Minecraft (Diary of a Minecrafter - School of Minecraft - Minecraft Books For Kids, Minecraft Stories For Kids, Diary of a wimpy kid Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Minecraft (Diary of a Minecrafter - School of Minecraft - Minecraft Books For Kids, Minecraft Stories For Kids, Diary of a wimpy kid Book 1)
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It's almost here, selection day! I have dreamt of this day for almost 12 years and it's so close. I cannot believe that tomorrow I could be selected to attend the legendary School of Minecraft. Oh please Notch, pick me, please. Anyway, mom says I need to sleep, yeah right, as if that's going to happen! I'm so excited there is no way I am sleeping tonight.

She just does not get it, but I guess it's not her fault. No one from her family has ever been chosen to go to the School of Minecraft, so she does not think that I will be chosen either. Oh, don't get me wrong, plenty of her family were chosen to go to the Overworld BS, but none since.

What? Oh, ok mom, I'll try. That was mom and she says if I'm going to keep a journal then I need to explain myself better, so if someone other than Avatars read it then they will understand.

Right, I'll try to explain. My name is Jeb, and I am eleven and three quarters. I am an Avatar and I live in Noobsville, a small village on the world of Minecraftia. We, the Avatars, are a blocky race of people who worship the God Of Minecraft. Oh yeah, just is case you don't know him, DUH, like that's a possibility, his name is Notch.

For many years we have been selected at random to travel to the Overworld and battle against monsters, searching for riches and glory but no one had ever survived, before Steve. Yeah, that's how we talk, BS - Before Steve and AS - After Steve.

Anyway, Steve is everyone's hero here on Minecraftia, and one day I'm going to be just like him.

Who is Steve? You are kidding right. Steve is like the greatest Avatar that ever lived. He changed everything on Minecraftia, the way we live, the way we think, I mean everything.

Ok, ok, I promised I would explain, so here goes. Like I said, each year at the choosing ceremony, Avatars were chosen at random to go to the Overworld. It was a great honor to be chosen but it also meant certain death. No one had ever survived until Steve was chosen. They say he was nothing special, just a normal Avatar, chosen by Notch to adventure on the Overworld, but he was special - he survived.

For many years he was gone, presumed dead like all the others before him, but one glorious day - Steve Day, he returned through a portal. Yeah, weird huh, we did not even know portals existed until, poof, one day Steve stepped through one and changed everything we believed in.

He told how strange and dangerous the Overworld is, but he also explained that it is possible to survive if you learn the rules. For years he had battled mobs - that's what he called the monsters - mined for treasure and built wonderful structures that defied gravity and then one day he discovered a portal that brought him home. He decided then and there to build a School, limit the selection process to those aged between fifteen and twenty five, and teach all Avatars that are selected at the Choosing Ceremony how to survive.

But how can I go to the School of Minecraft, I'm not old enough? Yeah, I guess I glossed over that small detail. Every year, thirty lucky Avatars are chosen from our village to attend the School of Minecraft, BUT, and this is the important bit, there is one extra place this year as it is a leap year and that person is chosen from the WHOLE POPULATION. That means I'm eligible,

The down side is, if I don't get chosen on Sunday I will have to wait another four years before I get another chance. So that's why I'm so excited, I'm praying I will be chosen tomorrow, to attend the School of Minecraft.



The Choosing Ceremony

Arrghh, it's almost 10am. I can't believe I fell asleep, and even worse, I've over slept. The ceremony starts at 12 and I don't want to be late.

Ok, cool, I'm here.
*deep breaths*

Phew, I had to run all the way, mom kept shouting for me to slow down and wait for them but there was no way I was going to be late. If they can't move fast enough then I'll just tell them all about it after they get here. He he, oh, here they come now, maybe they are not so slow after all!

Come on, come on, start already. I'm almost bursting with excitement, I can hardly hold it in. Everyone is here, all the VIP's up on the stage, just waiting for the word so we can start.

......Twenty eight people chosen already, just two more left then the leap year selection. Please, please, please pick me!

And the twenty ninth chosen Avatar is..... Stalwart, son of Sam.

Yay, the crowd cheered. Yeah, yeah, go Stalwart, get on with it already.

And the thirtieth chosen Avatar is Adam, son of Beckley.

Ok already, GET ON WITH IT.

And finally, the last honored Avatar, the special Leap Year Selection is ......Pete of Blacklake. Well done Pete, you have waited many years for this honor.

The crowd went mad, cheering and clapping. Pete is a well respected member of the community and he deserves his place in this....oh who am I trying to kid? I am totally gutted. I really thought it would be me, but now I have to wait another four years, I can't believe it. I'm going to bed, I can't face writing anymore.



Jeb .....JEB.....JEEEBBB, wake up!

What? What's going on.

That's how I was woken this morning, but really, I am not complaining, let me tell you why.

I have been accepted as the final Avatar to attend the School of Minecraft!!!!!

Yeah, totally awesome right?

Ok, ok, I know. I was confused as well. Let me tell you what happened.

As you know Pete of Blacklake was chosen as the final Avatar at yesterdays choosing ceremony, but what I neglected to tell you, because I was so upset at the time, is that Pete of Blacklake is 107! Anyway, when the village elders went to inform him that he had been honoured at the choosing ceremony he did not have a clue what they were even talking about, the poor man was bat crazy, totally mad.

Ok, ok calm down, that's really not nice, sorry. But, he was disqualified from the choosing ceremony and they had to redraw a final Avatar, and guess who won? Any ideas? Maybe I'll give you a little clue, IT WAS ME!!!!!!!!

I'm going to Minecraft School baby!

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