Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (157 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

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25 These were Maurras’s own claims in his posthumous book,
Le Bienhereux Pie
sauveur de la France
(Paris 1953), 52, 71.

26 Eugen Weber,
Action Française
(Stanford University, 1962), 189.

27 Anatole France,
L’Orme du Mail
(Paris n.d.), 219; quoted in Nolte, op. cit., 267.

28 Quotations from
Le nouveau Kiel et Tanger; Enquète sur la monarchie; Le Mauvais traité

29 Jacques Bainville,
Journal, 2
vols (Paris 1948), II 172, 174.

30 Nolte, op. cit., 79.

31 Keith Middlemass and John Barnes,
Baldwin: a Biography
(London 1969), 356.

32 Barnett, op. cit., 332.

33 Committee of Imperial Defence meeting of 13 December 1928; Barnett, op. cit., 324.

34 A Forecast of the World’s Affairs’,
These Eventful Years
(New York 1924), II 14.

35 Christopher Andrew and A.S.Kanya-Forstner,
France Overseas: the Great War and the Climax of French Imperial Expansion
(London 1981), 208–9, 226–7.

36 J.LMiller, ‘The Syrian Revolt of 1925’,
International Journal of Middle East Studies
, VIII (1977).

37 Andrew and Forstner, op. cit., 248, 238.

38 Quoted in W.P.Kirkman,
Unscrambling an Empire: a Critique of British Colonial Policy 1955–1966
(London 1966), 197.

39 A.P.Thornton,
Imperialism in the Twentieth Century
(London 1978), 136.

40 Andrew and Forstner, op. cit., 245.

41 Robin Bidwell,
Morocco under Colonial Rule: French Administration of Tribal Areas 1912–1956
(London 1973); Alan Scham,
Lyautey in Morocco: Protectorate Administration 1912–1925
(University of California 1970).

42 J.L.Hymans,
Leopold Sedar Sengbor: an Intellectual Biography
(Edinburgh 1971).

43 Andrew and Forstner, op. cit., 244–5.

44 Quoted in H. Grimal,
(London 1978).

45 A.Sawant,
Grandeur et Servitudes Coloniales
(Paris 1931), 19.

46 Alistair Home,
A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954–1962
(London 1977), 37.

47 Ronald Robinson and John Gallagher, ‘The Imperialism of Free Trade’,
Economic History Review
, 2nd series, 6 (1953), 1–15.

48 Donald Winch,
Classical Political Economy and Colonies
(Harvard 1965).

49 Quoted in Raymond Betts,
The False Dawn: European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century
(Minneapolis 1976).

50 J.S.Mill,
Principles of Political Economy
(London 1848).

51 Bernard Porter,
Critics of Empire: British Radical Attitudes to Colonialism in Africa, 1895–1914
(London 1968), 168–79.

52 J.A.Hobson,
(London 1954 ed.), 94.

53 Richard Koebner, ‘The Concept of Economic Imperialism’,
Economic History Review, 2
(1949), 1–29.

54 J.Schumpeter,
Imperialism and Social Classes
(New York 1951); quoted in Fieldhouse,
Colonialism 1870–1945: An Introduction
(London 1981), 20.

55 A.S.Kanya-Forstner,
The Conquest of the Western Sudan
(Cambridge 1968).

56 Quoted in Andrew and Forstner, op. cit., 11.

57 Ibid., 13.

58 Fieldhouse, op. cit.

59 D.K.Fieldhouse,
Unilever Overseas
(London 1978), chapter 9.

60 H.S. Ferns,
Britain and Argentina in the Nineteenth Century
(Oxford 1960).

61 David S. Landes, ‘Some Thoughts on the Nature of Economic Imperialism’,
Journal of Economic History
, 21 (1961), 496–512.

62 A. F. Cairncross,
Home and Foreign Investment 1870–1913
(Cambridge 1953), 88;. S.G. Checkland, ‘The Mind of the City 1870–1914’,
Oxford Economic Papers
(Oxford 1957).

63 Lord Lugard,
The Dual Mandate
(London 1926 ed.), 509.

64 C.Segre,
Fourth Shore: The Italian Colonization of Libya
(Chicago 1974).

65 Fieldhouse,
, 93–5. For India see D.H.Buchanan,
The Development of Capitalist Enterprise in India, 1900–1939
(London 1966 ed.); A.K.Bagchi,
Private Investment in India 1900–1939
(Cambridge 1972).

66 I.Little
et al, Industry and Trade in Some Developing Countries
(London 1970).

67 For this debate see C.Furtado,
Development and Underdevelopment
(University of California 1964); Andre G. Frank,
Development Accumulation and Underdevelopment
(London 1978); H.Myint,
Economic Theory and the Underdeveloped Countries
(Oxford 1971).

68 J.J.Poquin,
Les Relations économique extérieures des pays d’Afrique noire de l’Union française 1925–1955
(Paris 1957), 102—4; printed as table in Fieldhouse,
, 87.

69 V.Purcell,
The Chinese in South-East Asia
(London 1962 ed.); H. Tinker,
A New System of Slavery
(London 1974).

70 J.S.Furnivall,
Netherlands India: a study of plural economy
(New York 1944), chapter 5.

71 Lord Hailey,
An African Survey
(Oxford 1975 ed.), 1362–75.

72 E.J.Berg in the
Quarterly Journal of Economics
, 75 (1961).

73 Betts, op. cit., 193 footnote 7.

74 B.R.Tomlinson,
The Political Economy of the Raj, 1914–1947
(London 1979).

75 Malcom Muggeridge,
Chronicles of Wasted Time
(London 1972), 1101.

76 Evelyn Waugh,
Remote People
(London 1931).

My Political Life
(London 1953), 336.

78 H.Montgomery Hyde,
Lord Reading
(London 1967), 317–27.

Whitehall Diary

80 George Orwell, ‘Shooting an Elephant’,
New Writing
2 (1936).

81 For an examination of British casualties see John Terraine,
Smoke and the Fire: Myths and Anti-Myths of War 1861–1945
(London 1980), 35–47.

82 Paul Fussell,
The Great War and Modern Memory
(Oxford 1975).

83 See Brian Gardener (ed.),
Up the
Line to Death: War Poets
(London 1976 ed.)

84 H.J.Massingham,
The English Countryman
(London 1942), 101.

85 C.F.G.Masterman,
England After the War
(London 1923), 31–2.

86 H.Williamson,
The Story of a Norfolk Farm
(London 1941), 76–7.

General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
(London 1954 ed.); 333, 348–9; Gilbert, op. cit., v 99–100.

88 Evelyn Waugh,
Brideshead Revisited
(London 1945), Book Two, chapter Three.

89 Rostow,
World Economy
, Table 111–42, 220.

90 Alan Wilkinson,
The Church of
England and the First World War
(London 1979).

91 Sidney Dark (ed.),
Conrad Noel:
an Autobiography
(London 1945)
, 110–20.

92 F.A.lremonger,
William Temple
(Oxford 1948), 332–5.

93 Ibid., 340.

94 Ibid., 438–9.

95 Quoted in Barnett, op. cit., 241.

96 Peter Allen,
The Cambridge
Apostles: the early years
(Cambridge 1978), 135.

97 Michael Holroyd,
Lytton Strachey
(London, Penguin ed. 1971), 37–8, 57ff.

Principia Ethica
(Cambridge 1903), ‘The Ideal’.

99 Strachey to Keynes, 8 April 1906, quoted in Holroyd, op. cit., 211–12.

100 From E.M.Forster, ‘What I Believe’ (1939), printed in
Cheers for Democracy

Leon Edel
Bloomsbury: a House
of Lions
(London 1979).

102 P.Allen, op. cit., 71.

Jo Vallacott
Bertrand Russell and the Pacifists in the First World War
(Brighton 1980).

104 Holroyd, op. cit., 629.

105 Letter to C.R.L.Fletcher, quoted in Charles Carrington,
Rudyard Kipling
(London 1970 ed.), 553.

106 Holroyd, op. cit., 200.

107 Noël Annan, ‘Georgian Squares and Charmed Circles’,
The Times
Literary Supplement
November 1979, 19–20.

Goldsworthy Lowes
(London 1934).

109 Frank Swinnerton,
The Georgian Literary Scene
(London 1935), 291.

110 Holroyd, op. cit., 738, 571.

111 Kingsley Martin,
Father Figures
(London 1966), 120.

112 Ibid., 121.

113 Holroyd, op. cit., 200.

114 Quoted in Paul Levy,
and the Cambridge Apostles
(London 1979), 176.

Alan Wood
Bertrand Russell: the Passionate Sceptic
(London 1957)
, 87–8.

116 Holroyd, op. cit., 164–5.

117 John Pearson,
Façades: Edith
Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell
(London 1978), 124, 126.

118 Quoted in Ronald Clark,
The Life
of Bertrand Russell
1975), 380.

119 Ibid., 395.

120 Lionel Trilling,
E.M.Forster: a Study
(London 1944), 27.

121 Clarke, op. cit., 386–7.

122 Barnett, op. cit., 174

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