Millie's Second Chance (24 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Millie's Second Chance
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She shook her head. Frank was conniving, slick, and manipulative. When she thought of him in the past, she thought of the song “Bad to the Bone,” and he was out of his mind.

“He’s in Alabama and obviously headed this way. He knows where I’m staying. I won’t bring danger here to the Triple C. I won’t put the family at risk, baby Hope, or anyone else, for that matter.”

“You’re not leaving here,” Marco stated firmly. “The FBI are involved now, Millie. They’ll get to him before he steps foot here, and if not, we’ve got your back.”

“The FBI?”

“He killed a retired agent.” Wyatt began to explain what happened. All she could imagine was poor Stewart being tortured and then killed. He was probably scared out of his mind.

“Poor Stewart,” she whispered.

Marco gripped her shoulders.

“Poor Stewart? He was an asshole to you. He hurt you almost as badly as Frank. Don’t feel sorry for hating him and think that you’re a bad person.”

The tears hit her eyes. How the hell did Marco do that? How could he read her mind?

“I do feel bad. I can’t help it, Marco. I feel terrible that Frank killed him. What about Clare and now this innocent FBI agent? It’s all because of me. It’s my fault. Frank told me things. He swore that we would always be together. Oh, God!” Millie pulled out of Marco’s arms, getting away from him far across the room. She squeezed her arms around herself and all three men stared at her.

“Millie?” Marco whispered, taking a step toward her, but she shook her head.

“Honey, what is it?” Wyatt asked.

“I can’t see you and your brothers anymore, Marco. He’ll come here and he’ll kill all five of you.”


* * * *


“Marco, calm down. She’s upset.”

“I can’t calm down. Her thinking this way is asinine. This fucking piece of shit will not come here and kill me or my brothers nor will we let him lay a hand on Millie.”

“I understand you’re upset and angry, but think about where Millie is coming from.”

“I get it. I do, Wyatt, and she has to see that she’s not alone and we will protect her. We love her.”

“Have you told her that?”


“Well, start there. Make her see that what you have between the six of you is real and forever. Make her understand that you’re part of her life. Get to it and convince her to keep each of you by her side. Max, Eric, myself, Charlie, Ben, and the other deputies will watch over the women and children. You guys watch over Millie. I’ll call Detective Flynn when I get back to the department. I promise to keep you abreast of any updates.”

“I appreciate that, Wyatt.” Marco shook Wyatt’s hand.

“It will work out. She’s being stubborn just like her two best friends. Remember that she’s hurting inside. It’s tough to put aside the jealousy and anger of the situation, but you need to for Millie’s sake and for your own control. Handling this professionally will help you keep a clear head and protect her,” Max offered and Marco nodded his head then shook Ben’s hand.

Marco pulled out his cell phone. He was going to need reinforcements.


* * * *


Anna and Stacy walked Millie out toward Marco’s truck. It had taken some convincing, but Millie accepted their insight and decided she needed some time alone, but not necessarily completely alone, in the cottage. Marco would stay with her until the others arrived after work.

She gave them each a hug and prayed that they would be fine and that Frank wouldn’t make it to Pearl, never mind the Triple C ranch.

“Oh, what about my truck?” Millie asked.

“No worries, darling, Jeremy will drive it to your place later,” Marco said as he closed the door to the sheriff’s patrol truck.

She clasped her hands on her lap and remained quiet as Marco drove her back to the cottage. When they arrived at the cottage, some of her Aunt Marie’s workhands were walking around the cottage, holding shotguns. She swallowed hard.

“What’s that all about?”

“They’re just keeping the area secure. You’ll be protected at all times, Millie. Don’t you worry about a thing.”

“They’re going to guard like that for how long? This is crazy. They’re ranch hands and are supposed to be looking after the land and the horses. They have work to do.”

“They offered to help out and the work around here won’t be ignored. You’ll have round-the-clock protection with me and my brothers.”

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Millie opened the door to get out of the truck. She stomped up the steps and the cowboys waved to her. She waved back then pulled out her house key to unlock the door.

Once inside, she fisted her hands together and grunted angrily.

“Why? Why is this happening? How could he keep doing these things? I can’t believe that Stewart is dead. No matter how much of an asshole he was to me, no one deserves to die like that. I can’t live in fear, Marco. I can’t do this. I’m going to lose my mind!” she ranted on and on, feeling so frustrated and angry, and then Marco pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

“Oh God, I’m sorry I’m being such a bitch. I don’t know what I’m doing. He’s got me crazy.”

“Shh, honey, it’s a normal reaction to all of this. You’re handling it quite well, actually.”

She pulled back ever so slightly, looking up and up until her eyes locked with his gorgeous blue ones.

“Kiss me, Marco,” she whispered, and instantly he swooped down and covered her mouth with his own. He kissed her thoroughly and then released her lips, lifted her up against him, and hugged her to him. Millie wrapped her legs around his waist and held on tight.

“I love you, sweetness, and I’m going to take care of you.”

She sniffled then kissed his neck.

“It’s crazy, but I love you, too, and your brothers.” Then she chuckled.

He pulled back a little, holding her up against him. She was half crying and half laughing.

“What is it?”

“That statement just sounded so odd and funny, yet perfectly sane.”

“That’s because it’s real and we all love you very much.”

Millie leaned forward and kissed Marco again.

“I’d better start making some coffee and pulling out food for dinner. I have the feeling this little cottage is going to be crowded very shortly.”

“Don’t bother. Just go pack some clothes for the next few days and anything else you might need.”

“What? Why would I do that?” she asked.

“Because you’re going to the Lewis estate.”

Millie placed her hands on her hips. “No, I’m not. You all have jobs to do and babysitting me is not one of them.”

“This is not up for discussion. You either come willingly or I’ll handcuff you and take you as my prisoner. Either way, I don’t care.” She was shocked. He stalked toward her, holding out a pair of metal handcuffs he retrieved from his waist.

“You know, I think I might like handcuffing you then bending you over that table of yours while I fuck you.”

Millie felt her cheeks warm and, damn it, her pussy flex with anticipation. He strode closer to her, gently using the handcuffs to caress along her arm and then her breast, tickling her nipple.

“As a matter of fact, I think when we get over to my place, I’m going to handcuff you to the bed and keep you there, spread open wide for my pleasure.”

“Oh God, Marco.”

“Yeah, baby, you, naked and bound with this pretty pink pussy dripping with your cream would drive me fucking insane.”

Marco rubbed the handcuffs gently between her thighs against the V of her legs. His other hand grabbed her left hip and he pressed against her.

“You feel how fucking hard I am? I’d keep you bound and aroused every fucking minute of every fucking day, Millie.”

He leaned in and kissed her hard on the mouth. She weakened in his embrace as she grabbed on to his shoulders and held on to him. He released her lips to suck along her neck. Millie rubbed her mound against his cock. She gyrated against him until he held her hips in place.

“You ain’t gonna make me come in my pants like you did to Jeremy.” His Texas accent was extra thick, making her blush.

She shook her head and felt her cheeks heat. She was the one coming in her panties. If she were wearing any.

“You know about that?”

“Honey, there aren’t any secrets between us brothers. Plus, I saw Jeremy back at the house this morning while I was leaving. I asked him what he was doing back home and he carried on about some wild sexual fantasy come true. Anthony called me and told me what happened. You are some piece of work, darling, and tonight, we’re going to see just how wild and wet we can make you.”

He kissed her again, lifting her up so she straddled his waist. He was thorough and she felt on fire with need. Then he set her feet down onto the rug. As she turned toward the kitchen, he gave a light smack to her ass.

“Damn, woman, you sure can fill out a pair of blue jeans.”

That made her smile and forget for a moment that danger wasn’t too far from her doorstep.

Chapter 17


“Why are you making me do this? I don’t want to. I can’t take it anymore. Just kill me!” Dr. Perkins screamed as Frank held her face with one hand while he shoved the recorder near her mouth.

“Say it, bitch! Say it or I swear I’m going to cut you up in pieces.”

She cried out in pain and fear.

He squeezed her face tighter. He wanted to kill her. He didn’t need her anymore but for this one last thing to ensure his plan worked. She knew that, but what choice did she have?

“Now! Say the fucking words I told you to.”

She sobbed, her voice shaking as he hit the record button.

“This…this is Dr. Sheila Perkins. Oh, please, he’s going to kill me. He’s just outside the door. Please!” she screamed, and he pressed stop on the recorder then shoved her face away from him.

“Good girl. Now I can get everything ready.”

He stepped away from her, leaving the knife on the bedside table. She glanced at him. He was so lost in his vengeance and desire to get Millie that he felt invincible and didn’t even believe Sheila had it in her to defend herself.

Her arm was broken, her body bruised and battered, but she wasn’t going to die weak. Sheila knew she was as good as dead. She wished she could have helped Millie, but the poor woman wouldn’t have a chance.

Sheila reached for the knife.

“I hate you and you deserve to die. You’ll never have Millie. Ever!” she yelled as Frank turned toward her and laughed.

“You’re weak, woman. You don’t have it in you to kill. Put down the knife and shut the fuck up.”

Sheila felt the anger tear through her body. She shoved herself off the bed and lunged toward Frank. She knew the knife hit his side, but barely scraped it. He didn’t even flinch and now he was on top of her on the motel room floor with the blade at her throat.

“Now I get to say your line, doc, since I’m running this session.”


“Time’s up, doc.”


* * * *


Marco pulled the cruiser up in front of his house thirty minutes later. There was Anthony, standing on the front driveway, talking with some other men. They weren’t familiar looking at all.

Marco gave a nod in their direction as he rounded the front of the car to open Millie’s door.

He placed an arm around her waist and led her toward the men.

Anthony immediately pulled her into his arms and hugged her to him.

“You doing okay, darling?” he asked in a husky voice, and she squeezed him back then tried to pull away a little. She wasn’t sure who these other men were.

As if reading her mind, Anthony introduced them.

“These are friends of ours. Kevin and Mathew Lawkins.”

“Howdy, ma’am.” Both men reached their hands out for her to shake. She did. They were very tall. Almost as tall as Marco.

“This is Jimmy and his brother, Taylor Morris,” Anthony introduced the other two men.

“Nice to meet you, Millie,” Jimmy stated.

“Nice to meet you all as well,” she replied, but she still wondered who they were.

“Dalton called them so we could go over some security measures.” Marco offered the information. Anthony didn’t seem to want to tell her what was going on.

“Security measures?” she inquired then thought about Dalton. He had wanted to leave the dojo with Hank, but she had insisted that they remain working. She appreciated their concern and desire to be with her, but they had work, businesses, and lives, too. This threat from Frank shouldn’t make them have to change their routines.

“Yes, ma’am. We were in the service with Hank, Dalton, and Marco. We’re back home on some R & R and stopped by to talk with Dalton when he told us about the situation. We’re offering our time and services for when your men can’t be present,” Jimmy stated and he looked her over, as did the other three men. Then they smiled.

“I really don’t think that will be necessary,” Millie replied, feeling that she would need to discuss a few things with Marco and Anthony as well as Dalton, Hank, and Jeremy.

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