Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (22 page)

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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“Yeah,” Fee agreed. “That means we all have to accept Charlotte’s dictates.”

Megan shifted. “It’s easy to see why Johnnie stopped going around her. I don’t think she likes bikers. Not only that. I get the impression Charlotte looks down on me a lot.”

“Listen up, baby. That bitch ain’t better than you. If Kendall wanna fall for her bullshit, that’s up to her. But don’t
ever let Charlotte make you feel less than her. You give that bitch whatever the fuck she give you. Hear me, Megan?”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she promised. “But she doesn’t talk to me too much when I’m around her.”

“Don’t give a fuck. She could offer you a fuckin’ ten-page speech. If it’s full of fuckin’ insults and shade, give it right the fuck back to her.”

“Sometimes, club politics requires me to stay silent, Christopher,” Megan insisted, shocking the fuck out of him.

,” he snapped. “Don’t stay silent to a motherfucker or his ma, if they ain’t silent to you.” That’s why the Daphne situation had gotten so out of hand. “You stand up to whoever the fuck you got to. Another club president. Another president’s bitch. Brooks’ wife.
. Whoever. I ain’t givin’ a fuck. You gotta slap the fuck out a motherfucker? Do it.”

“Then you’d kill somebody if they hit me back.”

“So?” he asked, confused.

“Christopher!” Megan cried.

“Yeah, baby?


Christopher chewed more berries, hoping he didn’t get the shits. The thought slowed him down. After taking a few more, he slid the bowl away.

Fee fell silent, then drew in a deep breath. “I know Cash is bisexual. If that’s the reason you don’t want us together,” she added when Christopher frowned.

How the fuck had they gone from fucking discussing Kendall to Cash? “That ain’t the fuckin’ reason. He ain’t interested in what the fuck you want.
the reason.”

Megan stood. “I’m going to bring Ryder back to Bunny, then I’ll start breakfast.”

“As long as I’m happy with it, you have nothing to say,” Fee argued, not paying attention to Megan’s departure. “It’s my life.”

“Yeah, except I always gotta fix your goddamn life cuz assfucks hurt you in some way.”

“You don’t have to fix anything,” she shot back. “You take it upon yourself to do it.”

“I sure the fuck do. I’ma keep fuckin’ doin’ whatever the fuck I gotta do to make sure you safe and happy.”

Her face crumpled. “I miss Cash,” she whispered. “Let us see each other.”

“He ain’t givin’ up Stretch,” he told her.

“Then that
the problem!”

“No,” he snapped back. “If it was, I woulda fuckin’ said so. You know I ain’t hidin’ how the fuck I feel ‘bout one motherfuckin’ thing. My fuckin’ problem is

The tears rushing to her eyes increased his frustration. He didn’t know if misunderstanding his meaning started her tears or if the conversation upset her. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he lowered his voice. “You right,” he relented. “Okay, Fee? I’ll back the fuck away under one fuckin’ condition.”

“What?” she asked in a wobbly voice.

“Look me in the goddamn eye and tell me you ain’t gonna fall the fuck apart when Cash fuck over you.” He thought about Cash bringing Daphne to the park. “Tell me you under-fuckin-stand he ain’t into nothin’ serious. He don’t want fuckin’ kids or marriage.”

“You didn’t want kids or marriage at one time,” she said around loud sniffles, tears leaking from her eyes.

“Cash ain’t me, Fee. I fucked over Megan bad when she first got here. Almost lost her. She caught me with another bitch and she was leavin’. I didn’t want her to go, so I talked her into fuckin’ stayin’ and from that night to this one, I ain’t ever touched another bitch. You willin’ to do that? Drop him if he fuck over you?”

Another difference was he hadn’t touched Megan yet. Cash and Fee had already fucked.

“If he doesn’t want kids or marriage, to be with him I’ll just give up that dream.”

“No, fuck no, fucking fuck FUCK no,” Christopher snarled. “Why the fuck you gotta give up
goddamn dream to be with that motherfucker? You sell yourself too fuckin’ short.
the goddamn reason I barred him the fuck away from you. You willin’ to hop to do everything that motherfucker say and he ain’t givin’ up shit for you.”

“Isn’t that what love’s about?”

“Fuck no. Love about compromise. You ain’t givin’ up your dreams for no other motherfucker.”

“I can be an eternal aunt.”

Fuck. He wasn’t wasting his goddamn breath about this. Fee wasn’t his daughter. If she wanted to chase behind Cash, that was on her.
, on the other hand, better leave her the fuck alone. “Do what the fuck you gotta do,” he said, a little disgusted at her attitude. “You wanna give up kids for some motherfucker, do it. But Cash in
fuckin’ club.
motherfucker not fuckin’ over you if he wanna fuckin’ live. Case fuckin’ closed.”

“Can we reopen it for one minute?” she pleaded, her face red and splotchy from her tears.


“Is it anyone from your club? Or just Cash? What about if it was a girl. Or…or a triad.”

Christopher went very, very still so he wouldn’t become very, very angry. He wasn’t the smartest motherfucker, but it seemed mighty fucking strange Fee was bringing up a relationship with three goddamn people, considering Cash had Stretch, who he’d
give up as long as Stretch settled for his bullshit.

It all made perfect fucking sense, including why Stretch went along with that shit at the park and why he’d been at the clubhouse during Cash’s ass beating.

“What the fuck you talkin’ the fuck about? Cuz I fuckin’
you ain’t fuckin’ sittin’ there tryna fuckin’ tell me you fuckin’ both Cash and Stretch. They ain’t stupid e-fuckin-nuff to use you like that.”

Lowering her lashes, she swiped at her cheeks, then glanced away, taking a moment too fucking long to answer. “No, Christopher,” she lied.

“Then what the fuck you sayin’?” he demanded as Megan reappeared. He glanced in her direction, questioning what she needed with a look.

“Bacon, sausage, or both?”

“Bacon,” Christopher answered.

She didn’t move. His raised voice drew her, not fucking food. “Everything okay?”

Fee slid her chair back and jumped to her feet. “I have to go.”

“We finishin’ this conversation later,” he swore to the back of her head as she raced away.

Megan hurried behind her, returning in less than five minutes and seating herself at her spot, on his right side. She held out her hand to him and he took it without hesitation.

“I think Fee fuckin’ both Cash and Stretch,” he said, then explained the conversation to Megan.

“Christopher, just monitor the situation from afar. If she is, then she might be in it just for fun. Girls have fantasies too, you know?”

“What the fuck that mean?”

“Isn’t it every man’s fantasy to be in a relationship with a bunch of women who all know about each other, so he lives happily-ever-after?”

“You outta your fuckin’ mind? I deal with enough bitch shit. You girls don’t even fuckin’ live under one fuckin’ roof
only you gettin’ my dick. I’d be fuckin’ crazy if I was givin’ cock to a bunch of bitches who knew about each other. You ate her cunt but ain’t ate mine,” he mimicked, in his best imitation of a girl’s voice, her laughter egging him on. “You used two fingers in her pussy but one on mine. You made me get on my knees to suck your cock and lettin’ her lay between your legs. You fucked her on top the fuckin’ microwave, but only fuck me in bed.”

“The microwave?” she giggled, pulling her hand from his.

“You get my fuckin’ point. What the fuck yours? That you want me and another motherfucker in your bed?” The moment he said that, Johnnie’s face rose in his head, and he lost his good humor.

“Don’t even think it,” she said around a sniff, reading the fuck out of him. As usual. “This isn’t about me wanting you and Johnnie, and we all live together as one big happy family. First of all, one of you would’ve killed the other one, so that wouldn’t have happened.”

“What’s your point?” he grouched. “Besides, I was fuckin’ two bitches. Kiera and Ellen.”

Ellen had been more jealous of Kiera. Once Megan came, Ellen had schemed to have her taken out of the picture, getting herself
Kiera fucked up.

“Omigod, moron, just stop,” Megan yelled. “It isn’t about them either. As a matter of fact, this isn’t about me
you. I meant in general. Men and women both have fantasies about being the center of attention.
, Fee does too and she sees an opportunity to live out her fantasy for a little while.”

“That ain’t my sister,” Christopher disagreed, dropping the talk about the other motherfuckers. No matter how fucking much they loved each other, shit like that brought up jealousy and insecurity. “Fee like one-on-one.”

“Suppose she’s changed her mind? Maybe, she wants both of them.”

“I told Cash to stay the fuck away from her. If she fuckin’ both of them, it’s cuz of that motherfucker.”

“You can’t be sure of that.”

“Yes the fuck I can. I know Fee and I know Cash. Put that shit together and
fuckin’ her
Stretch what the fuck I get.”

“All right,” she said. “But she’s been so sad and unhappy. Let her have this with them if that’s the case. If you see it getting out of hand,
do something about it. Not kill them,” she added, dashing Christopher’s intentions. “You can’t kill Cash and Stretch for being with Fee, even if it doesn’t work out. They are all consenting adults. Twenty-six, twenty-nine, and thirty-two. She’s going into this with her eyes wide open. Pretend you’re none the wiser right now. I’m sure you have other things to deal with rather than who Fee is sleeping with.”

He did, but he’d failed his mother, three of his sisters, and all of his nieces. He’d even failed Zoann and Megan. He wanted to do this right with Fee.

Megan got up and came to him. Sliding his chair back, he pulled her into the vee of his thighs, hugging her. She smelled of her milk, baby powder, and faintly of him.

Doubt crept into her face. Christopher wondered if some of the things Kendall had put into Megan’s head still affected her. “You think I interfere too much?”

Nope, old shit didn’t affect her. This was more new shit, similar to the shit she’d said about him teaching her to fuck.

Fuck, this was the shit Fee was supposed to report to him, although Kendall probably hit Megan with this during the brunch thing, and Fee hadn’t been allowed in. Petty shit like that were some of the fucking reasons he fucking
Kendall. She was always fucking with Megan. She wanted Megan so fucking insecure she could slide right into her place as head bitch.

Never fucking happening. Megan could end up in a fucking straight jacket and Kendall could go sane. She’d
be right the fuck where she was.

He planted small kisses on his girl’s lips. “Megan, baby,” he said, between kisses, unable to keep his hands and mouth off her for too long. “You my old lady. It’s your fuckin’ place to interfere.”

“Okay.” She straightened. “I’ll fix your breakfast then jump in the shower.”

“You ain’t eatin’ with me?”

“I’ve lost my appetite.”

Her statement redirected his attention to another fucking topic. “You need to tell me something, baby?”

She frowned. “What?”

He glanced at her belly.

“Oh, no! I’m not pregnant.”

“And you ain’t ever bein’ pregnant a-fuckin-gain,” he vowed. “I really am schedulin’ my cock snip.”

“Do you have to? I won’t get pregnant again any time soon, but suppose down the road I want another baby?”

This was the same argument she always put up. Every fucking time, he gave in. “Megan, don’t do this to me, baby. We got four lil’ motherfuckers runnin’ the fuck around. That ain’t enough?”

“It is,” she said. “CJ is growing up so fast. Before you know it our other three will be off to school like him.”


“That’s not fair.”

“The fuck it ain’t. Girls get to do what the fuck they wanna with their bodies. Well, my dick belong to me.
borrow it. Since this about my body, I’m gettin’ my dick snip.”

“I like babies.”

“Then open a fuckin’ daycare. You’ll have babies. Best of fuckin’ all, they ain’t ours so we can send them the fuck home at the end of the day.”

She gasped.

“Shut the fuck up. You know what the fuck my ass sayin’. I’m makin’ a fuckin’ point. I love our kids.”

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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