Mind Hacks™: Tips & Tools for Using Your Brain (41 page)

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Authors: Tom Stafford,Matt Webb

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Fake Familiarity
Hack memory to make people feel they’ve seen something before.

The memory system is chockablock with hacks. The information that our environment
constantly provides exceeds any viable storage capacity, so memory employs a variety of
methods that allow it to be choosy. One memory experience we all know is the feeling of
familiarity for previously seen things or people. The process beneath it is quick and feels
automatic, with an almost perceptual flavor. As we will see, that is not too far from the
truth. However, there are hidden layers that contribute to this process, and these can be
revealed by the use of a memory illusion.

In Action

Try this teasing task, using stimuli from Whittlesea and Williams’ 1998 study.
Or better yet find a volunteer to tax instead. Look at the words in
Table 9-1
, one at a time
(around 2–3 seconds a word), in both columns. Then take a breather for a minute or

Table 9-1. Study each word for 2 to 3 seconds each



















Now turn to the second list of words,
Table 9-6
, at the very end of this chapter.
Go through the second list and check/tick with a pencil those that feel familiar (if you
like, you can put a cross by those you definitely didn’t see).

What did you experience? Most people find that while the real words were easy to
identify one way or another, certain of the nonwords had a creeping feeling of
familiarity. Possibly you checked/ticked some that, in fact, you hadn’t seen. If so, your
recognition memory has just been royally messed with.

How It Works

This test is a good way to bring out the heuristic, fast-and-loose nature of
recognition memory. When we encounter something we have experienced before, familiarity
can hit us extremely rapidly. This feeling need not be accompanied by extensive memory
information, which shows it isn’t due to deep memory retrieval. Instead, recognition
memory seems to be piggybacking on the rapid incoming sensory information to flood us with
this sense of “having seen.” What qualities of perception might be useful? Well, as seen
before, items that have been seen recently are processed faster and more easily
Bring Stuff to the Front of Your Mind
— we
can call this
fluent processing
, or just
. The level of fluency you experience when you encounter
something should be an ideal source of information for recognition memory; if you feel
fluent in something, it’s a good sign you’ve seen it before. But there’s a problem.

Consider catching sight of your partner as you enter your home after work versus the
situation in which you catch sight of a less familiar figure in an incongruous situation
(say, your boss at a nightclub). The flash of familiarity comes in only the second
situation, even though the first is far more
common. So it turns out the fluency system is a little bit smarter. It needs
to be, or we would spend our waking life overwhelmed by the familiarity of every
experienced object in our environment. Other mechanisms are brought in to compensate for
the high level of fluency associated with regularly encountered experiences. For example,
words are processed extremely fluently, due to our dedicated language systems
Speech Is Broadband Input to Your Head
, and
so the mind usually takes this extra fluency into account when presented with meaningful
verbal items.

The complication in word lists like the ones in the tables is that there is no clear
division between word things and certain of the nonwordlike things, the ones you felt
you’d seen before. These nonwords are meaningless yet nonetheless have the structure of
words and therefore feed into the mind as easily as they trip off the tongue, becoming
more fluent than nonwords ought to be. This discrepancy — a “surprising fluency,” as
Whittlesea puts it — fools your brain into concluding you’ve seen the nonwords before. The
effect extends to music, with famous tunes, well-structured (catchy) and ill-structured
(less musical) novel tones. The brain takes a measure of its own speed of processing
(fluency) and uses
to produce smart and fast information about
the environment — in this case, whether the specific experience has been had before.
Well-structured tunes get falsely tagged as already heard much more than the others,
because they have more fluency.


Not all false recognition research revolves around this internal measure of fluency.
False familiarity can be produced by other means: for example, subjects can find the
word “sleep” familiar when they have previously heard the word “snooze,” because the two
terms are associated, an effect known as priming
Bring Stuff to the Front of Your Mind
. The argument
traditionally goes that the familiarity results not from fluency, but that, if you hear
a word (and activate it in your brain), it passes on some of that activation to
associated words. That’s the principle behind the techniques in
Create False Memories
, although that’s not to say that future research
won’t settle on an explanation based on a fluency mechanism for these false familiarity
effects after all.

In Real Life

This kind of memory illusion serves advertisers well in their search for ways to get
products in with the public: word-like product names are not only easier to repeat, but
feel more familiar the first time around, as can musical jingles and catchphrases. Bearing
in mind the slight, but real effect that mere exposure
Subliminal Messages Are Weak and Simple
can have, this makes
fluency a design ambition. It could have more serious ramifications when it comes to the
law, as the process of
identifying criminals can involve amplification of ambiguous feelings, such as
“I’ve seen you before — but where?” Such feelings could be produced by preexposure to a
suspect among hundreds of mug shots before a lineup or a glimpse of the subject’s face in
a mug shot book before the ID session has officially begun.

But we must recognize that these highlighted errors reflect a fundamental process, one
essential to our day-to-day behavior, as fluent processing flips us into familiarity mode
only when something in the environment falls out of line with expectations. It’s a handy
hack, using “norms on the fly,” as Whittlesea puts it.

There is an ongoing debate about the localization of mechanisms upon which familiarity
responses depend, with the parahippocampal gyrus (part of the limbic system
Get Acquainted with the Central Nervous System
adjacent to the hippocampus in the temporal lobe) being touted as a candidate region. It
is clear that, relative to the healthy brain, damage to temporal lobe regions impair both
recognition and recall memory, but there is conflict over whether these amnesiac patients
are more prone to these memory errors or actually less; this is becoming a topic of
considerable interest in neuroscience.

Familiarity could be considered the cognitive equivalent of sensory pop-out (just like
flat shapes that pop out into 3D using shading to emulate shadows
Fool Yourself into Seeing 3D
), but our brain makes
sure these things pop out only when they tend to be useful, harnessing higher-level
expectations and lower-level rules of thumb to home in on the interesting features of our

End Note
  1. Whittlesea, B. W. A., & Williams, L. D. (1998). Why do
    strangers feel familiar, but friends don’t? A discrepancy-attribution account of
    feelings of familiarity.
    Acta Psychologica, 98
    , 141–165.
See Also

— Alex Fradera

Keep Your Sources Straight (if You Can)
When memory serves up information upon request, it seems to come packaged with
its origin and sender. But these details are often produced ad hoc and may not fully match
the true source.

Every memory has a source — or at least it ought to. That said, memories can often float
loose from their moorings, making it some achievement that we manage to anchor mnemonic
detail to their origins.

In Action

This test involves word stems, the idea being to complete the beginning of each stem
Table 9-2
with a word of your choice.
(complete it with any number of letters) could be “please,”
or equally “pledge,” “pleat,” and so on. Complete the odd-numbered stems (the ones on the
left) out loud; for the even-numbered ones (on the right), merely
saying the words. Use a different word for each stem (i.e.,
don’t use “please” twice if you run across the

Table 9-2. Stem completion task. Think of a word to complete each stem. Speak the ones on the
left out loud, but the ones on the right just in your head.

Complete out loud

Imagine completing out loud

1. BRE___

2. MON___

3. FLA___

4. TAR___

5. SAL___

6. FLA___

7. SPE___

8. BRE___

9. TAR___

10. SPE___

11. MON___

12. SAL___


Take a break! This is a memory test, so you need to pause for 1 or 2 minutes before
reading on.

Now see if you remember your two
words (it should be fairly
easy) and whether they were spoken or imagined. You’ve got a fair chance of being
right, although you’d likely make a few slips across the whole list. Try the
whole list if you like, giving both items and whether you said them out loud or in your
, and
It’s probable that you can remember what you said for most words, and usually whether it
was spoken or imagined. But while this is not an impossible task, you are in no way
guaranteed to get the source of a recalled item correct.

Now in the traditional view of the mind, the idea that memories could stray from their
true context — that there is no master index putting all our memories in their place — is
rather troublesome. On the other hand, consider what was done: when you come to look back,
you have memories that are in most respects equivalent — for both spoken and imagined
answers, you are left with a purely mental record of you saying the word. At the time,
saying the word out loud was different from just imagining it, but now all that remains of
both events is just an internal image of you saying the word. Yet, somehow, for the most
part, we can distinguish the real event from the imaginary kind. That you’ve done it at
all seems a testament to the memory system, as there are no obvious hooks to pull apart
the problem.

Let’s dig a bit deeper into this...

How It Works

If memories were items — whole events that were fed into memory from an ideal memory
system — it would be odd for us to retrieve a detail stripped of context. In the previous
task, this would be knowing a word but not knowing if it were really said; but other
mistakes taken from research include confusing the gender of the voice that spoke a word,
or whether information was presented in the lab, learned outside it, or given in an audio
or visual modality. The fact that we can make these errors pushes us to accept that
memories are not holistic (read: nicely packaged) entities. Given further consideration,
it is hard to imagine how they could be so and still be useful.

Consider this: how could you (or your brain) objectively and instantly demarcate the
boundaries of what constitutes a single event? An event is as long as a piece of string,
just as an “item” is as many features as you need to make that item. Figuring out what an
“event” or “item” is, is an implausible task. If the brain were to attempt it, we would be
stuck halfway to nowhere.

Once we reject this view and, in so doing, are freed to look at memories as
collections of features, we can again wonder how it is that we can reconnect a memory
detail with its source. This is a property memory needs to function well, so it should
come as no surprise that the brain has found a solution. This is the use of multiple
processes (parallel processing is a common pattern
Robust Processing Using Parallelism
): one to allow quick
automated categorization, coupled with a fact-checker to catch any major glitches and

The quick system is a “heuristic” route, which relies on generalities about
the mental world to make snap classifications. So, for example, there is usually a greater
degree of perceptual and contextual information in
relative to
events. Imagined images are probably sparser in
content and richness of detail, so a memory that is full of detail and vividness can be
quickly categorized as a good candidate for being a real memory. Even when the situations
seem identical, there are subtle differences in memory quality that may be exploited; we
can make comparisons in different modalities (audio/visual) to exploit different, but
analogous, perceptual and contextual discrepancies.

The second, a “systematic” route, steps through the event in question, using other
knowledge bases to appraise whether this labeling is consistent with wider facts
(despite my gut feeling, is it really likely I had a pillow fight with Viggo Mortensen
last night?) and can step in and reverse decisions made by the quick route.

— A.F.

In Real Life

Great examples of source confusion abound. The pioneer neurologist Charcot’s patient
LeLog was convinced his paralysis was due to his legs being crushed in a traffic accident,
yet this injury had never occurred and, in fact, his paralysis had no physical basis.
LeLog had mentally rehearsed this situation to the extent that it began to obtain the
flavor of reality, leading Charcot to coin the notion that the mind may be parasitized by
suggested ideas. A less extreme outcome of source confusion in the healthy mind is
unconscious plagiarism.
This is the consequence of being presented
with an idea, usually in a situation in which the ownership may not be explicit or
emphasized (brainstorming in a group or hearing a ditty on the radio without any clear
sense of the artist), and consequently believing the idea is genuinely your own. Often the
individual will rehearse and revisit the idea, and this can demolish its association with
an external source or speaker. These errors can lead to merry legal escapades, especially
as the accused will be unwilling to back down even in the face of incontrovertible
evidence, due to the certainty we have in our own memory. Even Mark Twain, that most
individual and independent-minded writer, fell foul of this.
The same effect may lead to rather less costly squabbles, as evidenced by
studies that show identical twins can dispute the possession of certain memories
; the degree of shared existence and confidences in these situations can
lead to the real identity of memory protagonists being blurred.

When we turn to the abnormal functioning of the memory system, we are faced
with a far more extreme example, that of patients who display confabulations.
These individuals will give fanciful, false responses to questions in
totally good faith, mixing details from films, current affairs, or their distant past into
statements about their current activities. These individuals can be otherwise functioning
fairly normally, and rationally intact, even embarrassed by inconsistencies in the
memories they express, but will insist that this is what their minds are offering them.
Often information that has been recently presented will be regurgitated as distinctive
personal experience, the source dislocated from the item itself.

The reason that we, unlike these patients, rarely produce phantoms of this magnitude
is believed to be due to a stellar monitoring and assessment system distributed within the
frontal lobes of the brain. It sifts through mental items and labels them correctly as
fantasy, fact, or nonsense or warns us that we do not have enough certainty to say either
way. We may occasionally forget whether we were intending to turn the oven off or actually
did so, but it is rare indeed that we will find ourselves confusing an intention to
complete an information-rich task (say, going to visit a relative) with actually having
done so.

These systems seem to be at fault within these confabulators, which, in combination
with deep memory deficits, allows the creative elements of the mind to weave stories out
of piecemeal elements. Confabulations seem to require damage to the two systems together:
a severe problem with memory coupled with the lifting of the monitoring systems that
prevent flights of fancy and other intact but irrelevant memories being crowned with the
status of authenticity.


We should also note that, as with many memory dysfunctions, there are likely
multiple kinds of confabulation. In particular, damage to the
orbitofrontal cortex
, a structure in the anterior limbic system (the limbic
system is implicated, in part, in memory. See
Get Acquainted with the Central Nervous System
for more), is argued to cause
insistent confabulation by a rather unusual route, namely damage to a motivational system.
The idea is that memories are normally given markers that signify whether
the information “pertains to now,” but damage to the brain region warps this mechanism
so all memories are tagged this way. Any memory brought into consciousness is
accompanied by a deep subjective feeling of relevance that is normally afforded to only
truly relevant information.

End Notes
  1. Stark, L. J., Perfect, T. J., & Newstead, S. (2004). When
    elaboration leads to appropriation: Unconscious plagiarism in a creative task.
    (in press).
  2. Applied info about plagiarism — has a cognitive bent but contains lots
    of practical tips for teachers — can be found at
  3. Mark Twain anecdote delivered at the dinner given by the publishers
    The Atlantic Monthly
    to Oliver Wendell Holmes, in honor of his
    70th birthday, August 29, 1879 (
  4. Sheen, M., Kemp, S., & Rubin, D. (2001). Twins dispute
    memory ownership: a new false memory phenomenon.
    Memory & Cognition,
    (6), 779–788.
  5. See “Soul In A Bucket,” a chapter of Paul Broks’
    Into the
    Silent Land
    (London: Atlantic Books, 2003), which features a patient who
    confabulates and an eloquent summary of the features of the condition.
  6. Schnider, A
    . (2003). Spontaneous confabulation
    and the adaptation of thought to ongoing reality.
    Nature Reviews
    Neuroscience, 4
    (8), 662–671.

— Alex Fradera

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