Midnight Runes (The Bestowed Ones) (11 page)

BOOK: Midnight Runes (The Bestowed Ones)
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The look Landon shot me told me I was in big trouble.

“Uh, see ya later,” was all I could manage and hurried back to Elyse in our little corner of the garage.

“What was that all about?” she prompted, taking a bite of her pizza.

“Emilee’s going to supervise Landon—by my accidental suggestion no less, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to pay me back for that.”

“I would.”

“Yeah, well, I said it was a mistake. Let’s take these little guys over to the trailer after we finish our pizza and get out of here.”

As we dropped off the last of our finishing touches for them to assemble, Landon said, “You should stay here and make sure they’re put in the places you want them.”

“Just put them in according to the sketches,” I said.

“Don’t have them handy.”

“Oh, uh, just put them where they look good. We’re going inside to see who needs extra help.”

“We need help right here.”

“Yeah, but it’s going to get crowded soon. You know what they say…too many cooks in the kitchen…spoils…something. Anyway, we’re needed in the house. Bye.” I gave a short wave and pulled Elyse away.

She leaned close and whispered, “It doesn’t take a psychic to predict he’s going to get you back.” She gave a quick look behind her, and we heard Emilee directing him what to put where. I cringed. “Yeah,” she said, “he’s definitely going to get you back.”

“Did you want her ordering us around? I didn’t think so.”

We ended up helping Adrienne and Lauren attach kitchen gizmos to a super-duty umbrella frame for Inspector Gadget’s gadgets. Then we moved on to painting boxes for the Transformers’ bodies. With six of us painting, we were done in no time. Nichole and Brooke insisted they didn’t need our help finishing Rainbow Brite.

I guess I didn’t look convinced. “Really, Brynn. Starlite is drying outside. We just have to put glitter on these 3D stars. Then we’re done.”

“Alright. I guess we’re free to leave then.”

“Didn’t you want to go see if the guys need any help outside?” Elyse teased.

“Not really, Elyse, but thanks for asking.” I turned to Nichole and Brooke. “See you girls tomorrow.”

This time Elyse didn’t text on the way home. “So, all that’s left to do is finish attaching the items Saturday because of the game tomorrow night.”

“Yep. And I think they have enough people for that,” I said.

“I think so too. I’ll check with Adrienne tomorrow just to be sure. The hallway decorating isn’t until two weeks, but I don’t want anyone upset.”

“Well, other than her Highness, of course.”

“It goes without saying.” She reached to turn the radio up. Either she was thinking of Jared or thinking of saying something I didn’t want to hear.

Before she opened her door and stepped out, she said, “Be sure to let me know how it goes.”

“How what goes?”

“His payback for sticking him with Emilee.”

I groaned. “Thanks for reminding me.”

She closed the passenger door with slightly more force than necessary and walked to the garage to punch in the code. She didn’t look back.


he next morning, I got ready in record time, anxious for what the day would bring. I dashed from my car to the school entrance, from the entrance to my locker, and from my locker to first hour. I couldn’t even say how many of us were in class. I focused straight ahead, on Mr. Lewton. Yes, I wanted to avoid Landon. There were plenty of things that could sabotage my plan, especially since we had so many classes together or next door to each other. And close lockers. I bit my lip. I could skip my locker after school and eliminate that possibility. And we had the same lunch hour, but there would be plenty of people around our lunch table.

My best chance to avoid an encounter with him was to bolt as soon as the bell rang in a half hour. I ran the risk of him waiting for me if I lingered in the classroom until a minute before the start of second hour. He could deliberately wait just outside the door, waiting to pounce.

The bell rang, and I hurried for the door and turned the opposite direction I normally went, taking the south staircase. It was a longer route to my next class, but worth it if I didn’t run into him.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I finished the last few steps without anyone calling my name. It was too soon, though. I nearly ran into Landon when I cut to my right.

“How did you—”

“I get the feeling you’re avoiding me.”

I scoffed. “That’s a little self-absorbed, don’t you think?”

“What’s with all the rushing around this morning?”

“I…didn’t want to be late for class.”

“What was Mr. Lewton’s lecture about today?”

“What does that have to do with—”

“Just tell me. If you know, then you were paying attention, instead of calculating ways to avoid me.”

I couldn’t remember enough of today’s topic to form an intelligent sentence.

“That’s what I thought. What has you so distracted that you don’t pay attention to your favorite teacher?”

How could he know me so well? Now
felt self-absorbed. He didn’t seem angry or upset with me. Just a little smug. “I was expecting some sort of retaliation on your part. Something unpleasant and uncomfortable.”

“First of all, that’s not anything you can dodge by avoiding me. Secondly, thanks for bringing that up. I did want to ask you about your plans for tomorrow.”

“My plans?”

“Yes. Did you have any?”

I couldn’t predict where this conversation was going, and I couldn’t think of what I had planned for tomorrow. “Nothing specific,” I said slowly.

“Great. I’ll pick you up. We have the rest of the float to assemble.”

Crap! I jumped on the cautious train too late. “Oh, actually, I’m all done with that.”



“Because the way I see it, the float’s not done,” he said.

“That’s because it’s in your hands to finish.”

“I think you owe me this for the way you set me up last night,” he taunted.

“I didn’t do it on purpose,” I admitted.

“You even backed out when I offered a way to redeem yourself. It’s only fair you suffer along with me.”

“I really don’t think—”

“You can bring Elyse if you can convince her to come too. I’ll pick you up. See you at ten-thirty.” He walked away, not giving me a chance to create an excuse.

Now I had to figure out how to bribe Elyse to go. Maybe she would if I just begged her.

Lunch arrived, and I found myself sitting next to her as usual. Landon hadn’t arrived yet.

“Hey, have you talked to Adrienne? About needing help?”

“I did, and they could use us,” she said coldly.

Perfect! “Could you drive this time?” That way, I’d only have to tell her if he refused to meet us there.

“I thought you already had a ride lined up.”


She gave me a look. “Landon. I ran into him before school today. He said that I’d missed you and that you seemed in a hurry to get to class. Then he said he’d talk to you about Saturday and that you guys would drive together.”


“Didn’t he talk to you about it?” she asked.

“He did, but I was trying to go with you instead.”

“Brynn, that’s not nice to cancel plans on someone last minute,” she scolded.

“The plans were made last minute! And they’re more entrapment than anything else. You’re seriously not going to help me with this, are you?”

“If the only thing he requires is to drive you to and from Emilee’s, then that’s not a harsh punishment.”

She did have a point. But on the other hand, she would say pretty much anything to get me to spend time with him.


checked and rechecked the driveway, anxious for his car to arrive. I made sure I was ready early, just in case he was early. It wasn’t like it would be with Elyse, where she could come in and chat with my parents or follow me upstairs while she waited for me to finish getting ready. I planned to dash out of the house as soon as I saw or heard his car.

“Honey, you’re driving me crazy,” my mom said as she came up from downstairs, carrying a stack of small decorative wreaths. “Why are you so anxious?”

“Just don’t want to be late.” I grimaced. Geez, I was using that excuse a lot lately. I wasn’t really good at making stuff up on the spot. I had no idea how other people were so good at it.

“Could you help me put these down real quick? I’m worried I’m going to drop them before I make it to the kitchen counter.”

“Sure.” I took half from her and walked behind her into the kitchen.

Of course, that’s when the doorbell rang. I froze.

There was no way I could beat my dad to the door. I heard Landon introduce himself and say he was here to drive with me today. My stomach flipped.

My mom leaned in and said, “A boy? So
why you’re so nervous this morning.”

“No, this is what I hoped to avoid this morning,” I grumbled.

I heard my dad invite Landon into the house. I hurried to the foyer, with my mom following closely behind. The four of us stood in uncomfortable silence. Well, me at least. I could feel my parents exchanging inquisitive looks as they looked between us. Ugh, not them too.

“Landon’s a newer student who’s helping on our float. It’s only on a technicality that I’m driving with him today,” I added.

“What does that mean?” my dad challenged.

“It means it’s payback for something I did at the other party. Elyse was in on it,” I added bitterly.

My parents had a laugh at my expense, not even knowing the entire story. Landon shifted his weight, looking entertained.

“Landon, where did you move from?”

“New Mexico. My dad was recently relocated.”

“Wow. That’s a pretty big move. Adjusting to the cooler weather? Michigan can have some pretty harsh winters.”

“Yes. I think we moved at a good time. Fall will help break us in for winter. At least, that’s what we’re hoping, anyway.” He looked comfortable and confident.

I had to get him out of here before my mom insisted he come back for dinner. Of course she loved Trevor, but by her thoughtful stare, she wasn’t opposed to supporting a new relationship.

I walked to the screen door, my body language clearly saying we were leaving. I picked up my shoulder bag and said, “I’ll call if it gets too late. We’re aiming to completely finish it, and it will take all day. See you later. Love you.”

“Alright, sweetie. And it was nice to meet you, Landon. We always encourage boys to be gentlemanly when picking up our girl, and you certainly are.”

“It’s just a ride, Mom,” I said dismissively.

“Thank you, and have a wonderful day, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson.”

I couldn’t hold in a snicker, but I was able to refrain from lashing out at him in front of my parents.

“Laying it on a little thick, don’t you think?” I said as I buckled myself into the passenger seat of his black Cadillac CTS Coupe.

“Your parents are nice.”

“They are pretty great,” I agreed. “You really didn’t have to come to the door. I was watching for you to pull up in your fancy car.”

“Sitting in my fancy car and honking is not my style. Besides, don’t you think they want to know who you’re taking off with?”

We fell into silence as he turned onto a main road. I didn’t want to admit he had a valid point.

I snuck a sideways glance in his direction, and he looked amused. It bothered me that he was entertained by my irritation. It just made me more irritated.

“What is it?” I demanded.

“You think
is my retribution?” The way he asked it, I realized it was too good to be true.

I felt my cheeks turn red. “I did up until just now.”

“I don’t know whether to laugh or be insulted.” I heard the surprise in his voice.

“Care to expand on that?”

“You think spending twenty minutes in a car with me is payback for two hours of Emilee ordering me around?” I winced. Not from his voice—it wasn’t harsh at all, but from the thought of spending more time with Emilee than necessary. That was definitely more painful than spending time with him. “Or do you think I’m so boring that I’d be satisfied with convincing you to help out today?”

“I guess I didn’t look at it that way.”

“I guess I’ll have to make it completely obvious, Ms. Honor Roll.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“I’m not sure yet. Although driving together may do the trick, if it’s that torturous for you.” He was quiet a minute. “Arriving and leaving together will frustrate several people at once. That may be enough for me to call it even.”

“Several people?” I shook my head. “Just Emilee. And I didn’t realize you’re such a vindictive person.” My mom might have to take back her gentleman comment.

He looked at me incredulously. “Some of the guys, Brynn. I get the impression they’re intimidated by your last boyfriend. Emilee will be annoyed, but that’s typical.”

Was the conversation actually going in this direction? I barely wanted to talk about this with my parents, let alone another guy—who, by the way, I’d never had an intense, personal discussion with and was in all likelihood involved in the reason Trevor was distant. On top of my current mortification, I was exasperated at the immaturity of my “peers,” as Landon called them. “Intimidated? That’s part of the reason I don’t date anyone in our grade.”

“What’s the other part?”

“It’s my own rule,” I said. I couldn’t vocalize the other part. It was embarrassing. And slightly upsetting.

“What’s your reasoning?” he pushed.

“There has to be interest,” I said and left it at that.

“If that’s what you think, you’re wrong.”

“It’s just weird to me. Being in the same classes year after year…it’s too much time together. Then how awkward is it if you break up and still have to see each other?”

“The guys think Trevor’s not totally out of the picture,” he continued. “Maybe that’s why they haven’t made a move.”

“I wasn’t aware guys gossip like a bunch of girls.”

“The conversations are really short. And it’s more perception than anything else. You’re avoiding the question.”

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