Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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still don’t quite understand why this breathtaking, gorgeous man wants to be
with me but at this very moment I’ve decided not to care. If we can manage to
be together privately then my past won’t interfere with his future and we can
love passionately in the night and work professionally in the day. A frown mars
my perfect morning as my thoughts drift to the reality of that possibility. The
is I’m no good for him. I’ve gotten lost in all of Colin’s
complications and forgotten my own. So what if he learns to trust me, when I’m
keeping the secret of a lifetime? I could destroy him and his long-sought
position. I can’t lose sight of that again.

day at a time, Charlie
, I repeat my mantra, promising myself if I have to I
will leave to save him, save the position he has always dreamed of having. I
won't be the reason he isn’t elected president.  

light filters in through the suite’s window, so I’m unable to gauge the time.
Trying not to disturb Colin I slide slowly out of bed, grabbing his discarded
shirt from the floor, slipping it around my bare shoulders to ward off the
chill in the air. A shiver rolls up my spine while I walk to the window,
curious to know how much snow layers the city streets. Missing his heat, I wrap
my arms around myself for warmth, loosening my grip only to push back the thick
curtain. I stare openmouthed at the sight before me. Holy cow, it’s still
snowing. Now it’s falling at a forty-five degree angle, heavy sheets of winter
white marring visibility out of the window. The streets appear empty, the city
brought to heal by a blizzard.

arms slide languorously around my stomach pulling me back into a wall of muscle
and the hard weight of his erection.
And good morning to you too Mr. McKenna
I smile as he leans in, kissing and nuzzling my neck while my hands smooth over
the bare skin of his hips. Oh, I like naked Colin.

I murmur, rolling my head back to his shoulder to open myself to his lips and
teeth. It’s so nice to wake up with him. Who am I kidding? It was so nice to
spend the night with him. I giggle. His head lifts, removing his soft lips from
my neck, turning me around to face him.

funny, Charlie?” he asks, his right eyebrow lifting in question.

what that stare does to me
. My groin clenches in response. “I was just
thinking about last night,” I say, my smile faltering as his eyes darken.

eyebrow rises even further. “Last night was
?” Oh shit, did I wound
his ego?

find this
?” He pushes his erection into my abdomen, rolling his
hips into me.

I would never…” I can’t think, let alone form words when he does it again just
as his mouth descends to capture mine. I’m lost in the sensation of his hard
body welcomed into the embrace of my soft curves. We fit. Inexplicably, this,
whatever it is, feels right and true and honest.

love the devastating pace of his lips, licking and biting into me with a
desperate need that’s mimicked in his rumbling moan. The sound awakens a new
and what I’m beginning to know as an insatiable need. With the palpable
intensity flowing easily between us, I can pretend he needs me as much as I
need his touch and the now addicting pulse punctuating to life between my

legs weaken, knees buckling under his tongue’s masterful assault. Tightening
his arms, he holds me closer while his mouth continues to defend his honor.
Stumbling backwards, I assume he's taking us to bed but he stops mid room,
lifting my butt onto the end of an empty desk pushed to the side of the window.

sets me down, and then relaxes into the now familiar space between my thighs.
The length of his penis teases as he rubs against me.  I whimper and he
smiles the sexy-ass smirk that tells me he knows exactly what he’s doing, and
he does it again and then again. Each time my whimper grows until I’m begging
in a panted breath.

. . .”

laughing now, baby?” He taunts me as the head of his erection collides with my
clitoris. My body jerks from the pleasure elicited by his. I want to touch and
taste him. I want to drive him wild, so wild he loses the ability to speak and
think. So wild the raw passion he stoically jails behind his eyes is set free.
My teeth find his nipple as my fingers play and pull at the other that’s free
of my mouth.

hardens under my touch, and I feel his answering groan pulsing at the apex of
my thighs. I peek at his face through my lashes; his lids are heavy and the
blues beneath them molten and dark. Flicking my tongue, I lavish and then suck
with untamed passion. His eyes close and his mouth opens on a jagged breath. If
nothing else, I’m an equal opportunity giver, so I bestow the same attention to
his other nipple. He tastes divine, a heady mixture of sweat from our escapades
last night and Colin’s intoxicating musky, male scent. I moan, taking him
deeply into my mouth.

he pushes me down, yanking his shirt out of the way so I’m exposed, open and
vulnerable. “I want you, Charlie.”

I’m yours,” I respond without hesitation. He’s devastatingly sexy as he towers
over me, long fingers caressing my inner thighs and then running over my wet

ready, baby.” The smirk is back, but there’s a level of pained need sharpening
the edges there and in his eyes. I want to erase that smirk and busy his mouth
with mine, feel his tongue flicking the hardened ridge of my breasts and take
in the biting sting of his teeth.

always ready for you.” I lift into his hand as he teases me again and I respond
in kind. My fingers brush over the sculpted, hard muscles of his abdomen,
lowering until I find the equally hard and ribbed width of his pulsing
erection. A shutter rolls through us at the same time. His heavy length
throbbing between us elicits an equally strong pulse within me that demands

need you,” I whimper. It’s true; he’s the only man I would allow to touch me
and taunt me in this way.

my hips, he pulls me onto him and sinks in inch-by-agonizing-inch, burying
himself so deep I can feel him against my core. His control is astounding. The
unhurried, deliberate penetration destroys all other thought; there is only
Colin and I connected, thrumming together perfectly. When he throws his head
back, groaning, I know he feels it too.

he hisses and rotates his hips, sinking in even deeper.

Colin . . .”

want more; I want everything, I want him.

moves, maintaining the slow, calculated pace for only a minute before his
control slips.
. Pounding into me, he sets an impassioned rhythm.
Tipping my hips up, he slides in and out, deeper than he was before, creating a
slow burn.

Christ.” He curses under his breath and fists my hair, as if I’m responsible
for his punishing pace.
. A burst of air ricochets around the
silent room, his chest rising and falling under the shear force of his body’s
answering movement.

eyes snap together as the pleasure broadens, stretching my limits, just as he
does. Mind and body, I open to allow him in, holding him figuratively and

he pants out, pulling my head up to take my mouth in his. Lust blurs the line
between reality and passion. Instinct takes over. Our bodies move together at a
frantic pace, driving forward, molded together, pitching upward and into the
other, only to violently unravel.

Charlie. You make me crazy . . .” Both of his hands grip tighter into the soft
flesh at the curve of my waist. The pads of his fingers sink in to hold me
still as he pounds into me one . . . more . . . time . . . and I’m gone.

I cry as my thighs quiver. I tense, and the first ripples of my orgasm grip
him, rolling in tight, singular waves. And when it’s more than that, when it’s
more than I can take: my whole body rocks with it, arching off the table and
deepening our connection.

grows thicker, harder, pushing the boundaries of my body and my sanity before
calling out my name. My orgasm pulses on and on as he escapes his own reality,
lunging in wild, feral thrusts. Claiming every ounce of my pleasure, he takes
it and demands more. His fingers sink in to bruise, a welcome reminder of the
place where desire and need collide into an intense explosion. His erection
swells and he bursts into liquid heat, his orgasm exploding around us, hot and

onto me and tucking his head against my neck, he pants harsh breath onto my
chest. I wrap my arms around him, my legs still gripping firmly, not allowing
him to break contact.

pass, too many to count as we lie together still connected. I don’t want to let
him go. Eventually he lifts his head from my neck with a small sated smile on
his lips.

so fucking sexy, baby.” His grin broadens at my shyness and I try to hide my
head against him. He moves a hand to force my eyes to meet his. “I love to
watch you come.” His voice is serious, sensual and he dips to rub his nose
against mine before continuing. “I love the quick draw of breath you take just
before it hits you and the soft moan that escapes when you cry out my name. But
most of all, I love that I make it happen.” My cheeks heat as his gaze roams
over my face and then finds mine again. I can’t look at him when his eyes are
this steely, midnight blue that makes me hope for a future I can’t have, so I
pull him down for a gentle kiss.

quickly for my liking he lifts away, holding his hands out to help me up. He
leads me to a huge, modern bathroom, dark wood and deep gray slate tile lining
the walls and floor. Turning on the shower, he lets it run hot before pulling
me in behind him, the multiple showerheads ensuring both of us are warmed
immediately. I can’t believe I’m in the shower with Colin McPerfect McKenna,
running my hands over his wet back and down to squeeze his delicious rounded
butt. He turns around with a grin brightening his gorgeous face, dipping his
head to my lips again.

can’t get enough of you, Charlie,” he says into my mouth as his tongue touches
the tip of mine. Just as I’m about to grab his hair in my hands he pulls back,
and I can tell immediately playtime is over. His eyes have grown serious and he
gives me one last chaste kiss.

my back?” His smile is shy as he offers me the soap and turns to grab the
shampoo. I giggle. “With pleasure, Mr. McKenna.” As he starts washing his hair,
I lean on my tiptoes to kiss his shoulder, resting my head against his back as
the water cascades over us for just a minute, enjoying the feel of him. It’s
amazing how my life has changed in one week. I’m a different person, no longer
feeling like a girl. I’m a woman, a strong, sexy, happy woman. Yes, happy,
happier than I’d ever thought possible. I smile and wrap my arms around his
waist, squeezing him to me.

my head, I slowly begin to wash his broad shoulders, the muscles rounded and
defined. I don’t know when he finds time to work out, but his body is proof he
does. Taking a few moments to run my soapy hands over and under his arms, I
move to the hard expanse of his chest, rolling my fingers over his nipples,
mimicking what I did with my mouth not that long ago. A low sexy grumble rolls
in his chest and I can’t help the silly grin that has yet to leave my face.
He's so hot. The width of his smooth back narrows at the waist, curving gently
into his firm backside. I spend more time than necessary washing his hips and
the sleek plains of his butt, just because I can. The warm suds from the
shampoo rinse over my hands as I rub into him, his skin smooth and wet. He
turns his head so I can see from his profile he’s grinning too.

what you see, baby?” He chuckles while I keep washing.

I murmur. He is a fine specimen of the male body at its best. To stop his
laughter, I reach around to his stomach and wash his sculpted abdomen and
slowly sink further down to wash him thoroughly. His head tips back, and he
inhales sharply as my fingers are meticulous in their duties, running over his
length, around and down between his legs. I squeeze him lightly, playing with
his testicles. I don’t tease him for long, sinking to my knees to wash from his
hard thighs to his feet.

when I’m done, I wrap my arms around his waist, pushing my cheek against his
wet and freshly cleaned back. “Mission accomplished,” I whisper into him as his
hands wrap around mine on his stomach. Colin turns in my arms, his eyes dark
when they find mine, hands rounding to my back to pull me against him. His wet
chest is pressed tightly against my breasts as he bends down slowly, his lips
hovering as I reach my hands into his wet hair to pull him the last inch to my

slow and sensual in his assault, teasing me with his tongue until I’m
breathless and my knees threaten to buckle beneath me. He begins to lift his
head to break away but I’m not ready to give him up. A last-minute decision has
me jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist, pushing myself against
him. He laughs into my mouth, his arms automatically circling my backside to
hold me so I don’t fall. I smile too, my lips quickly kissing him on the mouth
and then his chin, moving to his stubbled cheek. I lean away to look at him,
cognizant of my body pressed deliciously into him as the hot water from the
shower washes over us. His eyes are dancing bright with amusement.

you really have to go?” I pretend-pout, my bottom lip pushing out like he does

leans in and takes it between his teeth, gently teasing before brushing his
lips against mine. Sighing he says, “I do. For a little while this morning to
meet with John and Evan. The weather has certainly changed our plans so we have
to get our schedule adjusted.” He rubs my back suggestively. “Then I’ll come
back to keep you company.”

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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