Mistletoe Magic (4 page)

Read Mistletoe Magic Online

Authors: Melissa McClone

Tags: #romance, #christmas, #cowboy, #montana

BOOK: Mistletoe Magic
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No.” The force of the word surprised Caitlin.

eyebrows shot up. “Excuse me?”

It’s just…” She wet her lips. What was she doing? She had no
idea what the bill would be and not much extra money. “Do you have
an estimate for her care?”

The number
Noah said was double what she’d been thinking. She bit the inside
of her mouth.

Do you want to pay for the kitten’s treatment?” he

I… it’s just ever since I found Mistletoe in my friends’ yard,
I keep thinking about them and their cat, Miss Kitty.” Caitlin
calculated the balance in her checking account. Not enough to cover
an exam, let alone tests and treatment with rent due next week. She
switched to her savings. Yes, she had enough there. Who needed to
take a summer vacation anyway? “I’d like to give Mistletoe to my
friends. They miss their cat so much. The kitten would be the
perfect Christmas gift for them. Well, once they get


You haven’t changed at all. You’re still a nice, sweet

Sometimes. I have my moments. I’m not as a big a pushover as I
used to be.”

Mistletoe might beg to differ.”

Who isn’t a pushover when it comes to kittens.”

True,” he admitted. “Wanting to give Mistletoe to your friends
is thoughtful, but giving a pet as a gift isn’t recommended.” His
practical words flowed like the Marietta River around town. “A pet
is a huge responsibility. A lifelong commitment. What if your
friends aren’t over their lost cat and don’t want this one? Don’t
like her. What will you do then?”

Okay, I see your point, but…” The tears gleaming in Jen’s eyes
earlier today poked at Caitlin’s heart. She chewed on her bottom
lip, trying to figure this out. She didn’t want to just give up.
“Could you do the blood tests while I contact my friends and see if
they want Mistletoe? If they do, I’ll pay her bill. I’m happy to
make a deposit before you get started. If my friends don’t want
Mistletoe, keep the deposit, use that fund you mentioned earlier to
pay the remainder of the bill, and contact the shelter.”

His gaze
darkened. The midnight blue color made her think of kissing him
outside the library after studying for midterms. She’d loved the
library after that night.

You don’t want Mistletoe for yourself?” he asked.

Her chest
tightened. “I wish I could. I love cats, but my landlord has issues
with me parking on the curb in front. He would never allow a
kitten, even though the garage apartment is nothing special.”

A garage?”

experienced that scrunched-face reaction before. “Over the garage.
My studio apartment isn’t fancy, but the neighborhood is relatively
safe and the rent is cheap. I’m a preschool teacher. Not the
biggest paycheck in town, but I love my job.”

His eyes
widened. “You were planning to major in business. Advertising.”

memory. Her stomach fluttered. She couldn’t help being flattered.
“I was, but the summer after freshman year I worked a summer job at
a daycare. I knew that’s what I wanted to do. So I transferred to
University of Montana Western and changed my major to Early
Childhood Education.”

I didn’t realize you liked kids that much.”

Me, either. Turns out they like me, too.”

At least I know why you weren’t at MSU for your sophomore

She stiffened,
not sure if she’d heard him correctly. “You… looked for me?”

He nodded. “I
assumed you’d transferred, but no one would tell me where you’d
gone. I had to get to Pullman to start classes and just gave

You tried, that’s what mattered.” And what she’d long to hear
him say for the past seven years. A daydream turned real. Santa was
already working overtime. “Why did you want to find me?”

To apologize for how things ended.” His gaze never wavered. “I
should’ve handled things differently. Given the long distance thing
a shot.”


Wow?” he repeated, sounding confused.

Thank you.”

He squinted,
as if trying to focus. “I don’t understand.”

Women, well at least I’ve done this, have thought about what
their exes would say if they ever ran into them again. What you
said, I hit the jackpot. Big time. Thanks.”

O-kay.” He didn’t sound certain.

Trust me, it’s all good.”

So how’d you end up in Marietta?”

Okay, not such
an impressive memory and not flattering at all, but she wasn’t
about to hold his forgetfulness against him after their last
exchange. Seven years was a long time. She’d probably forgotten
stuff about him, too. “You don’t remember.”


I’m from Marietta.”

His cheeks
reddened. “Sorry. I forgot. How could I forget? I know you like
relish on your hot dog but not ketchup. That you really don’t like
football, but know everything about the sport and watch games
because your dad loves it. That you knew all the words to every
Jonas Brothers song, even though the CDs belonged to your

He looked
adorable, a way she hadn’t expected. And if he remembered hot dogs
and the Jonas Brothers, he probably knew other stuff about her
besides her hometown. “You’re forgiven.”

Let me make it up to you.”

The words hung
out there, an offer, an invitation, implied. All she needed to say
was yes, but something held her back. They were picking up, not
quite where they’d left off, but close. But seven years had passed.
She didn’t know him now. Not really.

You are,” she answered. “By helping Mistletoe tonight. Seeing
her happy and healthy and with a family is all I want for Christmas

Are you spending tomorrow with your parents?” he

My folks left Marietta five years ago. They haven’t been back
since they sold their house, everything inside, and bought a used
RV.” Nor had she seen them. Caitlin pressed the tip of her boot
against the tile floor. Her words sounded more resigned than angry.
She’d had years getting used to being alone. “They’re spending
Christmas in Palm Springs. Or maybe Las Vegas. It’s hard to keep up
with their travels.”

Her parents
were so busy with their RV friends and lifestyle they no longer
called. They communicated by emails and texts now. Without fail
they sent a card with cash on her birthday. The same at Christmas
time. She was grateful they remembered that.

Maybe someday,
when they had fulfilled their wanderlust, they would return to
Montana. To her. Their only child.



She startled
at his voice. “I’m sorry?”

You’re thinking about your parents.”

It wasn’t a
question, but she nodded anyway. “Holidays and family go

There’s always friends.”

She shrugged.
“They have their own lives and loves. I’m used to celebrating on my

You’ll have to give me some pointers,” he said. “My parents
are in Portland with my sister and her family this year. I’m on my
own, too.”

Is your girlfriend away?” Oh, no. Caitlin fought the urge to
cringe. She couldn’t believe she’d asked him that.

No girlfriend. No dates since I arrived in town.” His charming
smile sent chills up and down her arms. “Though things are suddenly
looking up there.”

throat tightened. She swallowed. He couldn’t mean her, could he?
“Marietta’s not that big. I’m happy to show you around.”

I’d like that. Thanks.”

That still
didn’t tell her if he was interested in her. Or he could just be
making conversation. A slow Christmas Eve at the animal hospital.
“Wish you were with your family in Portland?”

I’m the new guy. I had better odds winning the lottery this
Christmas.” He didn’t sound upset in the slightest. “I love my
family, but I also love what I do. If I were in Portland with them,
I wouldn’t be here talking with you or taking care of the

Once again his
words suggested interest. Though maybe he was talking friendship.
“I’m sorry you’re not with your family, but I’m happy you’re
Mistletoe’s vet. Seeing you again, it’s… nice.”

His gaze
locked on Caitlin’s. His smile spread. The corners of his eyes
crinkled, sending unexpected heat flowing through her veins.
“Nicest Christmas Eve I’ve had in a while.”

Her heart
lodged in her throat. She felt nineteen again, a freshman at MSU,
caught in that overpowering rush of first love. When he was her
everything. “Me, too.”

A phone

The sound
jolted her. She blinked. Looked away.

Copper Mountain Animal Hospital, Veronica speaking,” said the
woman behind the counter.

cheeks burned. Oh, no. What had she been doing? Thinking? She
wasn’t an innocent college freshman. Noah had never been the right
guy for her. Not then. Now… ?

He cleared his
throat. “I should get back to Mistletoe. It’ll be at least an hour,
most likely longer, until we’ll need to discuss what’s next. If you
want to leave, feel free. I hear there’s a Nativity program at the
church tonight. If you want to attend, please don’t let this stop
you. Mistletoe is in good hands.”

She nodded,
not trusting her voice. She wouldn’t mind being in those good hands

Uh-oh. Leaving
now would be the smartest move. Safest one. She should go back to
the Pattersons’ house, lose herself in the pages of a book.
Distract herself from the kitty and vet tugging on her

But what she
felt right now was normal.

became sentimental during the holidays, with memories of their past
and gratitude for the present. The cheery decorations and
unexpected, but warm reunion with Noah made her think of the

Thinking about
something didn’t make it come true.


straightened, squared her shoulders, raised her chin.

Tonight might
be Christmas Eve, but Santa wasn’t going to leave presents for her
under the tree or bring Noah back into her life for good.

But he was
here now. Might as well enjoy it. Him.

Caitlin was
grateful for what she had. Working with preschool-aged children was
the best job ever, frustrating at moments, but a blessing, too.
Having friends like Jen and Jay Patterson who treated her like
family helped Caitlin deal with missing her parents. Finding
Mistletoe and, if everything worked out—Caitlin crossed her
fingers—placing the kitten with her dear friends, would be the
final ornament, the star on top really, on the imaginary Christmas
tree in her mind.

good-looking, great smelling boyfriend from the past was welcome
until she decided it was time for him to go.



An hour and a
half later, Noah returned to the waiting area. More pet owners
filled the chairs with cups of coffee balanced amid magazines and
cellphones. Caitlin was there, too, in the same chair, her long,
straight brown hair pulled back into a messy bun.

A funny
feeling formed in the pit of his stomach.

Now that he’d
found her he didn’t want to let her go again.

He wanted a
second chance. Somehow he needed to convince her he deserved one,
but how?

She wrung her

Worried about
the kitten? A good thing he had some answers now.

He walked
toward her, thinking how much prettier she’d grown. Her looks had
been just college-freshman cute years ago, until he’d spoken with
her and realized how sweet and caring she was. All qualities that
seemed to have matured into something even stronger now, like the
woman herself. “You stayed.”

I know you said I had time, but…” She wiped her palms on her
jeans, stood. “How’s Mistletoe?”

The blood tests were unremarkable.” He recognized the
confusion in her eyes. “That means normal.”

Great news.”

relief for the kitten showed her big heart. Something Noah assumed
was necessary for working at a preschool. Something else he hadn’t
seen when they were dating was her determination. Herding cats
might be easier than teaching three- and four-year-olds, but if
anyone could do it, he had a feeling she could.

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