Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1) (48 page)

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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down the hall I bump into Ian, who is bringing in last-minute groceries from
the car outside. “Hey, Char, you look like nice.”

Ian. Do you need some help?”

don’t you help Mom? She’s struggling with some recipe in the kitchen.” We
laugh; Mom always struggles with recipes in the kitchen.

I round the corner she has her head stuck in a recipe book.

can I do, Mom?”

Charlie, thank goodness you’re here. Can you figure out what this means?”

Why don’t you let me take care of the baking? That way you can check something
else off of your list.” She’s trying to make my gram’s favorite chocolate cake,
something she struggles with every year.

honey. I have so much to do before everyone gets here at one.” She heads out
front to tell Dad where he should place all of the tables in the yard.


everything is done; the yard looks beautiful, with lights strung from the trees
surrounding the perimeter of the front. When the sun falls, they'll brighten
the space.

tables wear white-and-red checkered table cloths, with daisies in low vases in
the center of each. My dad has set up a makeshift bar on the far side of the
house, and his business is already booming.

ago, everyone arrived. Gram was so surprised she cried, and now she’s
surrounded by fifty members of her family and friends who love her. She’s
having a great time.

taking a self-induced time out. The party just started but I want some time to
myself so I walk down by the water to make sure the fire pit is ready for
s’mores later. The lake is peaceful. It’s too early in the season for all of
the speed boats and skiers, and there are only a few pontoons floating lazily
around the lake. The water is rolling gently into the beach, coloring the white
sand a dark beige when it gently laps further up the shoreline. It’s very
soothing and for a moment I fall into a trance, not thinking about anything,
just enjoying the warm sun and the familiar call of the lake.

a moment I realize the voices that were at one time loud with laughter have
dulled to a low hum. Turning to find the reason for the change I search the
crowd. My mom’s hand is over her open mouth, as if holding in a gasp. My dad is
plain old shocked, his eyes wide behind his round glasses. Gram is smiling,
awe-struck, the look mirrored on many of the faces surrounding her. Some of the
women fan themselves, mouths open. I have seen that look before and I know who
has caused it.





a beat; I know it’s impossible for Colin to be here, yet it’s
natural for my brain to go there. He’s basically all I've thought about since I
left him at the airport three days ago.

turn to look at me and my skin tingles. What the hell is going on? My gaze
sweeps to the side yard where my brothers and Ali are standing, a knowing smile
plastered on her face.

heart stops beating; my lungs refuse to draw in air. I’m in the state between
waking and sleep, where dreams are vivid and real. A shy smile lifts the corner
of Colin’s mouth as he casually saunters toward me. Gram, along with everyone
else, is staring in shocked silence at the newest guest. He’s wearing jeans
that hang from his hips, with a casual, white linen button-up shirt tucked in
loosely, his sleeves rolled up to the elbow. This is how I picture him in my
mind: relaxed and smiling.

wind plays with his hair, loosening the usually perfect style and messing it so
he looks like a runway model. The only thing different than my dreams are the
flip-flops he’s wearing on his feet. My dream Colin has never worn those
before, but he looks good, really, really good.

eyes glow as he approaches, searching into the depths of my shocked stare.
Stopping just in front of me, his eyes move from relaxed to concerned in an


his hand out to touch mine, the electric current that runs so strong between us
is there, shivering and humming as if it’s a real entity even before we

his hand finally makes contact, the current sends a shock directly to my heart
and it beats once again. I inhale deeply, the manikin come to life. In one
instant I move from standing stock-still, staring at a dream, to throwing
myself into his chest, my arms wrapping around his neck as he picks me up so my
feet float in the air. If I were dreaming, surely I would have fallen flat with
the force I used to reach him.

my face in his warm neck, tears stream out of my eyes in heavy rivulets. I’m so
happy Colin is here; he’s been the only thing missing all weekend. I feel him
against me, I smell his musky scent, I hear his breathing against my ear, but I
can’t believe he came here for me. My Colin. My sweet, sweet Colin.

hands rub my back, holding me close, the heat of his body and fingers
quickening my already racing blood. My hands pull and caress the hair at the
nape of his neck, luxuriating in its softness. I inhale deeply, filling my
lungs with his intoxicating scent, reveling in all things Colin. I’m a starving
man in a desert and he, my oasis. His lips brush my ear and cheek with light
kisses as he holds me tight.

had forgotten about the party until this moment, and now I’ve decided I don’t
care. Lifting my head from the crook of his neck to look him in the eyes, I
ask, “You’re really here?”

low in his chest, he says, “Yes, I told you I need you. I couldn’t wait an

all semblance of thought, and without caring who may bear witness, I pull him
to me, my lips seeking solace in his. One of his hands caresses my cheek as his
mouth molds into me for the shortest moment, the air heady and sweet with
reunion. Pulling from me before I’m ready for his withdrawal, he leans his
forehead against mine to steady his breath.

missed you,

close my eyes to digest his words and his presence. We continue holding each
other for untold moments.

you going to introduce me to your family?”


throws his head back and laughs, a real, heartfelt laugh that makes me smile
along with him. Kissing me swiftly, he lowers me to my feet. I wobble a little,
but he keeps his arm around my waist to steady my gait.

really know how to surprise a girl, Mr. Sex Machine.”

laughs again; how I love that sound. It brings me joy to see him so relaxed and
happy. Yes, he’s happy, and I am too. Ecstatic is a better word for how I feel.

our connected hands closer, I hold them against my stomach to caress his bare arm
with my free hand. His eyes are animated, a mix of amusement and heat as they
remain locked with mine while we walk toward my parents.  

know every single pair of eyes is watching us as we approach, and I’m sure they
saw our reunion on the beach. My face is permanently painted scarlet. I can’t
help but look at him as we walk; it’s amazing to me he’s here.

take Colin to my parents first. Both my mom and dad are waiting for us, awe
stuck on their faces.

Dad, this is my boyfriend, Colin.” The words are easier to say than I’d
thought. Colin looks at me happily, his grin broadening.

my parents, Keith and Anna Carter.” Pride rings true as I make the

very nice to meet you. Charlie has shared so many wonderful things about you
and your family.” He breaks away from my parents to look down at me, his smile
breathtaking. “I hope you’ll forgive me for the intrusion today.”

mom finds her voice. “Oh, it’s no intrusion at all. We’re so happy you were
able to come. Colin, you’re welcome in our home anytime.” Her face flushes as
she says it.

can’t help the silly grin that won’t leave my face. Leaning into him to lay my
head on his arm, our hands are still fiercely held together.

you, Anna. That’s very kind of you.”

is relaxed and engages my parents in conversation effortlessly, helping to make
them comfortable. My mom mouths to me,
He’s so cute
as she fans herself.
I smile grandly, mouthing back,
I know
and squeeze myself into his side
as I do it. Colin looks down at me, a warm, carefree smile on his face.

next. Not waiting for me to find her, she walks over to meet him—this ought to
be interesting. Beautiful Ali and gorgeous Colin standing in front of one

this is my sister, Ali.” I give her a warning glare to behave herself.

face unchanging, he remains congenial, offering his hand to her. “Ali, I’ve
heard so much about you. It’s very nice to meet you.”

isn’t interested in shaking hands, leaning on her tiptoes to give him an Ali
Carter special. His face registers surprise when her arms wrap around his neck
in a firm hug. I’m holding one of his hands, so he gives her a one-handed loose
pat on the back. While reaching up to his ear Ali whispers something quickly,
but I can’t hear it. Colin doesn’t say anything, only smiles and nods at her in

and Colin don’t get to chat, as Sammy and Ian are close behind. I take Colin to
meet my grandparents next; they’re sitting at a table with my dad’s brother,
George, his wife, Mary, and their children. My cousins are speechless.

Grandpa, this is my boyfriend, Colin,” I say it for the second time and it
sounds fitting now, exhilarating.

now, you’re a handsome one, aren’t you?” Gram says while staring unabashedly.
“Charlie, girl, you sure picked a fine man—took you a while to find him, but he
looks worth the wait.” I flush a whole new shade of crimson.

laughs, an amused smile spreading on his gorgeous face just for her. Taking her
hand gently in his, he says, “Happy birthday Mrs. Carter.”

me Gram, everyone does.” Her eyes twinkle.

Carter.” Colin nods as he takes my grandfather’s hand in his.


takes a while to complete the introductions, as everyone wants to meet him; I’m
sure for two reasons. One being I’ve never had a boyfriend before; secondly,
and most importantly, because it’s Colin McKenna. At last I steal him away to a
wooden swing partially hidden from view by my mom’s garden. It faces the lake,
the sun high in the sky glinting bright streaks of light off of the water. I
hope the semi-seclusion will allow us a private moment where we can have a
drink and talk, hopefully alone for a while. I haven’t let go of his hand the
entire time he’s been here, and he hasn’t asked for it back either.

begins to push us softly with his foot so the swing glides in the air. Pulling
my knee up onto the bench, I fold my ankle under me so we face each other.

can’t stop smiling.”

reaches over to my face, his thumb running down my cheek in a soft caress. I close
my eyes, reveling in his touch. His lips touch mine briefly, as he surprises me
with a kiss. They’re soft, supple and responsive as I mold into him. His breath
washes over me as we move together slowly, enjoying the sweet connection. I
have to restrain myself from jumping on him.

want you so badly,” I confess, my voice strained from desire.

eyes heat immediately and he chuckles. “We’ll have to find a place to escape

reminds me. “You brought things to stay here, right?”

didn’t want to presume, so I booked a room at a hotel.”

panic, shaking my head strongly. “No, you can’t leave me. You have to stay
here, please.”

again. “If you want me I’ll stay.”

always want you, Colin.” I use the words he said to me not so long ago. His
eyes heat and darken, his thumb rubbing my knuckles gently.

was wrong.” I say it out loud, even though I meant to keep the thought to
myself. I’ll have to explain everything now. “I had a hard time picturing you
here at the cottage, with my family. I’ve thought about you so much; everywhere
I went I wished you were with me. When I’d try to imagine you here it was hard
to picture you in this simple place.” I wave around the yard filled with my
family, layered with homemade and homegrown things. “You’re so larger than
life, Colin; when you’re onstage or on TV, in front of hundreds of people, it
reminds me of how important you are.” His brow creases and his face hardens, so
I rush on. “Now I see you here and I realize you fit. You fit with me. You’re
perfect here and with my family.” I finish, my hand squeezing his harder as I
reach my other one up to his cheek to smooth the rest of his concern away.

heart has begun to beat faster because of his heated stare. Colin brings our
foreheads together, resting there for a moment before he rubs his nose back and
forth gently over mine. “I belong wherever you are, Charlie.”

lips part, opening to take in a deep, sharp breath—it’s my only response to his
unbelievable statement. Before I can process a thought, his mouth swoops down
to capture mine in a breathtaking kiss, our tongues reuniting at last in a
decadent homecoming. The fingers of my free hand grip the short hair at the
nape of his neck. His tongue explores my mouth as if to reacquaint himself with
the once familiar territory. I groan, pushing into him, my hand in his hair
drawing him closer to me. I want him badly.

responsible, he breaks away, moving his forehead back to rest on mine as we
resist the urge to run for the cover of the trees. Our heightened breathing is
indicative of our desire and his lips find mine in a fleeting kiss.

is a beautiful spot,” he says, to distract us both, I think.

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