Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon (33 page)

BOOK: Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon
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“Molly, let me just say this. I’m not perfect…and you’re probably a better person than I can ever hope to be. Just because you’ve told me who I am…doesn’t mean that I’ll just change the way I feel for you. “ He pounded his hand against his chest. “Nothing can change the way that your heart feels, and right now, my heart tells me that I love you. “

Whoa. How could she recover from that earth shattering revelation? He’d struck her momentarily speechless. A thrill raced through her as he kissed the side of her mouth. She wrapped her arms all the way around him. Just before he claimed her lips with his, he grinned and rolled his eyes.


“Be damn the bath,” he growled, pressing his lips hungrily against hers. That was it. She was lost, and there would be no returning from this moment. Not that she wanted to anyway.


Chapter Eighteen

Molly raised her eyebrow as he nibbled at her earlobe. A shiver ran through her and a bright flash of light illuminated the room.

“Bloody hell,” Collin muttered, whirling around to stare at the steaming marble tub.

“I thought I said be damn the bath. “ He crossed his arms, and stared at her with an angered expression that quickly melted away. She raised her arms high above her head, and smiled at his raggedly drawn breath when her clothes simply vanished from her body.

“I’ve decided that I could use one anyway,” she said, smiling coquettishly at him. She loved getting a rise out of Collin. It would never cease to entertain her…though what she had planned for after the bath would entertain both of them, much, much more.

“I was actually looking forward to the excitement of taking your clothes off,” he grumbled. Agile as a panther, she slipped out of his arms and moved toward the bathtub.

“Pity then,” she murmured, reaching for his hand. She caught it and began to pull him toward the steaming tub. Sometimes magic did have its benefits. She knew what she was doing to him, but she couldn’t help herself. Her world was crumbling around her, but she still had the magic of Collin to keep the rest of the danger at bay. At least for the time being, and they had precious little of that. “Why don’t you simply join me?” she asked, watching him crinkle his eyebrows. She snapped her fingers, and laughed when his clothes simply melted away. “Has anyone told you that you’re like a piece of art?” she whispered. His eyes blazed as they drank in the full length of her. If they were going to commit to each other in every way, they had to come to each other with nothing between them.

“You are very fortunate that I have the patience of a saint…if I didn’t, I’d have already tossed you on the bed, and let me tell you…you wouldn’t be giving me any argument. “

A wicked gleam appeared in his eyes.

“Control, Collin. You must learn to rein in all of your vices. “

“Control? You speak to me of control when you’re literally putting yourself on display in front of me. You are murder, woman,” he growled. She laughed.

“Well, I think we’ll both smell better after a bath…. “

“Like I care right now…” he muttered.

Snapping her fingers, she watched as he popped out of existence and reappeared in another tub next to hers. Then she climbed into her own bathtub, letting out a delighted purring moan as the hot water splashed around her body. Heaven.

“Very funny. We could have just shared the same tub. This is not very romantic,” he grumbled. “I still haven’t gotten quite used to yours and Merlin’s tricks. I want to know how to get my powers back…at least then I could fight fire with fire. Then I’d show you. “

“Of course you would…but I’ve got about fifteen hundred years experience on you, and besides, they aren’t tricks. They are magic. Magic is real, tricks are but an illusion. “ Her voice held a bit of impatience and she couldn’t help but throw him a perturbed glance.

“If the other knights knew that I was in their queen’s chambers, I think they’d have a fit.


“They’d probably have your head more like,” she splashed her hands through the water, and trickled some of it over herself.

Collin cleared his throat and stared pointedly at her.

“I’ve already proposed. I can’t help it that you won’t let me make an honest woman of you. “

“Yes, and I’ve accepted. As to making an honest woman out of me…I think I’ve always been an upstanding and honest woman to begin with,” she murmured, leaning her head back and sighing.

“And…” he prompted, giving her an impatient stare.

“And, we can’t announce our intention to marry until everything is settled. But I don’t need to be officially married to you, to know that my heart will belong to you forever. “

“You’re quite the poet when you choose to be,” he murmured.

“Yes…well, I have my moments. Besides, we’re both from the modern age; we could put the cart before the horse if we wanted to. “

Collin snorted.

“Well, I won’t be getting you that red diamond ring from Harry Winston’s that I had my eye on. Where do you find an engagement ring in this time, anyway?”

She tossed him an exasperated look.

“Jewels aren’t everything, you know. There’s more to life than things that sparkle. “

“Well, to be fair, I’m quite close to my family jewels. And I tend to fancy things that sparkle and glitter; why do you think I love your eyes so much?”

She laughed despite herself; sometimes his jokes were so cheesy that they were funny.

“I don’t know what to do,” she admitted after a long silence. Collin stood up from his bath water and wrapped a thick towel around his midsection.

“Do about marrying me?” his voice was gentle, and she could sense him moving toward the side of her tub even though her eyes were clamped shut.

“Nay. I mean, no. Oh, damn. Soon, I’ll be talking like a maiden from King Arthur’s court all the time…won’t I look silly when we return to the 21st century. “

Her eyes flew open, as she heard something move out in the hall. Catching Collin’s outstretched hand, she pressed her finger to her lips. “Shush,” she murmured. He obeyed.

“It is Branden,” a strong voice whispered. She immediately stood up and reached for her towel. She dried herself quickly. With one snap of her fingers the ornate tubs disappeared and a white gown and long blue robe appeared on her body. She raised her eyebrow and clothes appeared on Collin as well.

“I suppose you’re going to make me disappear as well. “ He folded his arms across his chest. She almost expected him to start hitting his chest like Tarzan.

“’Course not. “ She walked toward the door, and then on a whim, turned back to face him.

“Please behave. I know that you and Branden sometimes don’t see eye to eye. “

He opened his mouth to protest.

“I can understand why you sometimes lock horns; you’re too much alike…but still…try to get along, at least for my peace of mind. “

“Always, my Lady Knight,” he murmured, bowing chivalrously.

Her lips thinned, and then without being able to control herself, she smirked. She turned back to the door and whipped it open.


Branden remained silent, but quirked one eyebrow when he noticed Collin, standing behind Molly. He waited for Molly to usher him inside and then handed her the rolled up pieces of parchment he carried.

“Your mother said you might have need of these. They were written by Blaise, Merlin’s scribe. “ Branden tossed Collin a knowing look.

“Aye, I’ve met him. He’s a strange fellow, that one is. “

“These documents have been enchanted, Molly, so take care when reading them. You never know what might pop out of them. “ He cleared his throat.

“I shall. “ She held the ribbon bound parchment in her hands, and felt a thrilling rush run through her.

“I shall retire for what is left of the night. “ Branden bowed, and then turned to leave.

“Branden. “

He turned to face her, and smiled.

“I thought you might have a question. “ She narrowed her eyes. She hated that way of his. He always seemed to know everything before it happened. Rather uncanny, even for her.

“What shall be done with Lady Vivienne?” she couldn’t keep the anxiety out of her voice, no matter how much she wanted to.

“Your mother and Queen Argante are questioning her. Lady Vivienne is miserable. She has realized her mistake. Her self-loathing is quite evident, but that has not deterred your mother and aunt. Merlin is their baby brother; they will not rest until he is found. “

“Then, he isn’t dead?” She held her breath.

“Nay. Even Lord Cardan could not dispose of Lord Merlin so easily. He is only shrouded in the mists for the time being. “ Relief flowed through her being. She fell against Collin, and was grateful for his steadying hand.

“And my father?” her heart jumped into her throat, and Branden’s visage turned sympathetic, as he reached for her hand.

At his touch, she could hear her father’s voice, and hear his laugh. A vivid vision of him appeared in her mind’s eye. Tears welled in her eyes, and she bit her lip to keep herself from making a noise.

“He is not known to us anymore. “ Branden bowed his head respectfully, and murmured a prayer. “I am sorry, Molly. If it is a comfort, I can tell you that your mother still hasn’t given up on Arthur. He may still be alive, though he would have to be perilously close to death, for him to be hidden from our all knowing eyes. “

“Will you be returning to Avalon or Ardara?”

“I shall be staying here. I am needed here. Your mother must still remain in Avalon. I could bind the two of you. It wouldn’t be any problem at all…” His voice trailed off when Molly gave him a stern look. Why did he have to go and bring up the binding? Now, Collin would want to know everything about that old Elvin practice. Although…it could be an answer to her prayers…if she could make herself go through with it. She still felt like telling Collin to run away from her for his own good, but God help her, she wanted Collin with all of her heart.

Branden nodded toward Collin, and Molly’s heart surged. Of course he could. It would be a marriage, at least in the Elvin and Faerie Lands. Branden was a Prince of Ardara and therefore had full right to perform the ceremony.

Molly walked toward her writing desk, and dropped the scrolls of parchment onto it.

“Proceed,” she murmured, tight-lipped.


Collin stared at her dumbly. Of course, she probably should have consulted Collin first but they were living in what had become desperate times.

“What are the two of you talking about…” his words were lost as a brilliant sheen of light enveloped the room. Suddenly, Molly and Collin were facing each other with their hands clasped tightly. They were beneath a blossoming apple tree, and the blossoms fell slowly around them.

Radiant light beamed down upon them from high above. They were in the Summer Lands of Avalon, and its beauty nearly took Molly’s breath away.

Branden floated in front of them, garbed in the ceremonial white robes. He wore his crown atop his head, and two sparkling rings rested in his hands. They were Elvin wedding rings.

“What’s going on?” Collin asked. He shook his head, and reached to pinch himself. She cringed.

“Collin, it’s real…don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself. “

“Real? I feel like I’ve been transported to La La Land. “

“We are to be bonded, or since it’s more understandable to you, we’re being married.

The Elvin and Faerie way. Take heart, dearest, for once we are married, you’ll never be able to escape me. “

Moreover, she’d have more power in protecting him. Once they were bonded, she could make sure that he never met harm.

“You mean, I can’t divorce you,” he joked, as his eyes sparkled like faerie emeralds.

“Well, as long as we amicably part, you may, but faeries and elves never commit, unless they know that it will be for life. Remember, they are magical beings. Everything is revealed to them. “

“So why are you willing to marry a non-magical man like me?”

His question hung in the air.

“You know, I’ve always kept one thing secret about myself,” Collin remarked, eyeing her intently. “I’ve always hungered for magic. I wanted to be magical so badly. That way, I could escape the world my mother had made for me. I couldn’t stand all of those fake .... “ His voice trailed off as he locked gazes with Branden.

“And here I thought your secret was that you were an agent for Her Majesty’s Secret Service,” she joked.

“Well, that too. “ He gave her a playful wink. “But why do you think I tracked down the Avalon Diaries in the first place?”

“So that you could learn how to become a wizard,” she deduced, softly squeezing his hands. It still amazed her how the call of magic had reached out to Collin.

“But now, since I’ve spent time with Merlin, I’ve discovered that magic isn’t everything.

Love is. And you can’t obtain true love through any sort of spell. And yet, I found you anyway.

She couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. Collin was humbling himself, and in such an eloquent way.

“When I met you, I couldn’t stand you, and though there was something about you that set my heart on fire. You brought true magic back into my life, Collin, and as long as we are together, the possibility of you being magical is a reality. You will come into your own one day, I promise you. “

“You and Merlin have showed me things that I haven’t imagined possible. “


“It wasn’t magic that freed Vivienne,” she pointed out. “In some ways, you were blessed to have your magic bound. “

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