Military Romance Collection: Contemporary Soldier Alpha Male Romance (74 page)

BOOK: Military Romance Collection: Contemporary Soldier Alpha Male Romance
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Work kept both of them busy throughout the day. By evening, they were exhausted and wanted to go home. However, thoughts of the past two days kept haunting the two of them and they were waiting to lay their hands on each other. She was not surprised when she got a call from Matt asking her out for dinner. She rushed home to find Matt standing at the foot of the stairs with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a beautifully wrapped present in the other. The rushed to her the minute he laid his eyes on her and squashed her lips under his. She kissed him back with equal fervor. He started getting these wild thoughts of taking her right in the middle of the road. However, the thought of spending the night in jail instead of the comfort of his house kept his hands in check. They showed all the love they felt through their eyes. Matt even tried telling her his feelings. But nothing besides “Let’s get you ready” came out of his lips.

Matt was full of surprises. The make out session on the road got her a feeling that he might take her the minute she entered the door. However, once they were in, he asked her to get ready while he waited. “Wear something sassy and make sure you put everything in that package on” he said as she left the room.

“ could anyone look so handsome??” she thought as she removed the beautiful wrapper from the package. She found a vibrator in it but could not find the remote. Though she was surprised, she inserted the vibrator in her pussy. She wore a beautiful magenta cocktail dress and completed it with accessories. She came out looking like a beautiful princess in that outfit.

Matt had never seen anyone so beautiful. He had a mind of having the food delivered. He wanted to strip her out of those beautiful clothes and fuck her senseless. But he knew the outing would give her more pleasure.

Monica suddenly felt her pussy vibrating and realized that Matt must have the vibrator in his pocket. This is going to be one long evening, Monica thought to herself. She could almost feel herself come. One look from Matt and she remembered the rule. She decided to hold herself in check till he gives her the permission to come.

All along in the car, Matt made decent conversation. However, he would switch the vibrator on at regular intervals. He did this at a time when he asked her opinion on something. It was almost impossible to concentrate on the conversation and her pussy at the same time.

At the restaurant, he asked her to order something for herself. As she spoke to the waiter, he put the vibrator at the highest speed which left her aroused and gasping for breath. She almost screamed her orgasm once...but managed to keep a straight face. As they waited for their dinner, he kept switching the vibrator on to keep her in an aroused state. She was to be fucked so badly that she almost swallowed her dinner when it came. He, on the contrary, took his time eating the food on his plate. She rushed to the car in anticipation. By this time, he could not control himself as well. He asked her to open a few buttons of her blouse while he drove. When they reached home and he hiked her dress, removed the vibrator, unzipped his pants and plunged into her without any preliminaries. She looked at him waiting for his order which he had almost forgotten to give. “Come right now” was all that he had to say. The orgasm that shook both of them left them limp.


Chapter 3

The two of them used to spend practically every night together performing different role plays. Almost every night he would be the dominating one while she would be his slave. They had put all the toys in her closet to full use. They also spent a lot of time talking about their lives. Though they knew they were in love with each other, no one gathered the guts to speak it out.

Matt suddenly remembered that it was a month since they had met. He decided to celebrate it in the most dominating way possible. He wanted Monica to get the surprise of a lifetime and see the surprise in her eyes when she would realize that he remembered it’s a month.

The next morning, he got a ball gag out and shoved it in her mouth before she could open her eyes. She also felt a choker being put around her neck. She was getting used to be treated like this. She remembered the previous night where she felt leg being lifted and Matt fucking her from behind. Once he was done, he went back to sleep without a word being said.

“This is a celebration for your month of silence and dominance” he said in a voice of steel.

A month!!! WOW!!! Then suddenly something struck her. She did not get her periods. She had been feeling nauseous for a few days and attributed it to the exercises in bed. She suddenly got frantic, removed the ball gag put on a few clothes and rushed out of the house. Matt was shocked at seeing the way she behaved. After about 15 minutes, she came back and rushed to the washroom. Matt’s concerned banging at the door and asking if she was fine yielded no results. About 10 minutes later, she emerged out looking solemn.

“I am pregnant” she said in a matter of fact way. They were so involved with their fantasies that they did not bother about protection. Matt was kind of thankful that he got her pregnant. She could now be his for life.

“Ok...let’s keep the baby” he said immediately.

“You really want to?” she asked with a little hesitation. “I will definitely keep the baby but do not know if you are ready for this. It’s ok if you walk away”

“No...I know you want babies. If this is the way...then so be it.” he did not know how to respond to such a situation. But his intent was clear.

She reached out and kissed him with all the warmth she felt within her. Now was the moment of truth that he had been dreading for a long time.

“Babe, I have something to tell you” he said hoping she would take this well. “I am not in the sales of WeMatchYou. I am the founder and the CEO of the company.”

“WHAT??” she said in an unbelieving tone. He had guilt written all over his face. She went to her computer and logged onto the site. There, he was...his picture and his life story right in front of her.

She looked back at him with anger in her eyes. “You know I hate the rich and the famous. You are nowhere close to the man I envisioned. How many more skeletons are you hiding in your closet? I can’t believe I was been sleeping with a man with so much deceit. Just get out of this house and never show your face to me again.”

She walked out of the house in complete anger. Matt suddenly realized he was angry with her as well. He understood that she did not trust him any longer. But he was not given a chance to defend himself. He had his reasons for not telling her the truth and expected her to hear them out before walking out.

He was so angry with her that he decided he would never see her again. He called Paul and decided on a friend’s night. After meeting Monica, Matt and Paul did not meet each other at all. She had taken over his life for the past month.

“You were in a relationship for a month and you didn’t tell me about it??” was the first accusation Paul put. Matt had told him everything about Monica including the fact that she loved to be dominated and the way it ended. Through his talks, Paul knew he was in love with Monica.

“Monica is a woman. Like all women, she will yell at you for something she did not like. You need to go and pacify her. Tell her your reasons for not telling her the truth. Am sure she will understand the reasons behind your secret and will come back to you.”

Matt knew Paul was talking with experience. He saw a jeweler shop on the way and decided to buy her a ring. He had long known that he was going to marry her. Now was the time to act.

He knocked her door and got no response. He waited for a couple of hours and went to her door again. There was no reply. It had been more than 24 hours since they fought and she had not come home. He called her office and found that she had gone to her mothers. He took the next plane and rushed to Minneapolis.

Monica was shocked to see Matt walking towards her. She had missed him terribly and by the looks of it, he missed her too.

“What are you doing here?” she asked him

“You did not give me a chance to explain. If you are not satisfied with my reasons, I will walk away.” He said in an insecure tone.

“All the girls I have known wanted my fame, money and social status. They were not interested in me. That is the reason I decided to put a different work designation and enroll on my own website. I figured, once I got the right girl, I would surprise her by telling her about the real me. I thought girls love the rich kind of thing, so they would be pleasantly surprised. Then I met you and you fitted the bill perfectly. You are warm, funny and love to cook. To top it all, you love kinky sex. I was almost ready to tell you about me when you mentioned you did not like the rich and famous and those who spend a lot of time at work. WeMatchYou is my baby and I just cannot abandon it. At the same time, I cannot leave you. I am involved with you to my damn neck. My baby inside you is the best thing that can ever happen to us. I want to take care of the two of you for a very long time to come. Please give us a chance is all I am asking.”

He looked at her like a forlorn baby hoping she would understand his side of the story. And she did. She realized he would not be here if he did not love her. She also knew he was very modest and will be happy to give their child a modest upbringing.

“OK...I will give you another chance if you promise to be my master for a very long time” she said giving him the choker she had accidently carried with her.

He smiled as he took the choker from her hand. Once inside, he wished her mother and rushed to her room. He removed her clothes and put the choker around her neck. He removed his pant and directly entered her. As he was pushing into her, he took the ring from his pant pocket and slid it on her finger, “With this ring, I own you. You belong to no one else”

She smiled at him in a dreamy way...What a dominating way to propose



Chapter One

News of the dragon in the Wyndwae province spread across the countryside like a blaze from the mouth of the beast itself. In a week’s time it reached the inn of The Dancing Mer on the southern coast, and there it found Mairead Curran, slayer of monsters.

Of Mairaed there were many legends. It was whispered that she had vanquished at last the beast of the Breywood, whose jaws had been the end of three dozen men. Bards sang of the arrows that had laid waste in fire and steel to the lair of the manticore and slain the basilisk in the western mountains.

Of her beauty too, they sang. She was tall for a woman, and long-limbed, her auburn hair streaked with copper and tawny gold by long days beneath the southern sun. They said men traveled the lengths of continents to lay their spoils at her feet in hopes of her favor.

This last, at least, was quite untrue. Mairead herself had started the rumor, well aware that men who could afford to travel continents sought princesses to wife, not women who battled monsters, but it pleased her to let people think it was otherwise. As for the rest, well, it was true as any story which had passed through a hundred hands can be.

When news came of the dragon, Mairead was sitting at a table in the fire lit common room of the inn, with a tankard of mead in her hand, debating the relative merits of the bow versus the sword with Vreden, who had once been a knight of renown. He was aging, grey in the dark hair at his temples, but his sword arm was still strong. Mairaed’s own bow leaned against the wall at her side, her quiver with it.

“Perhaps,” she said, giving Vreden a look from over the top of her tankard, “you receive some measure of satisfaction from taking the heads off of beasts at close range. I, however, am content to make my name from the safety of distance. Were I one to choose practicality over pride, I would have joined that illustrious company of men who found themselves within reach of the Breywood beast’s many sharp teeth.” 

Vreden’s eyes narrowed, but the bang of the wooden door swinging wide to admit a cloaked and hooded stranger interrupted him. Every gaze in the room turned toward the newcomer, who was pulling the hood down from over his hair, his cloak dripping rainwater onto the floorboards. He shook the dark fall of hair back from his face, and Mairead felt his eyes move over her and the others at her table. When he swept his cloak back over his shoulder, she could see the insignia of the king’s message riders on the shoulder of his tabard.

“Buy me an ale to take the chill from my bones,” he offered the room at large, “and I will share some news which has only today come in from the Wyndwae.” His eyes caught on Mairead’s again. “I believe it will be of some interest to you.”

Mairead rose from her chair with a whisper of leather against wood and sauntered over to the bar, setting a coin down on the sleek wood of its top with a clack.

“There is your ale, then.”

He took the tankard the innkeeper set before him and drank deeply before he spoke again, inclining his head in thanks.

“There is rumor,” he said, leaning against the bar on one elbow, his dark eyes looking into her own, “that a dragon has been sighted in the north of the Wyndwae.”

Mairead’s snort was decidedly unladylike.

“There has not been a dragon seen in Lyndoun in half a century.”

“And yet there is one now. My brother saw it with his own eyes, a great black shape against the full moon.”

In his eyes there was no deceit, and Mairead considered his story as she tipped her own tankard back, mead flowing sweet across her tongue and warming her throat.

“What think you?” she asked, turning enough to look back at Vreden over her shoulder. “Is there a dragon in Lyndoun?”

They had, of course, heard the tales of the dragons in the distant west, in the rocky lands of Mivreth, but none had come so far east as the bordering mountains, and certainly they had not seen any in the eastern end of Lyndoun, where the forests gave way to windswept heath. It was true, though, that there were caves in the north of the region, and that a dragon might set up home in such a place.

“I trust not the eyes of men I have not met,” Mairead said, straightening to her full height as she made her decision. “So I will go and see with my own if this be true.”

Her boots made a decisive sound against the wood as she crossed the room and took up her bow, swinging her quiver across her back. The arrows rattled against each other in its confines. She glanced once more at the stranger, and allowed herself a smile, wide and a little wicked.

“I think, though, that I will wait until the heavens are not dumping the waters of the inland sea on our heads.”

A chuckle ran through the gathered men. Vreden only shook his greying head at her, his expression grave. Mairead lifted one leather-clad shoulder in a shrug. It was more likely that there was no dragon in the Wyndwae than that there was. Undoubtedly, some over-excitable townsperson had laid eyes on a drake, one of the relatively little fire lizards that occasionally set up home too near a village and harassed the locals, raiding their livestock and burning their fields. Such creatures never grew beyond ten feet from nose to tail-tip, and Mairead had found them easily dealt with.

Turning her back on Vreden’s warning look, she climbed the stairs to her rented room, laying her weapons with her pack against the wall. Her things were already prepared. She needed only to take them up in the morning. In the flickering glow of the fire, she stripped out of her hunter’s leathers and stretched herself out on the bed, asleep almost as soon as her head touched the pillow.

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