Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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I say forcefully.

I didn’t do anything,” he says indignantly, throwing his hand in the air like a
petulant teenager.

eyes squint a fraction. “I know what you’re doing, Mr. McKenna and I’m very
nicely asking you to behave yourself,” I reprimand.

face changes to that of an innocent man held prisoner for a crime he didn’t
commit. I laugh, shaking my head as I look around quickly, taking stock of our
surroundings. Sitting up, I note we’re relatively alone in the cabin, Evan
facing another direction dozing while listening to music, and the Montgomerys
in the conference room. I turn quickly, grabbing his hair roughly while pulling
his mouth to mine. His shocked eyes are the last thing I see before our lips
meet. Sighing into him, our tongues playfully connect, and I ease back slightly
so he can nip and suck my bottom lip, gasping when he grabs it between his
teeth in a teasing tug.

passion ignites between us quickly as our playful kiss turns to burning need.
Colin drags his breath in quickly, pushing me into the back of the couch and
sneaking his hand up to my breast, squeezing it. Even through the sweater and
bra my nipple responds ardently to his touch, springing forward. His thumb
grazes over it through the material, and when he pinches it between his fingers
I almost lose myself in him. I try not to groan, knowing we’re not far from
being caught. His tongue becomes more insistent in my mouth, trying to tame my

back at the same time as I push against his hard chest to break the contact, I
try to pry away from his insistent lips and arousing fingers.

sorry, please,” I beg in a whisper.

brow creases. “Sorry?” He sounds unsure of the word. “Sorry for what?”

I got you going,” I pant, my breath still trying to slow.

smiles a glorious, slow smile. “It doesn’t take much with you, Charlie,” he
whispers, picking up my hand and bringing it to his lips. His eyes are wicked.

his cheek gently, I repeat my earlier missive. “Behave.”

miss.” He takes on a very professional tone. “How may I help you?”

roll my eyes, a laugh on my lips. “I’d like to go shopping for a new dress when
we land.”

right eyebrow rises, a look I love. He's so devastatingly handsome. “Charlie,
you could wear a potato sack and be the most beautiful person in the room.”

roll my eyes again as he pulls back a little. “You really have no idea how
gorgeous you are, do you?” Shaking his head when I don’t respond, he says,
“Charlie, you’re a stunning, beautiful woman.” He pauses as if time will form
the connection between his words and my brain.

skin is a creamy, translucent perfection.” Running his hand down the side of my
face, he travels along my throat to the open V-neck of my sweater.

breath hitches.

My name is a sensual whisper on his lips. “Your body is a tantalizing plain of
dips and valleys, tormenting even the saintliest of men.” Colin’s voice is hot,
his stare hotter as his hand roams over the curve of my breast, blazing over my
stomach, hips and finally my thigh.

if all of that wasn’t enough, your face is exquisite. Full, pouting lips.” He
groans and closes his eyes while he says this, opening them again to continue.
“I love to kiss those lips, suck and bite them.” His fingers are now stroking
my mouth.

my dear Lord, I'm going to combust; he is so unexpected.

decadent, almond eyes are the color of the Emerald Isle on a bright, clear day.
Men would cross oceans to be with you; I would cross continents and swim raging
seas to be with you.” My breath catches and I stop breathing all together, my
eyes growing large. His are serious as he leans in, closing them as he captures
my mouth in a breathtakingly passionate kiss, pouring his feelings into it. My
hands lift to cup his cheeks, holding him to me, our lips moving together in a
sweet dance, a perfect union.

he breaks free, leaning his forehead against mine to allow his breathing to

was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me,” I whisper.

the truth, baby.” His hand rises to hold one of mine cupped to the side of his
cheek. I close my eyes, reveling in the moment, our foreheads leaning together.

later we’re interrupted by the captain announcing our approach. Colin stands
first, holding his hand out to me for assistance as I rise. Dropping down into
the recliner I slip my seatbelt in place. He holds my hand from the chair next
to me, his eyes studying me intently.

Colin. How is it possible for us to end with a happily ever after? I close my
eyes as the jet’s engines rev for landing, the pull of the plane slowing
considerably and causing my stomach to fall again. He knows this is my least
favorite part of flying, so my sudden gloom is no doubt attributed to that


coordinated a car to take me to a beautiful area for shopping, a quaint village
housing many small boutiques and some larger more mainstream stores. I wanted a
new dress to feel beautiful for the occasion. He tells me all the time I’m
gorgeous; it’s still something hard for me to believe after years of insecurity
and doubt. Tonight I want to really feel it, to feel beautiful, and I’m pretty
sure I found just the thing to help with the endeavor.

went on to the hotel to greet his parents and spend time with them. I’ll meet
them all for a cocktail before we move on to Blake’s this evening. My stomach
churns at the thought. I’ve never in my life met the parents of a lover. Well,
I haven’t really had a lover before, so there weren’t any parents to meet.

gravitated to a small boutique. When I walked in, the owner, Rebecca, who is
also a designer, greeted me. I instantly liked her; she was about my age,
dressing in a style I could appreciate. The only thing I did was describe the
event, and she brought me two dresses. Both were stunning, one was

over an hour after arriving, I’m on my way back to the hotel in shock. I spent
a small fortune on a dress I never thought I would buy, slightly outside of my
comfort zone but sexy as hell. I don’t want to be late so I head directly to
our room for a quick shower, scrubbing my hair clean and adding a good heavy
conditioner. I’d like to blow it out smooth, which takes a long time given the
amount of hair on my head.


stare at my reflection in the mirror mollified by the person before me. My hair
was a willing partner today and it falls in Veronica Lake waves down one side
of my face—albeit an auburn Veronica Lake. The other side is pulled back,
hanging artfully over the shoulder, leaving my back bare. My make-up
compliments the hair, a neutral eye shadow with a hint of color in the corners
to accentuate the almond shape. The drama comes from a long sweep of black
eyeliner reminiscent of a fifties bombshell; not overly done, just the right
amount to highlight my eyes.

dress is somewhat reminiscent of the era too, with barely-there cap sleeves and
an open oval neck gracing my collarbones. It dramatically plunges in the back
to a deep V ending at the curve of my waistline. What makes it unexpected is
that it’s made from black buttery-soft leather, skimming my curves snuggly to
the end of the pencil skirt ending just above my knees. Two exposed zippered
pockets flank my hipbones. I choose a neutral four-inch heel from my bag, given
that the dress is the show stopper. 

I bend to grab my clutch, I notice a box on the bed next to it, one I don’t
remember seeing prior to my shower. Leaning against the small red and gold box
is a note, my name on it written in Colin’s elegant hand.  


You are
incomparable, unparalleled in beauty and purity.

When I’m with
you I leave aside my doubts and mistrust.

Don’t ever


Shit. I’m thrown completely by his words. He wants me to stay, of that I’m
sure; but as what, as we are now? I’m so confused. As sweet as he is, I don’t
understand the meaning.

I pick up the box, rotating it to look at the intricate gold scrollwork on the
outside of it.
. Shit. Anything at Cartier costs a fortune. Oh
Colin, what have you done? I gasp and my heart stops beating all together as I
try to comprehend the content within.

a cuff bracelet in the shape of a panther, the head and body of which are
completely encrusted in diamonds. The eyes are brilliant emeralds and the nose
black onyx. I can only stare open-mouthed at it for ages. Colin. Sweet,
generous Colin.

care I lift the weighty bracelet from the box; it’s stunning, absolutely
breathtaking. Slipping it on my wrist, I wonder at the beauty of it and what it
means. I know he wants me to wear it tonight and I’ll do so for him. Tomorrow
we’ll have to talk about this and his note.

in the mirror one last time I run my hands over the leather skirt, my new
bracelet shooting shards of light everywhere. I don’t know what his reaction
will be to the dress or to me in it, however I feel every bit the sophisticated
and sexy woman. With one last glance in the mirror I turn and grab my black
velvet wrap, heading for the elevator to meet Colin’s parents.


at the entrance to the bar I’m suddenly transported back to the first night I
met Evan and Colin for a drink. We shared our first kiss that night; closing my
eyes I remember his passion for me even then. When I open them, I’m drawn to
Colin standing with his body turned toward the door. The McKennas are sitting
before him in two plush chairs, their backs to the entry. His face is relaxed,
the remnants of a smile touching his lips. One of his hands is held casually in
the pocket of his black slacks, white shirt tucked in with a belt wrapped
around his waist. A silk magenta tie hangs artfully from his neck.

heart-rate accelerates at the stunning picture; closing my eyes again I take
long, deep breaths to calm my suddenly erratic nerves. When I open them, Colin
is privy to my arrival. His casual stance has changed, eyes no longer light,
but deep and smoldering as he drinks me in, jaw clenching tightly as he remains
in place. My body responds, pulsing from the unmistaken lust emanating from his
burning gaze. I’m immobilized, barely breathing now watching this lithe,
outrageously sexy man move my way, his look, his hunger, unbelievably for me.

very deliberately, very slowly studies every inch of my body, taking in the
sleek leather hugging my curves and the glint dancing sporadically from the
bracelet suspended on my wrist with hidden meaning. My heart moves from a
volatile thrumming to a thud, pounding indelicately.

he holds his hand out to me as his eyes reconnect with mine. When we touch the
electricity reverberates through my body, the physical confirmation of our
ever-present connection growing stronger with each passing day. His fingers
squeeze mine as I carefully walk down the three stairs that is the entrance to
the bar and into his waiting arms. One hand grazes the side of my hips as his
other, still holding mine, lifts it to place a sweet kiss on my fingers, in
direct opposition to the heat radiating out of his eyes. There is nothing sweet
about this look.

he whispers.


are absolutely stunning.” Leaning in, I think he’s going to kiss me but he
whispers in my ear, “You have no idea how badly I want to be that dress right
now, cupping your breasts, stroking every inch of your satin skin. I will have
you tonight, Charlie, take you for the torture you’ll inflict upon me for the
next six hours.” His lips glance over my cheek as he pulls away.

stare wide eyed and unmoving.

promise you.”

yes please. I like his threats and I like his promises even more.

I want to introduce you to my parents.”

tug against his hand before he can move me from the spot, his brow rising
quizzically at my purposeful delay.  

you for the bracelet, I . . .” His finger hovers over my mouth before I can

please. Charlie, I’m not very good with words or expressing myself.”

not true; you do it every day.”

sad smile lifts his lips. “That’s in a different context. With you,” he
stumbles for words, in effect making his point, “I want you to know you’re
different, special to me in a way I can’t articulate. Please accept my gift and
know I want it to be yours, more than any other.” I tilt my head in confusion.
He wants me to have it
more than any other

leans in, brushing his lips against mine as he strokes his thumb over my
knuckles. I wish we were alone to talk, and who am I kidding, so I could have
him now. When I look into his eyes I know he feels the exact same way.

lifts a hand to my cheek, running his fingers from my temple to rub over my
bottom lip. “Later, baby. I promise.” Oh Lord, his look and his promises have
my heart falling out of my chest and my groin aching.

He leads us the short distance to his parents. He rounds to face them, pulling
me over to his side in the same spot he was standing in moments before. His
hand moves to rest on my waist, leaving mine open to greet his parents, their
eyes widening at his fingers now gently kneading my hip. I blush, and consider
moving away from him, but I need his comforting touch to stifle my nerves.

McKennas stand gracefully, his father an elder version of Colin with bright
blue eyes, tall and handsome.

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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