moan for uncle 5 (9 page)

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Authors: Terry Towers

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Grant rose and then sat next to her on the bed, grabbed her hand and pulling her up into a sitting position. With eyes glazed over, still reeling from the orgasm she'd just experienced, she glanced over at him, catching his eyes and then glancing down at his rock hard cock. A coy smile touched her lips and she subconsciously swept her tongue across her lower lip.

"Come here," he motioned for her to straddle his lap and she eagerly obliged. Swinging a leg across his lap, she sat facing him, her skirt hiked up around her waist and lowered her lips to his while her hand slipped between them and she began stroking his long length.

"I love your cock," she murmured against his lips before deepening the kiss.

Grant groaned as he gave in to her probing tongue. As their tongues duelled, Nikki positioned his shaft at her entrance and slowly lowered herself onto it.

Her pussy felt like heaven, soft, warm and tight, as it slowly accommodated his thick cock. If she hadn't made him come earlier, he would have had to fight to keep from unloading into her immediately.

Slipping a hand behind her head, he fisted her hair and gave her head a slight tug back, exposing her soft, creamy neck to him. His mouth left hers and travelled across her jaw and slowly down the length of her neck. The smell of strawberries- her smell - washed over him, it was so perfectly suited for her, sweet and succulent.

As she rocked against him, moving up and down while rotating her hips in a circular motion, she arched her back, thrusting her breasts out, begging for his attention.

"Oh fuck yeah, Nikki," he groaned, his lips moving to the tops of her breasts. "Make me come in that sweet pussy."

She moaned and whimpered as he took the first hardened nub in his mouth, biting down a little harder than normal. Her arms around his neck tightened and she bucked a little harder against him. Pleased with her reaction, he released the first nipple, travelling to the second, tugging at it with his teeth and sucking hard.

"So good!"

Grant released her nipple and watched her, enchanted by the sight of her half naked, as she rode him. Her breasts jiggled as she rode him, almost violently now, while her pussy clenched around his cock, making him grit his teeth to keep from coming.

Slipping a hand behind the base of her neck, he pulled her back to him, claiming her mouth roughly. He couldn't hold out much longer, but he wanted to feel her coming over him, before he came himself. Luckily, he didn't have long to wait. Her body was vibrating over him, coiled with tension so he knew she was close.

"Come on honey, come for me." He pulled his mouth from hers and captured her lust filled eyes with his. She increased her speed, fucking him hard and fast, while not breaking eye contact, not for an instant.

Grant could feel himself fast approaching the point of no return, his balls tightened and his cock throbbed inside her, preparing itself to come. Her pussy, tightened around his cock and just when he thought he couldn't handle another second, she came. She came hard and fast, crying out his name as her juices gushed over his dick.

Her pussy milked his cock, begging him to come. Grabbing her hips in his hands, he pulled her tight down onto him and released, filling her with his cum. His cum rushed into her in a series of powerful squirts, mixing with her juices.

Her small body collapsed against him as she buried her face against his neck. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he kissed her temple. "Love you,

She pulled
looking deep into his eyes, and didn't even need to say the words. He'd never had anyone who was so devoted, so affectionate, or so willing to do whatever it took to make him happy. He realized then that he had achieved a lot in his lifetime, but he never really started living until the night he took her out for her nineteenth birthday and discovered his true feelings for her. He loved her more than he ever thought possible and he would happily die in order to protect her.

Chapter 9

"So I was thinking after we meet with Peter we could swing by the sex shop again before going home and pick up that cute little maid costume for you." Grant gave Nikki's hand a light squeeze as he glanced over at her, giving her a wink.

Laughing Nikki rolled her eyes at him. "We'll see. You're forgetting we also have to meet the realtor
look for a new wedding dress. There is a lot to do today." She grinned up at him, "Who knows, by the time we're finished, you may be too exhausted."

Grant huffed. "Not bloody likely."

Nikki didn't think it was likely either.

They were on their way to meet Peter Vinci. Peter was the man interested in purchasing the diamonds so they were making their way over to his store to complete the transaction. The day couldn't have been more perfect, the sky was clear, and the weather warm. It almost seemed like the past couple of days hadn’t even happened.

That the nightmare was now over...

They were just a block from the store walking down a fairly quiet street when Grant stopped abruptly, nearly sending her falling backwards onto her bottom. "What's going on?" She looked back at Grant, but he seemed to be in a trance. He looked like a rabbit would when it sensed danger. The thought had just crossed her mind when she heard a bang and something whizzed past her and embedded itself in the wall of the building behind her.

"Get down," Grant ordered, pulling his pistol from the holster under his jacket and positioning his body between her and whatever it was that was coming towards them.

He had just gotten the words out of his mouth when two more sharp bangs sounded and Grant jerked backwards. Turning as he fell, Grant covered her body with his and they both went tumbling down to the sidewalk.

"Nikki." Grant groaned his heavy body slumped over hers and she felt a warm liquid soaking through her t-shirt.

Another bang sounded, taking her attention from Grant - who seemed to be quickly losing consciousness over her - to the source of the sound. She gasped when she saw Diana, dressed in a black pants suit striding towards them, pistol in hand, with it aimed at her head.

"Nikki." Grant gasped

Glancing down she watched as he lost consciousness. The clang of the gun as it dropped from his hand caught her attention and she quickly retrieved it. Having no idea what she was doing, but knowing she had to save herself and Grant. She told herself he'd be okay. He had to be. She pointed the gun at Diana, and cursed as she noticed her hand shaking as she tried holding it.

The other woman grinned as she stopped walking just a few feet from Nikki and Grant. "Give me the diamonds and you might have enough time to save yourself and him before he bleeds out on the sidewalk."

The cold, deadly look of contempt in Diana’s eyes told her that she had no intention of letting either of them live. "Get away." Nikki waved the gun threateningly at the other woman.

Diana huffed. "Have it your way." Raising the gun she took aim at Grant, lining it up at his temple.

Not thinking about her next actions, Nikki squeezed the trigger, sending a bullet careening into the air and planting itself in Diana's midsection. Nikki continued firing, as if possessed until all she heard was the click of the trigger being pulled. Seeing the woman several feet away, spread out on the ground, lying in an increasingly large pool of her own blood made Nikki realize what she'd just done and her whole body went numb, as the gun dropped from her finger tips.

Grant covering most of her body with his own groaned as he slowly regained consciousness. He turned his head to look over at her, attempted a weak smile, but failed miserably. His eyes closed and he passed back into unconsciousness.

Tears streaming down her face, Nikki tried to keep calm but her whole body seemed to be vibrating. There were sounds of sirens just a couple of blocks away and coming closer.

"Grant?" She held him tight to her as she waited for help to arrive. "Grant, don't leave me." A series of sobs overtook her and then next thing she remembered was a pair of strong arms grabbing her, pulling her from him. She fought the arms trying to take him away from her; she fought with every ounce of her strength to stay at his side.


"Miss Rivers?"

So lost in her own thoughts Nikki hadn't even noticed the older, greying doctor when he entered in the hospital waiting room. It took several seconds for her to even acknowledge that she was being spoken to. As it turned out, Grant had been shot twice, one bullet missed any major organs and the other had lodged itself in his right lung. The lung had collapsed, but he was still alive - unconscious, but alive - when the paramedics arrived.

But he'd lost a lot of
a good deal of it soaked the t-shirt she was still wearing. She'd been sitting in the waiting room for over seven hours, refusing to go home, refusing to go anywhere until she knew he was safe and that he wasn't going to leave her and their baby. She couldn't go anywhere until she knew for certain.

"Miss Rivers?"

Lifting her tear stained face to meet his eyes she nodded as she stood. "I'm Miss Rivers." The doctor had a grim look on his face. Why was it grim? If it was good news, if Grant was alright, shouldn't he be offering her a smile?

Her eyes widened as she stared at him, a new wave of tears threatening to come unleashed.

Sensing her distress, the doctor put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and offered her the smile she was expecting. Her heart began beating once more and she exhaled loudly. "How is he?"

The doctor nodded, urging her out of the waiting room and down the hospital corridor heading towards the recovery rooms. "He's stable. The surgery went well. We removed both of the bullets. He did lose a substantial amount of blood so we needed to give him a transfusion."

Nikki gulped. "So is he going to be alright?"

Nodding the doctor gave her shoulder a light squeeze. "Yes, I'm sure he will." the doctor stopped in front of the door to a private room, and turned, a frown touching his soft, features. "There is one other thing."

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, sniffed and nodded. "Okay."

"The injuries to his back have become infected. He should have sought medical attention immediately."

"I wanted-"

The doctor raised his hand to silence her. "I have been informed of the situation by his superiors at the agency, so no need to explain. Just know that he is alert, but also in a great deal of pain. He instructed us when he woke to keep the medication to a minimum until he’d had a chance to speak with you."

"Alright, thank you."

Giving her shoulder another light squeeze, he opened the room door and ushered her in, closing it behind her.


It felt as though every nerve in his body was on fire, but he fought through it. Grant was tempted to give in and ask for as much pain medication as he could get, but he wanted to be alert - or as alert as he could be - when he spoke to Nikki.

After what seemed like an eternity, the door to his room opened and she tentatively walked in. She looked like hell, worse than that really. Her eyes were red and swollen, her face tear-stained and her clothing saturated in what he assumed to be his blood. However, despite all of that she was easily the most stunning creature he'd ever laid eyes on.

When she spotted him, fresh tears streamed down her face and she rushed over to him, accepting the hand he had extended to her and kissing the palm.

"I was so worried. I-"

He did his best to smile for her, but damn it... it even hurt to smile. "It was just a couple of bullets, not like I haven't been shot before."

"There was so much blood and Diana..."

"She'd dead. I heard already."

Nikki nodded.

"You shot her."

Nikki nodded again. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she hadn't even begun to come to terms or consider what had happened. Her focus was on him, and maybe that was the best thing for now, the guilt she'd feel over killing Diana would come soon enough.

"You saved my life,
." He squeezed her hand, the best he could offer at that moment considering the number of machines he was hooked up to. A wave of tiredness rushed over him, and he knew he had to get said what he needed to quickly before he fell asleep on her.

, I was thinking while I was waiting for the doctor to bring you to me and this whole incident has made me realize that I need to make some changes. I was considering this before, but this has made it crystal clear for me." He coughed.
His chest felt so heavy, like a damned elephant was sitting on it. "For fifteen years my duty has been to this country, doing what needed to be done to keep people safe. But I realize that I have another duty now, a far more important one. And that's to you and the baby.


Nikki looked down at him; his large hand sandwiched between hers and waited for him to continue. Silently she hoped he was trying to say what she was thinking he was; trying to say something she'd be secretly hoping he'd do but would never in a million years ask of him.

"I want." He closed his eyes and shook his head slowly. "No, I
to be with you and the baby. Being away from you ninety percent of the time isn't working and I want to be alive to see our children grow up."

She grinned to herself, making a mental note to ask him exactly how many he had in mind when he was feeling better. He looked as though he was about to fall to sleep, but he managed to shake himself loose of the grip of sleep and stare up at her face.

"I've had two loves in my life. My job and you - and Nikki I choose you.
Always you."

She would have bet on the fact that she had no more tears left to cry, but they started once more flowing down her cheeks. She wanted with all her heart to throw herself into his arms, and it killed her to restrain herself. Instead, she leaned over the bed rail and placed a tender kiss on his cheek. She was about to reply when she noticed his eyes were now closed and he began to snore softly.

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