Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc (12 page)

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc
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"That's it, baby. Fuck yourself on my dick. Does that feel good? Me spreading you wide?"


Corey Toni


"Oh, yeah," Ethan moaned, as he continued to ride out his pleasure.

Wanting more, Corey grabbed hold of Ethan's hips and held him tightly, stilling his mate's movement. When Ethan whimpered and tried again, unsuccessfully, to move, Corey leaned down and growled in his ear. "Hold still."

Corey pulled his hips back until only the tip of his prick was still inside Ethan and then thrust forward. Ethan cried out obscenities below him and Corey thought his neighbours might hear them if they weren't careful, but then decided he didn't give a flying fuck and loved how loud Ethan was. Corey continued to slam into Ethan. The sound of their flesh smacking together heightened his arousal all the more.

He reached under Ethan with one hand and wrapped his fingers around Ethan's impossibly hard dick. Corey squeezed and that was all it took to send Ethan careening over the edge and into a full blown orgasm. Ethan screamed out his release. He bucked back harder and harder against Corey, obviously not wanting the pleasure to dissipate.

Corey leaned down over Ethan's back and tried to ride out the mind numbing euphoria he felt at Ethan's body squeezing him tightly, but he knew he was fighting a losing battle. This close to the edge, Corey was unable to stop his


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wolf from partially taking over. He wouldn't have, even if he could have. Corey's canines lengthened and he growled a deep rumbling noise that reverberated throughout his entire body. Ethan shivered beneath him and tilted his head to the side automatically.

He thrust twice more, then bit down sharply on the juncture of Ethan's neck. Corey tasted the sweet, coppery tang of his mate's blood and the second the mate bond clicked into place, he was thrown head first into his orgasm, which ripped through his body.

Ethan collapsed below him and—unable to move—

Corey followed him down. Ethan moaned weakly when Corey felt his knot extend from his prick and latch onto Ethan's prostate. He gently removed his teeth from his mate's neck and licked at the wounds until they healed sufficiently.

The sound of a snore from his mate had Corey

smiling at a job well done. Corey knew he should get up when he was able to and clean them up, but he was just as exhausted as his mate. Instead, he rolled them until they were on their sides, Corey spooned around Ethan as he held his mate close.

Corey reached out blindly and managed, without too much drama, to pull the covers over them. Ethan pressed back against him in his sleep and Corey started to


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wonder if this truly was a good idea. Before he could think about it too much, his fatigue caught up with him and Corey gave into sleep—content with the knowledge his mate was with him.


Corey Toni


Chapter 9

Corey sat at his computer in his home office early the following morning. Well, early-ish. They hadn't gotten to sleep until well after three that morning. Corey had been tempted to just lie there and hold Ethan until his mate woke up, but his duty to his Alpha had driven him from bed.

Corey knew he still had some time but he wanted to hack into the national database for births, deaths, and marriages and register Joseph while there wasn't a great deal of activity on the server.

He could more easily hide his tracks when he didn't have a lot of traffic to deal with. That wasn't to say Corey didn't need to concentrate on what he was doing, because he did. He knew he was breaking all sorts of laws every time he did this, but it saved a great deal of time and explanations they just couldn't give.

Corey was so caught up in what he was doing he missed it when Ethan walked into the room. He jumped slightly when Ethan's hand wrapped around his waist and started fiddling with the tie on the robe he wore.

"Whatever it is that you're doing, it can't be so important to get you out of bed this early."

"Ethan," Corey groaned. The thought of his mate in


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bed had him hard in seconds.

"Come back to bed, Corey. I want to be ravished again by my mate."

Corey groaned. There was no way in hell he could deny his mate a request like that. Unfortunately, he had to finish what he had started as he couldn't just get up and walk away. Corey looked over his shoulder and kissed Ethan as his mate leaned down close to him.

"Give me two minutes and I'm all yours," he promised.

"You have one," Ethan said and stepped out from behind Corey to show off his nakedness in all its glory.

Ethan walked from the room with a very pronounced sway to his hips. Corey sat enraptured by his mate until the light laugh broke him from his reverie.

"Forty seconds," Ethan called out as he rounded the corner and disappeared from sight.

Corey turned back to the three computer monitors he had in front of him, his fingers flying over the keys as he worked to finish what he had started. He stood as he pressed the last key and practically ran from the office to his bedroom.

Ethan lay in the middle of his bed, slowly stroking his already hard member. Corey's mouth watered at the sight before him. "What took you so long?" Ethan asked, as


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Corey stood in the doorway entranced by the sight of Ethan's hand working up and down.

Corey grunted in answer to Ethan and worked his way towards the bed, where he smacked Ethan's hand out of the way and replaced it with his own.

"Is this what you were wanting?" Corey purred, as he leaned forwards and licked a path along the vein up the side of Ethan's cock.

"Ah huh," Ethan groaned and thrust his hips. "Why don't you come up here and let me get acquainted with you?" Corey had no problem with that idea and hastily shuffled around on the bed until his legs straddled Ethan's head.

He settled down and pumped Ethan once before

wrapping his lips around the head of Ethan's prick and swallowed him down. He grunted when Ethan's warm mouth surrounded his own dripping dick. Ethan moaned, which caused reverberations to shoot through his cock and down into his body.

Corey increased the pressure and suction and

bobbed his head up and down. Ethan's legs dropped open when Corey's hands lightly caressed the inside of Ethan's thighs. Corey worked his fingers into the crevice of Ethan's cleft and caressed the tight muscles of his opening.

Ethan thrust his hips, pushing his dick farther down


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Corey's throat. Corey pulled back to stop himself from gagging until he only had the head remaining in his mouth.

He flicked his tongue into the slit, gathering the drops of pre-cum at the same time as he pressed his finger into Ethan's tightly muscled opening. Ethan cried out and once again Corey felt it down his length.

As Corey's finger moved in and out of Ethan's body, his hips started bucking faster and faster. Ethan's head fell back as Corey's dick slid from the warm heat of Ethan's mouth. His mate was too caught up in the pleasure he was receiving to concentrate on continuing the blow job. Corey sped up his movements and increased the pressure, as his finger found the one spot inside his mate certain to send him over the edge.

Ethan screamed, "Oh, fuck. Oh fuck. I can't stop it."

Ethan's hips thrust once more before his body stilled and Corey's mouth filled with his mate's seed.

Corey swallowed everything Ethan had to give and continued to flick against his prostate until Ethan bucked and whimpered under him. He pulled off and flipped around until he knelt on the bed by Ethan's head as he fisted his prick and tugged rapidly. Corey knew it wasn't going to take long with as turned on as he felt.

Ethan stared up at him, his lips swollen from sucking Corey's cock, heat plain to see in his gaze as he


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watched Corey.

"Yeah, come on. Give it to me," Ethan said, as he reached out and fondled Corey's hairy balls.

Corey threw his head back and closed his eyes as his orgasm burst from his body. Ethan's groan had Corey looking down to see his cum splashed over his mate's face and neck.

"Fuck. That's sexy as hell," Corey growled.

"Yeah?" Ethan asked, as his ran a finger over his cheek and gathered up some of Corey's release before he brought the finger to his mouth and sucked on in. Corey's dick twitched with the sight.

"Maybe I should walk around like this every day?"

Ethan teased.

"Don't tempt me," Corey said, as he slowly left the bed. He held out his hand and Ethan grasped it. Corey helped his mate up and they made their way into the bathroom. With the mess he had made all over Ethan, his mate needed a shower and if Corey was looking forward to getting the man all wet and slippery, so what?

* * * *

A week later, Ethan sat with Tommy as they cooed over Joseph in the living room of the Alpha's house. Ethan


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was waiting for Corey to pick him up because his car had gone in for its regular service.

"He's so flippin' cute. I just want to eat him," Ethan said, as Joseph's tiny little fingers wrapped around one of Ethan's much larger ones.

"He might be cute now," Tommy said, as he gently bounced his son while he lay in the crook of his legs. "But he's not so cute at three am when he wakes for a feeding then again at four for a nappy change and again at five-thirty because he's decided to start his day before the sun has even risen." As tired as his friend sounded, Ethan could see the love Tommy had for his boy.

Ben walked into the room and pressed a kiss to the side of Tommy's head.

"How are my two favourite guys?" he asked, as he sat down on the other side of Tommy.

"We're good. A little tired, but good." Tommy kissed Ben properly then turned his attention back to his son. "You want to visit with Papa for a while?" he asked, as he gently picked Joseph up, making sure to support his head, and transferred him into Ben's arms.

Joseph cooed contentedly and started playing and sucking on Ben's fingers. A knock at the door was followed by Corey entering with a man Ethan had never seen before.

"Alpha, you have a visitor," Corey announced, as he


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walked into the room. Ben stood to greet the stranger, reluctantly handing Joseph back to Tommy as he did so, before stepping around in front of them, placing his body between them and the unknown man.

"Who are you and how can I help you?" Ben asked, his voice firm. It was obvious to Ethan the man didn't like unannounced visitors in his home and so close to his mate and newborn son.

He was sure Ben was just being a little over

protective at the moment, and Ethan knew Corey wouldn't have let the man anywhere near the house if he didn't have a very good reason from being here.

"Forgive the intrusion, Penneath Alpha Taylor. My trip here had been a little rushed and I was unable to call ahead. My name is Damon Kelly and I'm a lieutenant with the Brisbane police department." Damon pulled out his identification to show Ben then stood still with his hands spread by his sides and his head tilted in submission to Ben.

Ethan was shocked by this news, as apparently was everyone else.

"What is a Brisbane police officer doing in my neck of the woods?" Ben asked, as he stepped forwards and touched Damon on the side of his neck, acknowledging his offer.

"A few days ago, a file came across my desk from


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the Queensland office of Births, Deaths, and Marriages."

Corey stiffened off to the side immediately. Ethan had a bad feeling about this.

"Go on," Ben said.

"It seems their system picked up some unusual activity, and they reported it to as soon as they found the breach." Damon looked around and he could tell his words obviously meant something to them. "Now, whoever this was, was very smart and if not for one little slip, would have gotten away with whatever it was they were doing.

From what my report tells me, they are unable to ascertain what the hackers were looking for in the database. I gave the project to one of my IT guys and asked him to look into it."

Corey snorted, and Ethan had to wonder what was going through his mate's head at that precise point in time.

"My guy is good, but whoever broke in is better.

The only thing he was able to ascertain was the original connection came from this town. He couldn't specify it any further."

"Fuck," Corey swore.

"Greg's a wolf like me and knew what it meant for Atherton to pop up on the radar. He's ready to bury the information that he found and alter it to point to a more generalised area, namely Cairns, if I require. I need to


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know if this is related to pack business or whether I need to investigate and see who in this town is hacking into government databases."

Ben turned to Corey and raised a brow at him.

"How in the hell did you get caught?" Ben asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

Corey winced. "With everything that happened the previous night and that morning, my mind wasn't completely on the job. I was newly mated, Ben. You remember what that was like, plus the lack of sleep from that night. I must have just missed something. It won't happen again." Corey sounded pissed, but Ethan had a feeling his mate was more pissed at himself.

"Well, I guess that answers that question then,"

Damon said, as he smiled at them. "I don't need to tell you how differently this all could have turned out if that file had made its way to someone other than me."

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Corey-Toni_Griffin.doc
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