Mistaken Identity (5 page)

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Authors: TC Matson

Tags: #Romance Thriller

BOOK: Mistaken Identity
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He pushes off the pillar with his shoulder and grabs my hands. “Maybe we can do it again?”

“I would like that.” Traces of nervousness expel through my whisper, and I drop my gaze to the third white button on his shirt.

He leans down stopping short of my lips. His eyes move from my lips back to my eyes, searching for consent to leave me with a good night kiss. I nudge closer granting him permission, and his lips meet mine, slow and steady, tugging me closer by the small of my back. His tongue plunges in, sliding across mine, then disappears. When he releases me, his stare is deep, full of lust. He smiles, steps back, and turns, vanishing into the dark and leaving me to catch my breath alone. There weren’t any fireworks with the kiss, but it was…okay. Did he not feel any fireworks either? Maybe that’s why he didn’t say anything because it was horrible. Kissing is like riding a bike, right? Once you learn, you never fall back off.

Chapter 7




“Honey, I’m home.” Jess yells outside the bathroom interrupting my shower. Shit! There goes trying to forget how Logan just left me standing there without words after our not-so-sparky kiss. She’s going to want to know everything. She will stop at nothing. She’s evil like that.


When I enter my room, Jess is sitting on the edge of my bed with a wide toothy grin and stalking green eyes. She’s hoping I’ll open up first, but quite frankly, I don’t have the desire to.

“So how did it go last night? I wouldn’t ask, but somebody didn’t text me like they said they would.” She gives in to her impatient curiosity.

“It went good,” I answer dryly in hopes that she will hear I’m not enthused and leave the subject alone.

“That’s it? That’s all you’re going to give me?” she huffs.

I knew better than her leaving it alone. “He took me to Elkridge.”

“And?” she encourages me.

“It was nice.”

She groans throwing herself backward on my bed. “Your first date in years and I have to interrogate you. What the hell, Belle?” she says to the ceiling. I don’t immediately answer her. I’m still trying to figure out what the hell a silent kiss means when she gasps. “Oh. My. God. You had sex didn’t you?” She shrieks and leaps from the bed staring at it in disgust. “You made me lay in it!”

“What? No!” I retort. “We didn’t have sex, you nincompoop. He didn’t even come in the house. And no! No pun intended.”

“Then spill it, Sam,” she drops back down to the bed forgetting her previous thoughts of my romp in the sheets.

I give in and tell her every detail about my date. The dinner and the embarrassment of not being able to read anything on the menu. The awkward moment I thought he meant sex, the beautiful view of the sky and of course, the kiss that had no fireworks but was nice and how it granted me complete radio silence afterwards. I share all the fears that have circled my brain ever since our just nice kiss.

“He’s going to see you again.” She picks at her fingernails never glancing up to me.

“How could you possibly know that? Was my best friend secretly converted to a psychic while in New York with her boss?”

“Don’t get your panties twisted. He’ll be back.” She pushes off the bed and stops at the door, “Trust me.” She flashes a coy smirk and shuts the door.




I’m not the typical “need ice cream to drown myself away” woman. I’m more of the “give me the biggest pizza you got so I can paralyze my brain’s thoughts” and Jess, knowing exactly how to brighten me up, takes me to my favorite pizza joint two blocks away. I’ve always loved the fragrance of this place. The scent of cheese melting, pepperoni cooking, and bread rising makes me drool every time I come here. The place is old-fashioned with black and white checkered floors, old wooden windows, and aged tables that saw their best days twenty years ago. It’s a beautiful sight for a pizza lover like me. Pure passionate amorous!

We take a seat and order the largest pepperoni pizza possible. Before the ebony haired waiter could turn and walk away, Jess begins to unload on me about her business trip. She must have been holding all this in, waiting for the perfect time to combust. She hates to travel with her boss, Jackie, because apparently Jess has met someone who likes to talk just as much as she does. Jess was forced to contain most of her thoughts for two days because Jackie wouldn’t give her a chance to talk. I didn’t think there was anyone who could match Jess’ chatterbox tendencies, but I guessed wrong.

“What a pleasant surprise,” a voice says behind me. Wait…I know that familiar sound.

I jerk around excited that my worried thoughts have all been wrong. Logan stands before me in a pair of worn out jeans and a green t-shirt that is molded against his perfect chest and giving a covered sneak peek of his bumpy abs.

That was too animated.

He smiles noticing my excitement. “Having a good day?”

No, I am not. Your damn wordless kiss has my head reeling!
“Yeah I am. How’s your day?”

“Not as good as the night I had, but it did just get a little better.” Oh now that was smooth.

Feeling my cheeks start to burn, I turn to Jess to see her chin in her hands, watching me. I narrow my eyes, “Jess, you remember Logan?”

She shoots him a gratifying smile then lowers her gaze back to me. She’s getting full enjoyment from watching me squirm.

“Do you have time to stay and eat with us?” I ask turning back up to him. I don’t know if I want him to say yes or no. If he says yes, it will be uncomfortable to talk about things with Jess right here, but then again, maybe it will be comfortable. If he says no, well he better give me a good reason.

“I can’t right now. I’ve got to get these pizzas back to the crew. Hungry men turn into asshole bears.” That was a good reason. He leans down close to my ear, “I can’t stop thinking about you. I’d like to take you out again.” The deep hum of his voice vibrates against me and chill bumps spread down my arms.

I bite my lip trying to hide this undeniably too eager grin. “Sure.”

I heard his lips part, smiling against my ear, “Good. I’ll pick you up tomorrow evening at six.”

He stands back up, winks at Jess, flashes a satisfied smile, and walks out the door toting pizzas in hand. The lottery has just been won by me! I would like to try this kiss thing again, but this time I’m holding him hostage until he speaks to me.

I’m still staring at the door when Jess clears her throat. “You can take your panties out of that twist now. I told you he’d be back.” Her “told-you-so” grin is as wide as the table showing off her perfectly straight white teeth.

Chapter 8




“Sam, if you don’t give it up soon, he’s going to think something is wrong with him. You probably have him insecure about himself. You know how men are. They get wounded egos,” Jess says untwisting the strap of my black tank top.

“You don’t think I know that?” I snap irritated at her persistence. She’s been on me about having sex with him for days now, and it’s really starting to piss me off.

“It’s been almost two weeks and the poor man has been more patient than most. What normal man would stick around?”

“For fuck’s sake Jess, it will happen. I’m not going to force it. Just lay off of me.”

She begins to open her mouth, but decides it’s not worth the fight. Good. It’s none of her business what happens between me and Logan. We’ve been on several dates, and he’s taken me back to the rooftop on different occasions, even allowing me the opportunity to see a storm in the distance. It was magnificent to see lightning bounce from cloud to cloud and the purple-blue it splashed in the air around it. But the opportunity for sex has never developed and honestly, there’s something about him I can’t put my finger on. Maybe I’ve watched too many movies, or read too many romance novels, or listened to Jess’ overdramatic ways, but there just aren’t any fireworks when I kiss him. I’ve always heard you should have them, and here I am, first relationship since Robbie, trying to figure out what no fireworks means.




The sky is clear when we walk out to Logan’s rooftop escape. The stars dance, glinting around the moon’s soft glow, creating a romantic feel to the night. Logan clutches my hand and leads me to a brown blanket that has been spread out with a bottle of wine and a pair of glasses sitting beside it.

“I hope you like this. I wanted something more just you and me.” He sits on the blanket and pours the red wine in one of the glasses.

“It’s beautiful.” I sit beside him and take the glass. The wine tastes fruity, and it’s just what I need to calm my nerves.

He leans into me and takes the wine glass out of my hand before I can take a second sip. His fingertips run down the side of my cheek and down my jawline. My heart rate begins to spike as my nerves start taking me hostage. He follows his fingers with soft kisses, across my jaw, down to my neck. A moan escapes me. His eyes are hungry when he locks them with mine, and anticipation is freed when his lips press against mine. I run my fingers through his hair, pulling him in closer, our tongues entwining. Still no fireworks.

He lowers me to my back softly and begins tracing the tips of his fingers across my shoulder, down my clavicle, and stops at my breasts, cupping one with gentle squeezes. His gentle squeeze turns to a hard and heated grip as he pushes against my mouth so hard it hurts. I let out a soft cry from the pain, releasing my mouth from his. His knees push my legs apart, allowing him to grind his erection in my pelvis as he grabs my waist pulling me into him. His movements are jarring and rough, nothing compared to the sweet touches he once gave me. He reaches down cupping my sex through the denim of my jeans, rocking his hand against my clit. Heat spreads through my body. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in this situation. My nerves are wrecked and my panties are soaked. I feel like a damn virgin again.

He pulls back, locking his emotion filled eyes with mine. Oh hell. I know that look. “I love you, Sam.” His passionate breathless confession brings my breath to a halt. I blink. I freeze. What the hell am I supposed to say? The lust in his eyes melts away and he jerks his head back, “You don’t feel the same way do you?”

Love in less than two weeks? He scrambles to his feet and begins to pace the roof, mumbling something to himself. I stand on my wobbly knees trying to find the right words, but nothing feels right.

“I’m…I’m not there yet, Logan.” I decide is the best thing to say, touching his arm in attempt to calm him but he jerks away.

His eyes, once passionate and loving, now are narrowed, dark, and vicious. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me? Tell me you’re fucking kidding me.”

I say nothing as I drop my eyes to the floor. I feel bad for him.

“Fucking answer me, Sam,” he growls. “This isn’t some fucking joke.”

“No,” I whisper painfully.

He takes several steps backward and throws his hands up, “What the hell does a man have to do to get you to fall in love? Do you even have a fucking heart?”

“That’s enough!” I hiss. “I get that you’re hurt, but don’t you dare cuss me like this. Would you rather me lie to you? Lie about something so serious? That’s not me.” Tears threaten my eyes. I don’t know if I’m sad or mad. Pissed at his reaction, or pained by his hurt.

His angered and hurt eyes pierce me. I make a last ditch effort to comfort him by stepping forward to put my hand on his arm, but again, he yanks away. He rubs his face then drops his hands to his side.

“Bitch,” he growls. He turns his back to me and walks away, jerking the door open, leaving me atop the roof in the moonlight. Alone.




“Sam?” the sound of Jess’ voice brings me out of my sleep. I force my eyes open to see her usually happy green eyes full of worry. “Logan’s here.”

“Ugh. He’s here?” I sit up and rub my eyes. After walking home alone in the still of the night, I told Jess what happened and went to bed emotionally drained.

“I didn’t let him in. He’s still outside waiting.”

I sigh, sliding out of bed to check my appearance in the mirror. From the looks of it, my hair must have had its own party while I slept. “Stall him for a minute, and then let him in.” I wipe the sleep from my eyes. “Only to the living room. No further.” I add.

My hair still looks like a disaster even after brushing and putting it up. I’ve managed to brush my teeth and wipe last night’s make up off before hearing Jess announce he was in the apartment. I look like hell. The bags under my eyes are clear indicators that I didn’t sleep well with his words repeating every direction I tossed.

Logan is in grey jogging pants and a black t-shirt standing by our tan microfiber couch when I enter the living room.

Suddenly I feel shy, embarrassed for what happened last night. “Hi.”

“Hi,” he replies.

Jess hurries into the living room, wielding my superpower in a cup. Coffee! She widens her eyes, girl code for “are you okay?” I nod taking a sip letting the hot liquid slide down my throat.

“Can we go somewhere more private?” Logan asks, eyeing Jess. She rolls her eyes in frustration but leaves the room. She can be nosey as hell sometimes.

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