Mistake (2 page)

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Authors: Brigitta Moon

BOOK: Mistake
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Proud family members and friends bearing flowers, roses and gifts filled the auditorium of Midtown University anticipating the graduation ceremony. Conversation and laughter filled the air. The Pomp and Circumstances Marches started as the graduating class began to file in and the happy families stood to welcome their arrival. Phone cameras and pads lifted to the air to document the occasion. Whispers echoed and fingers pointed as families searched the mass for their graduate. The auditorium now filled with all the graduates fell silent as the music hushed and the graduates took their seats.

    Beth’s father put his left arm around his wife and gave her shoulder a loving squeeze. Her mother dabbed at tears with a white handkerchief embroidered with the letters KLM for Kate Leigh Masters, as she viewed the program. Beth’s grandparents claimed seats next to her parents showing off broad smiles as they bore witness to the momentous event.

    Speakers graced the stage with inspiring words of wisdom and well wishes for the graduates. Whoops and cheers overtook the auditorium as the graduates crossed the stage to receive their degrees.

    Beth’s parents stood and snapped shots with their cell phones as Beth’s name was called and she crossed the stage. More tears, more embraces passed between Beth’s mom and dad and grandparents as their dream was realized.

    “All guests are invited to join the graduating class for lunch in the Sherwin Gardens,” a voice announced.

     The music began. The Midtown March rang out as the graduates now with their tassels turned began their exit from college life to the working world. The auditorium filled again with excessive chatter and rushing feet as families scrambled to meet and embrace their new graduate. Crowds pushed their way to the gardens hoping to land a table for the meal.

    The Masters family followed the crowd hunting for Beth. Hands waving in the air, she was spotted by her mother. Beth and Lil stood at a table for ten as the family made their way over. Lil’s family spotted her frantic waves through the crowd and fought their way over.  

    “What a mad house,” Beth’s mother gasped as she fell into a chair.

    “Yes it is, but I am so happy to be here,” Lil’s mother exclaimed.

    “I tell you what,” said Beth’s grandfather, “The old folks are going to get food first and then the two graduates can go next.”

    As the parents and grandparents headed for the buffet, Beth slid close to Lil. She had gossip she desperately needed to spill.

    “Lil, you will never believe this. On my way here this morning, I stopped to get gas and this really good looking guy made a lame pass at me.”

    “Lame pass?” Lil asked.

    “You know that stupid line, you must be tired because you’ve been running through mind.”

    Lil laughed a hearty laugh. “You’re kidding?”

    “No,” Beth answered. “In fact he chased me down in his black convertible Porsche and gave me his number,” Beth said smugly.

    “You’re lying!” Lil exclaimed laughing.

    “If I’m lying, I didn’t graduate,” Beth sang.

    “Well, are you gonna call him? What’s his name?”

    “I don’t know his name. I didn’t have time to talk.”

    “I would have made the time,” Lil said.

    “Good looking huh? Him or the car?” Lil asked.

    “Both”, Beth answered.

    “Okay ladies, your turn,” Beth’s father said as the parents and grandparents returned with their food taking seats.

    Beth and Lil returned with their plates layered with salad, stuffed mushrooms, wings and potato salad, sat down and joined the conversation with their families.

    “What do you two have planned for this evening?” asked Mr. Rush, Lil’s father.

    “We are going to Club Ratchett. A group of friends rented the club for a party tonight,” Beth replied.

    “Sounds like trouble to me,” said Beth’s mom.

    “Me too,” said Lil’s mom. “But what can we do but trust they will make mature decisions. After all, they are adults.”

    “Yes we are,” Beth and Lil agreed in unison smiling.

    “I intend to celebrate like the world will end tomorrow,” Lil whispered to Beth.










Beth sat at the curb in her red Honda blowing for Lil to hurry. Lil rushing out the door, yelled to Beth to hold on; she was coming.

     Beth’s eyes widened in surprise as they took in Lil. “Where are the rest of your clothes?

she blurted out.

What’s wrong with my outfit?” Lil
asked as she twirled to show it off.

     She stepped back and walked around as if on a model’s runway and began announcing, “Miss Lillian Rush, the beauty that she is, is wearing a sleek, form fitting black and white, silky dress that at least covers her ass.” She slid her hands down her hips and over her petite ass. “With three inch white heels that she hopes won’t trip her after she has had one too many to drink,” she continued as she gestured to her shoes. “Her Copper colored hair is neatly styled in a French Braid with wisps of
delicate curls around her face, and note her neck is accessible just incase a suitor wants a nibble,” she continued as she slowly slid her hand against her neck.

      Lil’s full red lips smiled as she announced, “And tonight with the assistance of contacts my brown eyes are blue. Note the awesome tan gifted to me by Tanned Bodies.”

     Beth laughed as she said, “Lil, you are too much. I guess I’ve overdressed and will have to be your bodyguard tonight. Get in.”

     “You don’t have to guard this body. As you can see it’s on display for just the right guy,” Lil shot back.

    “You’re right. The body is on display because you have on no clothes,” Beth warned her. “Get in, close the door and let’s go.”

    Beth and Lil entered Club Ratchett roaring with music and conversation. Beth looked around and took in all the girls dressed somewhat like Lil and the eyes of the guys that followed them gawking as they made their way to the bar.

    “Two Margaritas please,” Lil said to the young, tall bartender who was handsome in a rugged way, as she slid on the stool.

    “No, I don’t want a Margarita,” Beth said to the bartender as she sat on the stool next to Lil. “Do you have Sex On the Beach?”

    “With you? I’d love too,” he replied winking at Beth.

    Lil threw her hand over her mouth and burst into laughter.

    “I’m talking about the drink,” Beth said embarrassed as her cheeks blushed and she turned to glare at Lil.

    “Forget it. What about Jamaican Me Crazy?” Beth asked with exasperation.

    The bartender leaned over the counter and rested his elbow on the bar and his chin on his palm close to Beth’s face and whispered, “I’d love to make you crazy with sex on the beach.”

    Beth frowned, her cheeks reddened even more as she jumped from the stool in shock. Embarrassment played over her face.

     “I’m leaving Lil,” Beth blurted out.

     “Come on Beth. He was just kidding, having a little harmless fun. Come on Beth, sit back down. He’ll behave. Right?” Lil said snickering, looking at the bartender.  

     “Yes, I will. I apologize,” the bartender said as he placed a bowl of chips and napkins in front of the ladies.

     “Alright, I have your order,” he said looking at Lil. Would you like the special for tonight?” he said eyeing Beth.

     “What is it?” she asked timidly.

     “A Royal Fuck,” he said backing away from the bar as his body folded forward in laughter. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said continuing to laugh. “I just couldn’t pass that up, you walked right into it,” he said rolling in laughter at his own comment.

     Next to Beth Lil stood up holding her stomach, laughing and backing away from Beth as if it were the funniest thing she had ever heard. Beth launched herself from the stool and headed for the door.

     “See what you did,” Lil said to the bartender continuing to laugh and hurriedly following Beth to the door.

    “Don’t leave Beth. He didn’t mean anything by it. Come on back in,” Lil pleaded in a whiny voice.

    “You can say that because he wasn’t attacking you,” Beth retorted angrily.

    “Okay, Beth. Stay and we can sit at a booth far away from the asshole. Come on.”

     “Oh alright, but one more remark like that and I’m out the door,” Beth warned.

     Beth slid into the booth next to Lil and leaning close whispered, “Do you think we should really be drinking those drinks? He may put something in our drinks.”

     “Hell yeah, Lil said. “No more studying, no more tests, I’m treating myself,” she continued.

     The bartender returned with the drinks, sat them in front of the young ladies and smiled a wide smile but said nothing. Beth rolled her eyes and Lil sat a twenty on the tray and winked at him. His smile widened.

     “Can I get you ladies anything else,” he asked.

      “No thank you,” Lil answered.

     He headed back to the bar.

     “Forget about him Beth. What about Mr. Porsche? Are you gonna call him?”

     “I haven’t decided yet.”

     “What is there to decide about? He’s good looking, has a great car, which means he must have money,” Lil replied taking a gulp of her drink.

    “It’s not all about money. I want romance, fun,” she replied as she sipped her drink.

     “And you can’t have romance and fun with a guy with a great car and money?” Lil asked in bewilderment.

     “That’s not what I’m saying. I just think the guy should call the girl,” Beth said sipping more of her drink and getting a hand full of chips.

    Lil took a big sip of her drink and eyed Beth incredulously.

    “And just how is he supposed to call you? He doesn’t have your number,” Lil scolded.

     “I don’t know,” Beth answered.

     “Okay, I tell you what, we will call Mr. Porsche together. I’m not gonna let you pass this up,” Lil said.

     “I don’t know what to say,” Beth said in frustration as she now took a big sip of her drink.

     “Don’t worry. You will call and everything will work out. A man like that doesn’t chase you down unless he is really interested Beth.”

     “Hey Beth. Hey Lil. You want to dance with Tony and me?” Jimmy asked.

     “Lead the way," Lil said grabbing Beth’s hand and dragging her to the dance floor.

     Jimmy a short, pale young man with spiked brown hair and freckles across his nose, gaped a broad smile at Lil as they danced. He slid his hands up and down her waist in time with the music. His hands slid down and cupped her ass. She glared at him, smiled, removed his hands and danced away to another partner. Beth danced shyly with Tony; an alright looking guy she thought. He kept a safe distance as they danced after seeing what transpired between Lil and Jimmy. Beth danced over to Lil, took her hand and danced her over to their booth.

     “Welcome Midtown University,” a voice bellowed from the speakers. “Drink, be merry, because tomorrow you will be poor working adults; but tonight we have karaoke. Who will be first?” he continued.

     The club rose with laughter and conversation about who would sing first. Beth and Lil watched as girls and guys made their way to the stage to take a turn at slurring a song.

      At midnight, Beth decided it was a respectable time to leave. Lil left with her under protest calling her a party maimer.

     “You’ll thank me in the morning,” Beth told her.

     “Since I’m leaving early with you, tomorrow you will call Mr. Porsche,” Lil insisted.







      Beth overflowing with excitement after opening the letter announcing she passed the state exam for her nursing license and was now able to accept a position as a Registered Nurse, called her best friend Lillian.

     “Lil, it’s Beth. Did you get your results? Mine came today. I passed! I passed! I’m so happy. I can’t believe it.”

     “I got mine too. We need to celebrate,” Lil exclaimed.

     “We celebrated enough last night, Lil.”

     “Speaking of last night, there is a call that needs to be made. I haven’t forgotten,” Lil reminded Beth.

     “I was hoping you did,” Beth groaned.

     “I’ll be over after I get dressed and we can go to the coffee shop.”

     “Alright, I’ll see you soon Lil.”

     An hour later Beth heard Lil’s shoes tapping on the steps as she made her way to Beth’s bedroom.

     “Hey, you ready?” Lil asked.

     “Ready for what? Coffee or a phone call,” Beth asked.

     “Coffee first and then we call him,” Lil answered excitedly.

     “Come on, we can walk and get those endorphins circulating before you make the call,” Lil said.

     “I’m not sure I want to make the call Lil. I’m not ready to date yet. I need to get settled in my new life first.”

     “Beth, we have spent four years without a life; nothing but studying. It’s time to start living. Call him.”

     “After coffee, okay?” Beth answered.

     Beth and Lil snagged a sidewalk table in the shade after buying their cappuccinos. Beth sipped her drink with her eyes focused on the table.

     Lil looked at her. “Beth you act as if you are about to go to jail. You’re getting ready to call a good looking man with money. What’s the problem?”

     “I’m just not ready.”

     “What are you worried about?”

     “Well, suppose I go out with him and he decides at the end of the evening he wants more?”

     “Well, suppose you decide you want more too?” Lil answered.

     “No, I’m not ready,” Beth whispered as she lowered her head.

     “No, this can’t be,” Lil said. Beth. Are you still… a virgin? Lil whispered.

     Beth’s eyes met Lil’s, but she said nothing.  

     “Oh shit, what the hell,” Lil exclaimed. “I can’t believe this. Okay. Nothing to worry about. It’s just a date. You don’t have to sleep with him. We can double date. If he doesn’t go for that, it’s his loss.”

     “I like that idea,” Beth said.

     “You ready? Let’s make that call,” Lil prodded.

    Beth took out her cell phone, scrolled through the contacts and swiped Mr. Porsche.

     “It’s ringing. What do I say,” Beth said anxiously waving her hand wildly at Lil.

     “Just say hello, I’m Beth. I met you at the gas station yesterday.”

     “Hello,” the deep, sexy voice answered.”

    “I can’t,” Beth whispered anxiously. “I can’t.”

     Lil grabbed the phone from Beth’s hand. “Hello Mr. Porsche. This is the goddess who has been running through your mind,” she said sexily as she watched Beth’s eyes fall out of her head.

     “No. No. What are you doing?” Beth whispered frantically.

     Lil waved her off and continued, “I was wondering, since you gave me your number, if you would be interested in lunch one day.”

     “Definitely. The number that came through, is that a number I can save to reach you?” he asked.

    “Yes, yes it is.”

     “Are you free this weekend?” he asked.

     “Well, I would love to go this weekend, but my cousin is here. Do you mind if her and her boyfriend come along?”

     “Sure, that will be okay as long as I can finally meet you. How about I’ll call you later with the details?” he replied.

     “Okay, I look forward to it, Mr. Porsche.”

     “Wait a minute. What’s your name?” he asked.

     “Beth. What’s yours?”

     “Mr. Porsche,” he said laughing and then, “Andrew, my name is Andrew and it’s nice to meet you Beth.”

     “Nice to meet you Andrew. I look forward to your call. Later.”

     “Lil how could you do that? What am I going to do when he calls back?”

     Lil emphasized each word to Beth; “Answer   the   phone   and   find out   where   we   are   going   for   lunch. It’s that simple. Would you prefer an ugly, poor date?” Lil said.

     “No. I guess there’s no harm in lunch and you will be there. Wear some clothes Lil. Try not to steal the spotlight, cousin.”

     “I will do my best, but it’s so hard to keep all this sexy hidden. It just seems to find its way out,” Lil said in her most flirtatious voice, fanning her face with her hand.

     “Have you ever been kissed?” Lil asked.

     “Yes, but that’s all. I never went all the way. It was important to me not to get side tracked from my studies. I didn’t want to let my parents down. Did you see how happy they were yesterday? It was worth it. So I guess you’re not a virgin.”

     “You guess right; lost it in high school to an asshole. That’s water under the bridge girlfriend.”

     Beth sipped her cappuccino and took in the sights. Kelly’s Coffee and Tea Stop was her favorite coffee shop. She loved being able to lay claim to a table outside on a nice sunny spring day where she could watch the traffic wiz by, admire the flowers in bloom and treat her senses to the aroma of coffee, muffins and flowers. She took in a deep breath, let the aromas saturate her senses and her thoughts as she and Lil sipped at their Cappuccinos.   

     “Lil, if you could do it all over again, would you wait?”

     Lil took another sip, placed her cup on the table and tapped her finger to her chin.

     Looking into Beth’s eyes she replied, “Hell no. I would have chosen a different person though. One who wasn’t an asshole. He didn’t know what he was doing and wasn’t willing to learn. You wanna talk about a minute man? He is where that term originated. For a long time I thought that was how it was suppose to be. Then I was swept off my feet by a football player. He made me scream out words I didn’t know I knew.”

    “What happened? Why aren’t you two still together?” Beth asked.

     “He couldn’t keep it in his pants. He thought the cheerleaders were his playground.”

     “When I finally have sex, I want it to be beautiful. I want it with a man who loves me. One who only has eyes for me. I want to give myself to him completely and know that he gives himself to me completely.”

     “What a dream Beth. These men out here think they should have a harem. That’s why I say if you’re gonna give yourself to a man, make sure he has some assets, so when he goes out to cheat, you go out to shop. Why do you think I went to nursing school?”

     “I assumed to care for sick people,” Beth answered.

     “Well, you assumed wrong. It’s my ticket to marrying a doctor.”

     “And if you don’t find one what are you going to do?” Beth asked.

     “Take care of sick people. What else. But I know I will find one. Who can resist all of this?” she said gesturing to herself. “You see this couple coming down the street? Watch me get his attention while he is all hugged up with his woman.”

     As the couple approached ensconced in conversation, Lil turned in her seat to face them. She uncrossed her legs, slid her skirt up her thigh, recrossed her legs and ran her tongue over her lips. The couple passed.

     “Wait for it. Wait for it,” Lil said as the man turned a glance back at her and winked.

Beth thought to herself. “Jerk!” Beth exclaimed to Lil.

     “Yep and he got an eye full of my goodies and his woman didn’t even notice, thinking she had all his attention,” Lil said with a smile.

     “Well, I will wait for love. I intend to marry once, for life,” Beth said.

     “I hope you find that dream. I just want to have fun until I land that doctor,” Lil said.

     A young man in a SUV sitting at the red light tooted his horn. Lil turned to look in the direction of the sound. When her eyes met the drivers he gave her a thumbs up. The two women laughed and sipped their cappuccinos.

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