Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (165 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

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42 Fest, op. cit., 809–10.

43 See Stefan Zweig,
The World of Yesterday
(New York 1943).

44 Jones,
Life and Work of Freud
, 636ff.

45 Barnett, op. cit., 474–5.

46 Robert J. O’Neill,
The German-Army and the Nazi Party 1933–1939
(London 1966), 152–9.

47 Peter Hoffman,
Widerstand, Staatsstreich, Attentat: Der Kampf der Opposition gegen Hitler
(Munich 1969), 83; Fest, op. cit., 829ff., and 1174–5 notes 20–3 for sources.

48 O’Neill, op. cit., 163–5.

49 Fest, op. cit., 832–3.

50 ‘Letter to Runciman’, 15 September 1938;
Opera Omnia
, xix 143.

51 Holborn, op. cit., 780ff.

52 Gilbert,
, v 999ff.

53 André Beauffre, 1
940: the Fall of France
(tr. London 1967), 84; Barnett, op. cit., 526–7.

54 Holborn, op. cit., 777.

55 William Shirer,
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
(London 1960), 399.

56 Fest, op. cit., 892; Kennan,
Memoirs 1925–1950
, 108.

57 See Franklin Reid Gannon,
The British Press and Germany 1936–1939
(Oxford 1971); Martin,
, 254–7.

58 Barnett, op. cit., 560.

The Times
, leading article, 1 April 1939; Gilbert,
, v 1052–3.

60 Hillgruber, op. cit., 61–2.

61 Ibid., 66.

62 Barnett, op. cit., 569.

63 Fest, op. cit., 917; Hillgruber, op. cit., 63.

64 Fest, op. cit., 869.

65 Hubertus Lupke, ‘Japans Russlandpolitik von 1939 bis 1941’,
Schriften des Instituts für Asienkunde in Hamburg
, x (Frankfurt 1962), 7–24.

66 Fest, op. cit., 884–5; for sources see 1177–8, note 27.

67 Hans Gunther Seraphim (ed.), Das
politische Tagebuch Alfred Rosenbergs
(Gottingen 1956), 82; Gustav Hilder and Alfred G. Meyer,
The Incompatible Allies: a Memoir-History of the German—Soviet Relationship, 1918–1941
(New York 1953), 315.

68 Fest, op. cit., 879–80.

69 Albert Tarulis,
Soviet Policy towards the Baltic States 1919–1940
(Notre Dame 1959), 154–5.

70 Michael Freund,
Weltgeschichte der Gegenwart in Dokumenten
(Freiburg 1954–6), III 166ff.

71 F. La Ruche,
La Neutralité de la Suède
(Paris 1953).

72 Henri Michel,
The Second World War
(tr. London 1975), for details.

73 A.Rossi,
Deux Ans d’alliance germano-sovietique
(Paris 1949), 88–90;
Hitler’s Table-Talk
(tr. London 1953), 8.

74 Carl Burckhardt,
Meine Danzinger Mission 1937–1979
(Munich 1960), 348; quoted in Hillgruber, op. cit., 69.

75 Fest, op. cit., 908; sources, 1179, note 7.

76 Ibid., 906, 921–2.

77 J.-B.Duraselle,
La Décadence 1932–1939
(Paris 1979).

78 Dominique Leca,
La Rupture de 1940
(Paris 1979).

79 François Bedarida (ed.),
La Strategie sécrète de la Drole de Guerre
(Paris 1979); see also
Français et Britanniques dans la Drole de Guerre: Actes du Colloque Franco-Britannique de decembre 1975
(Paris 1978).

80 Fest, op. cit., 940, 1181 note 10; Helmut Heiber (ed.),
Hitlers Lagebesprechungen
(Stuttgart 1962), 30.

81 Marc Bloch,
Strange Defeat
(tr. Oxford 1949), 36–7.

82 See Dr Pierre Renchnick in
Médeciné et Hygène
(Geneva, September 1981).

83 Bloch, op. cit., 28.

84 Henri Michel,
Le Procès de Riom
(Paris 1979).

85 Richard Griffith,
Marshal Pétain
(London 1970); Judith Hughes,
To the Maginot Line: the Politics of French Military Preparation in the 1920s
(Harvard 1971).

86 Quoted in Raymond Tournoux,
Pétain et la France
(Paris 1980).

87 Quoted in Robert Aron,
The Vichy Regime 1940–1944
(tr. London 1958), 122.

88 Alan Milward,
The New Order and the French Economy
(Oxford 1970), 272–88.

89 Trythall, op. cit., 161–3;
Documenti Diplomatici Italiani
9th series (Rome 1954), iv No. 260.

90 Schmidt, op. cit., 191–4;
Ciano’s Diplomatic Papers
, 412.

91 Franz Halder,
Kriegstagebuch: Tägliche Aufzeichnungen des Chefs des Generalstabes des Heeres 1939–1942
(Stuttgart 1962) I 308.

92 Karl Klee,
Das Unternehmen ‘Seelöwe’
(Gottingen 1958), 189–90.

93 Halder, op. cit., I 375.

94 Quoted in Hillgruber, op. cit., 354n.

95 Daniel Benjamin and Levis Kochin, ‘Voluntary Unemployment in Interwar Britain’,
The Banker
, February 1979.

A.J. Younger
Britain’s Economic Growth 1920–1966
1967), 112.

97 R.S.Sayers in Economic Journal, June 1950.

98 Younger, op. cit., 107ff.; H. W.
Economic Recovery in Britain 1932–1939

99 Barnett, op. cit., 482–3.

100 See M.M.Postan, D. Hay and
The Design and Development of Weapons

101 For Churchill’s popularity in summer 1940, see Brian Gardner,
Churchill in his Time: a Study in a Reputation 1939–1945
1968), 65–96.

102 Carlton, op. cit., 163.

103 Robert Rhodes James (ed.),
the Diaries of Sir Henry Channon
(Penguin 1967), 19 July 1940, 320.

104 Cecil’s
is printed in Hugh Cudlipp,
Publish and Be Damned
(London 1953), 144.

105 Winston Churchill,
The Second
World War: Their Finest Hour
(London 1949), 567.

106 See, for instance, Taylor, op. cit., 629ff. and note C 648–9.

107 Quoted in Gardner, op. cit., 69.

108 H.Duncan Hall,
North American Supply
(London 1955), 247ff.

109 Taylor, op. cit., 623–4, 647.

11 The Watershed Year

1 Erickson, op. cit., 587.

G.Zhukov, The Memoirs of Marshal Zhukov
(tr., London
1971), 268; Kennan,
324; Rigby
57; Stalin
Collected Works
xv 3;
Ivan Maiski in
Novy Mir
, Moscow 1964, 12, 162–3.

3 Seaton, op. cit., 95; Hingley, op. cit., 309; Rigby, op. cit., 55.

J.K.Zawodny, Death in the Forest: the story of the Katyn Forest
(London 1971), 127; Hilder and Meyer, op. cit., 330; Hingley, op. cit., 301ff.

5 Margarete Buber-Neuman,
Gefangene bei Stalin und Hitler: eine Welt im Dünkel
1958), 179.

6 Conquest, op. cit., 449.

7 Seaton, op. cit., 91.

Akten zur deutscher auswartigen Politik, 1918–1945
1966-), Series D, xi, No. 329, 472.

9 Fest, op. cit., 957–8; Bullock, op. cit., 639.

10 Fest, op. cit., 952–5;
Le Testament
politique de Hitler

11 Haider, op. cit., II 6.

12 Fest, op. cit., 1104.

13 Heinz Hohne,
(tr. London 1980).

14 Hillgruber, op. cit., 80–1; Fest, op. cit., 955.

15 For the’Marcks Plan’see Alfred
Das Pripjetproblem: Eine Studie über die operative Bedeuting des Pripjets-Gebietes für den Feldzug des Jahres 1941
(Frankfurt 1956), 69ff.

16 Fest, op. cit., 962, 1091.

17 Matthew Cooper,
The German Air
Force 1933–1945: an Anatomy of
(London 1981).f

18 Postan, op. cit.

19 Erickson, op. cit., 584.

20 Alexander Werth,
Russia at War 1941–1945
(London 1964), 401; Seaton, op. cit., 271.

21 Hillgruber, op. cit., 90.

22 Fest, op. cit., 972.

23 Ibid., 978.

24 Ibid., 996.

25 Ibid., 962.

26 Halder, op. cit., II 335–8.

27 Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, ‘The
and Mass
Executions of Soviet Russian Prisoners of War’ in Hans
et al., Anatomy of the SS
(tr. New York 1968).

28 Hillgruber, op. cit., 86–7.

Hitler’s Table-Talk
426; Fest
, op. cit., 1017, 1021ff.

30 Adolf Hitler,
Monologe im
Führerhauptquartier 1941–1944
(Hamburg 1980), 54, 90, 331.

31 Fest, op. cit., 1025.

32 Nuremberg Document NOKW 1692; printed along with other relevant documents in Jacobsen, op. cit.; Fest, op. cit., 968–9.

33 Boris Pasternak,
Doctor Zhivago
(tr. London 1958), 453.

34 Seaton, op. cit., 91.

War Speeches and Orders
of the Day
(London 1945), 26.

36 Deutscher,
, 468–9.

37 Gustav Herling,
A World Apart
(London 1951), 59.

38 Conquest, op. cit., 486–90.

39 Albert Seaton,
The Russo-German War 1941–1945
(London 1971), 90.

40 Hingley, op. cit., 318.

41 Robert Conquest,
Nation-Killers: the Soviet Deportation of Nationalities
(London 1970), 65, 102; Hingley, op. cit., 348.

Stalin as Warlord

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