Mockingbird (54 page)

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Authors: Charles J. Shields

BOOK: Mockingbird
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Sumner, Caitlan. “The New Woman of the New South: Gender and Class in 20th Century Southern Women's Literature.” Master's thesis, University of Alabama, 2013.

Webb, Theresa Ellen. “The Aesthetics of Justice in Contemporary American Film.” Unpublished dissertation, University of California–Los Angeles, 2002.


Dewey, Alvin A., as told to Dolores Hope. “The Clutter Case: 25 Years Later KBI Agent Recounts Holcomb Tragedy.” Compact disc.
Garden City
, 10 November 1984.

Noble, Don. “Bookmark: Interview with Horton Foote.” Videocassette. Alabama Center for Public Television, Tuscaloosa, AL, 27 August 1998.

“To Kill a Mockingbird” (commentary section). Compact disc. Universal City, CA: Universal Home Video, 1998.

“‘To Kill a Mockingbird': Then and Now.” Videocassette. Prince William County Public Schools, Manassas, VA, 25 April 1997.



The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below. Academy Awards

Academy Awards

Adams, Phoebe

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The

Advise and Consent

Agee, James

Alabama Alcohol Beverage Control Board

Alabama Bar Association

Alabama Council on Human Relations

Alabama Girls' Industrial School

Alabama Library Association

Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Alabama Public Library Service

Alabama State House of Representatives

Alabama Student Union

Alabama-West Florida Conference of the Methodist Church

Alexander City Outlook

Alexander City Police Department

Alford, Philip

Allen, Fred

Allen, Maryon Pittman

All Fall Down

All the President's Men

All the Way Home

American Actors Theater

American Friends Service Committee

American Society of Arts and Letters

American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)

Anderson, James

Answered Prayers

Arlen, Harold

Armstrong, Louis

Ashida, Mrs. Hideo

Ashida, Robert

Asquith, Lady Margot

Associated Press (AP)

Atlanta Journal-Constitution


Atlas Shrugged

Atticus Productions

Austen, Jane

Avedon, Richard

Ayers, Edwards

Badham, Mary

Baldwin Times

Bancroft, Anne

Barnes, Pamela

Barnett, Bugg, & Lee

lawsuits and

manuscript and

Barnett, Gus

Barnett, J. B.

Barnett, Ross

Bass, S. Jonathan


Beaton, Cecil

Beatty, Warren

Behan, Brendan

Bell for Adano, A

Bell Jar, The

Bentley, Robert J.


Bernstein, Elmer

Berryman, Helen Greene


“Big Bird” (Mallon)

Biggs, Wanda

Bilbo, Theodore G.

Birdman of Alcatraz

Birmingham, Alabama

civil rights protests and

film and

Birmingham News

Birmingham School of Law

Birmingham World

Black, Hugo

“Black Codes”

See also
civil rights movement; segregation;
and specific incidents

A. C. Lee and

Lee story on arrest of

Methodists and

Monroeville and


Till trial and

voting rights and


Blass, A. B.

Blass, Joseph

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

(TV series)

Bonner, J. M.

Book-of-the-Month Club

Boulware, Alfred R., Jr. “Son”

Boulware, Alfred R.

Boulware, Annie

Boulware, Mary A.

Boulware, Sally C.

Bowen, Elizabeth

Boyle, Hal

Brando, Marlon

Brentwood Productions

British Book Society

British Overseas Air Corporation (BOAC)

Brown, Bill

Brown, Joy

Brown, Michael Martin

Brown v. Board of Education

Bugg, L. J.

Bugg & Barnett.
Barnett, Bugg & Lee

Bullock, Sandra

Bumble Beadle Fund

Bumstead, Henry

Burns, Robert

Bush, George W.


Butts, Thomas Lane

Caldwell, Erskine

Caldwell, Justin

Caldwell, Virginia

Calpurnia's Cookbook

Canterbury Tales, The

Cape Fear

Capote, Joseph (Truman's stepfather)

Capote, Truman Garcia (born Truman Streckfus Persons)

adopted by Joseph Capote

appearance of

Black and White Ball and

childhood of

Clutter murders research with Lee and

death of

In Cold Blood
to Lee

deterioration of

Dewey and

Dill in
based on

early writing of



homosexuality and

interviewed by

Kansas guests in New York and

Lee as model for characters of

Lee on

Lee's mother and

Lee's move to New York and

Lee's relationship with

Lee's second novel and


film and

Monroeville and

mother Lillie Mae and

moves to New York

personality of

Answered Prayers

In Cold Blood

Smith and Hickock confessions and

Smith and Hickock execution and

Smith and Hickock trial and

cover and

Williams and Crain as agents and

writes “Christmas Memory”

House of Flowers
with Arlen

In Cold Blood

Other Voices



Capps, Jack

Carson, Joanna

Carson, Johnny

Carter, Jennings Faulk

Carter, Mary Ida

Carter, Patrick

Carter, Tonja B.

Cary, Joyce

Casey, John

Cash, W. J.


“Cat's Meow, The” (Lee story)

“Caustic Comment” (Lee column)

Cerf, Bennett

Chaney, James

Channing, Carol

Charleston, South Carolina, church murders of 2015

Chasin, George

Chicago Press Club

Chicago Tribune

Chi Delta Phi

Chi Omega sorority

Christian Science Monitor

“Christmas Memory, A” (Capote)

Church, Roy

Civil Rights Act (1964)

Civil Rights Bill (1957)

civil rights movement

Civil War (War Between the States)

Clare, Myrtle T.

Clark, Mary Higgins

Clarke, Gerald

Clausell, Hattie Belle

Clutter, Arthur

Clutter, Beverly

Clutter, Bonnie

Clutter, Eveana

Clutter, Herbert W.

Clutter, Kenyon

Clutter, Nancy

Clutter murders.
See also In Cold Blood
; Hickock, Richard; Smith, Perry

arraignment and

arrest and confessions and

Dewey's final report on

funerals and

farm of

Smith and Hickock hanged for

trial and

Collins, Donald

Collins, John

Columbia University

Confederate Army

Conner, Frances Louise Lee “Louise” (sister)

Conner, Hank (nephew)

Conner, Herschel (brother-in-law)

Connor, Eugene “Bull”

Cooper, Gary

Copland, Aaron

Corrie (Faulk housekeeper)

(radio show)

Cousland, Mike

Crain, Maurice

friendship with Lee

illness and death of

Lee shows work to

Lee's second novel and

McIntosh and Otis and


visits Monroeville

revisions and

Crawford, Joan

Crimson White
(University of Alabama newspaper)

Crosby, Bing

Cross, Ruth

Crowther, Bosley

Cullivan, Donald

Davis, Bette

Day, Clarence

Days of Wine and Roses, The

Deal, Borden

Death in the Family, A

Dees, Maggie

Deitch, Joseph

Delaney, Caldwell

Delbanco, Nicholas

Delta Review

de Mille, Agnes

Denton, Crahan


Dewey, Alvin

In Cold Blood
portrayal of

Lee on

Dewey, Alvin, III

Dewey, Marie Louise Bellocq

Dewey, Paul David

“Dewey Had Important Part in Solving Brutal Murders” (Lee article)

De Wilde, Brandon

Dexter Avenue Baptist Church (Montgomery)

D'Harnoncourt, René

Dickens, Charles

Diebenkorn, Richard

Divorce Italian Style

Douglas, Kirk

Douglas, Lloyd C.

Dragon's Wine

Drury, Allen

Duke, Patty

Dunnock, Mildred

Dunphy, Jack

Duntz, Clarence

Duvall, Robert

Eddins, E. O.

Edinburgh Review

Edwards, Blake

Ellington, Shirley

Engle, Paul


Evans, Estelle

Ewalt, Clarence

Ewalt, Nancy

Ex Libris book club

Experiment in Terror

Ezell murder trial

Faircloth, Dorothy

Faircloth, Taylor

Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC)

Fallowfield, Julie

Farm Credit Administration

Faulk, Bud “Squire”

Faulk, Callie

Faulk, Lillie Mae “Nina” (Capote's mother)

Faulk, Sook

Faulk, Virginia “Jenny,” xvi

Faulkner, James

Faulkner, William

Fear Strikes Out

Fenton, Dr. Robert M.

Fielding, Henry

Finch, Alice (aunt)

Finch, Ellen Rivers Williams (grandmother)

Finch, James Cunningham (grandfather)

Finney County

Finney County Courthouse

“Fire and the Flame, The” (Capote and Lee childhood story)

First Baptist Church (Monroeville)

First Methodist Church (Garden City)

First National Bank (Mobile)

First United Methodist Church (Monroeville,
Methodist Episcopal Church)

Fitzgerald, Zelda

Fix, Paul

Fleming, Arthur

Foote, Horton

Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston

Ford, John

Forever Amber

Fountain, Murdock McCorvey

Frankenheimer, John

Frankfurt, Stephen

Frazier, G. Stanley

Freedland, Michael

Freedom Riders

Fugate, Caril

Future Farmers of America

Garden City

Garden City Telegram

Gehrig, Lou

Germi, Pietro

Gettell, Richard Glenn

Ghostley, Alice

Gilbert and Sullivan

Gill, Brendan

Gipson, Fred

Gipson, Tommie

Gladwell, Malcolm

Glock, William

Golden Cocoon, The

Golitzen, Alexander

Gone With the Wind

Goodman, Andrew

Go Set a Watchman

apartness theme and

Atticus Finch in

Calpurnia character in


Crain as agent for

edited by Hohoff

first draft written

first draft saved at law offices

manuscript published, in Lee's old age


racism in

To Kill a Mockingbird

revisions for Crain

shortcomings of

South depicted in

trial in

Graham, Kay


Gray, Timothy

Green, Logan

Greensboro, North Carolina, sit-ins

Gregory Peck

Griffiths, Peter

Hafner, “Dutch”

Hafner, Fern

Hafner, Penny

Hafner-Bailey, Joy

Haldane, J. B. S.

Hale, Richard

Hall, Ted

Hamilton, Virginia Van der Veer

Hammond, Mrs.

Hammond, Ralph

Hamner, John T.

Hanes, R. Philip, Jr.

Hanover County School Board (Richmond, Virginia)

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