Midnight Squad: The Grim (45 page)

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Authors: J. L. M. Visada

BOOK: Midnight Squad: The Grim
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Katy was ran her hands down across my stomach, “Oh
Grimmy…I’ve never really felt washboard abs before. Come to think of it…I’ve
never felt this either.” Her hand traveled down my stomach, and was about to
grab hold of something that might not be very near, but was certainly dear to
my heart. Penny and Katy each swung a leg over and straddled one of my legs.
Janine got to her knees on the floorboard and started kissing along my thigh.
Penny teased my chest, and Katy hadn‘t quite figured out how to get my hands
off my wahoo so that she could play with my joystick. I was still covering that
for all it was worth.

Penny kissed me and then pulled back, “Relax Grim…we’re
safe now.” No sooner did she say that then my chest felt like it was on fire. I
groaned in pain, but they all thought it was pleasure. Then suddenly the back
of the van got very bright. The girls pulled away from me. I heard screams, but
I was in agony, and I couldn’t piece together what they were saying.

I looked down at my chest. Some of the names began to
glow a brilliant blue, and others were a deep fiery red. I didn’t know what it
meant, but it sure hurt like a son of a bitch. The letters glowed brighter, and
brighter. The van skidded to a stop, and I fell to the floorboard. The women
scrambled outside into the rain. The only one that stayed with me was Penny. I
looked up into her eyes. She held me as the pain mounted. I’m not sure when I
stopped screaming, but Penny was with me the whole time.

Finally, when the pain was at its worst the letters
turned gold. I watched in horror as the names got smaller and adjusted to make
space. Then new names appeared. The cross was still the same size. It had just
adjusted for the other names to fit. I guess they were the soldiers I’d fought
and killed tonight. Then I realized there
than just the handful of soldiers I personally killed. Maybe it was floodwater,
maybe it was a mudslide, but it looked like all the soldiers we met tonight had
died. I’m not sure how it’s my fault they all died. It seems to me that if they
were stupid enough to drown then that was their own fault. Maybe I shouldn’t
have just left them out there. If I hadn’t left them to survive the elements
then maybe they’d still be alive.

“Are you okay?” Penny’s voice overflowed with concern. “I
think so, but it fucking hurts.” We watched as the names moved into their final
position just under the skin. The pain started fading away, thank God. The
letters slowly stopped glowing until the letters became pure black. I looked up
to Penny and whimpered, “Can you help me up? The pain is gone, but I think I
have one of Katy’s shoes lodged in my ass.”

Penny pulled me up and helped me stay upright, “So what
the hell was that?”

“Why don’t you get everyone back in here, and we’ll go
over it together. I’m not sure I’m up for discussing this more than once.” I
said nervously. Penny nodded and went out to get the girls. I reached over and
grabbed Penny’s backpack so I had something to cover my wang. The other girls
were reluctant to get back in the van. It sounded like Penny had to threaten
Katy to get in, but eventually they all got back inside. Janine hopped in the
driver seat and flipped on the dome light in the van.

“Okay, I’m guessing ya’ll have a lot of questions.” I
asked nervously. All I got back were nervous stares except for Ally. She just
rolled her eyes and groaned, “Oh here we go. He’s going to talk about his dead
Hebrew again.”

“He’s not dead. You keep saying that, but Jesus is alive!”
Okay, clearly not how I wanted this to go. I was hoping for more subtlety, and
less crazy religious nut. The other girls stared in shock. Their mouths hung
open. “I know how crazy that all sounds, but I’m telling the truth. When Ally
shot me, I went to heaven. I met Jesus. I saw him again when they blew up the
compound. This cross was his gift to me. Although as gifts go this one sucks
the big one. Penny, Janine…that stuff I told you earlier. He wanted me to tell
you it.” I sat there nervously. I kept expecting them to do something, but they
just stared at me in shock.

Thank God for Penny. She finally broke the silence, “You
really saw the Lord?” Her voice sounded so tiny. I nodded sheepishly. “I’m not
damned for eternity?” Her voice was just barely above a whisper.

“No. From what I could tell, he felt you were just doing
what was natural. He said you and Janine were both good in his book.” The more
I said the brighter Penny’s smile grew. Danika questioned, “Did he have
anything to say about the rest of us?”

“No, but he only told me what to say to Penny and Janine
because he said they needed to hear it so badly.”

“I…I can get into heaven.” Janine’s sniffled. Everyone
turned to look at the ghost. She was sobbing with joy.

I laughed, “What do you mean you can get into heaven? Of
course you can get into heaven. If any of us here had a chance it was you.”

“None of you are really taking his craziness seriously
are you? Haven’t you all seen how many times he’s banged his head into
something? You know he’s got to be borderline retarded by now.” Ally snapped.

“If he’s crazy then explain that cross, because there’s
no level of crazy that I know of that causes someone’s chest to turn into a
glowing cross.” Penny growled at the Jinn. Ally looked like she wanted to say
something but the very angry vampire made it very clear that it was Jinn quiet
time now.

Janine was bouncing up and down in her seat with tears in
her eyes, “I can go to heaven.”

“Why would you think you couldn’t get into heaven?” I

“They excommunicated me. When the light appeared, I was
afraid to go because I thought I was going to hell. Grim, thank you! I thought
I was damned for eternity, but if he said I can go to heaven, then nothing can
keep me out. Oh thank you Grim! What’s he like?” Janine was still bouncing with

“I can’t really explain it and still do him justice. He’s
just awesome, but a bit of a smartass. I mean he called this cross a gift. If
this was a gift then I think I’d have been happier if he’d bought me socks
instead, and he absolutely loves disco.” Nobody laughed, “Damn…tough room.
Okay, seriously. He’s confident, kind, and gracious. He loves us all. I don’t
mean that like when you normally hear it. I don’t mean he loves us all in the
general sense. I mean he loves each of us singularly. He’s kind, but not soft.
He’s complicated, and if you tried to simplify you’d just lose him completely.
If you try anything other than accepting him on his terms, then you’re just
cheating yourself.” I leaned back into my seat. There just wasn’t anything left
to say.

Janine looked like she was about to explode with joy. I
turned back to Penny. She just looked lost in her thoughts. I leaned in, “Penny
for your thoughts? No pun intended.” I watched as Penny’s eyes slowly focused
on mine. Then she wrapped her arms around me and cried, “Thank you.”

It was as if the damn broke. Penny, Janine, Danika, and
Katy kept asking questions. I did my best to answer them all, but some things I
just didn’t have an answer to. Alhambra made a few smartass comments, but every
time she opened her mouth, the other girls gave her the look of death. It
wasn’t long before Ally got the hint that now was not the time to poke the bear
with a stick.

Eventually they all wore themselves out, and I guess it
was my turn to ask questions. “Okay, I understand Katy was drunk on the energy,
and I understand she couldn’t help herself, but
up with you two? I don’t really understand why you both joined in. Janine,
you’re the one that told me to keep it in my pants, and Penny…what exactly were
you doing? Don’t get me wrong. Other than being a little freaked out by the
situation, I definitely was enjoying it.” I blushed a little at the end.

Janine smiled, “What can I say? It looked like a lot of
fun. I don’t really have any defense, and I don’t think I need one, or do I?”

I smiled back, “No, but a little warning would be nice.
Also, we really need to get me some pants.” Everyone giggled a bit. I turned to
Penny. She kissed me on the cheek, “I just couldn’t resist. Katy was in a
fragile emotional state, and she had you backed into a corner and defenseless.
That stuff is like candy to vampires. If I hadn’t already used up my venom on
you earlier you’d both have some yummy love bites.”

I felt myself stiffen. “Well now I’m a little sad we had
to stop. Jesus Christ…our Lord and Savior…and apparently cockblocker supreme.”
Only Alhambra laughed, the rest gave me a look like I’d just peed on the
carpet. “Damn, like I said, tough room.”

The storm was letting up, and Katy was starting to look
more normal. “Ladies, as much fun as this is, we can talk while driving. When
the sun rises, the person I stole this van from will be waking up. Therefore,
in a few hours at most they’ll be reporting this van stolen. We need to be in
another town and I need some clothes. So let’s haul ass.”

We rolled out. It was kind of awkward sitting in the back
of the van for the next forty-five minutes holding a backpack over my junk. The
painting kept poking me in the balls through the backpack material. When we
finally pulled into a new town the sun was peeking up over the horizon. The
storm clouds were almost completely gone.

The only store was one of those souvenir shops. I wasn’t
very optimistic, “Get me some clothes. We need to make out money last as long
as possible, so nothing expensive. Everyone left me. I felt like a pet dog left
alone in the car. At least they left the window cracked.

It wasn’t long before they came back. They were all
snickering, and that couldn’t be good. Katy opened the door and tossed me a
sack, “Here you go.” They choked back laughter, and I started to move the
backpack. All eyes were locked on me like I was the last piece of cheesecake on
earth. I asked for a little privacy so I could change, but all I got in
response were smiles and five heads shaking no. They say men are pigs, but I’m
starting to get the feeling that we all oink once in awhile regardless of our

I turned my back to them and dropped the backpack. Janine
teased, “Can you put them on slowly, and maybe shake your ass for us a little
more?” The others joined in the taunting. I was in such a hurry to get my
clothes on that I didn’t take time to look at them. It wasn’t until I got to
the pink flip-flops that I stopped and looked at my clothes.

Pink flip-flops with little skulls on them, teeny tiny
shorts that just barely covered my crotch and a tie-dyed midriff shirt with Man
Candy written on the front. I spun around, “Really” The girls pointed and
laughed. Alhambra snickered, “You said to get you some cheap clothing. This was
the cheapest we could find.”

Well shit! They had me there. “Okay, but once we get some
cash together I want something that doesn’t make me look like I earn a living
sucking off truckers.” Penny laughed, “So you’re familiar with the uniform?” I
growled at her, but she just snickered. I was defeated, “Alright, any other
questions?” Katy bit back on her laughter and raised a hand to ask something. I
grumbled, “If your question is about whether or not I will be sucking off
truckers to earn money. The answer is no…and you officially suck.” Katy broke
into loud snorting laughter, and lowered her hand.

I stepped out. Inside the dark van I looked silly, but
once outside I looked completely ridiculous. They all just pointed and laughed.
Penny fell back onto her butt and kept cackling at me.
“Et tu
I asked. Unfortunately, I caught my reflection on one of the car
mirrors. Holy crap I looked like ten pounds of gay in a five-pound bag. What
little dignity I had tried to hide behind the backpack.

Katy wouldn’t even allow that, and so she snatched up the
backpack, “What’s in here anyway?” She opened it and then looked back at me in
confusion. “What the hell is this?” She pulled out the painting and Penny
gasped. She grabbed the painting, “Grim…you saved this? You kept this for me?”
Her bottom lip trembled, and she looked like she was going to cry. Then Katy
pulled out the skunk. Penny actually squeaked with joy, and then lunged for the
stuffed animal, “Dr. Fluffenstein!”

The other women
said in unison.

hugged the skunk for all it was worth, and for a brief moment she acted like a
sweet innocent girl instead of the confident woman they all thought they knew.
The other girls stared at her in shock. It was a good half a minute of full on
skunk-hugging before Penny realized everyone was watching. Then she tucked the
skunk under her arm and covered it with the painting, “None of you saw that…or
else!” Her fangs snapped out. It would have been effective except we all could
see she was still hugging her skunk. For a brief moment I forgot that I was
dressed like a decoration for a truck stop glory hole, and took in all her
adorably terrifying glory. I walked over and hugged her, “You’re so cute when
you’re trying to scare the piss out of us.”

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