Mind of the Raven: Investigations and Adventures With Wolf-Birds (46 page)

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Authors: Bernd Heinrich

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General references on ravens:

Angell, T.
Ravens, Crows, Magpies, and Jays
. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1978).

Boarman, W. I., and B. Heinrich. “The Common Raven.” In
The Birds of North America
, A. Poole (ed.). (Washington, D.C.: Academy of Natural Sciences, 1999).

Glutz von Blotzheim, U. N. “
Corvus corax
Linneus” (pp. 1947-2022). In
Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas
, Band 13/III (Wiesbaden: AULA-Verlag, 1993).

Goodwin, D.
Crows of the World
, 2nd ed. (UK: St. Edmundsbury Press Ltd., 1986).

Heinrich, B.
Ravens in Winter
. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989).

Ratcliffe, D.
The Raven
. (London: T & AS Poyser, 1997).

Sources of raven mythology:

Goodchild, P.
Raven Tales
. (Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1991).

Guerher, H. A.
Myths of Northern Lands
. (New York: American Book Co., 1895).

Turville-Petre, E. O. G.
Myths and Religion of the North
. (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1964).

Recommended animal behavior texts:

Alcock, J.
Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach
, 6th ed. (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Assoc., 1998).

Sherman, P. W., and J. Alcock.
Exploring Animal Behavior
, 2nd ed. (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Assoc., 1998).

For the work on bird orientation by G. Kramer, S. T. Emlen, and many others:

Schmidt-Koenig, K.
Avian Orientation and Navigation
. (London: Academic Press, 1979).

Specific animal studies referred to:

Cheney D. L., and R. M. Seyfarth.
How Monkeys See the World: Inside the Mind of Another Species
. (Chicago: Chicago Univ. Press, 1990).

de Waal, F.
Good Natured: The Origin of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals
. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1986).

Dethier, V. G.
The Hungry Fly
. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1976).

Goodall, J.
The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior
. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1986).

Griffin, D. R.
Listening in the Dark
. (New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 1958).

Heinrich, B. “The effect of leaf geometry on the feeding behavior of the caterpillar of
Manduca sexta
Animal Behaviour
19, 119-124 (1971).

Heinrich B., and A. Kammer. “Activation of the fibrillar muscles in the bumblebee during warm-up, stabilization of thoracic temperatures and flight.”
J. Exp. Biol
. 58: 677-688 (1973).

Hunt, G. “Manufacture and use of hook-tools by New Caledonian crows.”
379: 249-251 (1996).

Herrenstein, R. J., D. H. Loveland, and C. Cable. “Natural concept in pigeons.”
J. Exptl. Phychol: Animal Behavior Processes
2: 285-302 (1976).

Pepperberg, I. “Cognition in the African Grey parrot (
Psittacus erithacus
): Further evidence of comprehension of categories and labels.”
J. Comp. Psychol
. 104, 41-52 (1990).

Payne K., and R. Payne. “Large scale changes over nineteen years in songs of humpback whales in Bermuda.”
Z. Tierpsychol
. 68: 89-114 (1985).

Seely, T. D.
Honeybee Ecology
. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1985).

Smolker, R., A. Richards, R. Connor, J. Mann, and P. Bergeron. “Sponge carrying by dolphins (Delphinidae,
sp): Foraging specialization involving tool use?”
103, 454-465 (1997).

von Frisch, K.
The Dance Language and Orientation of Bees
. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1967).

Some of the published anecdotes of the strange things ravens do:

Bailey, D. “Snow bathing of ravens.”
Ont. Birds
11: 1 (1993).

Barnes, J. “Raven rolling on ground to avoid peregrine.”
Brit. Birds
79: 252 (1986).

Bradley, C. C. “Play behavior in northern ravens.”
Passenger Pigeon
40: 493-495 (1978).

Connor, R. N., Chamberlain, D. R., and Lucid, V. J. “Some aerial flight maneuvers of the common ravens in Virginia.”
The Raven
44: 49 (1973).

Davis, T. A. W. “Raven covering eggs.”
Nature, Wales
14: 142 (1975).

Elliot, R. D. “Hanging behavior in common ravens.”
The Auk
94: 777-778 (1977).

Evershed, S. “Ravens flying upside-down.”
126: 956-957 (1930).

Ewins, P. J. “Ravens foot-paddling.”
Brit. Birds
82: 31 (1989).

Gwinner, E. “Beobachtungen über Nestbau und Brutpflege des Kolkraben (
Corvus corax
) in Gefangenschaft.”
J. Orn
. 103: 146-177 (1965).

Hewson, R. “Social flying in ravens.”
Brit. Birds
50: 432-434 (1963).

Hooper, D. F. “Ravens snow bathing!”
Blue Jay
44(2): 124 (1986).

Hopkins, D. A. “Snow bathing of common ravens.”
Conn. Warbler
7: 13 (1987).

Jaeger, E. C. “Aerial bathing of ravens.”
54: 246 (1963).

Janes, S. W. “The apparent use of rocks by a raven in nest defense.”
78: 409 (1976).

Jefferson, B. “Evidence of pair bonding between common raven (
Corvus corax
) and American crow (
Corvus brachyrhynchos
Ont. Birds
9: 45-48 (1991).

Moffett, A. T. “Ravens sliding in snow.”
. Birds 77: 321-322 (1984).

Montevecchi, W. A. “Corvids using objects to displace gulls from nests.”
80: 349 (1978).

Owen, J. H. “Raven carrying food in foot.”
Brit. Birds
43: 55-56 (1950).

Stoj, M. “A case of ravens carrying their nestlings away from the nest.”
Notatk. Ornitol
. 30: 106-107 (1989).

Tåning, A. V. “Ravens flying upside-down.”
127: 856 (1931).

Van Vuren, D. “Aerobatic rolls by ravens on Santa Cruz Island, California.”
The Auk
101: 620-621 (1984).



For a study about begging behavior:

Rodriguez-Girones, M. A., P. A. Cotton, and A. Kacelnik. “The evolution of begging: signalling and sibling competition.”
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci
. U.S. 93: 14637-14641 (1996).

For a study about counting by ravens:

Koeler, Otto. “Zahl-versuche an einem Kolkraben and Vergleichversuche an Menschen.”
Zeitschnift für Tierpsychologie
5: 575-712 (1943).



Publications exploring raven recruitment behavior at the Maine study site:

Heinrich, B. “Foodsharing in the Raven
Corvus corax
.” In
The Ecology of Social Behavior
, C. N. Slobodchikoff, ed. (San Diego: Academic Press, 1988).

Heinrich, B. “Winter foraging at carcasses by three sympatric corvids, with emphasis on recruitment by the raven,
Corvus corax
Behav. Ecol. & Scoiobiol
. 23: 141-156 (1988).

Heinrich, B.
Ravens in Winter
. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989).

Heinrich, B. “Does the early raven get (and show) the meat.”
The Auk
111: 764-769 (1994).

Heinrich, B., and J. M. Marzluff. “Do common ravens yell because they want to attract others?”
Behav. Ecol. & Sociobiol
. 28: 13-21 (1991).

Heinrich, B., J. M. Marzluff, and C. S. Marzluff. “Ravens are attracted to the appeasement calls of discoverers when they are attacked at defended food.”
The Auk
110: 247-254 (1993).

Heinrich, B., and J. M. Marzluff. “How ravens share.”
American Scientist
83: 342-349 (1995).

Marzluff, J. M., and B. Heinrich. “Foraging by common ravens in the presence and absence of territory holders: an experimental analysis of social foraging.”
Anim. Behav
. 42: 755-770 (1991).

Marzluff, J. M., B. Heinrich, and C. S. Marzluff. “Roosts are mobile information centers.”
Animal Behaviour
51: 89-103 (1996).

Parker, P. G., T. A. Waite, B. Heinrich, and J. M. Marzluff. “Do common ravens share food bonanzas with kin? DNA fingerprinting evidence.”
Animal Behaviour
48: 1085-1093 (1994).



For reports of early and late nesting by ravens:

Brückmann, U. “Hohe und späte Kolkrabenbrut in Graubünden.”
Orn. Beob
. 74: 209 (1977).

Hauri, R. “Horstbau beim Kolkraben im Herbst.”
Orn. Beob
. 65: 28-29 (1968).

Hauri, R. “Aussergewöhnlich frühe Brut des Kolkraben.”
Orn. Beob
. 67: 63 (1970).

Hyatt, J. H. “Ravens nest in October.”
Brit. Birds
39: 83-84 (1946).

Mearns, R., and B. Mearns. “Successful autumn nesting of ravens.”
Scott. Birds
15: 179 (1989).

Sieber, H. “Frübruten des Kolkraben.”
15: 31 (1968).

For a summary of food and feeding habits of ravens:

Ratcliffe, R. D.
The Raven
(pp. 75-96). (London: T & AS Poyser, 1997).

General references:

Avery, M. L., et al. “Aversive conditioning to reduce raven predation on California Least tern eggs.”
Colonial Waterbirds
18: 131-138 (1977).

Heinrich, B. “Neophilia and exploration in juvenile common ravens,
Corvus corax.” Anim. Behav
. 50: 695-704 (1995).

Sutton, G. M.
Birds in the Wilderness
. (New York: MacMillan, 1936).



Konrad Lorenz’s raven Roa appears in his classic book,
King Solomon’s Ring
(New York: T. Crowell Co., 1952).



For an extensive review of raven movements, and territorialism and population regulation:

Ratcliffe, D.
The Raven
(pp. 118-126, and pp. 196-216). (London: T & AD Poyser Ltd. 1997).

For studies on raven population in Schleswig-Holstein:

Grünkorn, T. “Untersuchungen zum Bestand zur Bestandsentwicklung und zur Habitatswahl des Kolkraben in Schleswig-Holstein.” Thesis, Institut Haustierkunde, Univ. Kiel, 1991.

Looft, V. “Zur Ökologie und Siedlungsdichte des Kolkraben.”
1: 1-9 (1965).

Looft, V. “Die Bestandsentwicklung des Kolkraben in Schleswig-Holstein.”
9: 227-232 (1983).

General references:

Bruggers, D. J. “The Behavior and Ecology of the Common Raven in Northeastern Minnesota.” Thesis, Univ. of Minnesota, 1988.

Ewins, P. J., J. N. Dymond, and M. Marquiss. “The distribution, breeding and diet of Raven
Corvus corax
in Shetland.”
Birds Study
33: 110-116 (1986).

Gothe, J. “Zur Ausbreitung und zum Fortpflanzungsverhalten des Kolkraben (
Corvus corax
L.) unter besonderer Berücksichtigurg der Verhältnisse in Mecklenburg” (pp. 63-129). In
Beiträge zur Kenntnis Deutscher Vögel
, H. Schildmacher. (Jena, Fisher, 1961).

Gwinner, E. “Untersuchungen über das Ausdrucks-und Sozialverhalten des Kolkraben (
Corvus corax
Z. Tierpsychol
. 21: 657-748 (1964).

Lister, R. “Unusual winter movements of common ravens and Clark’s nutcrackers.”
Canadian Field Naturalist
97: 325-326 (1973).

Lorenz, K. “Die Paarbildung beim Kolkraben.”
Z. Tierpsychol
. 3: 278-292 (1940).



For review of cooperation among animals:

Dugatkin, Lee A.
Cooperation Among Animals: An Evolutionary Perspective
. (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1997).

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