Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc (10 page)

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Ethan broke the kiss and sucked in some much

needed air. He stared at his mate as Corey too seemed to be taking in oxygen. Corey's eyes never left Ethan's own and Ethan was surprised at the desire he saw clear as day, shining in their intense, dark depths.

Corey moved in as if he was about to kiss Ethan again but Ethan held out his hand to stop the other man. As


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much as he wanted this—and boy did he—Ethan wanted to know what was going on. He really didn't think he'd hear from Corey again after the disaster that had been their date the previous evening.

"What's going on, Corey? I didn't think you wanted anything to do with me and now you have me pinned against the wall in your living room."

Corey squeezed his ass again causing Ethan to hiss as need shot through him. Corey grinned evilly at him.

"I had some sense knocked into me, literally." Ethan wondered what that meant exactly. "But after last night, it really was just a matter of time. My wolf wants you like you're our own personal drug. I can't get enough of you and I knew I wouldn't have been able to stay away from you for much long, no matter how much I want to protect my heart from getting broken again."

"Corey, I will never break your heart, because if I did, I may as well rip mine out right along with it. You are my mate—mine. The one person I'm meant to spend the rest of my life with. I don't take that commitment lightly."

Ethan reached out and gently stroked down the smooth shaven skin of Corey's cheek.

"Please don't ever hurt me," Corey asked. Ethan could almost see the last of Corey's resolve crumble right before him.


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"You have my word. Now I believe someone promised me some pizza." Ethan changed the subject hoping to lighten the mood. As much as he would love to be dragged off to Corey's bedroom and fucked to within an inch of his life, he knew his mate needed just a little more time.

Corey chuckled and Ethan beamed at him. Corey groaned and reached out to touch one of Ethan's dimples.

"Do you have any idea what these do to me?"

Ethan shook his head.

"Every time I see them, I just want to fall to my knees and ravish you. You're so fucking sexy." Ethan couldn't help but preen a little at the thought that Corey found him sexy.

"Well, feel free to ravish me any time you want."

He paused for a moment. "After you feed me, of course,"

he said impishly.

"Of course," Corey agreed, as he smiled.

"I need to keep up my energy."

Corey leaned forward and placed a light kiss to Ethan's lips before he moved back and allowed Ethan to lower his feet to the ground once again.

Corey stepped back and gestured for Ethan to go into the lounge room and make himself comfortable. "Can I get you a beer?" Corey asked, as he turned in the direction


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of the kitchen.

"Thank you," Ethan said then took a seat on the couch. He sat in the middle, wanting Corey to have the opportunity to sit with him if he wanted to.

Corey came back into the room a couple of minutes later, holding the beers and with the phone pressed between his ear and shoulder. He handed a beer to Ethan. "What do you like on your pizza?" he asked.

"Barbeque Meatlovers with mushrooms, please."

Ethan's mouth started to water at just the thought of his favourite pizza. He listened as Corey placed the order, along with a barbeque chicken and bacon pizza, which sounded just as good to him as his own pizza. Corey also ordered a cheesy garlic bread, two servings of wings, and some hot fudge brownies for dessert.

Corey finished the call after giving them his credit card number and hung up the phone. "Dinner will be about forty minutes. Would you like to watch a movie?"

"Sure, what have you got?" Ethan took a drink of his beer.

"How about the new
Die Hard
? I picked it up on Blu-ray the other day but haven't had a chance to watch it yet."

"Sounds good to me," Ethan approved. He would have agreed to watch anything, just so long as he was with


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Corey. Ethan sat back in the couch and waited as Corey set about organising his home system to play the movie. When the disk started, Corey picked up the remote and his beer and sat down right next to Ethan. Ethan smiled as he realised Corey didn't even look at any of the other chairs available. He'd come directly to the couch.

Corey settled back against the arm of the couch and manoeuvred himself and Ethan until Ethan was lying back against Corey's chest. They settled, quietly drank their beers, and watched the movie until they were interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

Ethan had completely lost track of time; he was so comfortable in Corey's arms. Corey patted his belly lightly and Ethan reluctantly moved. He really didn't want to, but his stomach growled at that moment, making itself known.

Corey placed a kiss to his cheek before he paused the movie, extricated himself from behind Ethan, then headed for the door. The rich aroma of pizza and garlic bread wafted through the house within moments.

Not wanting to just sit and wait, Ethan made

himself useful and got up to make his way to the kitchen.

He grabbed down a couple of plates after searching through the cupboards. Ethan then retrieved two more beers from the fridge to go with their dinner.

He could hear Corey converse quietly with the


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delivery man for a couple of minutes then heard the door close. They both walked back into the lounge and placed their items on the coffee table. They took their seats again on the couch and started serving up dinner.

Ethan couldn't help himself. He picked up a slice of his pizza and took a large bite. He groaned at the rich barbeque flavour then placed the slice on his plate and continued dishing up until he had no room left. He could always go back for more when he was finished.

Corey pressed Play and they both sat and ate while they watched the movie. They didn't lie back down at the moment. Ethan thought that might be just a little awkward with them both trying to eat.

Once dinner had been demolished, they resumed their previous positions on the couch without any discussion. Then, when the movie had finished, Corey got up and put on another one before sitting back down again.

The warm chocolate brownies had lost their heat by the time they had gotten around to eating them, but Ethan didn't care in the least when Corey fed him the delicious treat.

He groaned in enjoyment at the taste of the thick, chewy dessert. Ethan saw the heat rise once again in Corey's eyes and only protested weakly when Corey smushed the brownie across his cheek and down his neck.


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"Sorry, my bad," Corey apologised with a wicked glint in his eyes. Ethan moaned when Corey bent and started to lick him clean. All thoughts of the movie they had been watching flew out of his mind as his brain turned to mush under the expert tongue of his mate.

Corey shifted them around on the couch until Ethan was on the bottom and Corey was leaning over top of him.

Corey's hands made their way under Ethan's shirt. Ethan's back bowed at the exquisite touch, his breathing coming in shorter pants.

Ethan raised his arms up as Corey lifted his shirt, and with a slight amount of wiggling, they had it free.

Corey threw it on the floor before he turned his attention right back to Ethan. Ethan wanted to see his mate and so reached out and took hold of the hem of Corey's shirt before lifting it over his mate's head.

Corey's skin was golden perfection as Ethan swept his hands over the muscled planes. He could see the hint of a treasure trail peeking out at the top of Corey's jeans and wanted to follow that path with his tongue so badly to see where it led.

"Fuck, you're beautiful," Corey rasped from above him, then leant down and took his mouth in another kiss that had Ethan's head spinning from the intensity.

Corey started to kiss his way down Ethan's body


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and when he paused, hovering over Ethan's groin, Ethan whimpered. Corey looked up at him and grinned before making short work of the button fly on his pants. His mate parted the fabric and Ethan's hard dick sprang to attention.

Corey groaned at the sight.

"Shit, do you always go around commando?" he asked, as he bent down and licked Ethan from the base of his cock right up to the tip.

"Fuck!" Ethan swore, as his prick twitched bobbed looking for attention.

"So, do you?"

"What are you talking about?" Ethan asked, confused. "Suck me already."

Corey chuckled then licked him again before

blowing cool air against his newly wet skin. "Do you always go commando?" Corey asked, as he stared at Ethan's dick like it was a five course meal and Corey was starving.

The sound of a phone ringing interrupted them and Ethan groaned in annoyance. Corey shook his head, ignoring the call and starting to torture Ethan again.

"I don't know. Maybe?" Ethan said, as he bucked and writhed on the couch. Corey's hands continued to move over his body, stopping to flick at his nipples every now and then.


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His brain shorted out as wet heat surrounded his prick. Ethan stared down at his mate in wonder as Corey's mouth sank down to the base of his cock then slowly worked back up again.

"Oh." Ethan sighed. His fingers found their way in to the short, silky strands of Corey's hair; his grip tightened as the suction around his cock increased. Corey looked up at him and winked. Ethan tried to laugh but it turned into another groan as Corey quickened his pace.

"Fuck. So good, Corey, can't last," Ethan panted. He could feel his orgasm drawing closer. Just then, the sound of a phone ringing again broke its way into his lust–filled, hazy thoughts and Ethan whimpered as Corey pulled away and knelt up on the couch.

"I'm sorry, Ethan, but that's the tone for Ben. One call I can ignore and hope he just wants to chat, but two in a row… I need to check if it's something serious, then we can get back to what we were doing." Corey reached out to wrap his hand around Ethan's cock and tugged it lightly.

Corey answered the phone. "This really isn't a very good time, Ben."

"I don't give a flying fuck if it's the most inconvenient time known to man. Get your ass round here right now." Tommy's screech came through the line, loud and clear. Ethan could hear him from where he still lay on


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the couch. Corey stiffened and sat up straight, before he quickly put the call on speaker.

"Tommy, what's wrong? Where's Ben?" Corey asked then climbed to his feet.

"He's freaking the fuck out." Tommy paused, as he breathed heavily for a few seconds then groaned. "I need some help here, please."

"Tommy, are you in labour?" Corey asked, surprise clearly evident on his face and in his voice. Ethan jumped up and tucked himself away before he searched for his shirt and pulled it on.

"What gave that away, Einstein?" Tommy paused again then screamed.

"Shit. We're on our way. Have you called Declan and Liam? What about Doc?" Corey asked, as he raced through the house gathering what he needed and they both headed to the car. Corey locked the door behind him, still talking to Tommy as he got in the car and handed the phone to Ethan to hold.

"Liam's out of town, remember?" Ethan looked at Corey as the man swore.

"Yeah, he had to go to the Barossa pack in South Australia to help mediate a new challenge for Alpha or some shit," Corey said.

"I don't need a fucking… play by play. Just get your


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asses… here and deal with the lump… of useless male that is my mate. Declan's on his way but… he won't be able to do anything w—"

A scream tore down the line as Corey drove like a maniac in the direction of the Alpha house.

"Fuck! Declan can't deal… with Ben. I need one of… his Betas and as Liam's… not here, you're up to bat."

"We're on our way, Tommy. Just try to calm down and breathe. I'll call the doc and let him know to expect us."

fucking breathe… this sucks balls. Next time, Ben can carry the cub… He's not getting anywhere near my ass again." The line died just as Ethan heard another scream erupt from Tommy.

Corey chuckled from the driver's side and Ethan looked at him like he'd lost his mind. "You find this funny?" he asked.

"No, but the image of my Alpha heavily pregnant is."

Ethan unfortunately had to agree with Corey. He just couldn't see Ben ever in that state, no matter what Tommy said at the moment.

"Can you search through my contacts, find Philip Carter, and call him for me, please?

"No worries." Ethan searched the phone and placed the call, once he'd found the correct number. He placed the


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phone on speaker once again and held it up close to Corey.

The call connected.

"This had better bloody be good, Corey. I'd just gotten to sleep."

"I suggest you wake your ass up again. Tommy's in labour and our Alpha isn't taking it so well, apparently."

"Shit," the doctor swore and Ethan could hear the commotion through the phone as he got out of bed.

"I'm on my way over there now to sort things out and we'll be to you shortly afterwards."

"I'll be ready and waiting," the doc said, sounding distracted now.

"See you shortly, Phil." Corey nodded and Ethan took that as his cue to hang up the phone. They drove the remainder of the short distance in silence. Ethan's thoughts swirled around, wondering if this would ever be them in the future. He'd never thought of the possibility of kids, but now with Tommy in labour, it was just about all he could think about.

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