Mind of the Raven: Investigations and Adventures With Wolf-Birds (47 page)

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Authors: Bernd Heinrich

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Predation by ravens:

Allan, T., and S. Allan. “Common raven attacks ruffed grouse.”
Jack Pine Warbler
64: 43-44 (1986).

Elkins, N. “Raven catching rockdove in the air.”
Brit. Birds
57: 302 (1964).

Heinrich, B.
Ravens in Winter
(pp. 48-57). (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989).

Hewson, R. “Scavenging and predation upon sheep and lambs in west Scotland.”
Journ. Appl. Ecol
. 21: 843-868 (1964).

Jensen, J. K. “Ravens attack fulmars in the air.”
Dan. Ornithol. Foren. Tidsskr
. 85: 181 (1991).

Klickla, J., and K. Winker. “Observations of ravens preying on adult kittiwakes.”
93: 755-757 (1991).

Lydersen, C., and T. G. Smith. “Avian predation on ringed seal,
Phoca hispida
, pups.”
Polar Biol
. 9: 489-490.

Maccarone, A. D. “Predation by common ravens on cliff-nesting black-legged kittiwakes on Baccalieu Island, Newfoundland.”
Colonial Waterbirds
15: 253-256 (1992).

Maser, C. “Predation by common ravens on feral rock doves.”
Wilson Bulletin
87: 552-553 (1975).

Montevecchi, W. A. “Predator-prey interactions between ravens and kittiwakes.”
Z. Tierpsychol
. 49: 136-141 (1979).

Ostbye, R. “Raven attacking reindeer.”
, Oslo. 22: 265-266 (1969).

Parmelee, D. F., and J. M. Parmelee. “Ravens observed killing roosting kittiwakes.”
90: 952 (1998).

Sanders, B. A. “Some observations of the common raven as a predator.”
40: 96-97 (1976).

Schmidt-Koenig, K., and R. Prinzinger. “Raven
Corvus corax
strikes flying pigeon.”
133: 98 (1992).

Tella, J. L., I. Torre, and T. Ballesteros. “High consumption rate of black-legged kittiwakes by common ravens in a Norwegian seabird colony.”
Colonial Waterbirds
18: 231-233.



For review of brood parasitism:

Rothstein, S. I. “A model system for coevolution: avian brood parasitism.”
Annu. Rev. Ecol. & Syst
. 21: 481-508 (1990).

For review of recognition systems:

Sherman, P. W., H. K. Reeve, and D. W. Pfennig. “Recognition Systems” (pp. 69-96). In
Behavioral Ecology
, 4th ed., J. R. Krebs and N. B. Davies, eds. (Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 1997).



Possible olfaction in ravens:

Harriman, A. E., and R. H. Berger. “Olfactory acuity in the common raven (
Corvus corax).” Phys. Behav
. 36: 257-262 (1986).

Taylor, W. P. “Note on the sense of smell in the golden eagle and certain other birds.”
25: 28 (1923).



Farrell, R. K., and S. D. Johnston. “Identification of laboratory animals: freeze-marking.”
Lab. Anim. Sci
. 23: 107-110 (1973).

Sherman, P. W., H. K. Roeve, and D. W. Pfennig. “Recognition Systems” (pp. 69-96). In
Behavioral Ecology
, 4th ed., J. R. Krebs and N. B. Davies, eds. (Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 1997).



For reports of ravens nesting near eagles and falcons:

Ratcliffe D.
The Raven
(pp. 127-138). (London: T & AD Poyser, 1997).

For studies on ravens nesting in urban environments:

Campbell, B., and G. E. S. Turner. “Ravens breeding on city buildings.”
Brit. Birds
69: 229-230 (1976).

Hauri, R. “Der Kolrabe als Brutvogel am Berner Bundesshaus.”
Orn. Beob
. 90: 299-301 (1993).

Jefferson, B. “Observations of common raven in metropolitan Toronto.”
Ontario Birds
7: 15-20 (1989).

Knight, R. L. “Responses of nesting ravens to people in areas of different human densities.”
86: 345-346 (1986).

Meek, E. R. “Raven breeding on city buildings.”
Brit. Birds
69: 316 (1976).

Ortlieb, R. “Stadtbrut des Kolkraben (
Corvus corax
) in Ravensburg.”
Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern
. 10: 186-187 1971).

Ulrich, H. “Brutversuch des Kolkraben (
Corvus corax
) im Stadtebeit von Berlin (West).”
Orn. Ber. Berlin (West)
. 8: 167 (1983).

White, C. M., and Tanner-White, M. “Use of interstate highway overpasses and billboards for nesting by the common raven (
Corvus corax
Great Basin Nat
. 48: 64-67 (1988).

General references:

Kilham, L. “Sustained robbing of American crows by common ravens at a feeding station.”
J. Field Ornithol
. 56: 425-426 (1985).

Marzluff, J. M. “Foraging relationships between corvids and golden eagles: mutual parasitism?”
Journal Raptor Research
28: 60 (1994).

Nero, R. W. “Red fox-common raven interaction.”
Blue Jay
51: 177-178 (1993).

Williamson, F. S. L., and Rausch, R. “Interspecific relations between goshawks and ravens.”
58: 165 (1956).



For an overview of vocal communication in birds other than ravens:

Kroodsma, D. E., and E. H. Miller.
Ecology and Communication in Birds
. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1996).

For our own work on communication in ravens:

Heinrich, B. “Winter foraging at carcasses by three sympatric corvids, with emphasis on recruitment by the raven,
Corvus corax.” Behav. Ecol. & Scoiobiol
. 23: 141-156 (1988).

Heinrich, B. “Does the early raven get (and show) the meat?”
The Auk
111(3): 764-769 (1994).

Heinrich, B., and J. M. Marzluff. “Do common ravens yell because they want to attract others?”
Behav. Ecol. & Sociobiol
. 28: 13-21 (1991).

Heinrich, B., J. M. Marzluff, and C. S. Marzluff. “Ravens are attracted to the appeasement calls of discoverers when they are attacked at defended food.”
The Auk
110: 247-254 (1993).

Marzluff, J. B., and B. Heinrich. “Foraging by common ravens in the presence and absence of territory holders: an experimental analysis of social foraging.”
Anim. Behav
. 42: 755-770 (1991).

General reference:

Zahavi, A., and Zahavi, A.
The Handicap Principle
. (New York: Oxford University Press).

For various previous publications on raven communication:

B. Heinrich.
Ravens in Winter
(pp. 246-252). (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989).



For mouth color as related to maturation and dominance in ravens:

Heinrich, B., and J. M. Marzluff. “Age and mouth color in common ravens,
Corvus corax.” The Condor
94: 549-550 (1992).

Heinrich, B. “When is the common raven black?”
Wilson Bulletin
106: 571-572 (1994).

For status, stress, aggressiveness, and hormones in birds:

Hegner, R. E., and J. C. Wingfield. “Social status and circulating level of hormones in flocks of house sparrows,”
Passer domesticus. Ethology
76: 1-14 (1987).

Schlinger, B. A. “Plasma androgens and aggressiveness in captive winter white-throated sparrows (
Zonotrichia albicallis).” Hormones and Behavior
21: 203-210 (1987).

Wingfield, J. C. “Modulation of the adrenocortical response to stress in birds.” In
Perspectives in Comparative Endocrinology
, K. G. Davey, R. E. Peter, S. S. Tobe, eds. (Ottawa: Nat. Res. Council, 1994).

For review of dominance and feeding behavior:

Heinrich, B. “Dominance and weight changes in the common raven,
Corvus corax.” Anim. Behav
. 48: 1463-1465 (1994).

For review of dominance displays:

Gwinner, E. “Untersuchungen über den Ausdrucks-und Sozialverhalten des Kolkraben (
Corvus corax
Z. Tierpsychol
. 21: 657-748 (1964).



General references:

Dathe, H. “Kolkrabe (
Corvus corax
) auf Schweinen.”
Orn. Mitt
. 16: 16 (1964).

Heinrich, B. “Neophilia and exploration in juvenile common ravens,
Corvus corax.” Anim. Behav
. 50: 695-704 (1995).

Heinrich, B. “Why do ravens fear their food?”
The Condor
90; 950-952 (1988).

Heinrich, B., J. M. Marzluff, and W. Adams. “Fear and food recognition in naive common ravens.”
The Auk
112: 499-503 (1996).

Steinbacher, J. “Weitere Beobachtung von Kolkraben auf Schweinen.”
Orn. Mitt
. 16: 147-148 (1964).

Wüst, W. “Kolkrabe auf dem Rücken eines weidenden Pferdes.”
Orn. Mitt
. 10: 32 (1958).



For a detailed report and background information on the Yellowstone Wolf Project:

Smith, D. W. “Yellowstone Wolf Project: Annual Report, 1997.” (Wyoming, YCR-NR-98-2, 1998).



General references:

Allen, D. L. A.
Wolves of Minong: Their Vital Role in a Wild Community
. (Boston: Houghton-Mufflin, 1979).

Brandenburg, J.
Brother Wolf: A Forgotten Promise
. (Minocqua, WI: North World Press, 1993).

Harrington, F. H. “Ravens attracted to wolf howling.”
80: 236-237 (1978).

Heinrich, B.
Ravens in Winter
(pp. 55-56). (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989).

Lopez, B. H.
Of Wolves and Men
. (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978).

Magish, D. P., and A. H. Harris. “Fossil ravens from the Plestocene of Dry Cave, Eddy County, New Mexico.”
78: 399-404 (1976).

Mech, L. D.
The Wolf: the Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species
(New York: Natural History Press, 1970).

Peacock, D.
Grizzly Years
(p. 106). (New York: Henry Holt, 1990).

Peterson, R. O.
The Wolves of Isle Royale: A Broken Silence
. (Minocqua, WI: Willow Creek Press, 1995).

Ratcliffe, D.
The Raven
(pp. 7-26). (London: T & AS Poyser, 1997).



General reference:

Heinrich, B.
Ravens in Winter
(pp. 251-252). (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989).

Freuchen, P., and F. Salomonsen.
The Arctic Year
. (London: Jonathan Cape, 1960).



For general results of the raven-caching experiments and references to previous work on other corvids:

Heinrich B., and J. W. Pepper. “Influence of competitors on caching behavior in the common raven,
Corvus corax.” Anim. Behav
. 56: 1083-1090 (1998).

Recent work indicating complex memory:

Clayton, M. S., and A. Dickinson. “Episodic-like memory during cache recovery by scrub jays.”
398: 272-274 (1998).

Recent work showing other corvids who also remember conspecifics’ cache sites:

Bednekoff, P. A., and R. P. Balda. “Observational spatial memory in Clerk’s nutcrackers and Mexican jays.”
Anim. Behav
. 52: 233-239 (1996).

For reviews of the field of Machiavellian Intelligence by many contributors:

Whiten, A., and R. W. Bryne (eds).
Machiavellian Intelligence II: Evolutions and Extensions
. (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998).

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