Mistake (5 page)

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Authors: Brigitta Moon

BOOK: Mistake
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    The celebratory dinner lingered into the night. After all the guests were loaded down with doggie bags and sent safely on their way Cornflower asked, “Beth, do you mind driving me home to pick up some things. I hadn’t planned on being out so long so I didn’t pack enough things for Kelly.”

    “Sure Cornflower. I’ll just get my purse and keys.”

    Cornflower and Beth drove along the narrow street under the moonlit sky to the freeway entrance.

    “I have always wondered how you ended up with the name Cornflower,” Beth said.

    “It seems everyone has called me that for as long as I can remember. My father said when we would visit the country to see his parents I was amazed by the corn fields. Whenever he looked for me, that’s where I would be. He said I reminded him of a flower amongst the corn. So, he started calling me his cornflower and I guess the name attached itself to me. I like it because I have never run into another person with it,” Cornflower said.

     Twenty minutes later Beth pulled into Cornflower’s driveway and turned the engine off. Cornflower went into the house and Beth turned on the music to keep her company while she waited. Five minutes later Beth saw Cornflower backing out of the door. She slowly closed it and stood looking at it for a long few seconds before she retreated to the car. She opened the door as if it took all her energy and slumped into the car seat and held her face in her hands.

    “Cornflower, what’s wrong,” Beth asked in a whisper.

    “Let’s go,” she answered.

    “But you didn’t get what you needed.”

    “I’ll explain later, let’s go,” she said in a cracking voice.

    They rode home in silence. Beth was afraid to ask more questions. She decided to give Cornflower her space. Cornflower rode in silence, staring out the window and dabbing at her eyes every once in a while. A sniffle escaped and Beth’s heart splintered.

    “Please, Cornflower, how can I help you?”

    “I’m fine. Don’t worry. We’ll talk later.”

    Arriving back home, Beth parked her car and went around to help Cornflower out of the car.

    “We’re here,” Beth told Cornflower as she helped her out of the car.

    “Beth I’m going to take Kelly to the guest room and go to bed. I’m really tired.”

    “If Kelly isn’t tired I can play with her until she’s ready for sleep,” Beth offered.

     They entered a quiet house. It appeared everyone had already gone to bed. Once upstairs they found Kelly fast asleep in the guest room.

     “I’ll see you in the morning,” Cornflower said with a voice full of pain.

     “Good night,” was all Beth could think to say.

     Beth drifted off to sleep. Something awakened her. She thought she heard a noise. She pulled on her robe and cracked her door but saw and heard nothing. She looked back at the clock. She had only been asleep for two hours. She crept into the hallway still hearing and seeing nothing.

     Beth decided to check on Cornflower to see if she was still awake. She tapped on the door but didn’t get an answer. She cracked the door open to a dark room. She opened the door a little more to emit some light. Kelly lay on the bed fast asleep, but not Cornflower. She thought maybe Cornflower was downstairs so maybe she should check on the baby before heading down to talk to Cornflower.

     Beth started for the bed and let out a piercing scream as she tripped and fell over something. She landed hard on the floor. Beth’s parents came running down the hallway filled with alarm. Beth’s father pushed the door fully open and flipped on the light.

     Beth’s mother’s eyes filled with horror and dread as she looked toward the floor. “Oh my God, oh my God. Cornflower, Cornflower,” she screamed as she shook her where she lay on the floor. “Call 911, hurry, hurry,” she screamed.

    Beth lifted herself up and crawled over to Cornflower and began assessing her as her father ran off to call for help.

    “Her pulse is weak and irregular. She’s still breathing. I’ll stay with her mom while you get dressed. The ambulance will be here soon.”

    Cornflower’s eyes flickered open for a brief second before closing again. “Don’t worry. You’re going to be fine. I’m here Cornflower. I’m here with you,” Beth told her as she stroked Cornflower’s silky brown hair.






    Beth was the first to enter the Emergency Room in search of her cousin. She hurried to the desk to get information. While waiting her turn she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Tommy. His eyes were sad, his face sagged and his shoulders slumped.

    “Tommy, have you seen her yet? Is there any information?” Beth asked full of fear.

    “They won’t let anyone in yet,” he said in a pained voice.

    “What happened last night?” he asked.

    Beth thought about last night to see if she had an answer. For whatever reason she decided not to tell Tommy Cornflower was distraught after stopping past the house.

     She shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know. We went to bed. I couldn’t sleep, so I went to see if Cornflower was awake to keep me company. She had passed out on the floor.”

    “Family of Jessica Wilson,” a nurse standing in the door to the waiting room called.

     Tommy, Beth and her parents all stood. The nurse told them they could visit two at a time as not to excite the patient. Tommy decided his aunt and uncle should go first so they could see Cornflower was okay and would be able to take the baby back home. Once the older couple had left, Tommy and Beth entered the room and were surprised to see Cornflower wide awake sitting up in bed.

     “Cornflower I was so scared. I thought you were dead when I saw you on the floor,” Beth said.

     “I’m okay,” she said weakly. “Beth, I’d like to speak with Tommy for a few moments alone.”

    “Alright, I’ll be in the hallway. Tommy can get me when you want me to come back.”

     After Beth was gone, Cornflower glared at Tommy. He felt hatred pierce his soul as her eyes fixed on his.

     “How could you?” she said.

     “How could I what? What are you talking about honey,” he asked.

     “I came home last night,” she answered glaring at him with cold brown eyes.

     Tommy just stood with his mouth open. He didn’t know what to say. He could barely breathe. He felt as if he was suffocating and his life was passing before his eyes.

     “You were at the house last night,” he asked in an unbelieving whisper.

     “Yes, I was and now I want you to leave and never come back Tommy.”

     “No, Cornflower. I love you. I will never leave you.”

     “I don’t love you anymore Tommy,” she said coldly. “Now leave before I call security.”

     Tommy didn’t know what to do. His wife hated him. She was in the hospital and he didn’t know exactly why. His wife had instructed that no information was to be released to anyone.

     “Tommy, is there anything I can do for you?” Beth asked as he left the room, so sincerely and caring that Tommy couldn’t stand it. He just turned and walked away.







    Beth stood in the doorway to Cornflower’s room where she was moved to from the Emergency Room. Cornflower was looking at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing she had ever seen.

    As she stood in the doorway she was pushed aside by someone rushing past her.

     “My God Cornflower, what happened? I rushed right over as soon as I heard,” Selena squealed in a worried voice.

     Beth regained her composure in the doorway and saw Selena, the waitress from Morning Watch Cafe, who was her cousin’s closest friend. She rushed to the bedside and threw her arms around Cornflower.

     Cornflower sat motionless and didn’t return the affection.

     “How did you find out?” Cornflower asked in a flat tone.

     “I’m going to get some coffee. I’ll be back in a few,” Beth said looking at the friends and turned to leave.

     “I saw Father Masters in the store buying pull-ups for Kelly. He said you passed out last night and you were here. I rushed right over. I was so worried.”

    “I can imagine you were Selena. You’re my closest friend. You have been like family to me.”

     “You’re like family to me too, Cornflower. What did the doctor say? Are you okay?”

     “I’m fine now. Have you spoken to Tommy?”

     “No, not recently. Where is he? He should be here with you.”

     “I asked him to leave. And I’m asking you to leave also Selena. I don’t ever want to see or talk to you again.”

     Tears welled up in Selena’s eyes. Her best friend’s words drove a knife into her heart. She could barely stand.

     “Why? Why are you saying this?”

     “You always wanted what I had. Now you can have it. Let me give you a hint Selena, my closest friend in the world; I was at my house last night. Did you enjoy fucking my husband?” she said as cold as an Arctic chill.

     Selena stood motionless staring at Cornflower. Her eyes filled with tears, her mouth trembled and her hands clasped nervously.

     “No need to answer Selena. I guess by all the moaning you were doing, you enjoyed it,” She continued in that flat unfeeling tone.

     “Now get the hell out,” Cornflower yelled.

     Selena’s body jerked as if she had fallen asleep and was awakened by some loud noise.

     “I’m sorry Cornflower,” she said through tears drenching her cheeks.

     “I said get out,” Cornflower screamed at her.

     Selena backed away unbelieving out of the room, turned and walked briskly down the hall, passing Beth without a word.

     “Cornflower, I saw Selena.”

     “Sit down Beth. I want to tell you a story. When I was a little girl we always went to church. I learned that nothing was more important than family. With a strong family, you could survive anything. I believe that,” she said shaking her head. “A woman should show respect for herself and save herself for the man who would be her husband. I did that. Be fruitful. I did that also. Love your husband. Respect your husband. Support your husband. I did all of that. And what have I received in return? My husband fucking my best friend. Betrayal is what I received” she said bitterly.

     Beth rose from her chair, went to Cornflower, sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around her. “I’m so sorry,” Beth whispered.

     “I’m not done with my story Beth.”

     Beth brushed Cornflower’s hair behind her ears with her fingers and returned to perch on the edge of her chair.

     “Last night I wanted to get more pull-ups and clothes and some toys for Kelly. When I went into the house I didn’t expect anyone to be there. The only light that was on was the one I usually leave on in the hall. I thought I heard something. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and went upstairs. The sounds were louder when I got to the top of the stairs. I couldn’t believe my ears; the sounds of lovemaking. I went further down the hallway. My bedroom door was open. There in my bed was my husband and best friend making love. He was on top of her. Her legs were wrapped around his and she was moaning and clawing at his back. He was fucking my best friend,” she said as tears dribbled down her cheeks and her voice cracked. “I stood frozen in the door holding the knife. They didn’t even notice me. I could hear him;
your pussy is so good. This pussy is mine.
I wanted to stab them both with that knife.”

     Tears streamed down her face as she relayed her agonizing story.

     “There’s more Beth. I backed away, went downstairs and returned the knife. When we got back to your house I was so upset. I couldn’t sleep. I went to bathroom to see if there were any sleeping pills in the medicine cabinet. Beth I was so miserable, so hurt. I just wanted to rest. Maybe I would wake up after sleeping and discover it was all a nightmare. There were no sleeping pills but there was heart medication. I no longer wanted to live. I spent my life being a good Christian, a good wife, a good mother and look what it has gotten me. I just didn’t want to face another day. So, I downed the heart medication. I knew what it would do to me. I took it and I waited for my heart to become irregular and then stop. The fluttering in my chest was odd. I got up because I wanted to get a glass of water. That’s the last thing I remember before waking up in the hospital. The doctor says they were successful at reversing the effects of the medication. I’m grateful because now I have a chance to watch my Kelly grow up. I have not told anyone yet, but I’m three months pregnant.”

     “Oh Cornflower, I’m so sorry you’re going through all this. You know you can stay with us until you’re on your feet.”

     “Beth, promise me you won’t tell anyone.”

     “I won’t.”

     “I’m feeling really tired Beth. I’m going to take a nap.”

     “I’ll stop past home, shower, and change and get something to eat while you nap.”

     Beth rose from her chair, bent over and kissed Cornflower on the forehead. “I love you cousin,” she said.

     “I love you too.”


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