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Authors: Ella Fox

Tags: #Romance

Missing Hart (32 page)

BOOK: Missing Hart
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I made up my mind that when she got up, I would kick her ass to the curb and move on. It was the most responsible thing to do. My heart made decisions where she was concerned that could come back to bite me on the ass, and I needed to nip that in the bud immediately.

No sooner had I made that decision than she shifted in my arms, turning in her sleep and nuzzling her face against my chest. My dick immediately went from hard to reinforced steel in under ten seconds. I ran my hand from her face down to her left breast, cupping it in my hand and rubbing over her nipple with my thumb.

She shifted restlessly against me as she let out a breathy little sigh that I felt everywhere. When I pinched her nipple she awoke with a gasp, arching her back and sliding her leg over mine.

“Mm… my favorite dream again,” she muttered sleepily.

If this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up. Sliding my hand down to her center, I found that she was wet. I swirled my finger over her clit a dozen times, chuckling as she tried to angle herself closer to me in her sleep. Grabbing the calf she had resting on my thigh, I slid it up my body and hitched it up over my ass. Instinctively her arms wrapped around me and her fingers slid into my hair as she wiggled against me.

Fisting my rigid cock I started rubbing the tip up and down her soaked pussy. She whimpered and arched as her eyes fluttered open again, smiling when she saw my face.

“I love you so much baby,” she whispered “Please come back to me.”

I startled at her words, confused when I saw her close her eyes again. Was she dreaming or was she awake? More importantly, did she mean what she said?

Leaning in, I nuzzled her cheeks before planting a series of soft kisses on her lips. I gently licked and nibbled at her lips as she began writhing delicately beneath me. I realized that she really was asleep, and I felt impossibly let down. I wouldn’t believe her if she told me that she still loved me anyway… right?

“Wake up Kitten,” I whispered into her ear. “I want to play.”

She came to with a start, eyes wide as she realized what she thought she had been dreaming was actually happening. Her eyes softened as she took me in, her lips parted under mine as I slid my tongue into her mouth, savoring her sweet kisses as we held each other.

Fisting my cock again I slid the tip inside of her, groaning out loud as her heat seared me and her tight cunt pulled me in. We took it slow and gentle, the kind of lovemaking I hadn’t experienced in four years.

Rolling onto my back I helped her sit on top of me, smiling as she took control and began to ride me.

“Touch yourself for me Kitten. Start with your tits and give me a show.”

She blushed but complied anyway, sliding her hands up her stomach until she was cupping one of her lush breasts in each hand.

“Slow baby. Draw out the pleasure. I want to watch.”

Her tight sheath clenching against my aching shaft told me that my words were turning her on. She gently pinched her nipples between her thumb and forefinger, arching her back and moaning as she did so.

“Feels so good,” she moaned.

I held her hips firmly in my hands as she continued to shuttle up and down on my cock while she continued to pinch her nipples and caress her breasts. Her pussy scalded me with wet heat, making my breath come faster and harder.

Reaching up and covering her hands with my own, I pulled them away from her breasts. “Now I want you to slide these beautiful fingers down to your hot cunt. Use one hand to spread those puffy pink pussy lips and your other hand to masturbate your clit. Touch your pussy for me Kitten. Make yourself feel good.”

She shivered and moaned as one hand spread her lips open and the other hand slid onto her sopping wet cunt. I could smell every delicious bit of her arousal as it came from her, and I desperately wanted to lap up every possible drop. Four years without her taste on my tongue was too damn long.

“Put your fingers in my mouth Kitten. Let me taste you.”

She held her fingers out to me and gasped when I sucked two of her fingers into my mouth. I’d fucked so many women while she was gone but never once had I gone down on any of them. No one smelled like her, and when I tasted their arousal on my fingers, I was always disappointed that no one tasted as good as she did. All that experience taught me that she was unique. Pussy was just pussy unless hers was the one in question. She tasted like a rich delicacy that I savored on my tongue like the finest of wines. If I died with her taste on my tongue, I’d go a happy man.

After licking off all of her cream, I pulled her fingers from my mouth and slid her hand back down to her sex. I started sliding her up and down faster as her fingers worked her clit and she moaned and cried out. I started to thrust up hard under her, barely managing to hold on until she splintered on top of me and came with a cry of wonder. I thrust hard and deep one last time before spending myself inside of her.

Slumping against my chest, she laid on me in silence for a few minutes. I knew I had to say something to her, so I said the first thing that came to mind.

“Are you going to tell your girlfriend that you fucked me?”

She stiffened against me, sitting up straight and putting her hand on my chest.

“You can’t seriously think that if I had a girlfriend I would be sitting here with you still inside of me, right? If you did think that, you’re an idiot. I’m single. Tally and I broke up.”

The knowledge that she was single changed everything, and I hardened inside of her again. There was no reason to stop fucking her… yet.

Rolling her over onto her back, I started thrusting in and out of her, drinking in her cries as I picked up speed and fucked harder.

After round three we got up and ate bowls of cereal. I told her that I was going to call Leah in the morning to tell her that we had brothers, and that I intended to be at Dante’s house for Sunday dinner in two days.

She smiled encouragingly at me before saying, “You’re doing the right thing. I promise, you won’t regret it.”

I wasn’t so sure about that. She’d blown my orderly world to smithereens in a matter of hours and I felt like I wasn’t on solid ground. I was chewing the last bite of cereal when I realized that I’d had sex with her without a condom all day and filled her with come each time I came. I cursed under my breath when my first impulse was to hope that I’d knocked her up.

My weakness where she was concerned pissed me off, so when I asked her about birth control it came out as if I was angry.

“I’ve been coming inside of you all day. Please fucking tell me you’re clean and on the pill.”

Every last bit of color leached from her face as she stared at me as if I’d just announced that I was a serial killer. I stared back at her while I waited for an answer, wondering why she was responding the way that she was.

She sat up ramrod straight and glared at me. “Tally was the only person I had sex with in the last four years. I’m clean and fortunately for you, I’m on birth control to regulate my periods. You don’t have to worry about getting me pregnant, which I’m sure is an enormous fucking relief.”

Sliding her chair back she stood up and walked out of the kitchen. I waited a few minutes before following her into the bedroom. I found her in my bedroom as she finished putting her clothes on.

I wanted her to stay, but I wasn’t about to tell her that. Instead I played it cool and calm as I pretended the whole thing meant nothing. I even walked her to the door after, telling her that I was sure I would see her soon.

I saw her sooner than I thought because once we started, we couldn’t stop. Every day I called and demanded that she come over after work, and every night we made love until we were physically exhausted and couldn’t do it anymore.

We were uncomfortable around each other in any setting that involved both sets of our new family members, both of us pretending that we didn’t know each other. She had confessed to me that Damien was in the know about the fact that she knew Leah and me, but he was the only one. I swear that I could tell that he knew something more, because he wasn’t as warm and accepting of me as my other two brothers. He went out of his way to establish a relationship with Leah, but he held me at arms length. I sense some cautious feelings about me coming for their Aunt Sandra as well, but it’s nothing I can really explain. Either they knew or they suspected something, but I doubted they could come close to guessing the truth.

I was thrilled with my newly acquired family, surprised to find that I very much liked to be part of a unit. I was especially fond of Dominique’s Gram because she was smart as a whip and funny as hell.

The day of Spencer and Damien’s weddings was surreal for me because watching Delilah walk down the aisle in a wedding dress put ideas in my head about Dominique. I knew that I was always going to love her, but what I didn’t know was whether she loved me anymore. She dropped everything whenever I called and she was all but living with me officially now-but she never told me that she loved me. I never told her either, and I found that I missed the words coming from both of us. We used to say it to each other constantly, and I wished that we could again.

In order for that to happen, I would need to swallow my pride and try to get her to fall in love with me, for real this time.

Chapter Thirty-Two

I needed to tell my family the truth about Dillon and Leah. Other than Damien, no one in my family knew that I had known the Coopers before, and I felt like an ass for keeping it from Delilah in particular. Dillon and Leah were integrating into the family more and more each day and it felt wrong to keep the importance of their roles in my life to myself.

Dillon and I are together every single available moment, and although our current arrangement might have indicated to someone else that there was a lack of depth, I am starting to truly believe that he still has deep feelings for me. I think that I have a lot of work to do to break through the barriers that he has erected, but for the first time in four years I am hopeful that it can be done.

Damien had come after me wanting more of an explanation about my relationship with Dillon in particular, but I held him off by telling him it wasn’t anything he needed to worry about. I knew him well enough to realize that he didn’t believe that, but I didn’t know what else to say. They were brothers that needed to establish a relationship and if Damien knew what had happened he would blame Dillon, even though the lions share of the responsibility was mine. Already Damien knowing anything at all was becoming an issue because he was nothing more than surface friendly to Dillon.

I could also see that Damien’s lack of warmth where Dillon was concerned was starting to annoy Dante and that filled me with guilt. My life of secrets was affecting the people that I love most in the world negatively, and it was time for me to start shining a light on the things I had held back from them.

After a few weeks of thinking about it, I decided to confess to Delilah first. She was just back from her mini-honeymoon with Spencer, and she was meeting me at my apartment for breakfast. I had gotten up early, snuggling with Dillon’s sleeping form before reluctantly leaving him to sleep while I left to go to Panera to get bagels and sweet treats for Delilah and I to eat for breakfast.

While I waited for her to arrive, I took a good look around. I had been spending next to no time in my own space since Dillon had burst back onto the scene. During the first week or so that we were together it was pure sex and I did the walk of shame out the door each night, but he had changed the rules the following week by insisting that I start staying over.

That meant that my apartment was almost totally unused as anything other than a closet to get clothes from, and it showed. I hadn’t dusted or done anything of substance in weeks, and it was actually annoying to be there. The space was a reminder of Tally and the mistake that I’d made allowing her to infiltrate and dominate my life, even though I hadn’t wanted her to. Even with all of her clothes and crap gone, her presence lingered and I didn’t like it. My apartment had never been home; that title was reserved for Dillon’s place and I know that won’t change. Wherever he is, that’s home. This apartment is now nothing but an annoying reminder of another of my bad decisions.

I hadn’t said anything to my family or to Dillon, but Leah knew that Tally lingered in other ways, too. She called, texted and emailed me constantly and her behavior was all over the map. One day she was sorry and begging for my forgiveness, the next I was a stupid whore that had ruined her life. If one set of messages was sweet, the next set was threatening. I was starting to get scared and Leah was demanding that I talk to my family about what was happening.

“You need to get a fucking restraining order against that lunatic and our brothers need to be told that she’s a psycho bitch. She’s dangerously unglued and you need to take it seriously.”

At first I had argued with Leah about that, but more and more I am scared of Tally’s erratic and threatening behavior. After I talk to Delilah, I’m going right to Damien to tell him what’s been going on. Hopefully it will be as simple as letting the head of security for Hart International have a talk with Tally about stepping the hell off before this becomes a legal matter.

My cell phone chimed that I had a message and my smile could probably be seen from space when I saw that it was from Dillon.

Dillon: Bed not near as comfortable without you in it. I’m up and going to meet Dante for breakfast. Will be home for lunch-will you?

Me: Breakfast not near as appetizing without you here either. How about we make lunch a picnic in bed?

Dillon: That’s what you text me before I sit down for breakfast with your brother?!?!? Now I don’t have enough blood in my head to make intelligent conversation now. Kitten, you’ve got a mean streak.

Me: I promise to be worth the wait. You make me so happy… I’m so glad you’re back.

Dillon: I’m happy, too. I think it’s time that we sat down and talked about what happened. We need a fresh start.

My heart started pounding, powered by hope and fear. Hope that we could finally become what I knew we were meant to be, fear about how he was going to feel when I told him about losing our child. He had been cold and distant with me at first, but more and more I saw the real Dillon coming back. He was caring, considerate and affectionate now, and he grew to be more so with each passing day. Just two weeks ago he would never have sent me the text messages that he just had, but now it seemed to come naturally. Would his attitude toward me stay the same once I told him what we had lost? I wondered if he would he blame himself for letting me go or blame me for lying in the first place. With hope in my heart I texted him back.

BOOK: Missing Hart
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