Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (169 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

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107 Trohan, op. cit., 292.

108 Emmet John Hughes,
Ordeal of
Power: a Political Memoir of the Eisenhower Years
(New York
1963), 329–30.

109 Richard Nixon,
Six Crises
(New York 1962), 161.

110 Greenstein, op. cit.; see also Douglas Kinnaird,
Eisenhower and Strategic
(Lexington 1977).

111 Sherman Adams,
First Hand Report
(New York 1961), 73.

112 Trohan, op. cit., 111.

113 Robert H.Ferrell,
The Eisenhower Diaries
(New York 1981), 230–2.

114 Kennan,
Memoirs 1950–1963
, 196.

115 Verno A. Walters,
Silent Missions
(New York 1978), 226.

116 See Robert A. Divine,
Eisenhower and the Cold War
(Oxford 1981).

Public Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower 1954
(Washington 1960), 253, 206.

118 See Richard H. Immerman, ‘The US and Guatemala 1954’, unpublished PhD thesis (Boston College 1978), quoted in Greenstein, op. cit.; Richard Cotton,
Nationalism in Iran
(Pittsburg 1964).

119 Joseph B. Smith,
Portrait of a Cold Warrior
(New York 1976), 229–40; Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 455, 457.

120 C. L. Sulzburger,
A Long Row of Candles
(New York 1969), 767–9.

121 Kennan,
Memoirs 1950-1963
, 183.

122 Sherman Adams, op. cit., chapter 17, 360ff.

123 See Joan Robinson, ‘What has become of the Keynesian Revolution?’ in Milo Keynes (ed.), op. cit., 140.

124 Arthur Larsen,
Eisenhower: the President that Nobody Knew
(New York 1968), 34.

14 The Bandung Generation

1 E. L. Woodward,
British Foreign Policy in the Second World War
(London 1970), I XLIV.

2 16 June 1943; quoted in David Dilks (ed.),
Retreat from Power
(London 1981), II
After 1939

3 William Roger Louis,
Imperialism at Bay: the United States and the Decolonization of the British Empire 1941–1945
(Oxford 1978).

4 Entry in Admiral Leahy’s diary, 9 February 1945, quoted in Anderson, op. cit.

5 W.K.Hancock and Margaret Gowing,
The British War Economy
(London 1949), 546–9.

6 Dalton Diary, 10 September 1946.

Harold Nicolson: Diaries and Letters 1945–1962
(London 1968), 115–16.

8 A.Goldberg, ‘The Military Origins of the British Nuclear Deterrent’,
International Affairs
, XL (1964).

9 Edward Spiers, ‘The British Nuclear Deterrent: problems, possibilities’, in Dilks, op. cit., II 183–4.

10 M.H.Gowing,
Independence and
Deterrence, Britain and Atomic
Energy 1945–52, 2
vols (London 1974), 1131.

11 Ibid., 182–3.

12 Ibid., 406.

13 Dilks, op. cit., II 161.

14 For end of war statistics see James, op. cit.

15 Ibid., 251–3.

16 Robert Rhodes James,
Memoirs of a Conservative: J.C.C.Davidon’s Letters and Papers 1910–1937
(London 1969), 390.

17 John Wheeler-Bennett,
King George vi: his Life and Times
(London 1958), 703.

18 Ved Mehta,
Mahatma Gandhi and his Apostles
(New York 1976), 33ff.

19 Ibid., 13–16.

20 Ibid., 44.

21 Ibid’., 56.

22 Orwell,
Collected Essays
, etc., iv 529.

23 Quoted in Sarvepalli Gopal,
Jawaharlal Nehru: a biography
(London 1965), I 38–9.

24 Ibid., 79, 98, 236; Leonard Woolf,
Downhill All the Way
(London 1967), 230.

25 Speech by Nehru at Ootacamund,
1 June 1948; Gopal, op. cit.
, II 308.

26 Richard Hughes,
Foreign Devil
(London 1972), 289–92.

27 Richard Hough,
(London 1980), 216.

28 R.Jeffrey,’The Punjab Boundary Force and the problem of order, August 1947’,
Modern Asian Studies
(1974), 491–520.

29 M.Masson,
Edwina Mountbatten
(London 1958), 206–7.

30 Gopal, op. cit., II 13.

31 Penderal Mood,
Divide and Quit
(London 1961), gives 200, 000;
Stern Reckoning
(Delhi n.d.), 4–500, 000; Ian Stephens,
(London 1963), 500,000; M.Edwardes,
Last Years
of British India
(London 1963)
, 600,000.

32 Gopal, op. cit., II 21, 42.

33 Letter from Nehru to Krishna Menon, 24 August 1949.

34 Walter Lippmann in
Herald Tribune
, 10 January 1949; Acheson, op. cit., 336;
Science Monitor
26 October 1949;
Manchester Guardian
, 26 May 1954; W.Johnson (ed.),
The Papers of Adlai E. Stevenson
(Boston 1973), III 181.

35 Nehru, letter dated 9 June 1951.

36 Gopal, op. cit., 311.

37 Letter from Nehru to Rajagopalachari, 3 July 1950; cable to President Nasser, 31 October 1956; cable to J.F.Dulles, same date.

38 Quoted Gopal, op. cit., II 246.

With Nehru at the Foreign
(Calcutta 1977), 177.

40 Letter from Nehru to Ernest Bevin, 20 November 1950.

41 Gopal, op. cit., II 194–5, 227.

42 J. K. Galbraith,
A Life in Our Times
(London 1981), chapter 27, 420ff.

43 Keith Irvine,
The Rise of the Coloured Races
(London 1972), 540ff.; G. McT. Kahin,
Asian—African Conference
(Ithaca 1956).

Sukarno: A Political
(London 1972), 264–5.

45 Richard Wright,
The Colour Curtain
(London 1965), 15.

46 Harry J. Benda, ‘Christian Snouck Hurgronje and the Foundation of Dutch Islamic Policy in Indonesia’,
Journal of Modern History
(1958), 338–47.

47 E.H.Kossman,
The Low
Countries, 1780–1940
1978), 672ff.

48 See Sukarno’s book,
The Birth of PantjaSila
(Djakarta 1950).

The Transition to Guided Democracy: Indonesia Politics
(Ithaca 1966).

50 For slogans, see Legge, op. cit., 288–90, 324, 332–3, 359 and

51 Talbot (ed.), op. cit., 322.

52 Legge, op. cit., 387; John Hughes,
The End of Sukarno
1968), 44.

53 J.R.Bass,’The PKI and the
coup’, Journal of SE
Asian Studies
, March 1970; for critical bibliography of the
see Legge, op. cit., 390 footnote 45.

54 Hughes, op. cit., chapter 16.

55 Howard M. Sachar,
Britain Leaves the Middle East
(London 1974), 391.

Petroleum Times
June 1948;
, 6 March 1944.

Forrestal Diaries

58 Sachar, op. cit., 395.

Second World War

60 Sachar, op. cit., 442.

61 Chaim Weizmann,
Trial and Error
(Philadelphia 1949), II 437.

62 Yehudah Bauer,
From Diplomacy
to Resistance: a History of Jewish Palestine 1939–1945
1970), 230.

63 Sachar, op. cit., 447.

New York Post
, 21 May 1946.

65 Nicholas Bethell,
The Palestine
Triangle: the struggle between the British, the Jews and the Arabs
(London 1979), 254–5.

The Palestine Triangle
, 26 Iff., based on records released in 1978.

Jerusalem Post
, 1 August 1947.

The Palestine Triangle
, 243–4.

69 Jon and David Kimche,
Both Sides
of the Hill: Britain and the
Palestine War
(London 1960), 21–2.

70 Bauer, op. cit., 230.

The Jewish Case for the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine
1947), 6–7, 74–5.

72 Joseph Schechtman,
The US and
the Jewish State Movement
York 1966), 110.

73 Quoted in Alfred Steinberg,
Man from Missouri: the life and times of Harry S. Truman
York 1952), 301.

74 Truman,
, II 135.

Petroleum Times
June 1948

Forrestal Diaries
324, 344, 348

77 Howard Sachar, ‘The Arab—Israeli issue in the light of the Cold War’,
Sino-Soviet Institute Studies
(Washington DC), 1966, 2.

Europe Leaves the Middle
, 546–7.

79 Ibid., 518ff.

80 Kimche, op. cit., 60.

81 Netanel Lorch,
The Edge of the
Sword: Israel’s War of Independence 1947–1948
(New York 1961), 90.

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