Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (164 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

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Thomas, op. cit., 270 footnote 2

Juan de Iturralde
El Catolicismo y la cruzada de Franco, 2
vols (Bayonne 1955), II 88–9

Ignacio de Azpiazu
Siete meses y siete dias en la Espana de Franco
(Caracas 1964), 115

Georges Bernanos
Les Grands Cimitières sous la lune
(Paris 1938), 72–3; Koestler
Invisible Writing

Thomas, op. cit., 265, citing authorities in footnotes; Ian Gibson
The Death of Lorca
(London 1973), 167–9

Trythall, op. cit., 94

Politics and the Military in Modem Spain
(Stanford 1967), 371–2

Thomas, op. cit., 1977 edition, gives details of foreign intervention in Appendix 7, 974–85; see also Jesus Salas
Intervencion extrajeras en la guerra de Espana
(Madrid 1974)

D.C.Watt,’Soviet Aid to the Republic’
Slavonic and East European Review
June 1960; Thomas, op. cit., 981–2

Thomas, op. cit., 982 footnote 2; Neal Wood
Communism and British Intellectuals
(London 1959), 56

76 Quoted by Trythall, op. cit., 65; Luis de Galinsoga,
Centinela del
Occidente: Semblanza biográfica de Francisco Franco
1956), 134–9.

77 Rudolf Timmermans, General
Franco (Olten
1937), 135;
Francisco Franco,
Diario de una Bandera
(Madrid 1922), 46, 179; Trythall, op. cit., 58.

78 Alekandro Vicuna,
(Santiago de Chile 1956) 222–3; Ignacio Gonazalez,
La Guerra
nacional espagnola ante la moral y
el derecho
(Salamanca 1937); Jay
Chicago Tribune
29 July 1936;
Cruzada Espanola, II

79 Thomas, op. cit., Appendix 5, 971.

80 Ibid., 974–7; Salas, op. cit., 510.

Carlos Baker
Ernest Hemingway
(Penguin 1972), 472.

82 Thomas, op. cit., 533.

83 Jesús Hernández Tomas,
La Grande Trahison
(Paris 1953), 66; Thomas, op. cit., 650–1.

84 Thomas, op. cit., 664 footnote 1;
Manuel Azana
Obras Completas
, 4 vols (Mexico City 1966–8), iv 867; Caballero, op. cit., 204; Incalecio Prieto,
Convulciones de Espagna
, 3 vols (Mexico City 1967–9) III 220.

85 George Orwell,
Homage to Catalonia
(London 1938), 169ff.; Thomas, op. cit., 65Iff.

86 Hernández, op. cit., 124—6.

87 Thomas, op. cit., 705–6; Bernard
George Orwell: a Life
(London 1980), 224–6.

88 Krivitsky managed to publish his
I Was Stalin’s Agent
, (London 1940) first; Hingley, op. cit., 268ff.

89 Thomas, op. cit., 702–3 and footnote.

90 Orlov, op. cit.

91 Thomas, op. cit., 624–7, Appendix 8, 986–91; Vincente Talon,
Arde Guernica
(Madrid 1970); Herbert
La Destruction de
(Paris 1975); Adolf
The First and the Last
(London 1957).

92 Allen Guttmann,
The Wound in
the Heart: America and the Spanish Civil War
(New York

Invisible Writing

New English
Weekly, 29 July, 2 September 1937; for this celebrated episode, see Kingley
Editor, 1931–1945
(London 1968), 218; George
Collected Essays
, 4 vols (Penguin 1970), 1333ff.; Crick, op. cit., 227ff.

95 Sean Day-Lewis, C.
Day-Lewis: an
English Literary Life
1980), 94, 102.

96 Cyril Connolly, ‘Some Memories’ in Stephen Spender (ed.),
W. H
Auden: a tribute
(London 1975)
, 70.

97 Hugh Thomas, ‘The Lyrical Illusion of Spain 1936 in Mestine de Courcel (ed.),
Malraux: Life and Work
(London 1976), 42–3.

98 Carlos Baker, op. cit., 465.

99 Martin, op. cit., 219–20.

100 Stephen Spender,
World within World
(London 1951), 242–3.

101 Ibid., 223.

102 Orwell,’Notes on the Spanish
Collected Essays, I

103 Jose Diaz de Villegas,
La Guerra de liberacion
(Barcelona 1957), 384.

104 Thomas, op. cit., 926–7.

Text of Law in
Boletín Oficial del
, 13 February 1939; Trythall, op. cit., 141.

Ciano’s Diplomatic Papers

107 Quoted by Max Gallo,
Spain under
Franco: a History
(tr. London
1973), 88. The figure of 193, 000 is given in Charles Foltz,
Masquerade in Spain
1948), 97; see Thomas, op. cit., 924–5.

108 Trythall, op. cit., 142ff.

10 The End of Old Europe

1 H. A. Jacobsen,
Der Zweite
Weltkrieg: Grundzüge der Politik und Strategie in Dokumenten
(Frankfurt 1965), 180–1; quoted in Andreas Hillgruber,
and the Two World Wars
, Harvard 1981), 56–7.

2 Notes taken by Lt-General Liebmann, quoted in Hillgruber, op. cit., 57.

hinion, Hitler among the
(New York 1976), 61–3, 78–82.

Hitlers Zweites Buch: Ein Dokument aus dem Jahre 1928
(Stuttgart 1961); tr. as
Hitler’s Secret Book
(New York 1962).

5 Quoted in Fest, op. cit., 793.

Hitlers Zweites Buch
, 130.

7 Hillgruber, op. cit., 50.

8 Fest, op. cit., 796–7.

9 Herbert Agar, ‘Culture v. Colonialism in America’,
Southern Review
, 1 (July 1935), 1–19.

10 George Kennan,
Memoirs, 1925–1950
(Boston 1967), 53.

11 C.A.MacDonald,
The United States, Britain and Appeasement 1936–1939
(London 1981).

12 Kennan,
Memoirs 1925–1950
, 84.

13 Ibid., 86; Daniel Yergin,
Shattered Peace: the Origins of the Cold War and the National Security State
(Boston 1977), 34–5.

14 Fest, op. cit., 869.

15 Gilbert,
, v 459–62.

16 Quoted in Montgomery Hyde,
(London 1953), 387.

17 Roland Hunt and John Harrison,
The District Officer in India 1930–1947
(London 1980).

18 B.R.Tomlinson,’Foreign private investment in India 1920–50’,
Modern Asian Studies
, XII 4 (1978).

19 Gilbert, op. cit., 399ff.; 480–1.

20 Andrew Boyle,
The Climate of Treason
(London 1979), with corrections in Noel Annan’s review,
The Times Literary Supplement, 7
December 1979, 83–4.

21 Stuart Macintyre,
A Proletarian Science: Marxism in Britain 1917–1933
(Cambridge 1980).

22 Middlemas and Barnes, op. cit., 745.

23 Quoted in John Gross,
The Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters
(London 1969), 283.

24 Gisela Lebzelter,
Political Anti-Semitism in England 1918–1939
(New York 1978).

25 J.R.M.Butler,
Lord Lothian
(London 1960), 206.

26 Viscount Templewood,
Nine Troubled Years
(London 1954), 133.

Daily Telegraph
, 28 January 1935.

28 Martin Gilbert,
The Roots of Appeasement
(London 1966), 354–5; Barnett, op. cit., 389ff.

29 Nicolson,
, 23 March 1936.

30 Gilbert,
, v 456.

31 V. K.Krishna Menon (ed.),
Young Oxford and War
(London 1934).

32 Barnett, op. cit., 423–4.

33 Christopher Thome,’Viscount Cecil, the Government and the Far Eastern Crisis of 1931’,
Cambridge Historical Journal
, xiv (1971), 805–26.

34 See Donald S. Birn,
The League of Nations Union 1918–1945
(Oxford 1981).

35 Letter to the
Manchester Guardian
, 26 February 1932.

36 Michael Pugh, ‘Pacifism and Politics in Britain 1931–1935’,
Cambridge Historical Journal
, XXIII (1980), 641–56.

37 For an explanation (not justification) of the concession, see Paul Haggie,
Britannia at Bay
(Oxford 1981).

38 Anthony Eden, speech, 30 January 1941.

39 Paul Schmidt,
Hitler’s Interpreter
(tr. London 1951), 320.

40 Barnett, op. cit., 409–10.

41 The conference is described in Friedrich Hossbach,
Zwischen Wehrmacht und Hitler 1934–1938
(Hanover 1949); Fest, op. cit., 800.

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