Midnight My Love (27 page)

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Authors: Anne Marie Novark

Tags: #betrayal, #historical romance, #regency, #regency romp, #alpha male, #traditional regency, #reunion story, #second chance at love, #friends to lovers, #secondary love story

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Damien frowned. "She's not my mistress, damn
it! That affair has been over for a year or more. But no, I didn't
explain. If Alex loves me, she'll have to trust me."

"I agree, but the circumstances were against
you. No woman wants to share the man she loves. What do you intend
to do now, my boy?"

"I thought I was at point-non-plus." He
smiled. "Garrett Fleming suggested I sweep Alex off her feet. So
I've come up with a plan, and I believe I have it all worked out.
All I need now is a special license. That's why I've come here. You
must know a bishop or two. I certainly don't--I haven't gone near a
church in years."

"And what makes you think I have?" asked

Damien lifted an eyebrow. "Surely, you know
someone high up on the ecclesiastical ladder?"

His aunt cackled with mirth and patted his
hand. "You know me too well, nephew. Let me think." She stared out
the window for a moment. "Yes, I do know someone who will serve our
purpose. Roland Williams joined the clergy after I rejected his
offer in my first Season. I believe he's a representative for the
archbishop here in London. I'll give you a letter of introduction
and you'll have your special license in no time at all."


Late one night at the end of that
interminable week, Alexandra was up in the observatory trying
unsuccessfully to focus the telescope on the northern quadrant.
Rain had threatened earlier in the evening, but the clouds had
blown away leaving the skies crystal clear. Perfect weather to view
the heavens. Or it would be if she were able to adjust the lens to
her satisfaction.

After numerous attempts, she finally gave it
up. No matter; her mind wasn't on her work anyway. All she could
think about was Damien. She felt like shouting to the world that
Demon Avenall loved her and only her. He had not spent the night in
Marcella's arms after all. Nor had he made improper advances to the
servant girl, Lucy. How she had misjudged him!

Smiling to herself, she picked up the
slender brass telescope from the workbench. She took it to the
window and peered through the lens. It was a powerful instrument
for one so small. Damien would surely miss it. Perhaps he would
return to Willowmede to look for it. The telescope was one of his
most prized possessions. He wouldn't give it up without a thorough

Lowering the telescope, Alex held it against
her heart. She ran her fingers over the smooth, cold metal. She
must see Damien as soon as possible. Maybe she should go to London
or Avenall Abbey. She could write to Robert. He would know where
Damien had gone.

Alexandra wanted to feel Damien's arms
around her again. She wanted to see his eyes darken with passion.
She longed for the smile that transformed his face, erasing the
cynical expression he habitually wore.

The large metal hinges on the oak door
squeaked, and Alex slowly turned to see who had entered the
observatory. She expected Mrs. Tolles coming to scold her into
going to bed. It was nearly midnight, and the housekeeper had taken
it upon herself to see to Alexandra's welfare since she was alone
at Willowmede this week.

Alex's breath caught in her throat and she
nearly dropped the small telescope. There on the threshold stood
Damien. His topaz eyes raked her from head to toe. Alexandra's
heart pounded and she thought she might faint. He looked wild and
untamed, his gaze intense--as if he intended to devour her in one

Her cheeks grew hot, her palms sweaty. He
had looked at her exactly like that, all those years ago. She had
been so frightened of her brother's dangerous friend. Frightened of
the feelings he aroused in her heart.

She wasn't frightened any longer.

"Alexandra. . ." He spoke the one word--half
question, half command.

Instantly, she flew across the room and into
his arms. Damien held her in a crushing embrace, drawing her
against his body. His mouth came down on hers, bruising her lips,
kissing away the hurt.

Winding his fingers in her hair, Damien
tilted her head back. His tongue invaded her mouth, and Alex
submitted gladly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged
him closer, leaning against his hard frame.

Suddenly, Damien wrenched his mouth from
hers and grasped her shoulders with strong hands. He looked into
her eyes, his breath coming in labored gasps. Sliding his hands
down Alex's spine, he tightened his grip and held her close, her
head pressed to his chest.

After a moment, Alex heard a rumbling from
deep within him and realized he was laughing. She pulled back and
stared up at him.

Kissing her nose, he grinned. "I can't tell
you how relieved I am at this reception, my love. I thought you
would still be angry with me, that you wouldn't even speak to

"The battle's not won yet, my lord," she
said, pushing him away and standing before him with arms crossed.
"How dare you send my thesis off to the Royal Society after I
expressly told you I didn't want to submit it! That was the most
arrogant piece of high-handedness. . . I shall not stand for

"Who spilled the beans?" he asked,

"I don't find it amusing," she warned.

"Come, Alexandra. How did you find out?" he
asked soberly.

"I received a letter from
Sir Joseph Banks and the Royal Society. He said my thesis will be
published in the Society's next volume of
Philosophical Transactions
Naturally, I'm thrilled with the acceptance of Papa's theory. But
to go behind my back after I expressly told you I wasn't ready--it
My father's
. It was up to me to send

Alexandra stood with smoldering green eyes,
indignation stamped clearly across her brow.

"I apologize for my arrogance," he conceded.
"But I'm not sorry I sent the thesis. It truly is a remarkable
piece of research. You give your father all the credit, but you put
in five long years of hard work. Would you ever have sent it?"

"That's not the point," she said.

Damien advanced toward her. Alex retreated
until her back was against the wall. He took her in his arms and
she halfheartedly pushed him away. His eyes bored into hers as his
lips possessed hers once again.

After a moment, he pulled back. "Confess,
you may never have found the courage to send the thesis. It's where
it belongs and you know it."

Alex clasped her hands around his waist.
"Damn you, Damien Avenall! I know it is. I can only hope it helps
someone locate whatever it is that's pulling the George off course.
Not that I intend to quit looking myself."

will continue the search
together, Alexandra. I still want you to marry me. In fact, I
insist upon it."

Smiling, she traced his jaw with a gentle

Damien seized her hand and kissed her
fingers hungrily. "I told you once, you were playing with fire," he
said, his voice ragged with desire. "I love you, Alexandra. I want
you. Don't make me lose what control I have. God knows it's little
enough at the moment."

"I love you, too," she said softly. "Why
didn't you tell me you hadn't spent the night at Nugent Manor? Why
didn't you tell me you loved me then?"

He gathered her closer, causing her to gasp
for breath. "I was a fool. I've been a fool a thousand times over.
Remember a long time ago, when you accused me of betraying the
friendship we shared? I also felt betrayed, because you'd grown up
to be so beautiful." He smiled as her eyes widened in disbelief. "I
thought I could never be friends with a beautiful woman. I despised
myself for my obsession with you. But I never forgot the first kiss
I stole. That kiss haunted me. As you've haunted me all of these

She placed her finger over his mouth. "We've
both played the fool, then, haven't we? I, for not looking past
your reputation, for not realizing why you acted as you did. That
kiss haunted me too, Damien. I tried to forget it. I even tried to
believe I could marry Carlisle. But I loved you. I've always loved

Leaning back, he sat on the workbench and
pulled Alex onto his lap. Damien buried his fingers in her hair,
holding her head with his strong hands. He covered her mouth with
his, deepening the embrace as she eagerly returned his kisses.

Damien stared at the emerald eyes shining
with love and desire. How had he gotten so lucky? He laughed and
hugged Alex closer.

"What's so funny now?" she asked, hugging
him back.

"I've had a hell of a week," he said. "I've
traveled halfway across the kingdom and back, and it seems I've
made many unnecessary arrangements." He kissed her throat and the
sensitive skin of her collarbone. When her breath hitched in
response, he returned to her mouth to taste her again.

After a few enchanting moments of decadent
delight, Damien felt her hands pushing against his chest. "What
kind of unnecessary arrangements?" Alex asked, eyeing him

"Promise you won't be angry, my love?"

When she nodded, Damien kissed her nose
again. "I'm afraid I'm guilty of another piece of arrogant

"Such as sending my thesis without my


She looked at him with wary eyes. "How

"It's all Garrett's fault." Damien loved how
she felt in his arms. How good and right. Why had he fought the
truth for so long?

"Garrett's fault?" she asked, at a loss.

"Yes, Garrett. He told me to do something
romantic. He said women liked to be swept off their feet." He
smiled at her astonishment.

"I wasn't aware Garrett was an expert on
feminine desires."

"He has five sisters," Damien explained.

"I know. I was at school with two of

Damien kissed her quickly. "I was desperate,
Alex. You were so angry when I left."

"And?" she asked, unsure of what she was
about to hear.

A knock on the door interrupted them.
Garrett Fleming stuck his head into the room.

"Garr!" Damien shouted. "What are you doing
at Willowmede?"

Garrett beamed. "Knew you'd be surprised.
Couldn't let my best friend tie the knot without me, you know."

Damien shook his head. "I thought you were
on your way to Spain."

"I was, but I decided the war could wait a
few days." He stepped into the room. "The vicar is ready. In the
library." He winked broadly at his friend.

Alex jumped off Damien's lap. "The vicar?
What's going on?"

Damien pulled Alex close again. "Thanks,
Garr. We'll be down in a minute."

Garrett grinned and went away.

Damien gathered Alexandra in his arms again.
Her eyes sparkled dangerously.

"What is the vicar doing here at this hour?"
she demanded. "And Garrett Fleming, for that matter?"

"I didn't know Garrett was coming. I
certainly didn't invite him," he said, innocently.

"And the vicar?"

Tightening his hold, he
murmured in her ear. "You
want to marry me, don't you,

"Yes, but . . ."

"You didn't want a large wedding, did you,
my love?" he asked, kissing her behind the ear.

"No, but . . ."

"I was only trying to be romantic."

"What have you done? Tell me at once," she

"I have a special license in my pocket," he
said. "Robert and Jenny are waiting downstairs with the vicar. Oh,
yes, and Garrett, too."

"Waiting? I don't understand."

"Waiting to celebrate our wedding, of
course. And Mrs. Abernathy has spent the whole day preparing for a
midnight wedding feast. You wouldn't want to disappoint Mrs.
Abernathy, now would you, Alex?"

"Certainly not," she said.
busy, haven't you? And quite certain of the outcome to this
romantic venture of yours?"

Damien crushed her slender
body against his hard one. "I'm certain of only one thing," he said
huskily. "I love you . . . I want you . . . and I can't live
without you. And
you love me, I see no reason to wait. We've wasted enough
time already, Alex. I want to make you mine as soon as

Alexandra wrapped her arms around his neck,
molded her body to his and gazed into the golden eyes she loved so
well. "Then let's not keep the vicar waiting any longer, my sweet,
wicked, Demon."




Author's Note

Dear Reader,

Midnight My Love
, Alexandra and
Damien spend many hours in the observatory at Willowmede studying
the wonders of the night sky. Alex is a serious astronomer; Damien
is more of a hobbyist.

Since the beginning of time, man has been
fascinated with the stars and the planets. Ancient astronomers
studied the heavens and noted common characteristics of certain
celestial bodies that led to the discovery of Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Saturn and Jupiter. For centuries, these five planets (and Earth)
were the only ones known to exist in our solar system.

In 1781, the famous
British astronomer, Sir William Herschel, discovered the seventh
planet using a telescope. He named it
Georgium Sidus
after his royal
patron, King George the Third. The name was not popular outside of
Britain, and in 1850, the George was renamed Uranus as suggested by
the German astronomer, Johann Elert Bode.

Almost immediately after its discovery,
astronomers determined that the new planet's orbit was erratic, and
the race was on to find the cause. This was the data Alexandra so
meticulously collected on those long nights in the observatory.
This was the subject of the thesis Damien sent (behind her back) to
the Royal Society.

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