Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (63 page)

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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“Right, gorgeous,” he said, as if he didn’t believe her.

Kendall gave Rory a thoughtful stare. “How long will it be before you arrive?”

“I’ll be there soon.”

“Rory has been asking for you,” Meggie interjected. “Why don’t you talk to him on your way over here, Johnnie? Cheer him up from his

“You little bitch,” Kendall snarled, low.

“It takes a bitch to know one, doesn’t it?” Meggie returned sweetly, holding her phone out to Rory but staring at Kendall.

Johnnie sighed. “Fuck. I’m on my way.”

“Just in time to discover where we bury this bitch’s body,” Zoann called.

“Fuck,” Johnnie said again, a chair scraping in the background.

Fee stepped forward, wanting to remove her little cousin from Kendall’s wrath while Johnnie was still on the phone. “Rory, bud, why don’t you show me to my room?”

“Go ahead, son,” Johnnie encouraged, aware that Rory wouldn’t move without permission from either him or Kendall.

Holding her hand out and making sure she didn’t lose any of her gifts, Fee allowed the little boy to lead her upstairs, vowing to do things completely opposite from Kendall when she had kids.



When Outlaw killed Daphne, the number of Bobs dropped to twenty-three. It was Cash’s job to rectify the situation, but that meant testing the girls who passed the short interview. Testing meant cock sucks. While Cash had nothing against as many blowjobs as possible, he no longer had his heart into meaningless ones. If it wasn’t Stretch’s or Fee’s mouth on him, he wasn’t interested.

He couldn’t continue to fuck around. Fee wanted more. Stretch wanted more.
wanted more. His intentions to win Fee’s brother, sister, and cousin over would be shot to hell thanks to the sea of blondes in the common room. In the weeks preceding Fee’s stabbing, he’d sent invitations via the girls already in his squad. Because Daphne had been a blonde, he’d specifically requested the same from the applicants.

Now, interview day had arrived. In the wake of Fee’s stabbing, he’d forgotten about today, so he hadn’t canceled. His stupidity was hard to digest. True, they hadn’t been together at the time nor had he seen Fee since their painful breakup. He hadn’t seen either scenario changing. Had things gone as planned, however, Stretch would’ve been on premises.

What the fuck had Cash been thinking? He would’ve broken one of Stretch’s friendship rules.

Standing in the hallway, he leaned against the wall and shoved his hands through his hair. Stretch had been the one to let them in. He’d returned from Houston to find Stretch resuming his gate duty. He’d had some type of epiphany that Cash had forgotten to ask about. Fee, though, would’ve remembered.


Cash had to win them back. He had to get as many people on his side as possible before going to Outlaw. That meant, he couldn’t alienate a single member of Fee’s family.

It didn’t matter that Outlaw wasn’t at the clubhouse right now. Johnnie was. He’d see the girls applying to be a Bob. Zoann came everyday with Meggie, to help cook for the brothers. In exactly one hour, if Cash didn’t so something, the kindnesses those two women had shown him as they awaited word about Fee would change into loathing and disgust on Zoann’s part and a loss of Meggie’s support for his relationship with Fee.

Peeking around the corner, he straightened and started pacing. At least thirty girls awaited him. Fuck. As the manager of the Bobs, it was Cash’s duty to see to their well-being, put out any fires that arose amongst them, and, most important, make sure they were versed in pleasuring the club members.

If they didn’t have other jobs, Cash made sure they had money. He gave the college girls extra, whether or not they were employed elsewhere. He kept in contact with them and made sure they never felt threatened, pressured, or obligated. If they didn’t enjoy sucking cock, they were free to walk away at any time.

For a while, the position had been the best fucking job in the world. He’d had his cock sucked at least once a day for months. He’d had his own private porn show when he got to watch the girls fucking each other.

Outlaw’s office door opened and Johnnie stormed out, hellbent-for-leather, barreling past Cash without noticing him. When his presence registered, Johnnie halted.

“McCall?” he called over his shoulder.

“Yeah?” Cash kept his voice as neutral as possible, not wanting Johnnie to hear his turmoil.

If Johnnie thought Cash was fucking over Fee, he’d kill him after a shitload of torture.

“What the fuck are you doing in the hallway?”


Backtracking, Johnnie halted next to Cash and lifted a brow. “About?”

His stupidity. That answer, however, would be another fucking giveaway to his feelings. Cash needed Johnnie’s support, but he had a plan on how to get it. “My savings account and the hit it took when I drained it to invest in my brother’s company,” he said, not a fucking lie. Just not the fucking truth in the scheme of things. “Sloane invested, so did my father.” Not that Parnell’s investment mattered.

Concern replaced Johnnie’s confusion. “Talk to Val. We have some runs coming up. Let him schedule you on one of the big ones.”

Drugs or guns. Even that didn’t thrill him, when the danger once would’ve had him over the moon. He nodded. “Thanks.”

Sighing, Johnnie pulled out a cigarette. “Spit it out, Cash. What the fuck’s wrong with you? Does it have anything to do with Fee coming home from the hospital?”

Cash wouldn’t admit that was part of his problem. “How do you do it, Johnnie?”

“Do what?”

“Be a biker and a family man?”

He released a plume of smoke into the air. “It isn’t always easy. For instance, when it hit me you were here, I had to decide if I should keep walking as Rory’s father and Kendall’s husband or if I should be your vice president.”

President, for the time being, but Cash wouldn’t point that out. No one wanted to think about why that was the case, since Outlaw should be out of jail, by now.

“What made you decide to be my vice president?”

Jamming the cigarette into the corner of his mouth, Johnnie shrugged. “I need to cool off before I see Kendall,” he admitted. “I just spoke to my son. The tears in his voice just about killed me. Kendall’s at it again.” Taking the cigarette in hand, he flicked the ashes onto the floor. “I’m thinking about getting a vasectomy like Christopher suggested. I can’t handle Kendall’s pregnancies much longer. When her bad behavior extends to my son, I draw the fucking line. I want to shake her until her fucking teeth rattle.” Drawing on the cigarette again, he leaned next to Cash. “I love her so much, but I’m so fucking sorry she’s pregnant, Cash. She says she’s on her medicine, but her behavior suggests otherwise.”

Maybe, he should get Kendall the abortion pills. She didn’t want the kid and she was making everyone miserable.

“What about an abortion?” he fished.

“I told her to get one, then felt guilty as hell for wanting to destroy my kid because Kendall won’t listen. My anger fuels her bad behavior. Unless I do something drastic, I can’t handle her on my own when she’s like this. Zoann’s talking about burying her and Megan’s past fed up. If
isn’t on my side, then I’m completely fucked.”

Johnnie’s explanation made sense. It wasn’t the kid’s fault he’d been made. Hopefully, by now, Kendall realized that. Cash wouldn’t care what she did if her actions didn’t affect Johnnie.

“Meggie is Kendall’s verbal punching bag, brother,” he said, his mind whirling. “Everyone gets tired of that shit.”

tired of it. I can only imagine how Megan feels. Without her pretense of being Kendall’s BFF, Christopher will pick up on the troubles.”

Kendall would be fucked, then. The way she’d fucked over Fee would be vindicated, a punishment she deserved.

Cash remembered his mother’s words. “For every problem, there’s a solution. You just have to take a moment to forget the bullshit and focus on solving.” Wise words to remember. “I have a question for you, but you have to promise me you won’t fuck me up for asking.”

Throwing the cigarette stump to the concrete, Johnnie stomped it out. “Ask.”


“If this is about Kendall, the floor is open, Cash. I’m willing to listen to anything to help her. Help us.”

“Do you love her or are you just substituting her for Megan?”

Cash expected outrage or indignation, not the bleak look Johnnie turned to him.

“I love her more than any of you will ever know, but she makes it so fucking hard to be her husband. What will it take for her to do as she’s supposed to do? Christopher’s already shot me once. If he gets to the point where he has to do it again, he’ll kill me. I won’t get shot in the fucking shoulder. It’ll be my head.”

For the first time, Cash heard Johnnie’s smidgeon of fear toward Outlaw. Fuck. Anytime
feared their president, Cash stood no chance.

Johnnie was too close to the situation to find an objective solution, so Cash thought of one.

“Send Kendall away until after this baby is born.”

“I might have to, especially if she’s taking out her hatred for Christopher on
my son

That statement lost Cash. He’d think her feelings toward her
would guide her treatment of their kid. “How can she do that?”

“Don’t repeat this to anyone, but Kendall hates CJ. Fucking despises a small boy. Who in their right mind feels that way about a kid? In CJ, she sees a mini Christopher. When I heard Rory crying and Megan so focused on me coming there, on Rory playing, I knew. Kendall must be taking out her dislike on my child.
child. She’s either making him stand straight or not letting him play with the other kids, or some other fucked up thing, in her quest to stop him from being…” He shook his head. “From being a barbarian.”

Her favorite word to describe Outlaw. The woman was obsessed.

“She hates Christopher so much because she wants to fuck him so bad.”

Had he heard right? Seeing Johnnie’s rising anger, Cash knew that he had and he blinked.  Johnnie knew this and hadn’t walked away? Only love would make him stay. However… “She hates Outlaw.”

“She’s attracted to him,” Johnnie corrected. “Her fucking pride is also hurt that he knocked her on her ass when she came to seduce him. She’s damn lucky she didn’t end up with him. He would’ve shot her ass off a long time ago.”

“Outlaw wouldn’t have hurt her. He would’ve let her go.”

“No, Cash,” Johnnie said without humor. “
feel like killing her sometimes and there’s no woman I love more than Kendall. I’d give my life to protect her. Fuck, I’d give my life if I knew she’d be happy for the rest of
life. There’s no woman whose as beautiful or as witty as she is. But she has a dark side. A side that makes me want to wrap my hands around her fucking throat and watch her die when she hurts Rory.” He closed his eyes. “If she ever physically hurts him, I will kill her and mourn her loss for the rest of my life. I can’t fucking get through to her how much I love her. How wrong it is the way she treats our son. How she’ll never get her fucking job back with Brooks. I’m considering killing him. I don’t know if I want to get it done quick or torture him for hours. Kendall wouldn’t be so bad off about her job, if not for that motherfucker.”

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