Midnight Curse

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Authors: Faellin Angel

Tags: #death, #destiny, #paranormal, #religious, #short story, #werewolf, #curse

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Midnight Curse

Midnight Curse

Book Two in the Midnight

By: Faellin Angel

December 2014


All rights reserved. No part
of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
mean without prior permission of the publisher except for the use
of brief quotations in a book review. This book is fiction and from
the imagination of the writers. No part within is fact or contains
facts. All names are fiction. Please do not copy this book but
purchase your own. It is illegal to obtain copies except by

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There are many people who
have made me the author I am today. Without their help, input,
advice, and edits I would never have grown. I can definitely see
the difference between now and when I first started to write. Every
new story is a step forward for me. Every edit I get, is a lesson

My personal friend and usual
editor, Kathy Ree, can tell you I can be a bit stubborn or
forgetful about certain things. When she read my first book, I was
astonished at all my errors, but I felt deep within she’d be good
for me. This time, since I’ve sent her a book there were probably
only as many errors or suggestions as there were on page one of my
first book. I definitely think I’ve progressed.

So Kathy Ree, I wish to
thank you for all the times you stepped in and saved the day. You
are a beautiful woman, full of compassion and honesty, and I love
your sense of humor. You are one of the most special women I’ve
found in my journey in becoming a published author. I hope that
this journey we are on, finds both of us infamous and on the
beaches of Maui together, sipping Daiquiris. I can totally see us
comparing notes while being on vacation! So literary sister, I bow
to your genius!

Also I’d like to thank my
good friend, J.L Cooper, for his tremendous work on my plethora of
covers. Not once has he abandoned me! You can find him on my
Facebook scaring the crap out of me with his pictures of spiders.
Keep up all the good work my friend!

There are just a few more
that I’d like to thank for their support and willingness to stand
by me through the last few years. My idol, my role model, and
literary genius Nathan Squiers, who has taught me many things,
stood with me in dark times, gave me the courage to be myself. To
Deidre Frost, who always takes the time to read my manuscripts and
point out my mistakes, encourage me to be me, and loves me as much
as I do her. To H’deel Batnij who gave me the chance to work with
her as she began her literary career. She is one of my closest
friends even though we met online. These three people were
monumental in my rise in my literary world. They gave me the things
I needed to continue when I thought I was done. You guys are


Many of my books were
proofread and edited by a dear friend of mine. Unfortunately, she
could not do so with this book. Crissy Rearley, I know you are
looking down on us from heaven and shaking your head. Did you ever
know you were loved this much? Did you think your life had made
this big of an impact on some people, strangers, or people you knew
but never met? Your name will live on in the hearts of many people.
You made so many of us happy.

There were so many days I
woke up, ate, and got straight on the Xbox to play one of our
games. That was what made gaming so epic for me, not the game, it
was the people with whom I played. I never got along with female
gamers, until you. We went from one game to the next, having the
time of our lives as we had many adventures, mining away until one
of us fell into a lava pit or was attacked by a monster. We’d all
panic and run for our lives, laughing as we did.

Shooting each other or the
other team was a total chaos, but the most fun I’d had in years.
When you accepted me onto your team, We Suck Don’t Shoot, I felt so
happy. I fit in it perfectly. I totally sucked at that game and you
guys never once said anything. So many times we planned, tried
different strategies, and your voice got us working

It won’t be the same gaming
without you. It won’t be the same going over my books and having
you right there pointing out ways to make it read better. You got
inside my head and knew exactly what I was trying to

Wherever you are, heaven or
standing by each of us, please know that I truly enjoyed having you
in my life. Your humor, kindness, honesty, and character will be
forever in our hearts and minds. RIP Crissy Rearley. With wings,
you now have the winning advantage in every game you ever


In Midnight Omen, a story of
loss and destiny twine together, to start a journey that one girl
may not be capable of surviving.

Born and raised in the deep
woods and swamps of Georgia, Angel Tala has run as wild and free as
the wolf. When her Grandpa, her sole provider, dies, everything
changes. Having never left her small world, she suddenly finds
herself the only one capable of protecting and providing for her
small, bereft family. Because her Pa has abandoned them, Angel
knows that without her they would starve.

Using the hunting skills her
Pa and Grandpa passed down to her, she sets out. She is the hunter
and night is her playground.

In all the time Angel has
hunted and fished, she has never found anything out of the
ordinary. It was just a swamp and her home. That is until, under
the light of a full moon, she fishes out something truly beyond her
wildest imagination: a man, half dead, who she pulls out of the
river and into her lap.

The man recovers enough to
tell her that his name is Abel. There is something about him that
Angel doesn’t trust, yet she is attracted to him just the same.
Abel is a conundrum to her.

Making a hasty decision, she
accompanies the man to his home. No sooner does she get there when,
overwhelmed and beyond confused by her feelings, she

An unexpected turn of events
sets in motion her destiny. A jealous and territorial she-wolf,
bent on killing Angel, takes her by surprise and tackles her, right
out of the boat and into the river. A battle of wills, claws, and
fangs leaves Angel on the brink of death beneath a murky

Midnight Curse

Book Two of the Midnight

Part One


Before this very moment,
there was absolute nothing. It was as if I had not existed. Had I
been dead? Was I alive now? What had happened to make me

A monumental amount of time
seemed to pass me by, but it was all the same. It stood still.
Nothingness was all that I was, and nothingness was all around me.
I could not feel and I could not sense anything. All was dark, and
the darkness was all I had. No body, no voice, and no me, which
made me wonder if I was nothing more than a soul.

At first, I was just a
little anxious. Something inside told me that this was not how it
used to be, how it should be, and that it would not always be this
way. For now, the sinister nothingness was where I existed. No
senses, only thought. I was alone, with only my thoughts for
company. No pain, no mourning, no wants or needs. It was just
absolute nothing. It would have been almost tranquil, aside from my
ever-so-slowly mounting panic.

I was not small or large,
corporeal or ethereal. I just…was. I did not question this. There
was no need to. Nothing mattered to me other than the idea that I

After some time, maybe a lot
or maybe not so much, I felt I was not alone. Something was coming,
and it was not something I could deny or ignore. Its existence was
much more than my own.

Do you know what has become
of you, dear Angel?

It was speaking, or
thinking, to me and yet I did not know this Angel. Was it
something, or a who? Was I an angel? I only knew that I had not
thought that or spoke it. Nothing had spoken. I could not see it,
but I knew it existed.

Yes, you are Angel, but not
an angel. Yes, I am communicating with you.

Is that what we were doing?

There is much for you to
know and so little time. Just pay attention and try not to get

I would do my best, but I
could not guarantee this. I waited, a little impatient.

You were and are Angel. You
are now in Purgatory.

Purgatory is where… I knew
this. Purgatory was where the dead went when they had died! Which
meant I was unfortunately now dead, but since I could not remember
my life, how was that unfortunate?

Yes. You died, Angel. Yet
you still exist, as does your body. At this very moment someone is
doing their best to keep your body going. They can save you and you
can continue as you were, but not as you are.

I don’t remember what I was.
Only what I am.

That is not the point. You
have a choice to go back. You will not move on until you’ve made
the decision.

Where would I move to should
I decide not to go back? There were more questions than answers,
something that seemed to matter little to me at the

I can only tell you that
once you decide. You would be judged and then the decision would be
made. For now, you have the chance to go back.

Did I want to? Why couldn’t
I remember? Was there a reason I should choose to go

Someone is doing everything
in their power to keep you with them. There are others who would
wish for you to stay with them, if they knew you were

Who are they? Where were
they? How come I can’t remember them?

I’ve said too much already.
The decision must be yours. I cannot say nor do anything that might
affect the decision in the least.

Who are you? More questions
and not enough answers.

I am no one. I am nothing. I
am everything. I am the living essence from which life and souls
are derived.

You are God?

I did not know how I knew
this word, but it was familiar. It was as if I had forgotten it
until the entity with me had spoken.

No and yes. I am not God. I
am the thing that humans have labeled as God and misjudged. I am
the beginning. I am the end. I am the thing you would return to
someday. The thing you came from. I am life and death. I am the
cycle of life. I am animal and human, both and neither, and mother
and father. I am one with the air, fire, water, earth, and I am

Instantly I understood.
Instantly I knew that I loved this being. I knew this being loved
me. I also remembered. Bits and pieces flickered within my
thoughts, with no rhythm or rhyme. I had never chosen God, or a
Goddess, before I had died. I had only gone along with my elders
with whatever they’d chosen, but I had never fully immersed myself
into it.

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