Millie's Second Chance (28 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Millie's Second Chance
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“There’s no need for training when you’ve got us. You’re not going around without an escort and you’re not pushing us away so you can try to act tough and confident when you’re scared inside. We won’t accept that.” Dalton stood a few feet in front of her. She looked up into his face.

“Who said that I’m trying to act tough? I need to have some control here, Dalton. If I relinquish everything I’ve fought for, then Frank wins. I’m tired of being weak. I want my life. I want to do what makes me happy and that’s martial arts and working at the shelter.”

“You can do any of the regular classes we offer,” Hank chimed in and she shook her head.

“I don’t want those classes. I want the ones I discussed with you. I need to feel confident that I can defend myself. I need this.”

“You don’t know what you need,” Dalton barked at her and she widened her eyes in shock.

“Oh, really? And you know what I need, Dalton?” she asked, taking a step toward him.

“Yeah, you need to know that we’re here to protect you. You’re not hiding from anything. You have us.”

“Well, you’re the expert on hiding, aren’t you?”

“What?” he asked.

“It’s okay for you to hide behind that T-shirt of yours and not allow me access to you for your good reasons, but I can’t try to do things that make me feel confident?” she challenged him.

“That’s different.”

“How so?”

He shook his head. “How the hell did this conversation wind up about me?” he asked in frustration. The others backed away, allowing this much-needed confrontation to take place.

“It wound up about you because you’re the one causing the situation. How come I have to relinquish everything I have, my life, my freedom, my heart, but you get to keep your secrets and hide things from me?” She turned, about to walk out of the room. Dalton grabbed her arm and turned her back toward him.

“Damn it, Millie, this is different. I’m not keeping secrets. I’m not lying about anything or holding back. I love you. I’ve told you this.”

“Really? Because the way I see it, if you truly loved me and trusted me than you’d stop hiding behind your shirt.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at him.

Dalton looked utterly angry and kind of scared. What did he have to be scared of and how the hell did this conversation wind up about his need to keep his shirt on during sex?

He stepped back from her, glancing at his brothers, who looked on expectantly.

Dalton placed his hands on the seam of his shirt and began to lift it up and over his head. All she saw were scars, long, pink lines from knife wounds or something that caused deep gashes at one time. The one from his neck crossed along his shoulder then down. She covered her mouth. Not out of disgust but sadness. He was afraid of her response. In that moment, he turned from her and began to walk out of the room.

“Dalton!” she called.

“Forget it. Now you know. Satisfied?”

“No, I’m not satisfied. Look at me.”

He slowly turned toward her.

“This doesn’t change anything between us.”

“Don’t pretend that these don’t bother you.” He stuck out his chest.

“They don’t bother me. It saddens me that you would think that.”

“How could you not be bothered by them? I can’t stand to see them, to remember.” He ran a hand through his hair.

Millie took that moment to open the robe she wore and point out the scar from her groin to her hip.

“Look at me, Dalton. Look at the scar I have. I know exactly how you feel. Don’t you think that every time I glance at this damn scar it reminds me of him, of what he did to me and how I almost died?”

“Don’t!” He stomped toward her, lifted her up into his arms, and hugged her to him. “Don’t talk about it. Don’t relive that. You understand, I know you do. Fucking forget it.” He pulled back and covered her mouth with his own. The robe hung off her shoulders, and he walked her out of the kitchen after he released her lips and carried her down a different hallway to the left of the house. Using his foot, he kicked open the door and laid her on the bed. This was his room, far on the other side of the house.

He pulled the robe from her body and knelt on the floor. His hands parted her thighs, and her ass hung off the bed. He stared at her pussy then ran a finger gently over the scar.

It was his way of dealing with his own pain, his own memories. She wouldn’t push him further. He gave in, he shared his secret with her.


He looked up as he used his thumbs to part her pussy lips.

“I love you, scars or no scars. I love you just as much as I love your brothers.”

“I know,” he whispered.

“Do you know, Dalton? Do you really know and feel it, too?”

“Yes, baby. I’m gonna show you.”

Dalton lowered his mouth to her pussy and began to feast on her. She swallowed hard, spreading her legs wider, placing the heels on the edge of the bed. He alternated between finger then tongue, and she moaned with every stroke.

“Oh, Dalton, so good, that feels so good.”

“I want to go slow, Millie. I need slow and perfect.”

“I know, Dalton. I need it, too.”

He kissed and licked along her inner thigh, making her squirm and wiggle. He chuckled, and when his warm breath collided with her pussy, she thrust her hips forward.

He released her and stood up. He began to pull off his jeans and she watched him, never letting her eyes leave his. He discarded his clothing and she waited in anticipation.

He stood there, stroking his cock, making her mouth water to taste him. She absorbed his taut muscles, the ridges and dips, and of course his tattoo across his arm and one down his side.

“I want to taste you,” she whispered, and she slid from the bed onto the rug in front of him. She knelt before him, her mouth a few inches below where his cock bobbed against his belly.

Slowly, she licked the tip, tasting pre-cum and rolling her tongue around the bulbous head.

“Aww hell, baby, that feels good.”

“You taste good,” she stated in a mumble because her lips hit the tip of his cock. He tightened his legs and chuckled.

“That tickled,” he admitted, and she knew exactly how that felt. His warm breath had collided with her pussy and it drove her insane before.

She took more of his cock down her throat, working it slowly deeper. He was thick and long and there was no way she could take him fully, but she would try her best. He reached down and held her hair and head with his hand. She moaned and so did he.

His hold tightened and then he gave a little tug of aggression. Her pussy wept and he chuckled. “Anthony said you like to be controlled in the bedroom. He wasn’t kidding.”

She sucked harder and cupped his balls at the same time and he gasped.

“I like that, baby, and I like control just as much as my brothers do.”

Millie began to move faster, taking his cock deep then pulling almost all the way out when suddenly, Dalton pulled her from him. He lifted her up and covered her mouth with his own. He was hungry and she tasted her own juices on his tongue as they battled for control. They fell to the bed, him landing between her legs. Their lips parted.

“So much for going slow,” Dalton said then reached down, lifted up slightly, and lined up his cock with her pussy. A moment later he penetrated her and began a thrusting rhythm that sent her through wave upon wave of tiny combustions. She kissed his neck along the scars there and then back to his face. He thrust into her, pulling her thighs higher against his sides until he lifted up to gain deeper penetration. Suddenly, her legs were up over his shoulders, her breasts pressed to her slightly swelled belly until he was balls deep inside of her. In and out he stroked her, trying to scratch an itch that was feeding her hunger for more of his cock.

“Harder, Dalton. Harder!” she screamed, and he gave her what she wanted. His thrusts were wild and deep. The bed shook, he growled over and over again, and suddenly she exploded, closing her eyes and feeling as though she were out of her body. He called her name then thrust three more times until he came inside of her, pouring his seed into her womb, and she wrapped her arms around him best she could as they recovered from their lovemaking.

He pulled from her slowly, then dragged her farther onto the bed and pulled her into his arms and snuggled close.

“That was incredible, baby. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

He kissed her forehead and they closed their eyes as the darkness of evening filled the room.

Chapter 18


“It’s nice to meet you, Jessie.” Millie reached her hand out to greet a young woman that arrived just that morning. It was Friday. Millie had survived the week despite her men trying their hardest to stick to their version of a schedule for her. She chuckled just thinking about them. Their lovemaking got better and better every time. She had nearly passed out with excitement when Marco handcuffed her to the bedpost.

She cleared her mind. Now was not the time to be thinking about that.

“It’s nice to meet you, too. This place is great.” Jessie looked around them. She fidgeted with her hands and looked kind of scared. It had only been a few days since Jessie had arrived. Of course she would still be a bit nervous.

“Well, you let me know if you need anything. I can introduce you to some of the other women or help you with just about anything around here.”

“Sure. I appreciate that. I guess I should get going. I think dinner is going to be served soon.”

“Millie!” Millie heard her name being called, and when she turned, Marco was standing there along with Anthony.

“You ready to go?” Anthony asked.

She waved. “Yep.”

“Are those your boyfriends?” Jessie asked, and Millie felt her belly quiver. The women that showed up at the shelter and in Pearl learned quickly about the multiple relationships. Especially with Anna and her men as well as Stacy and her men around the ranch.

“Two of them,” Millie replied.

Jessie looked at her strangely then recovered and smiled.

“How many boyfriends do you have?”

“Five. I’d better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You bet. Goodnight.” Jessie walked away as Millie headed toward Marco and Anthony.

Marco pulled her into an embrace.

“Have a good day, sweetness?”


“Good, Anthony’s going to take you home to the ranch. I forgot something at the department. I’ll meet you there in a bit.”

“Okay. See you later.” Millie said, and Marco headed toward his police cruiser while Anthony took Millie’s hand and led her toward his truck. Jeremy was leaning against it, talking with Eric Cantrell.


* * * *


Jessie snuck out that night, which wasn’t too difficult. One guard patrolled near the cottages and as soon as he passed hers Jessie headed out of there. She took the bike that was leaning against the main house and headed out of town toward Turbank. She hoped that her hair looked good after the long ride. Not that she was interested in the guy, but he was really good looking and muscular. He had sex appeal, that was for sure. Jessie pedaled faster as she thought about him. Maybe once he found out that that woman, Millie, was fucking five men, he’d reconsider caring about finding her? Then Jessie might actually have a chance.

Twenty minutes later, she pedaled up toward the small motel. She hid the bike in the back as she had three nights before, but before she could get around the front, he was standing there.

“Hey, beautiful. No one followed you?” he asked. She felt her belly tighten. Damn was he sexy and his voice to die for.

“No one followed me. Like I told you, I’ve snuck out of shelters before and even private school when I was a kid.”

He walked closer, and his dark-gray, nearly black eyes sparkled. He reached out and caressed his knuckles against her cheek.

“You are far from some little kid, honey. What info do you have for me?”

Jessie blushed. “Well, I don’t think it’s what you expected to find out. I think you should forget about the bitch.”

He took a step toward her then stopped himself.
What the hell was that all about?

“Why would you say that?”

“For starters, she’s fucking five men.” His eyes widened and his hands were in fists at his sides.

“What?” he asked through clenched teeth. Obviously, she needed to spell it out for him. She hoped that he didn’t back out of his promise of paying her five hundred dollars for doing this shit.

“The town of Pearl, where the shelter is, is filled with multiple-partner relationships. There’s, like, one woman to two, three, four, and even more men. It’s wild and it’s acceptable. Your little girlfriend has five of her own and one is a deputy.”

“Interesting. I need you to do something else for me.”

“No. You said five hundred for this, just info. Now what?”

“I need you to bring her here. I need you to get her off the ranch without anyone knowing.”

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