Miss-Fortunate Reality (6 page)

BOOK: Miss-Fortunate Reality
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woke up later that night to my husband kissing me. His strong hands holding my
face while his tongue was dancing inside my mouth. He was very sensual and he
smelled phenomenal. I wrapped my arms around him and he was still wearing his
suit “You should take this off” I whispered. He groaned. He took off his jacket
but left his vest on, unzipped his pants and undid his belt. He sat on the bed
looking beautiful waiting for me. I kissed him and put my hand inside his
pants. He was hard and ready to go “I’ve missed you’ I whispered “Not as much
as I’ve missed you Alexandra”
I took out his cock and sat on him, sliding it inside me. He grabbed my hips
and I began to thrust on him, fast and deep. We were both moaning and loving
it. “We sealed the deal for $25 billion” he exhaled.
“Oh my, that’s a lot more than you expected” I said going deep on him. He
lifted me up still inside me, cleared the dresser tossing everything on the
floor and sat me on it. Put my legs up over his shoulders and fucked me hard.
“I owe you a vacation” he began, I was moaning uncontrollably “I’ve booked us a
week in Cairo, in two weeks” said “What?” I exhaled “I cleared it with your
assistant, it’s a done deal” he said pounding hard on me. “Rob” I screamed as I
was about to come “Come for me baby” he groaned thrusting harder and deeper
into me until we both climaxed together. I felt like I melted into the dresser,
I was covered in sweat. He picked me up again and kissed me hard, turned me
around and laid me down on the bed face down. He took off the rest of his
clothes, grabbed my hips putting my ass up in the air and entered me again. He
continued until 5am when he finally fell asleep with his giant arms wrapped
around me. He looked so peaceful, so relaxed, letting go of all his work
related stress. I was so glad he was finally home, I couldn’t live without him,
and he was my everything. I watched him sleep until I eventually dozed off.

woke up to Rob getting dressed. He had already showered. He wore a pair of
beige slacks and an Armani navy golf shirt. “Where are you going? You look good
enough to eat” I said.
“Meeting Marc for lunch, he picked up two kegs for me yesterday and he has them
in the back seat of his car, so I figured I would at least take him out for
lunch” he replied putting on his Rolex. My heart sank and my mouth went dry.
Robert was friends with Marc because of Pam, however they only hung out
together when we were around. Marc wasn’t the type of person or I should say a
person with the social status that Robert would hang out with. Doing favors for
each other was new.
“Why didn’t you just have them delivered?”
“Because, last time I saw Marc he offered to do this for me for the next time,
so I took him up on the offer” he began.
“But don’t worry, I’ll be back soon for part two, unless you want to join us”
he said.
I shook my head “That’s ok I’ll eat something here and take a long bath” I smiled.
“Um Rob, I didn’t want to tell you over the phone but I lent Pam and Marc five
thousand dollars. I guess Marc’s brother cut back his hours and they were
behind their mortgage plus they needed some car repairs”
He was looking in the mirror brushing his beautiful black hair, but didn’t say
“I told them it was a loan, they are having marital problems over it” I added.
He put his comb down and looked at me with his piercing blue eyes, but I
couldn’t read his facial expression.
He smiled “I was wondering what that was all about, I checked our financials
while I was abroad”
“Oh, is something wrong?” I asked.
“No, nothing at all, I will see you later, I love you Alexandra” he said giving
me a quick kiss on the lips and he was gone.
Other than the shopping spree I had with Pam on Saturday, the only money I
spent was on the corporate credit card from my company and Rob had no access to
that. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath “Alex, stop being so fucking

two hours later I heard Rob’s Maserati pull up and another car with it. I
looked out the window of our master bedroom and there was Rob with Marc opening
the trunk of Marc’s car.
I was wearing nothing but my bathrobe at this point. I closed the bedroom door
and put on a pair of panties, my beige Benetton skirt and a black tank top. As
I was pulling my tank down, my bedroom door opens. “Sorry I’m late, Marc had
the rest of the day off, so we went to the liquor store to pick up some stuff
for this Friday and we picked up a new barbeque. He’s going to help me set it
up, shouldn’t take us more than a couple of hours” he gave me a hug and kissed
me on the lips, my heart was raising and my mouth went dry again.
“Did you two have lunch?”
“No, we didn’t get to it, and I’m starving”
“I’ll make you something, how about some cold meat subs?
“That sounds great” he began “Anyway, why don’t you put your bathing suit on
and come downstairs for a swim, the pool man came by this morning and already
cleaned it”
I swallowed “I don’t own a suit, I have bikinis, remember?”  And every
single one of them is skanky.
“I don’t care, wear a wrap or something.” He said shrugging.
“Alright, well let me make lunch first and then I’ll change”
He left the room, I took a deep breath and went downstairs.
As soon as I made it downstairs, Marc crossed my path. “Hey Alex” he said
giving me a quick hug.
“Hey” I said and walked toward the kitchen. Rob was there standing over the
granite counter, the exact same area Marc and I had our first encounter,
looking over the instructions. I walked passed him patting his back. “These
instructions are ridiculous” he muttered, just then Marc joins him and starts
laughing. “Yeah, this is going to take all afternoon” he said and glanced over
at me. I closed my eyes and turned the other way.
I opened the fridge and grabbed the cold meats, veggies, mayo, mustard and
ketchup and set it on the island. Grabbed the second largest knife and cut the
bread open. “What do you want on yours Marc?” I yelled out over the two of them
talking. “Lettuce, tomato, mayo, and mustard please” he replied
“Baby yours as usual?” I asked, but Rob didn’t respond. I looked back again to
talk to Robert, and Marc was looking at me, I blinked and walked up to Rob, put
my hand on his back “Baby?” I asked
“What is it?” he asked, his voice stern “Should I make yours as usual?” I spoke
softly, he looked at me, and his eyes vacant “Yes” he finally said.
I quickly went back and made the sandwiches, as fast as I possibly could, put
them on plates, opened a bag of chips and put some on the side, set the plates
down near them and walked away. I raced upstairs put on a blue bikini I had
with Hawaiian flowers, a blue wrap around my waist, grabbed my Vogue which I’ve
been meaning to read since Saturday and my Jackie O
sunglasses, went back downstairs and went outside, and sat as far away from
them as possible.
I could hear them swearing and bitching over the instructions from where I was
sitting, I went back inside to grab my iPod and when as I was going back
outside, Marc was coming in and winked at me. I just walked on. I sat back on
my recliner and turned the music all the way up.
About an hour had passed and I was nearly the end of my playlist and I was
melting from the heat as the sun had moved and was beating over me. I looked at
the boys and they only had the shell together. I was dying of heat and I needed
to get in the water or I was going to burn badly. So I stood up, took off my
wrap and jumped in the pool, I went under and stayed in there as long as I
could. I came up for air and swam towards the boys. “You know you could have
hired someone to do that for you” I remarked
“Alexandra please” replied Robert “Yeah where’s your faith on two more than
capable men?” asked Marc smiling.
“Just saying, they make those instructions difficult on purpose, just so the
buyer pays the retailer to put it together for them” I pointed out.
“Ok smart ass, if you have something to say, why don’t you come here and help
us then” remarked Rob turning around to look at me, he was angry.
I stared at him intently and looked away went back under the water and got out,
grabbed a towel, put it around me, grabbed my sunglasses, my Vogue and my iPod
and started to walk back inside. Rob quickly got up and grabbed me by the arm pulling
me toward him “I’m sorry” he said and kissed me deeply “I’m hot, I’m extremely
annoyed, and I’m still jet lagged” he said looking into my eyes “Yeah ok” I
said and smiled.
“Please don’t be angry with me”
“I’m not, but I’m going in, I’m going to get a sunburn out here if I stay” I
said breaking free of his hold.
“We should be done shortly” he called out as I was making my way back inside.
I went upstairs and took a shower, I felt tired and mentally exhausted.
I put on one of Rob’s t-shirts and laid down, and eventually dozed off.
When I woke up, it had just began to get dark, I looked at my watch and it was
7pm, I sighed.
I looked outside and Marc’s car was still here.
I got dressed again and went back downstairs. Rob and Marc were outside in the
back yard having beers and the kitchen was a mess. Burger meat in the sink, the
cutting board had remnants of onions and tomatoes, and beer bottles all over
the counter. I guess they finished the barbeque. Rob saw me from outside and
called me to come out.
“Did you have a nice nap?” he asked grabbing my ass.
“Yes” I smiled.
“Come here”
He grabbed me and sat me on his lap, and he reeked of beer.
He grabbed my face and kissed me deeply and lustfully “Are you hungry?”
“No, I have a bit of a headache actually” I lied, I was dying to go back inside
away from him and away from Marc.
“I was just telling Marc about the deal in London and our trip to Cairo”
“It’s quite something” I said looking at Marc.
“Indeed, you two are very lucky” he replied looking into my eyes.
“How’s Pam?”
“She’s good, we’re working things out, in fact she’s letting my mom look after
the kids this Friday to Saturday which is a big deal, you know how she is, she
trusts no one”
“Well then you should plan on staying here over night, so you two can let
loose, we have five spare bedrooms, I’m sure a few will be staying” Rob piped
in and I looked at him in shock.
“Maybe, I’ll talk to her” replied Marc.
“Don’t look at me like that, I’ll call the maid service to have the place
cleaned on Sunday” said Robert looking back at me.
I raised my eyebrows and tried to get up but he held me down.
“Don’t leave, I haven’t seen you all week” Rob whispered sliding his hand too
far under my skirt. I could feel Marc staring but I kept my eyes on Robert, feeling
slightly humiliated yet thrilled.
“I should go” said Marc suddenly getting up.
“If you must, thanks for helping me out today buddy” said Robert.
“No problem, see you two on Friday”
“Bye, say hello to Pam for me” I called out.
He looked at me and smiled.
As soon as he was out the door, Rob slid his fingers inside my panties “You’re
wet” he remarked almost accusingly “I was asleep waiting for you baby” I
replied. He groaned, picked me up and took me upstairs.























The next morning, I woke up
alone, there was a note on my night table on top of my cell phone.
“Alexandra, I’ve been called in for an emergency meeting over the London
deal. I should be back before lunch, Love Robert”
I put the note aside and grabbed my phone, turned it on and waited for
the messages to load.
Pam: Did Marc spend the entire day at your place?
Me: “Yes, he was helping Rob with the new BBQ”
Pam: “What time did he leave?”
Me: “Shortly after 7 I guess, why?”
Pam: “Ok, I didn’t believe him, now I’m gonna have to apologize...fuck!”
Me: “Lol, sorry, Rob held him hostage”
Pam: “K, see you tomorrow”
Marc: “How are you?”
Me: “You shouldn’t be texting me”
Marc: “He’s an arrogant prick Alex”
Me: “Goodbye Marc”
Marc: “I miss you, I hate seeing you with him”
I waited and nothing. I cleared the messages and turned off the phone again.
After I cleaned up I went downstairs for breakfast. To my surprise Rob had
cleaned up all evidence from last night. That was the thing with Rob, it wasn’t
so much taking control over me but he would take control over everything and
the one thing he hated the most was me being mad at him. So he always did his
best to take care of things before that happened.
I poured myself some cereal and went outside to eat. The sun was shining and it
was going to be another hot one today. It was only 9 am and the sprinklers were
already going in our massive back yard. I hadn’t spent much time there this
year. Rob hired new gardeners and they really knew what they were doing.
Everything was blossoming and the fragrance of the flowers was intoxicating.
The phone rang just then, and it was an unknown number.
“Hey Alex” said Marc
I sighed “what do you want?’
“I miss you”
“I’m hanging up now”
“Don’t do that, just talk to me, I know he’s gone”
“How you could you possibly know that?”
“Because his car is gone”
“Leave, you need to leave” I said getting up and headed toward the front
window. I looked outside and there was no one there.
“My car is hidden at a vacant lot, two houses down from yours, it is well
hidden, you can‘t see it from the road”
“I have no idea when he’s going to be home, and why aren’t you at work? Your
brother is going to fire you” I reprimanded.
“I don’t give a fuck about my brother, stop wasting time and go out for a jog
I exhaled “You’re too much” I smiled.
He hung up.
Three minutes later I was out the door with my iPod. Jogging fast towards my
The lots in my neighborhood were large and far apart from each other. They were
all separated by large oak trees, bushes and flora. I kept going until I found
the empty lot, I looked around and jogged down the long driveway toward the
house that wasn’t built yet. There was heavy bush and gravel everywhere. Suddenly
my hand was grabbed and pulled toward the bush on my right side. His lips were
locked with mine, his hand on the back of my head and the other on my back
holding me close. “I’ve missed you so much” he whispered kissing my neck and
the side of my jaw “I couldn’t go another day without touching you” he said
looking into my eyes. “What you wanna do it right here in the bush?” I asked
“No, I just want to kiss you, be with you, and hold you Alex” he replied.
He knocked the wind out of me.
“Where’s your car?”
“It’s just behind the bush over there”
“Let’s go” I said reaching out for his hand.
When we sat in the car, we continued kissing, deeply and intensely. In a matter
of days we went from naughty unadulterated sex to innocence. It was weird but
it felt good, it felt right and for some reason the guilty feeling I had, was
gone. It excited me to see him, he gave me butterflies when he was near, and my
heart raced when he stared at me.
“I need to go” I said.
“I know, we need to figure something out to be together”
“You know that’s not possible”
“We’ll make it work” he whispered.
“Are you forgetting about Nathan? He’s going to blow the lid on this, Rob is
going to notice money missing, even if it’s from the business, I have to
document it all, his company does my accounting”
As I was talking I thought about the credit card charges.
“Leave him”
“Alex” he sighed.
“I won’t leave him, contrary to what you may think of him, he does love me and
I love him, yesterday, that wasn’t him, he’s a good man Marc.”
“I would never talk to you like that, I don’t care how bad my day was”
“Marc, I can’t do this with you any longer, we’re going to end up hurting too
many people”
“I’m in love with you” he exhaled, and my heart stopped.
I looked at him and I knew he was telling me the truth which made it even
I opened the door and ran out of the car, as fast as I could back to my house.
I heard him running after me calling out my name, but I got back inside and
locked the doors. The phone rang, and the caller ID was unknown again so I
didn’t pick up. I ran upstairs and jumped in the shower, my entire world was
spinning out of control and I began to lose my grip on things. Everything that
was once right and made sense was now a convoluted mess and I created it. His
words kept repeating in my head, and Pam, my best friend, the kids, their lives
will turn upside down because of this, me.
I didn’t love Marc that I was sure off. Sure I had a place in my heart for him
because of our closeness but it wasn’t love, lust maybe, I was attracted to him
physically but that would never be enough and I had to end it now.

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