Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (130 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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"Babe have you ever thought about talking to someone about this?  It might make you feel better to get it all out."

"What; are you gonna be my shrink now Tony?"  She let out a bitter laugh.  "You're just a drug dealer."

She regretted the words the minute they left her mouth.  The wounded expression on his face made her feel worse.  “I'm sorry.  I didn't mean it.  You being here is the only thing that's keeping me from taking a can of gasoline and some matches and burning that house down with Lindsey and Langston in it."

"Maybe it would be better if you didn't come back for another visit before graduation." He laughed, trying to break the tense mood. 

"I'm sorry Tony." She pulled into the driveway, noticing with relief that Langston's car was still gone.  "I didn't want to put you through all this.  I just didn't know how I was going to get through it without you.  Sometimes I think you're the only thing left in this world that keeps me sane."

"And you can tell that you're obviously the only thing that was keeping me from losing it baby.  You can tell how well I did without you." He scratched at a scab on his arm.  "I was such an idiot.  There are just some times when it's too much.  I couldn't take all the other bullshit without you Tor.  I don't wanna deal anymore.  I don't want to visit my mom in a mental hospital while my dad's underneath a headstone.  I don't want to see my uncle barely getting through the day some days, haunted by all the shit he's seen.  I don't want to see my aunt curled up in a ball on the couch in the dark because her migraines are so bad that she couldn't get across the room to her purse to get her shot.  I don't wanna see Carl throwing his future away because it's seems like an easier road to deal than to be run down, the life drained out of him like his dad.  I couldn't take it when I thought you were ashamed of me baby.  Every day, I think that my dad must be rolling over in his grave, watching my life get more and more screwed up while mom's stuck in that place, drugged out of her mind; still not able to deal with losing him.  The first time I saw you." His eyes were far away as he lit a cigarette, blowing smoke out the window.  "I could have sworn that you were an angel.  I looked at you and saw everything my life could be.  It wasn't just that you were beautiful.  I've had beautiful women, hell I've had women so gorgeous they’d make Andi look like chopped liver; but you were different.  It wasn't just that I wanted to get you into bed, though of course the thought entered my mind.  I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you that I didn't look at you and wonder what it would be like to have you underneath me, crying out my name." He turned to look at her again, giving her a smirk.  “I looked at you and saw my salvation too.  The light at the end of my tunnel.  I knew by looking at you that you could save me from myself.  And you have Tor.  I'm not gonna say that there haven't been a bunch of road blocks in the way, because you sure as hell know that's not true.  We've both been stupid and we've both been stubborn.  Nine out of ten people would probably have given up by now and said screw it, is this worth all the trouble?  But you came back for me.  You came back for me and told me to get my head out of my ass.  I can never thank you enough for that.  I was turning into the thing that I despise the most; a damn junkie.  That’s probably laughable to most people.  But it's true.  Do you know how hard it was for me to hang up on you when you told me you loved me?  Those were the sweetest words I had ever heard.  But I couldn't do it anymore.  I couldn't play second fiddle to Jude anymore, or the bullshit idealized version of Jude that you thought you were in love with.  There was a part of me that died every time you sang his praises after I'd made love to you.  It wasn't just my pride, though that would be enough for almost any other man.  Who the hell wants to hear about how wonderful some other guy is when you've done your best to blow some girl's mind in bed?  At first maybe the sex was enough.  I kept telling myself that you kept coming back for a reason.  With a lot of women, sex has to have some kind of emotion tied in.  They can't do it without some kind of emotional tie to the guy that they're doing it with.  I thought that if I got you into my bed enough times, threw in a little silly sentimental bullshit here and there, you were going to forget about Jude and think that I could give you not only the sex that your body was beginning to crave, but the emotional stuff that kept you tied to Jude for so long.  When you told me that you wouldn't go to dinner with me at my aunt and uncle's, it finally dawned on me that I was never going to be anything to you other than a good screw.  I couldn't deal with it anymore.  It wasn't enough anymore for you to want me to screw you.  I can go out; find some random bitch, and ply her with drugs or booze, hell even a bit of romance, to get her to want me to screw her.  I needed you to want me to make love to you.  I needed you to want me to love you.  I couldn't stand the thought that you were never really going to want that.  If there was a doubt in my mind that you were over Jude." He cracked another smile.  "I wouldn't be here."

"You are the absolute sweetest pervert ever."

She leaned over and gave him a kiss, not caring if the neighbors would report back to Langston what they’d been doing in driveway after midnight. 

She wanted nothing more than to go upstairs and crawl into bed with him.  She didn't care right now if they had sex.  She just wanted to wake up in his arms. 

"I love you Anthony Wilson."

"I love you too, Tory.  We'd better go in now.  If your stepdad comes home and catches us out here, doing what kissing you always seems to lead to, he'll probably shoot us both."

"Another minute or two won't hurt will it?  They probably won't be home for hours." 

She had moved over to the edge of her seat and was practically in his lap when he pulled back a good five minutes later, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 

“Do I drool?"

"I gotta get the taste of you off of me or I'll end up screwing you right here in the driveway." 

"I do have a perfectly good bed upstairs," she said suggestively. 

"No way Tor.  We had this discussion before.  It's not doing either of us any good to sit out here, getting all worked up when you know we have to go in the house and sleep in separate beds. 
Ain't neither of us getting any until we're the hell away from here.  Let me make such a good impression on your stepdad that he won't think about me with my tongue in your mouth."

"Men are so weird.” She sighed as she handed him the key to unlock the door, pushing the button to lock the car.  "Who the hell would want to think about some guy with his tongue in their daughter's mouth?  Not that I would ever stoop so low as to think of any of my mother's husbands as anything near a father, but you know what I mean."

"You don't get it Tor.  The last thing a man wants to think about is some guy with his tongue in his little girl's mouth.  It's that thought that drives a guy to say something like what your stepdad said to me.  If I had a teenage daughter, I'd want to keep her locked up in her bedroom so I wouldn't have to think about shit like that."

She shook her head at him as he followed her up the stairs.  " If you did that, that's the first thing she'd want to do; go out and find some guy the first chance she got.  Every kid knows that parents want to keep you away from the things that will make you happy."

He snorted.  "You tell my Aunt Lori that and she'll kick your ass."

"You know what I mean." She followed him down the hall to his room.  "When you're a teenager, your parents want to keep you away from all the bad shit.  Sex, drugs, and alcohol; because they know all the trouble they got into when they were kids.  But you can't protect them from life.  Almost everybody tries drugs at some point, even if it's just a little weed.  And booze, what the hell can you do about that?  Even if you can keep them away from it until they're a legal age, what can you do to stop them then?  And sex well, deep down with as much as some people probably think that they'd be perfectly fine with their kids being celibate, beyond becoming a nun, doesn't there get to be a point where it's kind of an embarrassment if your kid's still a virgin?  Only a fruit loop would be proud to say that their kid is a virgin at thirty."

"I guess you're probably right about that.” He laughed as they stood outside the guest room that Langston had directed him to.  "We'd better say goodnight Tor.  It's getting late."


"Your mom and stepdad are going to come home sooner or later.  What are they going to think if you're standing outside my door?"

“I don't give a shit what they think.  Are you going to be all right Tony?"

"Yeah, I think so.  If you'd have come back in three months instead of three weeks, I'd probably be really screwed; if not dead from an overdose.  I'll get through it.  Knowing that you're down the hall helps."

"It doesn't help me.  It didn't help me lying at bed in night by myself knowing that you were only a couple miles away.  Knowing that you're down the hall probably sleeping naked doesn’t help me one bit."

"I'm not going to sleep naked while we're here." He laughed.  "If I got up to go to the bathroom, forgot where I was, and ran into your mom-that would not be good.  And if I ran into your stepdad with my penis hanging out, even if I was coming from the other direction and you were asleep in your bed, well, we don't need to be give him an excuse now do we?"

"My mother would probably get a thrill out of seeing you naked.  Once she found out what you do for a living she'd probably try to steal you away, and talk you into becoming some big drug lord so she could be with a rich guy who is good looking for a change."

"Your stepdad's not a bad looking guy."

"How could you manage to notice that with his sparkling personality?  I guess Langston's not the worst stepfather I've ever had.  And I have to thank him for getting me the hell away from this place for the last two years.  But I swear if he comes anywhere near you with so much as a butter knife, I'm going to make them both regret that they ever met."

"That should make dinner interesting.  It's not like he really meant it.  He was just asserting his role as king of his castle."

"He can get away with it with you.  Asking Lindsey to get everyone a drink is not the norm.  Even with no 'staff' around it ain't her who's getting up to make the drinks.  If he makes her do it again, she's liable to break the bottle over his head.  My mother will not be with a man who doesn't
kiss her ass on a regular basis.  King of his castle my ass.  Langston may have shelled out the cash for this place, but it sure ain't a king that runs this castle."

"So that's where you get your dominant streak from."

"You compare me to her again Tony, and I might have to castrate you myself."

"Now now, baby.  Be nice."

"Nice girls are boring."

She reached out and ran one hand over his chest while she fiddled with his zipper with her other hand. 

He kissed the side of her neck and removed her hand from his zipper.  "You're going to get us both into a nice predicament if you don't take your ass to bed.  I don't think anyone would get out of here alive if they came home and found me screwing you against the wall, legs wrapped around my waist." 

She groaned.  "Shut up Tony, or you're gonna get me so turned on I won't care."

"A little sexual frustration never hurt anybody." He winked.  "It makes it that much better when you find that sweet relief."

"Enough Tony.  You're already going to have me tossing and turning all night, my head filled with dirty thoughts."

"I’ll let you share all those dirty thoughts with me when we get home."

"Nope.  We have a bet remember?"

It was all she could do now not to get down on her knees and beg him to take her to a motel she thought, but all she did was lean over and give him a chaste kiss on the mouth. 

"Goodnight Tony."

"Night Tor."

She could feel his eyes on her as she walked away, so she walked slower, shaking her ass a little as she walked. 

"You know you drive me crazy right?"

She turned around and blew him a kiss.  "And you know you love it."

"Yes baby." His voice was so soft that she could barely hear him.  "You know I do."

When she was in her room with the door closed behind her, she chanced a look at herself in the mirror.  Her hair had come halfway out of the ponytail, and her cheeks were flushed.  When she looked at the fire in her amber eyes, the only thing that she could think of was Tony when he was really turned on and all she had to do was look in his eyes to know he wanted it. 

She had that same hungry look. 

Yawning, she slipped her dad's old t-shirt over her head and crawled into bed, having to fight with herself to stop from picturing Tony down the hall in the guest bedroom alone in that big bed.   If he wasn't sleeping naked he was probably only wearing a pair of those drawstring pajama bottoms that she'd seen when she was doing his laundry and nothing else. 

And that was almost as good she thought.  When he had a bare chest, and bare feet; she could look at him all day and never get tired of it.  Hard abs, firm muscular arms, barely there hair on his chest.  And then you moved up to that face she thought.  With his high cheekbones, his full lips, his beautiful hazel eyes and his wavy dark blonde hair, he could have been a model.  And with his other talents she thought, he could have been a porn star.  She turned over in bed, closing her eyes. 

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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