Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (174 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

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78 Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 104 footnote 31; but see also Joseph C. Goulden,
Truth is the First Casualty: the Gulf of Tonkin Affair
(New York 1969), 160.

79 Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 117–18.

80 Ibid., 120–3.

81 Lyndon Johnson,
Public Papers
, IV 291.

82 Quoted in Halberstam, op. cit., 596.

83 Graff, op. cit., 81.

84 Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 135ff.

85 Doris Kearns,
Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream
(New York 1976), 264.

86 Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 139–43.

87 Guenther Lewy, ‘Vietnam: New Light on the Question of American Guilt’,
, February 1978.

88 Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 214–15.

89 Lewy, op. cit.

90 Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 171.

91 Peter Braestrup, Big
Story: How the American Press and TV Reported and Interpreted the Crisis of Tet 1968 in Vietnam and Washington, 2
vols (Boulder 1977).

92 John Mueller,
War, Presidents and Public Opinion
(New York 1973).

93 Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 130.

94 William Lunch and Peter Sperlich, ‘American Public Opinion and the War in Vietnam’,
Western Political Quarterly
, Utah, March 1979.

95 Don Oberdorfer,
(New York 1971), 289–90.

96 Sidney Verba
et al., Vietnam and the Silent Majority
(New York 1970); Stephen Hess, ‘Foreign Policy and Presidential Campaigns’,
Foreign Policy
, Autumn 1972.

97 Herbert Y. Shandler,
The Unmaking of a President: Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam
(Princeton 1977), 226–9.

98 Kearns, op. cit., 286, 282–3.

99 Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 1002.

100 Lyndon Baines Johnson,
The Vantage Point: perspectives of the Presidency 1963–1969
(New York 1971), 81.

101 Johnson, address to University of Michigan, May 1964, quoted in Lawrence J. Wittner,
War America: from Hiroshima to Watergate
(New York 1974), 239–40.

102 Johnson,
Vantage Point
, 322—4;
New York Times
, 10 August 1965; Wittner, op. cit., 247–8.

103 Johnson,
Vantage Point
, 330, 172–3.

Office of Management and Budget: federal Government Finances
(Washington DC 1979); for a slightly different calculation, see Rostow,
World Economy
, 272, Table III–65.

105 Larry Berman,
The Office of Management and Budget and the Presidency 1921–1979
(Princeton 1979).

106 Johnson,
Vantage Point
, 435, 442ff., 450–1.

107 Ibid., 87.

108 Stanley Lebergott,
Wealth and Want
(Princeton 1975), 11–12.

109 Daniel P. Moynihan,
The Negro Family
(New York 1965).

110 Daniel P. Moynihan,
Maximum Feasible Misunderstanding
(New York 1968).

111 Quoted by Diane Divoky, ‘A Loss of Nerve’,
Wilson Review
, Autumn 1979.

112 C.P.Snow,
The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution
(Cambridge 1959).

113 Edward F. Denison,
Sources of Economic Growth
(New York 1962); Fritz Machlup, The
Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States
(Princeton 1962).

114 Clark Kerr,
The Uses of the University
(New York 1966).

115 Quoted by Lewis B. Mayhew,
Higher Education in the Revolutionary Decades
(Berkeley 1967), lOlff.

116 Charles E. Finn,
Scholars, Dollars and Bureaucrats
(Washington DC 1978), 22.

On Further Examination: Report of the Advisory Panel on the Scholastic Aptitude Test score decline
(College Entrance Examination Board, New York 1977).

118 For instance,
National Institute of Education Compensatory Education Study
(New York 1978).

119 Divoky, op. cit.

120 Christopher Jenks,
Who Gets Ahead? The Determinants of Economic Success in America
(New York 1979).

121 See Arnold Heertje (ed.),
Schumpeter’s Vision: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy after Forty Years
(Eastbourne 1981).

122 Wittner, op. cit., 246–7.

123 Trilling,
Last Decade
, 174.

124 Winner, op. cit., 292.

125 Quoted by Trilling,
Last Decade
, 111.

126 Fritz Stern,’Reflections on the International Student Movement’,
The American Scholar
, 40 (Winter 1970–1), 123–37.

127 Paul Joubert and Ben Crouch, ‘Mississippi blacks and the Voting Rights Act of 1965’,
Journal of Negro Education
, Spring 1977.

128 Jack Bass and Walter de Vries,
The Transformation of Southern Politics
(New York 1976).

129 Quoted Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 330; see D.W.Matthews and J.R.Prothero,
Negroes and the New Southern Politics
(New York 1966), 240ff.

Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
(Washington DC 1968), 56.

131 Johnson,
Vantage Point
, 95.

132 Quoted in Wittner, op. cit., 283.

133 Bohlen, op. cit., 210.

134 Quoted in Arthur Schlesinger,
The Imperial Presidency
(Boston 1973), 123.

135 Thomas Cronic, ‘The Textbook Presidency and Political Science’,
Congressional Record, 5
October 1970.

136 Wilfred Binkley,
New Republic
, 18 May 1953.

New York Times
, 18 May 1954;
Washington Post
, 20 May 1954.

138 Schlesinger,
Imperial Presidency
, 169.

139 David Broder quoted in Safire, op. cit., 171.

140 Ibid., 70, 75.

141 Wittner, op. cit., 300–1.

142 Richard Nixon,
Public Papers, 1969
(Washington DC 1971), 371.

143 Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 350.

144 Safire, op. cit., 369.

145 Ibid., 375–9.

146 Test of Agreement in
State Department Bulletin
, 12 February 1973; Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 350.

147 Safire, op. cit., 117–18.

148 Ibid., 360.

149 Wittner, op. cit., 370–1.

150 Quoted in Safire, op. cit., 264.

151 Richard W. Steele, ‘Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Foreign Policy Critics’,
Political Science Quarterly
, Spring 1979, 22 footnote 27.

152 Ibid., 18; Saul Alindky, John L.
(New York 1970), 238; Safire, op. cit., 166.

153 Trohan, op. cit.,
179; Daily Telegraph
, 4 March 1982.

154 Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 403ff.; Roger Blough,
The Washington Embrace of Business
(New York 1975).

155 Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 311–12.

156 Fred Friendly,
The Good Guys, the Bad Guys and the First Amendment
(New York 1976), chapter 3.

157 Safire, op. cit., 166.

158 Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 362ff.; Senate Select Committee (on) Intelligence Activities (Church Committee),
final Report
(Washington 1976), II 154, III 158–60.

159 Trohan, op. cit., 136–7.

160 Ibid., 326; Judith Exner,
My Story
(New York 1977).

161 Alfred Steinberg,
Sam Johnson’s Boy
(New York 1968), 671.

162 For Johnson’s misdemeanours, see Robert A. Caro,
The Years of Lyndon Johnson
(New York 1982 and forthcoming).

163 Charles Roberts,
LBJ’s Inner Circle
(New York 1965), 34; Schlesinger,
Imperial Presidency
, 221; see ‘The Development of the White House Staff,
Congressional Record
, 20 June 1972.

164 Safire, op. cit., 166ff.

165 Ibid., 357.

166 Fred Thompson,
At That Point in Time
(New York 1980).

Will: the Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy
(London 1981), 300.

168 See, for instance, Maurice Stans,
The Terrors of Justice: the untold side of Watergate
(New York 1979), and James Nuechterlein, ‘Watergate: towards a Revisionist View’,
, August 1979. Sirica provided his own account: John J. Sirica,
To Set the Record Straight
(New York 1979).

Daily Telegraph
, 15 January and 5–6 February 1982.

170 Anthony Lukas,
Nightmare: the Underside of the Nixon Years
(New York 1976), 375ff.; Safire, op. cit., 292.

171 Tom Bethell and Charles Peters, ‘The Imperial Press’,
Washington Monthly
, November 1976.

172 Lee H. Hamilton and Michael H. Van Dusen, ‘Making the Separation of Powers Work’,
Foreign Affairs
, Autumn 1978.

173 Georgetown University Conference on Leadership, Williamsburg, Virginia, reported in
Wall Street Journal
, 15 May 1980.

174 Gerald Ford,
Public Papers 1975
(Washington DC 1977), 119.

State Department Bulletin
, 14 April 1975.

Political Change in Wartime: the Khmer Krahom Revolution in Southern Cambodia 1970—4
, paper given at American Political Science Association Convention, San Francisco, 4 September 1975.

177 Ibid.

178 Evidence collected from over 300 refugees in camps in Thailand, Malaysia, France and the USA, October 1975-October 1976, printed in John Barron and Anthony Paul,
Peace with Horror
(London 1977), 10–31.

179 Ibid., 66–85;
New York Times, 9
May 1974, 31 October 1977, 13 May 1978;
Washington Post
, 21 July 1977, 2, 3, 4 May and 1 June 1978.

180 Barron and Paul, op. cit., 136–49.

181 Ibid., 202ff.

Annual Register
1981 (London 1982).

19 The Collectivist Seventies

New York Times
, 31 December 1933.

2 Letter to Montagu Norman,
Collected Writings of J.M.Keynes
xxv 98–9.

3 Rostow,
World Economy
, 68 Table n-7.

4 Ibid., 49.

5 Richard Austin Smith, ‘The Incredible Electrical Conspiracy’,
, April-May 1961.

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