Minecraft (Diary of a Minecrafter - School of Minecraft - Minecraft Books For Kids, Minecraft Stories For Kids, Diary of a wimpy kid Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Minecraft (Diary of a Minecrafter - School of Minecraft - Minecraft Books For Kids, Minecraft Stories For Kids, Diary of a wimpy kid Book 1)
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As you can imagine, Darth did not take being laughed at too well, and he turned on all of us.

'SHUT UP,' he screamed, then he recognised me in the crowd and his eyes turned cold.

'You, wimp, what are you laughing at?' he snarled at me. If I could have evaporated then and there I would have. 

'Uh nothing,' I stuttered in reply.

'Well you better stop laughing now or I will crush you,' he growled, rapidly crossing the room and grabbing hold of my top with his huge hands.


Did I mention the size of his fists? They are massive, more like shovels than hands.


As he lifted me off the floor the room went deathly quiet. Sensing a change in the atmosphere Mr Larrson struggled to his feet and brushed himself off.

'Uh, thank you for that crafting demonstration Darth, yes, quite entertaining, and put the little person down will you, there's a good lad.'

Are you kidding me. I didn't know whether to be happy that Mr Larrson saved me from a beating or upset that he had humiliated me in front of everyone. Oh man, I'll never live this down.



I had a great day today, no scratch that, I had a super awesome day today.

Started out with breakfast in the main hall. Everyone eats at the long tables where we first sat, but get this, Darth and his cronies, Midge and Panther had been moved! Yeah, cool right? Don't know how they pulled it off but he and the other two had been moved up to the front where the teachers sit. Cool for them but SUPER AWESOME for me!


Minecraft Basic Survival Skills 101

This place is awesome, yeah I know, I need to find a new word, but everything IS awesome.

Our teacher for Minecraft Survival Skills is Terry of the Mayers - yeah I know right, he is the Minecraft Gaming Expert, probably the most knowledgeable minecrafter ever, well after Steve, but that's a given. He will be teaching us everything from basic survival skills such as punching trees to get wood right through to advanced minecrafting like fighting mobs. He handed out the course book for the class and it's a signed copy!

The first lesson was sooo cool. He taught us how to punch a tree correctly, so the wood chunk breaks away and you don't hurt yourself. Sounds easy doesn't it? Well you try punching a tree and see what happens, I can tell you it hurts!

You have to go deep down inside yourself and find a ball of power, then as you punch the tree you let the power rip through your body. Man, I felt like superman, smashing trees everywhere, awesome, the only downside is, it only works in the Survival Room. The gravity on the Overworld is different from Minecraftia, that is why you can do amazing things there that aren't possible here.

When Steve built the School of Minecraft he built this Survival Room that recreates the gravity on the Overworld, allowing you to practice as if you are really there. There's something weird about the place though, yeah what's weirder than punching trees like superman? I mean, yes I know it's a class room but it's HUGE, way bigger than the Atrium and I thought that was massive, and get this, there are guards everywhere. I don't know if it's for our safety or to stop us wandering off before we are ready.

Everyone got the hang of it except a guy called Munch, so of course he's now known as Munch No Punch, hehe. I'm just glad it wasn't me.


No class today so me and the guys are going to explore the school. Back later.

Seven hours! That's how long we were walking. Numbers suggested we look around the school grounds and the first thing he did was get us lost. You would think that a school as big as this one would be easy to find, but we did our best for seven hours to NOT find it. Oh yeah, did I mention that we walked for like seven hours!

Gravy was furious, he hates walking, no seriously, he really, really hates walking. He would rather crawl than walk, maybe hop a little, even shuffle on his butt, but walk, NO WAY!



Another day off, Numbers suggested we go exploring again but no one was falling for that again. Just stayed in the room chatting.



I can't believe these words are going to come out of my mouth, but here goes.

Yep, totally dude. Admittedly, I am in Minecraft school so it's not your normal, everyday lessons but even so. We have Crafting again today, this should be fun.

Mr Larrson asked Darth if he would like to give another crafting demonstration but he just grunted no, and when everyone started to snigger his glare was so poisonous the giggles soon petered out. As his gaze swept the room I ducked down behind Gravy and Hoody - hey, it's not that I'm scared, well actually I am a little bit scared of Darth, it's just I did not want him to focus on me any more than he all ready had.

Anyway, once Mr Larrson realized that there was no fun to have baiting Darth he got on with the lesson and man, it was AWESOME.

We started out real simple, just taking some of the Wooden Blocks we collected in Friday's lesson and turned them into Planks.

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