Midnight Squad: The Grim (43 page)

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Authors: J. L. M. Visada

BOOK: Midnight Squad: The Grim
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Suddenly, I heard a faint
it was maybe one hundred yards ahead of me. My heart caught in my throat.
Terror flooded through me, it was the same fear a rabbit or a fox gets when a
pack of dogs finally has it surrounded. In a few minutes they’d close in, and
I’d be ripped to shreds. Strangely, a second muffled thump about seventy yards
ahead of me caught my attention, and then another muffled thump forty-five
yards ahead. A few moments later, I heard the soft swishing sound of movement
through the grass. I strained to look up into the darkness. My eyes kept
darting back and forth across the general area that the sound came from, and
then lightning flashed again.

over me like my own dark angel of mercy, a very sexy dark angel of mercy that I
wanted to see naked, was my absolute favorite vampire. She leaned down and
whispered, “Grim, let’s go.” She tried to pull me to my feet, but my ankle
wouldn’t hold me up. I might have been able to stand on one leg, but she had me
so off balance that I fell again. Luckily, this time I had gentle arms that
wrapped tenderly around me, and cushioned my fall. Penny lifted me into her
arms, but I was so large that I made for a particularly awkward package. I
probably should have tried to be more helpful, but the heavy rain had slicked
her hair down. It also made her clothes cling to her in ways that I
found…pleasantly distracting. She looked so good that I almost forgot the pain
in my head and ankle.

Penny swung me over her shoulder like a sack of dog food
from the supermarket, and she began moving. My legs dangled down her back, and
my face was level with her bellybutton. After a few steps she came to a stop.
The rain was coming down so hard that I could only see parts of Penny. Even the
ground below me was clouded in a haze of falling rain. Effectively, I was
blind, but I got the distinct impression that Penny could see perfectly. See
might be the wrong term for what she was doing. Her ability to echolocate was
working overtime, and with the way she slowly turned us in a circle I realized
she was taking in the whole area. Since I was helpless, I entertained myself by
staring at the adorable little cartoon skunks that covered the elastic band on
her panties. The girl makes her own clothes, and who isn’t impressed by a woman
that makes her own sexy underwear.

“The helicopter is coming.” I could barely hear her voice
over the driving rain. I whispered, “We have to get underground. If that has
thermal cameras then it will see me.” Penny never said a word. She just leapt,
and when I say she just leapt, I mean she launched herself into the night.
First we were on the ground, and then in the next instance we had to be at
least three stories high. When we landed we were maybe twenty to thirty yards
north. She landed surprisingly softly, but even then, the sudden stop nearly
made me spray my insides all over her pants. My injured ankle also banged
against my other ankle and I yelped. “Please don’t do that again, or I might
spray all over your shows.” I groaned.

Penny’s body got stiff, “Shit!” She began a full sprint.
Apparently, my yelp got the attention of the clones because I could hear them
moving towards us at full speed like a stampede of cattle. Penny kept running,
and we were well on our way into losing them when I heard the helicopter. If I
was hearing it over the storm then that meant it was getting way too close.
Penny suddenly cut left. I felt us sliding across the ground as her legs pumped
to move forward. How she kept us from tumbling across the ground was pretty
impressive. Her legs kept digging across the ground until we finally stopped
sliding and began accelerating until the ground was a blur. After a minute or
two she began decelerating, and finally she stopped next to a very large
drainage culvert. I was finally able to look around. We were beside a little
road, and down in a deep drainage ditch. The big culvert was five foot higher
than the drainage ditch. Penny shoved me in, and I helped crawl inside as best
I could. When I was safely inside I heard her give a quick huff and five foot
straight up into the culvert entrance, and she slipped silently with me into
the darkness. At least she gave me the dignity of allowing me to hobble along
next to her.

The water was already running past our ankles. I did my
best to keep the backpack dry. It was waterproof, but there was no reason to
risk the contents considering the colossal pain in the ass that backpack had
been through the whole situation. I was still regretting keeping it and letting
go of all those awesome toys. Penny was kind enough to pull the backpack off
me. She lifted it up and found a rusty bolt to hang it from. The rain was got
stronger. The water in the culvert rose halfway up. The current was strong
enough to spit me out already, and if Penny wasn’t holding me in place then the
water would have swept me away.

“Why’d you come back?” I asked, unsure if she could hear
me over the rush of water, but I should have known better. Penny turned to kiss
me deeply. I forgot about my ankle, I forgot about my head. The cold water
disappeared, and I didn’t care about anything anymore. That kiss was my whole
world. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. Soft full lips parted and allowed
my tongue to slip in. Her mouth tasted like peppermint candy. Our tongues
danced and darted passionately back and forth. I came back to reality when I
felt a little flap of skin at the roof of her mouth. My own curiosity got the
better of me. I used the tip of my tongue to test the flap. It pulled back and
Penny moaned into my mouth. My tongue teased its way under the little flap of
skin, and then I found them. Her fangs were hard, and the points were sharp. I
felt ridges along the front and back of her fangs.

I knew from reading up on her that the ridges were
openings. The fangs were hollow and fleshy tendrils could extend out from
openings along the ridges to anchor into her victim’s throat. The fangs were
hard as steel. They were highly sensitive. I kept tracing my tongue across her
fangs, and she responded by pulling me closer. She held me in place against the
rushing water with one arm. Thankfully, the storm was covering up her moans. I
twined my arms around the small of her back, and pulled in closer. Her chest
pressed against my, both of her nipples were hard. They poked against me. I
could feel them dragging across my chest. The torrent of water got stronger,
and for a brief moment I felt us begin to slide towards the exit, but she
tensed and I felt us anchor to the ground. The rushing water would have swept
us away, but she just used it to press me closer to her. I felt myself grow
hard, and ground against her. My fingertips teased the small of her back. I
kept trailing my tongue along her fangs. It was strangely arousing, like the
satisfaction you get after using your tongue to get something stuck out of your
teeth, but oddly sexual. The water was up to her shoulders now. My heart was
pounding, and my tongue had a strange tingling sensation. The taste of
peppermint was getting stronger.

I lost myself in her lips, and the kiss just kept going.
The water was up to her chin. How she was holding us in place was beyond me.
Water was slamming into me with enough force that it was getting hard to
breathe, and even then she didn’t show any sign of succumbing to the current.
Any concern I might have felt about how we stayed rooted in place faded away
when I felt something begin moving out from the ridges. They felt like little
tendrils of soft plastic teasing against my tongue, but they tasted like peppermint.
My tongue slid up and down the little tendrils, and they kept trying to find
somewhere to grip onto. Penny was moaning and panting into my mouth. The water
touched our lips, startling me. I pulled away as she gave a frustrated whimper.

“We have to get out of here before we drown.” I said
between gasps.

“We can’t yet. They’re just outside. You’ve got plenty of
room before the water covers your head.” She said, and kept trying to kiss me.
The water bubbled and sputtered as she fought to get the words out before the
water rose over her mouth completely.

“What about you?” I asked.

“Vampire…don’t need…air kiss…now!” She had to rise up to
say something, but each word was garbled with bubbling water. Her right arm
moved up my body, and pulled me into another kiss. The tendrils were out
already, and they tried to twine around my tongue. The tingling taste of
peppermint filled my mouth again. I kept teasing at her fangs. Licking at them
like I would normally lick a more intimate place on a woman, but it was every
bit as effective. It wasn’t long before she was moaning into my mouth again. We
were pressed so close together that I could feel her body twitch and spasm
whenever my tongue twirled around her fangs. Suddenly, the tendrils began to
grow harder, and stiffer. They started out like overcooked pasta, and now were
almost as rigid as the bristles on a toothbrush. The water was over her mouth
and she had to lift me up every now and then so I could catch a breath.
Vampires might not need air, but I sure as hell did.

The water rose up over my nose. I held my breath and kept
tracing, licking, and teasing those fangs. The tendrils became almost as hard
as her teeth. I felt her scream into my mouth. Her mouth opened wider, and she
tried to get as much of my tongue into her mouth. Her body not only trembled,
it practically vibrated. Suddenly, something with the taste and consistency of
honey filled my mouth, replacing the peppermint flavor. As soon as it touched
my tongue, my body began to drive into orgasmic spasms. Every muscle clenched,
but strangely it felt as though I was being poured out. Now it was my turn to
scream. I couldn’t have fought it if I wanted, and considering how good it felt
who’d want to fight it? The water was over my face, and I probably needed to
worry about drowning, but all I could do was ride the waves of pleasure. My
screams became to ecstatic sobs, and my hips pumped uncontrollably against her.
I pulled myself further into her kiss.

moved her hand away from my head to reach for something, and a moment later, I
vaguely noticed the backpack brushing against my leg as she tried to wrap it
around me. Penny’s hand touched my face. I felt three fingers…then two…one…and
then she stopped anchoring us to the spot and let the water force us out of the
culvert like a bullet in a gun. The whole time we travelled through the steel
tube I was vaguely aware that Penny was shielding me from the rough walls that
would have cut me to ribbons. She actually used her tiny body to cushion me as
we bounced against the culvert’s walls.

We shot out and I felt us falling, she twisted us so that
she’d be on the bottom when we hit the water. As we struck I heard a sharp
crack that must have either been Penny hitting, and splitting through some
wooden debris, or breaking
a bones
as she struck
floating logs and branches. It was most likely a combination of both. Thank God
for vampire healing. Penny held onto me securely, careful to keep me at the
surface so I could breathe. The rain had turned the drainage ditch into a
raging river. As we swept by, I caught a glimpse of two clones lumbering away.
I didn’t hear the helicopter. I assumed Penny had been waiting until the
chopper left before trying to escape.

truly would have been impressed by all she’d done, except at that particular
moment I was still enjoying the afterglow of a toe curling orgasm. I couldn’t
even focus enough to swim,
had to drag my still pumping ass
to the edge of the water. She even had to drag me to the bank. A goofy grin the
only evidence that I hadn’t slipped into some wonderful orgasm induced coma.
When she got me to the bank she hovered over me with genuine concern. “Are you

With my body completely spent, I slowly gave
a very satisfied thumbs
up, and followed it up with a very
content sigh. Penny rolled her eyes, but still giggled at me. She ignored the
little aftershock trembles and slight pumping of my hips, and finally pulled me
up the bank further. Rain was coming down in sheets, and with the helicopter
gone, we were safe. Oh sure there’s the flooding, the mudslides, and the
lighting that might kill us at any second, but I couldn’t get the smile off my
face. I grinned like an idiot. Penny finally had enough of my afterglow and
lifted me up. She tucked herself under my arm and wrapped her arm around my
ribs, “You really have to start moving. The others are going to be worried
about us.”

It took me a minute, but I eventually got to stand on my
feet without her help. We started jogging to the city, but I was still grinning
like an idiot. To be honest, she probably could have slung me over her shoulder
and ran us to the city in just a few minutes. Instead, we both took a slow jog,
and made many stops along the way. I think she did that partly to spare my ego,
but I also got the feeling she just enjoyed having me to herself a little while
longer. Those frequent breaks didn’t get put to waste however. At each stop we
kissed, hugged, and flirted like teenagers. I kept expecting my ankle to start
hurting again, but somehow it was healed completely. When I asked Penny, she
shrugged and said, “It’s the venom.”

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