Might's Odyssey (The Event Book 2)

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Authors: Ifedayo Adigwe Akintomide

BOOK: Might's Odyssey (The Event Book 2)
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Might’s Odyssey

Ifedayo Adigwe Akintomide

Copyright 2014 – Smashwords Edition

Copyright © Akintomide Ifedayo Adigwe 2014


The right of Akintomide Ifedayo Adigwe to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted with the Copyright right Patents and Designs Act


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God is worthy to be praised. You can never accuse him of starting something and not finishing it. Thank you for allowing me to be used as a tool to bring the second chapter of this Holy Ghost inspired idea to life. You are forever worthy to be praised.

In addition, I want to thank the family, friends and supporters who have always believed in me. It would not have been easy without your support.

Thanks Y’all

Chapter One



The present 9.15 am


Gbenga’s sad eyes rested on the still body of nameless. It was a strange name__ but since no one knew what he was really called; the hospital had designated him nameless. His bulky body was covered by a white sheet, which reached the mid point of his porky stomach.

His skin was dark and scarred. Signs of the terrible accident he had survived many months ago; in a manner of speaking that is. Gbenga did not regard his comatose existence as survival. He was a shell of a man and he merely existed. His eyes grew sadder and his face even more grim.

He turned slowly just noticing the sights and sounds of the happenings around him. His gaze drifted around the white room. It was wide, with high ceilings, made of a shiny white material he could not countenance.

He was in a hospital, the three crosses hospital, one of the best and most expensive hospitals in Nigeria. His eyes of their own volition drifted back to the bulky man lying in front of him who had several frightening looking machines attached to his body. These machines were taking his vitals and other body information to assure the doctors he was still alive.

The hospital management knew the man as nameless, but he knew him as Might.


Nephilim (8 days after the Karnack incident).


Oh the pain! The terrible excruciating pain. It wasn’t just pain however. It was pain suffused with blackness. If he wanted to describe the blackness better, he would call it darkness. His spirit plummeted several thousand leagues into a pit. A pit filled with gross darkness. He could see no bottom as he looked down into it.

Alarmed he looked up and saw a light. It was brighter than any light he had ever seen before and in that instance he knew; in that light lay his absolution and he had to do all to get to it.

Flapping his arms desperately, he struggled to slow his downward spiral. Miraculously his falling body halted and he found himself hovering midway between the dark and light. Stretching his arms, he clawed his way to the light.

His progress was slow going at first but quickly became faster. In seconds, he was streaking towards the light at breakneck speeds. Absolution was just an arm reach away and to his immense relief he plunged into it.


His eyes opened slowly then closed as a sharp pain seared through his chest cavity. The pain was so bad that it robbed his brain of every thought. Just when he felt he could bear it no longer it began to recede until it eventually disappeared.

Opening his eyes once again, they fluttered and scanned his strange surroundings. The world around him was a desert wasteland. That fact brought puzzlement and confusion. This was because he remembered nothing before awakening a few seconds ago.

Sitting up slowly, he took stock of his surroundings more carefully. There was nothing but desert sand in a hundred and eighty degree direction. Turning backwards, he paused startled to see a giant mountain sixty meters away from where he lay.

Only then did he notice the remains of the mechanical creature lying on his right a few paces away. Startled, he quickly edged away from it his eyes wide with shock and fright.

There was a red glow in what remained of its eyes; this glow faded away slowly until the broken sockets became black. He knew what that meant of course. It was dead, deactivated, put out of commission.

He rose to his feet. The pain he had experienced earlier came for a brief moment and faded away. He rubbed his chest experimentally, surprised at how hard and knobbly it felt. Looking down he saw he wore what remained of a battle suit, black and ragged looking, with some of the armored threads torn exposing the circuitry underneath.

‘What the__’

His eyes drifted back to the broken remains of the robotic entity lying a few paces away from where he stood. Walking towards it, he leaned down to examine its shattered hulk more carefully. Only its torso remained. There was nothing from waist down. It had a strange silicon and polymer based skin, blackened and burnt at some points suggesting that it had been exposed to intense heat; maybe even a great explosion.

Half of its face was smashed. This close it looked as if a fist had done the smashing. However, he could not be sure. Standing up straight, he looked around once again and strained his thoughts as he struggled to remember. For a couple of seconds he got nothing but blackness and then suddenly it came rushing back.

He remembered all. His amnesiac companions, Swift, Brainwave, Falcon and Bull’s-eye; he remembered the journey; Absalom, Gethsemane, the prophets, the event and the harbingers.

His eyes drifted to the mechanical creature lying in the sand. Now he knew what it was. It was all that remained of a harbinger. Giving it a closer scan, he realized it was female.

Another sigh burst from his lips and he turned facing the desert emptiness once again. Where did he go from here? His eyes grew sad as he thought this. He had never felt so alone in his life. Thinking of Swift, Brainwave, Falcon and Bulls-eye brought tears to his eyes.

Swift was the lucky one. He boarded the flight. That was the last thing he remembered; activating the fusion grenade that killed the last two harbingers and flung Swift into the light portal called the flight. Swift had gone home leaving him trapped in Nephilim with no way of getting out.

His tears came down more freely now and his shoulders slumped. Before he could give into the despair completely, a strange voice spoke.

Do not cry my son__”

He jumped startled whirling around in a wide circle searching for who had spoken. His eyes narrowed and grew hard with fear and suspicion when he realized he was still alone on the desert wasteland.

A worried look crept on his face. Was he losing his mind? The voice sounded as if the person speaking was right beside him. Just when he thought he imagined it, it spoke again.

“You are not losing your mind Might and no you did not imagine it__”

He jumped, spinning around again as he raised his huge fists which had black gloves on it with sharp looking spikes on the knuckles. His tall, bulky and heavily muscled frame stiffened as his eyes scoured his surroundings. Why was he hearing voices? Swift was the only one who had ever heard voices in his head. So why was it happening to him now? Aloud he spoke__

“Who are you and why can’t I see you?”

The voice did not respond for a couple of seconds. Eventually it did, speaking with a weary and sad undertone that puzzled him.

“My name is Eleyon and I am the God of gods. I am spirit and to see me you must be in the spirit.”

‘Eleyon?’ Why did that name sound so familiar? It came to him a second later. Eleyon was the deity the prophets of Gethsemane worshipped. He remembered Mordecai the chief prophet talking about him.

“Do you remember now?”

He nodded slowly but did not speak. A heavy silence followed. Might was puzzled about that until he realized that Eleyon was waiting for him to speak. He was not sure how exactly he knew this but he just did. Swallowing he spoke.

“What do you want with me?”

“I want to help you__ help you find a way out of Nephilim.”

Might’s eyes brightened at that.

“But the way is long and perilous__ “Eleyon
“You must be strong and vigilant Might. You are might and power, a creation of mine that I am extremely proud of. I fashioned you with love, but on this odyssey you are going to need more than mere brute force and strength.”

Might’s eyes grew sad and confused at Eleyon’s words. Why was the being talking in this way? The sadness he sensed in its voice was making him alarmed. Did it know something that it wasn’t telling?

“You do not have much time, you have to travel fast__”

“Travel? Where?”

“No time ___ find the__ bioooospherreeeeee__”

Then there was silence. The last part of Eleyon’s speech sounded like a recording from a twisted tape. Biosphere? What in the world was a biosphere? A faint light from the horizon caught his attention. He turned to it. The blue-black cloud covered sky was lighter. This shaft of light pierced the clouds streaming down towards the desert sand.

Something moved in his spirit as he looked at the light. He turned back, facing Mount Karnack and waited for Eleyon to speak again. Sadly, he did not. Glancing back at the light, he sighed and started walking towards it.


Chapter Two


The light was further than it seemed. As he walked he tried without succeeding to stop thinking about the others. It was an exercise in futility. He could not help remembering them, Swift most especially. They traveled the last part of their journey together after Swift activated the fusion grenade that cremated Brainwave’s body.

The sky above him suddenly turned from blue-black to a strange sort of orange. He looked up puzzled by this new turn of events. The sun that lurked beyond the clouds was trying desperately to force its way through the cloud cover, but was for some strange reason unable to do so.

He glanced down at his body examining the ragged remains of the battle armor he wore. It looked very high tech. The prophets of Gethsemane were probably the best scientists still left in Nephilim. That thought made him think of the Chancellor supreme of Absalom. His eyes grew hard. The man alluded to the fact that the scientists of Absalom were the best. Back then, they believed him, until they realized what an evil man he truly was.

A flash of lightening coming from behind snapped him out of his angry thoughts. He glanced back. It was coming from Karnack. The clouds over it were blacker and lightening flashed in its depths.

A fierce wind started whipping up the sand around it in a barely concealed fury. The sight was familiar. Straining his mind for a few seconds, the answer came.

He was looking at the beginning of a hazard. Those fierce super destructive storms that were common to Nephilim. His eyes hardened as he started to run.


The swirling winds behind grew stronger. Glancing back, he was shocked to see several large tornado like columns of air racing towards him at breakneck speeds. One was on a direct collision course with him. He broke right barely managing to avoid being blown away by the wind. He kept his feet planted on the earth but only just barely.

Looking back, he saw a wall of sand heading his way carried by violent winds. He ran faster racing away as fast as he could. The sand wall overtook him, the grains of sand pummeling his back with the force of a brick wall slamming into him. The force drove him into the ground hard, rolling him over more than half a dozen times.

The strong winds lifted him off the desert sands, flinging him into the center of the miasmic fury of the hazard. The zinging and sparking sound in his battle armor grew louder as sand entered the rips and tears. He lost all sense of time and reason as the vicious winds battered him from left and right. He was lifted, dropped, twisted sideways and spun around in vicious circles. Just when he thought he was dead for sure, he started to plummet, racing towards the earth at breathtaking speeds.

For several terrifying seconds he saw nothing but grayish black clouds swirling beneath him. Then everything cleared and the earth came into view. By this time, he was just two hundred feet above the ground and still falling fast. He closed his eyes and braced for impact.

It took a couple of seconds and WHUMP!!! He hit the ground hard. The impact with the earth did not stop him however. The force of impact drove him several feet into the ground where he struck a brittle sort of rock, which dissolved beneath him.

Underneath was a wide cocoon of space, stretching several hundred miles down. This fall reminded him of his fall in Sulphurlock when Brainwave asked him to use a fusion grenade and some ripped propane lines to drill a hole down into the steel forges.

Falling for what seemed like an eternity, he eventually struck what felt and sounded like a metal floor. The force of impact drove a deep concussion into the earth, which rippled away for miles in every direction.

A loud groaning and cracking sound rang out all around him. It sounded like thick heavy rock being ripped apart. Groaning, he sat up slowly, rubbing his tender joints, when a faint sizzling sound reached his ears. He leapt to his feet instantly scanning his darkened surroundings warily.

The sizzling continued for another twelve seconds before it stopped. Peering into the darkness he was shocked to see something light up at a point almost at the opposite horizon. Stepping forward, he strained his eyes to get a better look.

A half second later another light lit up; then another, and yet another. The lights kept coming on in a straight line illuminating the darkness. Before long the light was only ten feet away; then it became five, until invisible bulbs directly over him lit up. The bulbs continued to light up until the earth for miles around was lit up.

Might turned around in awe realizing he was in what looked like a massive underground airstrip/aircraft hanger. The rusty carcasses of more than two dozen futuristic looking aircrafts lay thirty miles to his right.

To his left, another thirty miles away were half a dozen buildings that looked like warehouses. His eyes narrowed as he looked at them. Scanning his surroundings once more, he took a deep breath and started walking towards the buildings.

As he walked he pondered on what had made the lights in this underground airstrip come on. It probably had something to do with his fall. He increased his pace his booted feet making loud clangs as he walked.

Reaching the door of the first warehouse within minutes, his eyes widened as he looked at it. It was a mammoth structure, almost twenty feet high and forty feet wide. The other structures were even bigger than this one was.

Sighing he tried the door. It did not budge. Only then did he notice the keycard pad on the right side of the door. Beneath that was a touch screen with numbers from 0-30 on it. His eyes narrowed; it needed a numbered password to open. His face grew thunderous as he realized this.

Roaring in fury, he leapt forward and drove a hard blow into the door. The metal surface crumpled like paper as the force of the blow ripped it off its hinges, flinging it several feet backwards where it smashed into the floor, skidding backwards with a grating sound before coming to rest against the legs of a metal conference table.

A thick layer of dust covered the surface of this table. The room smelt moldy and dank. Might choked back a sneeze as he walked into it. A blinking green light on his right caught his attention. He started towards it brushing away the cobwebs along his path. The light came from a square shaped instrument almost completely covered by dust and dirt.

Brushing the dust off it carefully, he realized the light came from a tiny bulb, about the size of a pinhead. It lay beneath a square button. This button was on the front of the decoder like instrument. There were five of such buttons, each with a tiny bulb underneath it. Only the bulb under the first button was blinking.

Reaching down, he pressed it. There was a screech followed almost instantly by a thud and a section of the top half of the instrument slid open revealing a light, which beamed upwards forming a holographic image. It was the image of a weary looking old man. He wore an army green uniform with five stars sewn onto the left shoulder and was seated in a chair facing a camera.

“This is General Holdstatt, I am the leader of the 23
mobile infantry brigade otherwise known as Prairie one. I do not know who you are or where are watching this from, but if you are seeing this it means I am dead and our mission failed. Our attempts at repressing the enemy’s incursion have been grossly ineffective. The threat grows stronger even with the use of our most deadly weapons. The darkness seems to feeds on every attack we make.

“This entire quadrant is completely irradiated. We are to blame for that. As a result I am ordering a full retreat and evacuation of any remaining forces from this base to B1 12 alpha; designation Biosphere. The last transmission I received from NORAD stated that B1 is now up and running. It appears that is where our entire force will make the last stand.

“However before we do that, I and two of my elite mobile units will organize one last sneak attack. If we can get one of our tachyon missiles into the eye of this thing, it might stop it for good. Our attacks on the exterior have failed miserably; but perhaps an interior attack might work. Should my team and I return, I will destroy this message. If we do not, I will leave this message for any straggling forces to find. Here are the co-ordinates. Memorize it and immediately make your way to B1 twelve alpha___”

A series of numbers immediately flashed on the screen. Might quickly memorized the numbers and with a screech the light went off and the message ended.


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