Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon (35 page)

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She snapped her fingers. A rich gown of the deepest crimson appeared on her. Then she added a snowy white fur-lined cloak to her outfit, and clasped it with a gold jewel encrusted brooch that had been given to her by her mother. She would leave Anwyn with Collin, and instead carry Excalibur. She slipped off of the bed, and grimaced as it creaked. She pulled on soft and supple leather boots that would keep her feet warm and well protected. She checked herself in front of a mirror, and marveled at how much of a winter princess she resembled.

So intent was she on her new quest that she didn’t even realize that Collin had awakened from his slumber. His eyes followed her, as she reached for the scrolls and slipped out the door.


Chapter Nineteen

Molly stared over at her father’s empty throne chair, and tapped her fingers restlessly on the grand Round Table. The council would meet soon, and she would tell them of her quest for Clan Rowan.

Adria slipped into the magically protected circular room first. She sat down in the chair next to Molly’s, and sighed.

“You should be sitting in King Arthur’s place. “ Adria’s voice was dulled by fatigue and worry.

“I shall never take my father’s place. I haven’t given up on him, yet,” she murmured, untying the ribbon that held the scrolls together. The parchment unfolded, and began singing.

The song was loud and beautiful. Images danced before her eyes on the map. Just then a billow of ruby red smoke rose up from the map, and solidified into the form of a dark haired, golden-eyed man. The man sat cross-legged in the center of the Round Table. He wore gowns of the deepest sky blue. Her mouth gaped open.

“Greetings. “ He stared at them, and Molly chanced to glance over her shoulder at the people that were filing into the council room.

“Who are you?” Molly asked, somewhat dreading the answer. Light Bearers and Knights settled themselves around the table. Even though strange occurrences were commonplace in Tintagel, this still made her father’s knights shift uneasily in their chairs. Her Lady Knights on the other hand merely leaned forward and perused the man with unabashed interest.

“I am your guide. The name is Puck. “ He grinned at her.

Molly groaned, resisting the urge to slam her head against the Round Table. Puck. Why had he been sent as her guide? Didn’t Merlin realize that he was a mischief-maker of the worst sort? Hell, even Lachlan didn’t hold a candle to Puck. But she had to be content with what had been sent to her. Like it or not, she needed Puck’s guidance.

“If you are indeed my guide, then you shall be able to take me to the Clan Rowan. They are hidden deep within the Snowdon Mountains of Wales, and I have no way of finding them. “

“Ah, yes, the cursed Clan of Rowan. “ Puck scratched his chin thoughtfully, and turned his attention when the door to the council chamber opened once again, this time admitting Collin. “Haven’t we met before?” Puck tilted his head, and bounced up and down.

Collin stood staring at Puck as if he had grown another head.

“Never mind, I do believe I’m getting my timelines mixed up again. Time can be quite tricky, even with someone as able as I am on the watch. Why, the timelines can branch off in several different directions…the Tree of Time can be awfully hard to keep track of, you know. “

He laughed, and began levitating himself off of the table. “You ask much of me, Lady Pendragon. “ He turned himself around so that he was staring boldly at her.

“You were the one that emerged from the scrolls. I certainly didn’t ask for you, Puck. “

He raised his eyebrows.

“You do have an endless supply of spunky tenacity, don’t you? Ah, yes, so I did emerge from the scrolls…but whether you realize it or not, it was your need that summoned me.


Wonderful entrance, wasn’t it? But alas, I do not come with the scrolls. Nay, I’m merely an old friend of Merlin’s. He asked me to help you…so I took some time out of my hectic schedule by multiplying a few more versions of myself. As it is, I’m spread rather thin right now, if you know what I mean. “

“Puck,” Branden said, magically popping into the room. Adria’s eyes were immediately drawn to him, and Molly couldn’t help but notice how nothing else seemed to matter to Adria when the Elvin prince was around.

“Your Highness,” Puck murmured, standing up in mid-air and bowing so low that he had to do a front flip.

“We don’t need you at the moment,” Branden snapped out.

“You wound me, your highness!” Puck placed his hand across his heart, in a dramatically wounded gesture. Puck’s dark eyes narrowed.

“As I said, the last thing we require is a trouble maker like you around. “ Molly stared from Faerie to Elf and couldn’t quite decide which one seemed to resonate more power. She felt a headache coming on.

“I may be mischievous. But I am certainly not evil. Lord Cardan took something from me recently, and I aim to see that I get it back. I know of this Clan Rowan that you seek; you shall require me to guide you to their inner sanctum. Let’s just say I’m your secret password to gain admission. “

“I, too, know of the ancient Clan,” Branden said, settling himself into the seat next to Adria’s. Collin still stood by the door, seemingly unsure of whether or not to venture further.

“Aye, you know of the Clan Rowan, but have you ever met them? I have. And, if I may be so bold as to remind you, I’ve spent a great deal of time in the human realm. “

“Earth,” Molly muttered.

“Is that what you’re calling it these days,” Puck said, scratching his head.

The mortal non-magical Knights murmured amongst themselves and gesticulated toward Puck.

“I assume these mortals can be trusted with the secrets of magic, or the old ways as you humans might call them?”

Puck stared at Molly and waited impatiently for a reply.

“They most certainly can. I doubt that anything you say would surprise them…we don’t exactly lead normal lives around here,” she answered, darting a curious gaze toward Collin.

“Ah, yes, Sir Collin, the Honorable. “ Puck chuckled. He rose high up in the air and took on the stance of a noble knight. Stars flooded the room, and if Molly didn’t know for certain that it was early morning, with the sun shining brightly, she would have believed that night had suddenly fallen. In a flash of movement, Puck resumed his former position, and cleared his throat.

“Before we set off on our quest to Wales, you must know of a few important facts pertaining to the Rowan Clan. “ He stood up straighter and doffed Oxford professor robes.

“Please, enlighten me. “ Molly waved her hand in an inviting gesture, and leaned forward on her seat. Puck gave her a deep bow, and cleared his throat.

“Where to begin…” Puck started, pulling on the front of his robes. He tried to look stern but gave up after a few moments. Molly missed Lachlan. At least she knew how to predict Lachlan’s next move. In this present game of chess, Molly didn’t know what to do. The next move could cost her a king.


“Molly,” Branden cautioned. Puck whistled, and grinned mischievously. In one blink of an eye, Puck had grown in size and shape-shifted into a red dragon. Molly slapped her forehead.

“Show off,” she muttered, rolling her eyes heavenward.

Gasps ran through the council chamber as knights drew their swords and her Light Bearers summoned their magic.

“Hold,” Molly commanded. If they thought they had been duped then they were way off.

This was only one of Puck’s age-old tricks. Fortunately, they all refrained from attacking Puck.

“Have you never wondered why Arthur carries the banner of the Red Dragon, or wondered why your surname is Pendragon?” Puck asked, billowing smoke out of his enlarged nostrils. He rested his dragon chin on his giant-sized paw, and summoned a large toothpick to pick his teeth with.

Molly shook her head, and stared up thankfully at Collin, when he moved to stand behind her. He rested his hand on her shoulder, and she reached up to clasp it tightly.

“Well, keep wondering my dear, because that isn’t the story I feel like telling today.

Though if you are lucky, I may reveal it before I leave your side. “ He let out another snort and puffed more steam out of his oversized nostrils.

“Puck, I am in no mood to abide your taunting. As it is, you are straining my patience to its limits. “ She thinned her lips into a severe line, and Puck’s dark dragon eyes flashed with just the slightest trace of humor.

“Perish the thought of pushing you to your limit. “ Puck laughed. “Long ago, two families of witches and wizards battled over a magical jewel. This jewel was rumored to hold the power of all living creatures within it. Whoever controlled it would be the undisputed King or Queen of all mankind. It was known as the Jewel of Destiny. But you see, the one family was working for the side of Darkness, and the other was working for the side of Light. A cataclysmic battle ensued that nearly destroyed human kind, one that will be eerily similar to the face off that you will have with Lord Cardan. But alas, one member of the good and true Clan of Rowan had aligned herself with the Clan of Mortryn. Her betrayal did not allow the Clan of Mortryn to win, though it did curse the Clan of Rowan. “ He stopped, took a deep breath and looked toward Millicent. His eyes grew greedy with desire. Molly stamped her foot to gain Puck’s attention once more.

“You speak in riddles, Puck. Would you please get to the point!”

“As ever I do, my dear…as ever I do,” he said, nodding at Molly. “You see, the Clan of Rowan have been cursed to inhabit the bodies of Red Dragons for the rest of their days, which could be for all of eternity. “ Again, his eyes drifted toward Millicent. Molly had almost had enough.


“Yes, it’s a crying shame isn’t it?” he murmured, leveling his gaze on Molly once again.

Shocked cries echoed around the chamber, as Puck nodded his head solemnly. “It is an unthinkable fate to be sure. I can’t say I’d like to stay like this forever…though they do have their moments. “

“Magic has cursed them, so therefore magic must be able to break the curse. “ Molly bunched her hands into fists, as she reflected on the futility of their situation.

“Many have tried,” Puck said, letting out a dramatic sigh. “But to no avail. No one knows what will break the curse, save for the Jewel of Destiny to be found again. “

“Where has it disappeared to?” Adria asked.


“No one knows. Some believe that it has hidden itself, while others believe that it was destroyed during that fateful battle. “

“And the Clan of Mortryn?” Molly asked.

“Vanquished. That was how the curse was placed on the Clan of Rowan. As the Clan of Mortryn lay dead and dying, the remaining few uttered a curse against the Clan of Rowan. The black magic was great that day, and unfortunately the curse held fast and true. “

Puck shrunk, and then shape-shifted back into his human form. “So you see, my dear Mary, quite a trial lays before you. Though I daresay Merlin was right. You shall need their help, if you are thinking of defeating Lord Cardan’s fleet of Black Dragons. “ He nodded his head. “Come to think of it, that is why you need me, I know the hidden magical paths, and without the Lady of the Lake, the crossing shall be marked with dangers. “

“They shall have me,” Branden said, issuing a silent challenge to Puck.

“Yes, of course. But two able magical men are better than one, wouldn’t you say?” Puck seemed to be delighting in the havoc that he was creating. Though Molly had to admit, she’d probably find his assistance invaluable when it came to dealing with the Clan of Rowan.

“You may come with us, Puck,” she declared, as everyone stared at her in disbelief.

Everyone that is, except for Collin. He never questioned or doubted any of her decisions.

Puck slapped his hands in delight. Party hats and whistles from the 21st century appeared on their heads. As the knights sat staring befuddled at the brightly colored hats, Molly cleared her throat.

“On one condition,” she murmured.

Puck inclined his head slightly, and rested his elbow on his knee.

“And that would be?” Puck asked, in a more serious tone. His golden eyes glittered solicitously, as he acted out holding his breath.

“That you not interfere, or play your tricks on us. This is an important journey that we embark upon. We can’t risk messing it up because you decided to be a one faerie show. “ Puck flexed his jaw.

“Aye, it is an important journey. Life changing, actually,” Puck agreed, his hardened eyes softening slightly. “I will not interfere, as long as I deem it wise to do so. “ He waved his hand at Molly in farewell, and then transported himself out of the circular chamber.

“Well, it is a relief that he is gone,” Morganna said, snorting indelicately.

“I heard that,” Puck’s peevish voice said, as it echoed through the chambers. “Just because you can’t see me, doesn’t mean I’m not here. “ Morganna was thrown forward in her chair, as someone slapped her on the back.

“I’m going to strangle you, Puck,” she cried, fully outraged.

“You’ll have to catch me first,” Puck taunted. “And if you can’t see me, you’ll be hard pressed to find me. “

Molly stared at Branden, and followed his eyes, as they traveled around the chamber.

They rested right in front of the grand tapestry of her father garbed in his royal robes. She really had to get Branden to teach her how to see invisible beings. It was one skill that she had yet to master. Elves could see anything. Whether one was living or dead, human or otherworldly, invisible or visible, elves eyes knew all.

“Mayhap, you should get Molly to lock you up in the tower with Lancelot,” Puck taunted gleefully.

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