Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (26 page)

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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“What do you want?” Kendall asked. “Tongue? Dick? What?”

“Whatever he’s willing to give me,” Meggie answered, making all of them erupt into laughter again.

This time, Kendall glowered. “What do you think he gives Daphne?” she speculated, the question halting the fun.

“Nothing,” Meggie snarled. “If you insist on accusing
husband of something I don’t believe he’s done, please leave.”

“You left in tears yesterday,” Kendall said without remorse. “If you believe he’s innocent, why cry?”

Fee’s heart sank at hearing Kendall’s games with Daphne had once again reduced Meggie to tears. Confessing would end the uncertainty.

Fee could…The reason for Kendall’s taunts dawned on her. She must’ve known Fee would be plagued with bouts of conscience. Her statements were subtle warnings to stay silent or suffer the consequences.

“Hearing about Daphne shook me a little,” Zoann admitted, all traces of drunkenness gone.

The revelation made Fee feel even worse. Kendall should’ve been ashamed of herself, but the satisfaction in her eyes told Fee she wasn’t.

“Val loves to have his cock sucked. Suppose he would’ve decided a blow job wasn’t cheating?”

“Val wouldn’t betray you, just like Lucas wouldn’t with me,” Bailey said. “That isn’t to say I wasn’t a little uncomfortable knowing about her. But don’t we look at and admire handsome men? The guys doing the same doesn’t mean they’ll be unfaithful.”

“I cried last night,” Meggie said softly. “When Christopher fell asleep. That card affected me the most. Seeing his handwriting and thinking
my husband was a cheater?
I didn’t know him as well as I do?
I didn’t trust in him enough or believe in us enough? It’s the thought of not having Christopher, as well as the idea that someone is going through a lot of trouble to damage my marriage, that is tearing me to pieces. I need to think through this. Work it all out in my head.”

“Are you a fucking masochist or an idiot?” Kendall hissed. “You
with him last night? You opened your legs to him and—”

“And nothing,” Zoann barked. “So think about what you’re going to say next. If Meggie doesn’t escort you out, either I’ll do it myself or I’ll call Christopher and have him do it.”

Knowing Zoann was prepared to carry through, Kendall went silent, making Fee wish that she had an effective weapon against her determined cousin-in-law.



Johnnie added two poker chips to their stack in the center of the table as they all sat in Christopher’s man cave. The noise of rambunctious kids travelled through the open door, coupling with intermittent laughter from the women.

Distracted as he was, Christopher had lost a fucking fortune this evening. Instead of cooking as usual when their time to host their get-togethers came around, Megan had ordered pizzas. If she did this on the regular, Christopher wouldn’t have a problem.

Last night, he’d followed her lead. Arriving home, he’d found her with their kids. She’d ordered another fucking pizza for dinner and turned in early. He hadn’t known what to do, wondering if she was going to kick him out of their room or leave herself if he went in. Finally, he’d taken his balls in his fucking hands, sucked in his pride, and strolled into their room. She hadn’t said a thing, although he’d known she was awake. He’d felt her watching him.

Unsure what to expect, he’d climbed into bed. Five minutes passed before she turned and curled into him, nuzzling her head in the crook of his arm. Instead of talking, he’d fucked her, and she’d allowed him, whispering, “I love you,” before falling asleep with her head on his chest.

Hours and several fucks later, he was no closer to solving this bullshit than he had been when Daphne made the accusation. He’d telephoned Fee, sure she knew something. She’d sworn just as fucking fiercely that she was clueless.

One bitch in the world would fuck with him to this extent. Of fucking course, it could be Cash playing fucking games again. But to what end? Why would Cash want to fuck with Christopher’s marriage just to keep fucking Fee? Fucking over Megan would get Cash tortured
killed, instead of just fucking put to ground.

Christopher couldn’t see Cash risking his dick and brains for no fucking bitch. Kendall, though? She wanted Megan hurt. No fucking matter who claimed otherwise, Kendall fucking hated his girl.

“Prez, you matching him or what?” Mort asked into the silence.

Christopher looked at his hand, four queens and a five. Four of a kind, hard for Johnnie to beat. He couldn’t give less of a fuck. “I fold.”

“Fuck, Outlaw.” Like Mort, Val had withdrawn from the game a half hour ago and now sat at Christopher’s side, able to see his hand. “Are you sure?”

“Outlaw isn’t in the building,” Johnnie said with a scowl. “We’re seeing Christopher.”

“Motherfuck you, John Boy.” Christopher threw his cards on the table and grabbed his bottle of tequila. “I ain’t puttin’ up with this split personality analysis of my fuckin’ ass.”

Mortician drank the Skittle vodka Megan made for him, then stretched. “John Boy right, Prez. That shit that happened yesterday?
can overlook that.
kind of a nice dude, brother. A real family man that would walk the fucking plank for his woman. He’d do anything to keep her happy, even if that mean letting motherfuckers do shit that Outlaw would fuck somebody up over.”

Ever since Megan had made that distinction when she’d been in the hospital, his brothers beat that shit into the fucking ground. “First of fuckin’ all,
would walk the fuckin’ plank for his woman, too. Second, what the fuck wrong with a gentler Outlaw? You know how many motherfuckers my ass killed over the years? Just cuz I’m lettin’ motherfuckers off with a fuckin’ warnin’ don’t mean shit.”

Johnnie smirked at him. “Except that you’re turning into a pussy.”

“What the fuck you said?” Christopher asked in outrage.

“Outlaw not a pussy, John Boy,” Val huffed out.

“That’s what we been saying, brother,” Mortician told him. “Outlaw
a pussy.

Christopher choked and glared at Mortician, unable to believe his ears. “You think I’m a fuckin’ cunt too?”

“You’re not a cunt,” Johnnie said with a frown. “You’re a pussy. There’s a big difference. A cunt is an asshole. A pussy is a wimp.”

“Prez,” Mort inserted at Christopher’s growl, “Meggie girl going ape-shit crazy over fucking Daphne. I’m not into fucking up girls, but for what she did? You should’ve shot the fuck out of her. Straight up.”

Leaning closer, Johnnie glanced over his shoulder, then turned back to them. “Daphne’s gorgeous,” he whispered. “Didn’t her flirting with us boost your ego? Don’t you miss having to put in the effort to get pussy? Have a chick seduce you?”

“Fuck no!” Christopher couldn’t believe what the fuck he was hearing. “Megan flirt with me all the time.”

Johnnie rolled his eyes. “Don’t be fucking obtuse. All you have to do is crook your finger at Megan and she gives you whatever you want,
pussy. Doesn’t that get boring? She forgives you anything. When was the last time she did a pussy lockout?”

Four fucking days ago. He’d walk the fucking plank to never have that happen again. Before that, it had been months since she’d deprived him of her cunt, out of anger. Just thinking of it, made him fucking miserable.

“Once you apologize to her,” Johnnie continued, “it’s over and done with. Like you with Megan, I’m Kendall’s husband and the father of her children. It’s been weeks since I’ve been her lover.”

Why the fuck his and Megan’s relationship had to be the standard by which every other motherfucker treated his, Christopher didn’t know. However, this called for a fucking demonstration. Standing, he went to the doorway.

“Megan!” he yelled. The hum of female conversation paused, so Christopher used the opportunity to call her again. “Megan, come here.”

Before she appeared, he headed back to his seat and sat down, lighting up a smoke and leaning back. A moment later, Megan walked in, the off-the-shoulder mini dress he’d asked her not to wear almost obscene, one bend from showing her pussy.

She slipped strands of her golden hair behind an ear. “You need something?”

He needed to rewind the fucking clock and undo all this bullshit. Shit was spiraling the fuck out of control faster than a fucking speeding bullet. It sounded as if Johnnie was unhappy being a husband. Despite what she said, Megan was angry. He heard it in her voice and saw it in her stiff posture. And these motherfuckers were once again accusing him of being a soft motherfucker, just like when CJ had been kidnapped.

The doorbell rang, and Megan turned to leave.

Setting his cigarette in the ashtray, Christopher grabbed her wrist and stood. “Let Bunny get the door. I asked you not to wear that short motherfucker.”

“Since I didn’t ask you for permission on what to wear in the first place, I decided to ignore you,” she retorted, pulling away from him.

He scowled at her. “Megan, fuck.” He hadn’t called her to argue over her short-as-fuck dress. Maybe shit had gotten boring for his boys with their women but for him and his girl? Not at all.

“I wanna fuck you.” He gazed at her from head-to-toe, his cock throbbing for her. “Lemme bring you upstairs for a quick fuck.”

She gave him a saucy grin, her eyes darkening with desire. “You’re sooo bad, Christopher.”

Settling his hands on her hips, he pulled her against him and bent, nuzzling her neck, no longer giving a fuck if these motherfuckers saw how Megan affected him. All he had to do was touch her and he wanted her. This wasn’t the flirting he’d wanted them to witness, but fuck it.

“I should’ve arrived earlier,” Cash said as he walked into the room, followed by Stretch. “You fuckers can’t have fun without me.”

Swallowing, Megan’s mouth tightened into a straight line and she pulled away from Christopher. “I need to get back to my conversation.” She turned and gasped.

She hadn’t seen Cash since he’d fucked the motherfucker up. Any anger she’d felt toward the assfuck’s stunt went out the window. But Christopher was tired and frustrated at the events of the past several days, all starting with Cash.

“Don’t say a fuckin’ word, baby. I fucked him up cuz of all the bullshit. What the fuck you expected me to fuckin’ do?”

“You handled it as you saw fit.”

Cash looked both remorseful and concerned. As he fucking should. Christopher thought about punching the fuck out of him all over again.

“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry, sweetness,” Cash told her.

“I just expected more from you, Cash,” Megan responded. “I thought you respected our marriages. I didn’t think you’d try to tempt Christopher with another woman.”

Shoving his hands in his pockets, Cash bowed his head. “It was nothing against you, Meggie. We just wanted to have fun.”

Throwing Cash a dirty look, Stretch headed to the bar.

“Hey,” Fee interrupted, walking into the room and stopping next to Cash, not in the least surprised at how fucked up his face was, giving away the fact that she’d already fucking seen him, no matter how fucking much she tried to pretend otherwise.

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