Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2)
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“Right.”  Giving a short nod, he turned and swept out of the apartment as fast as he could.

The question was, what would he do without her?


* * *


“Your place or mine?”  Tristan’s arm was crossed over the back of her seat, only inches away from touching her.  In actual fact, he hadn’t made one attempt to touch her all night.  His question almost sounded ludicrous.  She gazed into his beautiful blue eyes and remembered how long she wanted this.  Ever since she first laid eyes on him, she claimed him as hers.  No matter what the cost, she was going to get that man.

He was a challenge.  She even went so far as getting a job in his bar to come in closer contact with him.  It was four weeks now, and still he showed as little interest as he did before she was his employee.  So why the question?  Did he seriously think she would sleep with him simply because she was attracted to him?  She made no secret of her attraction.  However, she did have her pride.

“Actually, I would like to go back to the bar.”

He frowned.  “Why?  It’s not open, nobody will be there.”

“Exactly.”  She purposely put a sparkle in her eye.

The evening had been on the enjoyable side.  Apart from this last scene, he made no improper moves on her.  Or proper, as she was anticipating.  She would have believed she was actually falling in love with the guy if she believed in that kind of fairytale.  He was acting like a true gentleman.  But there was something about him that just wasn’t adding up.

They pulled up in front of the bar fifteen minutes later and Sonya stood back and waited while he unlocked the door.  He entered the building before her, throwing the overhead light on, then stepped back and allowed her to proceed.  The place was silent.  Reminding her of her job interview when she sat at one of the tables with Tristan across from her.

He leaned back against one of the walls and watched her with lazy eyes.  Lord, they were still quite sexy.  She smiled and turned to look at him.  He pushed himself off the wall then sauntered toward her, coming to a stop just a foot in front of her but refrained from making any physical contact.  Still, he was close enough she could feel his breath.


“Mmm?”  He stared down at her, his eyes scanning her features.

“I want to audition.”

“For what?”  Her hair blew gently as he stepped closer.  Still without touching.

“Your stage.  I want to perform on your stage.”

He remained expressionless, but he did take a noticeable step back.  “How?”

“How?”  Puzzled by the question, she nevertheless ventured to say, “Sing.  I want to sing on your stage.  Just give me a chance and I’ll prove I’m worth it.”

Tristan studied her face before asking, “How long have you been wanting this?”

She bit her lip.  “You didn’t think I had my sights on waitressing for a career, did you?  Come on, let me perform for you right now and if you don’t like what you hear, I’ll never ask again.”

Sighing, he pulled out a chair and dropped down into it.  “Fine.  One song.  Let’s hear it.”

She grinned, then turned and jumped up onto the stage.  None of the microphones or equipment were set up, but she wanted the feel of performing on stage.  Then clearing her throat and sweeping a curtain of hair over her shoulder, she embarked on the lyrics of a well-known song she long ago practiced and memorized.  Without the single aid of a musical instrument, she belted out the song and hit every cord and note until at last she sang the last lyric.

When she was done she looked down at Tristan and nervously examined his face for a reaction.  She felt she gave him a good performance.  She was quite pleased with her rendition of the song and was relieved when Tristan stood up and nodded.

“Not bad,” he said.  “Actually, pretty good.”

“You sound surprised.”  She smirked.  “I wouldn’t have wasted your time if I thought otherwise.”

He actually produced a genuine grin.  “All right.  One night a week.  Monday.  I’ll leave the busier nights for the house band.”

If it would not have looked unprofessional, Sonya would have jumped up and down with joy.  Instead, she replied, “You won’t regret it.”

“Why do I feel like I already do?”  This time he offered her a full smile.  “Do you always get what you want?”

She stared down at him.  He looked absolutely gorgeous but unattainable in the dim lighting.  With a little sigh, she admitted, “No.”

His brows arched.  “Why else would you have taken this job?  You said yourself, waitressing wasn’t in your career goals.”

Sonya chuckled.  “Is it for anyone?  Especially in an establishment such as this.  It can be one hell of a dangerous game if not careful.”

“Dangerous?” he asked softly, implying she had a double meaning.

“Come on, Tristan,” she said.  “Even locked away in your office you must realize the risks your waitresses encounter on a nightly basis.”

His low chuckle drifted up towards her.  “I find it hard to believe you are threatened by any man.”

She chuckled as well, then jumped down off the stage to stand in front of him.  “Maybe.  I probably would have taken out that asshole’s chance of ever having babies if it were me last Saturday.”

He looked puzzled.  “That doesn’t sound like very good customer service.  What asshole in particular are you referring to?”

“The bozo who looks like he hasn’t been laid in years and probably won’t be anytime soon either.”

Tristan looked amused but still confused.  “Why do I suddenly pity the poor fellow you’re talking about?”

She grinned and played with the thought of running her hand up his arm.  Feeling giddy with happiness from her successful audition, Sonya idly toyed with the image of Tristan grabbing her by the waist and hoisting her up on to the bar where he would drive his passion home.  “You mean you missed out on Saturday’s little scene?”

“Apparently.”  The amusement began to slowly ease away, if not the look of confusion.

“Didn’t your bouncers tell you?”

“Tell me what?”  Now he was beginning to look slightly perplexed, if not a bit more irritated.

Sonya had an overwhelming urge to shut herself up.  “I guess it was nothing.  Audrey probably just didn’t want to make a fuss.”

“Audrey?”  His features became all at once serious.  “What are you talking about?”

She sighed; realizing her big mouth might have just opened a can of worms.  “There’s this usual customer who is constantly making a play for Audrey.  Whenever she’s working, he can’t keep his hands off her.”

Tristan’s features slowly began to turn hard.  “That’s part of the job.”

She nodded in understanding.  “And it’s completely understood.  Really.”  She reassured him.  “But sometimes it’s just not worth it, especially after Saturday night.”

“What was so unusual about Saturday night?”  She could tell he was working at keeping his features bland.

“The jerk pulled out his—“She made a gesture toward the area below his belt line.  “He grabbed Audrey, mini skirt and all, and dragged her unwillingly on top of him.”

The nerve along Tristan’s jaw began to work hard.  His lips clenched and he blinked with purpose before spitting out the words, “Was she hurt?”

“No, thank goodness.  Those bouncers of yours come in handy.”  She grinned and moved closer, hoping her story proved everything was all right and his staff was fully capable of dealing with out-of-hand customers.

However, he backed away, automatically halting her advances.  “Listen, it’s later than I thought.  I think I better take you home.”

Sonya had an uncomfortable feeling she hadn’t been successful after all.  Taking a deep breath, she smiled in acknowledgement but inwardly hoped Audrey wouldn’t be terribly angry with her.


* * *


Sonya held a finger in one ear and her cell phone in the other.  The band was playing to an overzealous crowd tonight.  It was busier than usual.  The number of bodies in the place made walking next to impossible, let alone carrying a tray of drinks.  Smoke was thick and the stench of alcohol filled the air.  Even as she stood leaning over the bar counter, phone to ear, she could feel her backside being thrust about as lively patrons tried to make their way through the thick crowd.

Her shift had ended half an hour ago, but when she went out to the parking lot she discovered her car was blocked and she was unable to leave.  She toyed with the idea of walking home, but her feet were aching in her three-inch sandals.  Clientele had been demanding that night and she barely had a chance to sit, let alone take any breaks.


His voice was barely intelligible over the loud backdrop behind her.

“I can’t get out.”  She pressed the phone closer to her ear while simultaneously trying to find a corner with a better signal as she had trouble making out his words.  “Can you come down and get me?”

“—how—drinks—?”  Was all she was able to make out.


Again she heard his voice but not his words.  Frustrated, she said, “Yeah, yeah.  Can you come down and get me?”

She was pretty sure he said something in the affirmative and happily hung up.

“What a night.” Audrey sidled up to the bar and dropped her tray onto the counter then shot a questioning glance her way.  “Why are you still here?”

“I couldn’t get my car out.  Daniel is coming to pick me up.”

Audrey nodded, then glanced up at her friend.  “I heard you finally convinced Tristan to let you perform?”

She nodded.  “It wasn’t that difficult after all.”

Sonya thought she detected a look of resentment cross her friend’s otherwise congenial features, but when someone stepped between them, blocking Audrey momentarily, she realized her mistake when the petite waitress reappeared looking her usual friendly self.

With a glance over her shoulder and shouting over the noise, Audrey asked, “What’s with him tonight?  He’s been out of his office all night.  Every time I turn around, he’s right there.  Do you think there’s been a complaint against me?”

Sonya ignored the tiny tug of guilt and simply shook her head as she glanced over her shoulder to where Audrey was looking.  Tristan stood close to a back wall watching the activity in his bar.  He had been circulating the entire place all night long.  He certainly was being over observant.

“If you’re going to stick around a little bit longer, mind grabbing a tray and helping out?”  Audrey asked before taking her refilled tray and venturing back out into the crowd and disappeared.

Thinking maybe she ought to tell Audrey about her little slip in disclosing last Saturday night’s events to Tristan, she reached behind the counter and retrieved the tray she earlier discarded.  Just as soon as the next right opportunity provided itself, she would.

Going and retrieving orders, she made a few rounds before she unconsciously began to eye the crowd for Daniel.  He should be here by now.

Then she spotted him.  It was amazing actually that she did, considering the number of bodies and the dim lighting.  She slipped through the crowd and grabbed his arm in acknowledgement, knowing full well his displeasure at being in such an establishment, even before she saw his expression.  As expected, it was full of disgust.  “I just have a few more drinks, then I’ll be ready to go.”

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”

Taken aback, she looked up at him.  “What?”

“Haven’t you had a sufficient amount already tonight?”

Sonya’s brow crinkled.  “What are you talking about?”

He looked peeved.  “On the phone, you said you had too much to drink and needed a ride.” 

“You think I’ve been drinking?”

As if she sounded mundane, he had to shout over the deafening noise to be heard.  “Are you drunk?”

“No.”  She shook her head, all at once angry as well.  “I’ve been working, Daniel.”

He looked as if he didn’t believe her.  “Then why the call?”

“I asked for a ride.  My car is blocked.”  She glared up into his face.  “You assumed I was drinking?”

His vexed expression began to ease.  “Well, what do you expect?  You usually are.”

She didn’t know why, but she was hurt by his words.  An overwhelming urge to curse him incessantly had her biting her lip painfully to keep her mouth shut.  What the hell did she care how he felt?  She pivoted away from him in anger and led him toward a table to wait while she finished her round of drinks and gather her belongings.


Daniel’s irritation didn’t ease a whole lot as he allowed her to propel him toward a seat in front of the stage.  Watching her saunter off, he felt his insides tighten.  Damn, he hated seeing her working in a place like this.  Especially on account of some bar owning womanizer.  He had an overwhelming urge to track down the bastard and knock him off his gigolo throne.

The band on stage had just finished the last cord to their song when a waitress trying to get past a gathering of men who apparently did not realize their table only sat four, caught his attention.  He recognized her immediately as Audrey, the woman who had come to his apartment looking for ice.  He was prepared to offer her a smile in greeting when she tripped over one of the many legs she was trying to step over, and ended up offering her his lap instead.

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