the rest of the punishment I have determined you will have.” He nodded to Govi.

Tears welled anew in Michaela’s eyes as the Imdiko lubed the metal horror he held. With a snap, he opened the ring part of the gadget before slipping the dildo portion into her pussy.

“Oh please don’t, I’m sorry,” she wailed as Korkla’s hand closed around her prick.

“Quiet,” he said. “You have said more than enough already.”

Govi fully inserted his scary-looking device. The flat base part covered Michaela’s clit. Meanwhile, Korkla pumped her cock with sure, steady strokes. Terror at what the men planned to do to her didn’t keep Michaela from responding to the warm strength of the Dramok’s hand on her. Excitement poured into her groin, making her hard in his grip. She gasped as desire mounted.

Govi snapped the ring back together, shutting it tight around the base of her prick. The pressure there twisted the pleasure in an instant. Need pulsed in Michaela’s scrotum, and her cock felt too full. The bliss that Korkla’s play had built teetered on the edge of torment.

When Michaela looked up at him, the Dramok gave her a tight smile. “I had this made especially for you.”

He continued to stroke her while the other two watched. As Michaela had feared, the constriction on her masculine sex turned from delight to torment. The thrilling pulse of pleasure had grown to aching demand. Her youthful libido, always eager for lustful pursuits, strained against the confines. Her balls drew up against her body, wanting to expel the building force. However, the ring choked off the stream that fought to escape. Korkla kept pumping her in his fist, but there was no relief to be had.

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