Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2)
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“You think I need to lose weight?”  She glanced down at her tiny frame.

“What?  No, no.”  He shifted uncomfortably in the doorway and gestured lamely to the bag of ice.  “I was just—there was an article—I thought maybe—“

She grinned suddenly.  “You’re cute.  If you’re not too tired, why don’t you get dressed and come on over and join us?”

He paused, startled by the invite.  He sincerely doubted Sonya would be happy at having the invitation extended.  It was enough for him to agree.  “Sure.”

Her smile spread full tilt.  “All right.”

He watched as she continued to stand there and realized she was waiting for him to change and accompany her back to the party.  Turning quickly, he headed for his bedroom.


* * *


Sonya kept watch on the door.  He said he would come if he finished up his paper work.  She was sure he had said that.  Her mind kept playing back the conversation.  He just had to come.  This was the perfect opportunity for them to—

Wait a minute, what was Daniel doing here?  And with Audrey?  She asked the girl to fetch his ice, not him.  Oh hell, now what was she supposed to do with him?  He already looked terribly uncomfortable.  Audrey approached with her face entirely beaming; her arms outstretched holding a bag of ice.

“Wow, why didn’t you tell me about your little secret across the hall?”

“What secret?”

“The dark god living in your neighbor’s apartment.”  She made a growling noise then said, “He tells me there’s nothing between the two of you.  So you wouldn’t mind if I help myself?”

“That’s disgusting Audrey.”

But she only giggled.  “I take it that’s a yes?”

Sonya’s brain worked fast.  For some reason she most definitely wanted to say no.  It was utterly out of the question.  For god’s sake, it was Daniel.  Who would find him attractive?

“Hey.”  The object of their conversation joined them.  “Don’t mind if I crash your party?”

“As a matter-of-fact,” she began, then saw the humor in his eyes as he shoved his glasses up his nose with his index finger.  He did this on purpose.  He knew she wouldn’t approve of his being there.  “Very funny, Daniel.”

“Make me a drink?”  He was still smirking as he gestured to the bag of ice in her hand.

“You don’t drink.”  She told him.

His brow lifted.  “Since when?”

“Since now.”  Her voice became firm.  “Go home.”

“Ouch.”  He snapped his head back as if she truly attempted to bite him.  “Remind me never to invite you to one of my parties.”

“Gladly.”  She could only imagine the boredom.  Six or seven computer brainiacs standing around having no clue how to have a good time, or at the very least what to do with a woman.

“Aren’t we grumpy tonight.”  He stated, observing her closely.  “Frequent exposure to negativity can have an inimical effect on—“

“Go home, Daniel.  You don’t belong here.”

“Sonya!” Audrey cried.  “I invited him.”

He stared at her then at the tiny blonde gaping with disbelief.

“Right,” he muttered, then without another word, turned and left.  With a huge thrust he slammed her apartment door behind him.  Immediately, Sonya felt her world dim.

“Sonya, why did you do that?”  Audrey’s eyes bulged with disbelief.

She ignored her, already feeling horrible.  From the moment she saw the sincere pain in his eyes her words caused, she felt utter remorse.  What an inconsiderate jackass she could be.  He hadn’t done anything wrong to deserve the most vicious thing imaginable.  She insulted a man for being himself.

She glanced at Audrey who was still staring at her dumbfounded.  She had taken an interest in him at once.  Obviously, enough to invite him over without consulting Sonya first.  Not that she needed permission to invite whomever she pleased.  But Daniel?  He was her neighbor.  He didn’t belong in her circle.  Though it hurt, it was most likely for the best.

“You wouldn’t have liked him.  All he ever does is shop talk.”  She attempted to reassure her friend.

“Oh.”  Audrey made a mock expression of understanding.  “And what a change that would be from men whose only interest is making a grab for my ass.”

She walked away before Sonya could console her more.  She would have to explain it all to her tomorrow over coffee with Maura.  Maura would help explain, she understood completely.

Sonya owed Daniel an apology as well.  She really shouldn’t have been so harsh on him.  First thing tomorrow, she would speak to him and make everything all right between them again.

Her front door opened once more and Tristan Manning was suddenly there, in her apartment.  Her disheartened spirits quickly evaporated.  He came.  He was actually in her apartment.  And, if she had anything to do with it, in her bedroom before the night was through.

“Tristan!” she called out and waved her hand.

He noticed and weaved his way through the bodies littering her apartment.  As he approached, she noticed he wore his lazy smile.  The one which looked as if he had made love all night long.  “Hey, Sara.  Great party.”

Her smile vanished.  “Sonya.”

“Right.”  He clicked his tongue and shot two imaginary guns at her from the tips of his fingers and gave an apologetic shrug.  “Going to get it right one of these days.”

Audrey appeared out of nowhere.  “I need a refill.”

Apparently, she had not noticed their boss’s arrival, then the angry glare intended for Sonya, completely vanished.  Startled, she exclaimed, “Mr. Manning!”

Sonya’s brows arched.  Mr. Manning?

He turned and looked down at the blonde, becoming serious all at once, nodding his head in greeting.  “Audrey.”

Oh sure, he remembered her name! 

“Glad you found the place, Tristan.”  Sonya’s face glowed with as much allure and temptation as she could muster.  “Let me show you around.”

Audrey took a step back but otherwise did not move.  Instead, she stood and watched as the duo disappeared.

“And, finally, my bedroom is back here.”  She ended the short tour on purpose down the small corridor leading to her bedroom.

He glanced at her, raised a brow then brushed past her and into the room.  Sonya couldn’t contain the tiny jolt of excitement.  He stood near the entrance, surveying the soft lace curtains over the window and the flowing hue of blue and white walls that reminded her of being caught in a springtime cloud.  Overhanging the iron canopy bed were shrouds of white silk, while beneath, the bed was covered in a billow of satin sheets and pillows.

Tristan took a step further inside then turned and looked at her.  “This doesn’t look like this should be your room.”

Surprised, she asked, “Why is that?”

He shrugged and made a gesture to encompass the entire room.  “It looks straight out of a Victorian romance novel.”

“You don’t like it?”

“I didn’t say that.  I was just expecting something a bit gaudier.”

She had to laugh.  Where on earth would he have gotten such an impression?  Pointing toward the bed, she offered, “Would you like to sit?”

He nodded then dropped down on the bed, caught off guard when he realized the mattress was a waterbed.  Chuckling, he said, “Now this makes more sense.”

She grinned and watched him sitting there on her bed, a fantasy she fostered for so long.  He looked just as perfect on it as she imagined.  Her breathing quickened, stimulated by the fantasy in her head and the genuine thing in her bedroom.  She wasn’t dreaming from months of yearning; he was actually and physically sitting on her favorite satin sheets.  And eyeing her with lust.

He patted the spot next to him and said, “Sit.”

Like a trained puppy, she did as commanded.  Her heart began a rapid beat while her mouth went suddenly dry.

When she sat next to him, he lifted a hand and tenderly brushed a strand of long curls aside.  “You are very beautiful.”

“Thank you.  So are you.”  Christ, did she really say that?  “I mean handsom—good-looking!  Ah, hell, you’re gorgeous.”

He chuckled.  “You’ve had your eye on me for a while now.”

“That obvious?”  She made the joke knowing perfectly well she far from hid her intent.

He nodded casually, his eyes focused on her neck as he lifted her hair and began examining beneath it.  Sonya automatically began to lean toward him.  She was yearning to have those lips kiss her neck, earlobe or hell any part of her body would do at that point.

The door to her bedroom flung open.  Audrey came soaring into the room.  “Sonya, I’m going home.”

Then giving the couple’s closeness a sweeping glance, added out of courtesy, “Sorry.”

She was gone before Sonya could respond.  She blinked then glanced at Tristan.  His attention was still on the opened door.  “Sorry about that.  Audrey’s a little peeved at me because she’s interested in my neighbor and I don’t approve.”

“Why not?”

“He’s not her type.”

He cocked his head.  “And you know her type?  Or perhaps maybe you fancy the guy as well?”

“Oh please!”  She hooted and would have laughed but didn’t want to lose the sensual atmosphere.  “Daniel’s going to meet a nice young girl someday.  Probably a nurse, or a teacher, or something like that.  Together they’ll probably save world hunger.”

His eyes twinkled of laughter but he didn’t say anything further on the subject.  Instead, he startled her completely by saying, “How does next Wednesday sound?”


“You and me.  We’ll make a night of it.”

Elation enveloped her.  “Why, Mr. Manning, are you asking me out on a date?”

The obvious reference to the other barmaid’s formal use of his name had him smirking before getting to his feet.  “I’ll pick you up around eight.”

“Where are you going?”  She hurriedly got to her feet; fearful she had frightened him away.

“Unfortunately, I have to get going.”  He smiled slowly and reached out to touch her face gently.  “But I had a nice time, Sophia.  I’ll see you tomorrow at work.”

She watched him go and felt a shadow pass over her spirits.  Tonight was supposed to be a pinnacle moment.  Her fantasy was only inches away from being fulfilled.  His behavior and emotions however were erratic.  One moment she was certain she had gotten her man, the next the complete opposite.  

“Sonya.  The name’s Sonya.”


* * *


The next morning she slept in as expected and cringed at the mess left behind from the party.  Normally, she would attack it immediately and have it gone in a jiffy, but needing to see Daniel and apologize was more pressing. 

Dressed in jogging gear with her long hair tied back in a ponytail she grabbed her iPod, selected Tchaikovsky and headed for Daniel’s apartment.  She took a few minutes to bang on his door, but had already figured he had left for their morning jog without bothering to wait for her. 

How she knew this was because one, the man was always on a strict schedule and never strayed for anything, and second because she knew she owed him an apology and he was more than likely a little peeved at her.

As figured, she received no answer and headed for the elevator that took her down to the ground floor.  She was just passing through the lobby when she heard voices coming from the mail center.  One was Mrs. Sterling.  The old woman did not sound too pleased and, needing a bit of entertainment, Sonya went over to eavesdrop.  She was surprised to discover the second voice belonged to Daniel.

“The girl is a nuisance and somebody ought to do something about it.  She has been rowdy far too long.  If she holds one more party, that will be it.  I’m going to call the police myself.”

“I understand how you feel Mrs. Sterling and I’m sure it doesn’t help that Fufu hasn’t been feeling himself lately.”

Sonya’s jaw dropped.  The swine.  How could he take old Mrs. Sterling’s side over hers?  Even if she had hurt his feelings.  He must have figured she would have eventually come around and apologize.

“Daniel, you’ve defended that girl far too much as it is.  She doesn’t deserve you.”

“That’s very sweet of you Mrs. Sterling, but—“

“You are a decent boy and deserve a decent girl.  You shouldn’t get hung up with a girl like Sonya Elliott.  She’s trouble.”

“Thank you.  I’ll watch myself.”

“I’ve seen her coming and going out of your apartment.  You haven’t done anything stupid, have you Daniel?”

“No, ma’am.”  Even in her hiding spot, Sonya could hear the control in his voice.  He wasn’t easily agitated.  “She really isn’t all that bad.  She can be quite nice if you get to know her.”

“Bah!”  The old lady continued to say something else, but Sonya tuned her out completely. 

A warm feeling swept over her.  Even after last night.  Even before she had the chance to apologize.  Daniel stood by her side.  She smiled.  Mrs. Sterling was right.  He really was a nice guy.

“Good morning, Mrs. Sterling.”  She stepped forward and interrupted the old woman’s barrage of complaints.

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