Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (178 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

Tags: #History, #World, #20th Century

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152 Nicholas Wade,
The Ultimate
Experiment: man-made evolution
(New York 1977).

, 17 September 1981, 176.

154 Quotations from Edward Wilson,
(Harvard 1975) and
On Human Nature

155 Alexander Pope,
An Essay on Man
(London 1733–4), Ep., I, line 2.


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Abadan, 491, 713

Abane, Ramdane, 497, 499

Abbas, Allouah, 499

Abbas, Ferhat, 499

Abbott, Charles, 249

Abdullah, King of Jordan, 486, 487

Abstraction, 114


Acheson, Dean; 257, 439, 440, 447–8, 474, 626, 627, 631, 632, 637

Action française
, 145, 576

Adams, Henry, 207

Adams, James Truslow, 222

Adams, John Quincy, 614

Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 218

Adams, Sherman, 462

Addis, Sir Charles, 235

Addis Ababa, 321, 512, 537

Adenauer, Konrad, 279–80, 290, 577, 579–86, 591, 593, 597–8, 599–600

Afghanistan, 44, 717–20, 754, 757

Africa: Christianity in, 704, 706; Islam in, 707; population growth, 724; agriculture, food production, 727–8

Afro-Asian Conference (Bandung, 1955), 477, 480, 489–90, 511, 512, 518

Agar, Herbert, 344

Agnew, Spiro, 650

Agricultural Marketing Act (US, 1929), 243, 245

agriculture, farming, 724–7; Russia, 725–6, 767–8; Third World, 727

Agriculture Acts (1920, 1923), 163

, 782–3

Ailleret, General, 504

Ain-Abid massacre, 499

air raids, 335–6, 349, 358, 359, 362, 442–7, 635–6

Aizawa, Colonel Saburo, 313

Akhmatova, Anna, 453

Alamein, 410

Albania, 321, 359, 448, 762

Aldington, Richard, 163

Aldrich, Winthrop, 462

Aldrin, Edwin, 630

Alee, Warder, 779

Aleksandrov, G.F., 453

Algeria, 149, 151, 154, 410, 539, 542; Muslim population, 495–6; revolution, 497–504, 507; atrocities and terrorism, 497–500, 503; independence, 504–5; racism, 526

Algiers, 499–504, 688

Ali, Mohammed, 477

All-Russian Congress of Soviets, 82; (1917) 62, 63; (1918) 78; (1920) 79

Ail-Union Congress of Soviets (1923), 77

Alleg, Henri, 500

Allen, Clifford, 349

Allen, Frederick Lewis, 218

Allende, Salvador, 737–8

‘Alliance for progress’, 615

Alsace, 21, 140, 141

America: war corporatism, 16–17; and peace settlement, 22–5, 27, 31—4; as war creditor, 35–6; violence in, 38; naval policy, 173–4; attitude to Japan, 188–9, 203, 310, 391–3; race policy and xenophobia, 189, 203–7, 215; culture, 207–9, 225–7; Prohibition, 209–12; corruption, 210–12, 217–18, 650–3; decline in radicalism, 212–16, 225; economy, 212, 214, 215–16, 222–6, 228, 230–60, 456–7, 464, 613, 639–41, 659–63, 665, 727; prosperity of 1920s, 222–6, 228–9; spread of education, 225; economic crisis (1930s), 230–60; protectionist policy, 232, 246; intellectuals’ reaction, 247–8, 252; isolationalism, 281, 310; disarmament, 344; arms supply to Allies, 370–1; and Second World War, 370–1, 387, 391–5, 398–9, 408–9, 422–6, 433–5; code- breaking, 398–400; nuclear weaponry, 406–9, 424–5, 441, 442–3; attitude to Russia and Cold War, 432–43, 457–65, 614; commitment to Europe, 439–43, 614; foreign and defence policy, 442–3, 447–8, 450–1; and Far East, 443, 445, 447–8, 450–1, 460–1, 463; confrontation with China, 450–1, 631; post-war prosperity, 456–7, 464, 613; anti- Communist witch-hunt, 458–61; oil production, 460; and Zionism, 484–5; universalist policy, 614- 15, 633; and Latin America, 615–30; increasing confrontation with Russia, 615, 623–8, 631; space programme, 629–30; and Indo-China, 630–7, 653; high-spending legislation, 638–41; educational expansion, 641–3; student violence, 643-6; integration in education, 644–5; black violence, 645–6; media power and misrepresentation, 647, 649–53; new China policy, 648–9; renewed xenophobia, 649, 651–3; political espionage, 651–3; economic expansion, 660; anti-business climate, 660–2; increased legislative power, 662–3; economic decline, 663–5; and arms race, 685–6; increasing criticism of, 690–4; alleged imperialism, 690, 693–4; religion in, 704; post-war occupation of Japan, 730–1; shifting centre of gravity, political changes, 747–50; defender or rule of law, 751–3; drug abuse in, 752, 782; rearmament, 753–4; and Gulf War, Iraq, 769–73;
see also
Latin America

American Federation of Labor, 225, 232, 244

American Relief Administration, 93, 242

Amery, Leo, 43, 162

Amin, Hafizullah, 718–19

Amin, Idi, 533–7, 541, 689

Amristar massacre, 45–7, 521

Amtorg, 260

Anderson, Benjamin, 216

Anderson, Sherwood, 252

Andrew, A.P., 134

Andropov, Yuri, 683, 754, 755

Angka Loeu
, 654–5, 656

Anglo-German Naval Treaty (1935), 351

Anglo-Japanese Treaty (1905), 173, 188

Anglo-Russian Treaty of Alliance (1945), 429

Angola, 519, 542, 728

, 39, 319, 356

Anti-Comintern Pact (1936), 321, 352, 360, 386

anti-Semitism, 420; Arab, 481–2; European, ending of, 486; French, 144, 346, 576; Marxist dismissal of, 128; Nazi, 133, 278, 293, 319, 342–3; Russian, 116, 117, 454–6; student, 127; in UN, 690; Weimar German, 116–22, 127, 133

anti-Westernism, 452–3

anti-white racism, 526–7

Antonov Ovseenko, Vladimir, 335

apartheid, 520, 5
, 526, 728–9

Apollo programme, 630

Apostles, The, 29, 166–8, 171, 172, 347

appeasement, 351, 354–5, 356

‘April Theses’ (Lenin), 62, 89

Arab Legion, 485

Arab Liberation Army, 485

Arafat, Yasser, 534, 689

Araki, General Sadao, 189, 311

Aref, Abdul Rahman, 666

Argentina, 155, 616–18, 671, 750–1

Arias, Carlos, 609

Arias, Gino, 319

Armenia, 766

Arms Export Control Act (US, 1975), 653

armaments, pre-war: Germany, 293, 294, 297, 312, 341, 357; Japan, 312; America, 344; France, 346; Britain, 367–8

armaments, post-war, 442–3, 452, 685–7, 753–4; disarmament, 757;
see also
nuclear weapons

Armstrong, Neil, 630

Aron, Robert, 143

‘Arusha Declaration’ (1967), 529–30

Asquith, H.H., 169

Asquith, Raymond, 162

assassination, political, 184–6, 298–305, 314, 335, 398, 481–4, 497–500, 534

assimilation policy, 496, 497

Astor, Lady, 276

Aswan Dam, 490

Ataturk, Kemal, 45, 95, 138, 197

atheism, 7, 48, 145, 701

Atlantic Charter, 429

atomic bomb,
nuclear weapons

‘Atoms for Peace’ programme, 686

atrocities, 318, 327–8, 335–6, 427–8, 497–500, 531, 532–7, 572, 654–7

Attadell, Garcia, 327

Attlee, Clement, 467, 482, 487

Auden, W.H., 336, 337

Auschwitz, 304, 414, 415, 416–18, 419, 422

Australia, 175, 189, 732, 746

Austria, 37, 38, 242, 278; national socialism in, 95;
, 319, 352–3, 356; murdered Jews from, 415

Austria–Hungary, 37; break-up of, 22, 24, 38–9

, 619

Avksientiev, N.D., 71

Axelrod, Paul, 128

Axis Pact (1940), 387, 390

Ayer, Sir A.J., 699

Aylwin, Patricio, 739

Azerbaijan, 766

Azzam Pasha, 486, 489

Babel, Isaac, 306

Bach, Lydia, 81

Bagehot, Walter, 239, 240

Bainville, Jacques, 145, 147

Baker, Josephine, 119

Baker, Newton, 206

Balabanov, Angelica, 319

Balbo, Italo, 98–9, 103

Baldwin, Stanley, 164, 175, 310, 349

Balfour, A.J., 18, 25, 27, 235

Balfour Declaration (1917), 22, 481, 482, 486

ballistic missiles, 405–6

Ballod, Karl, 94

Baltic republics, 765, 767

Baltic-White Sea Canal, 274, 275

Bamberg Conference (1926), 278

Banda, Dr Hastings, 531

Bandung Conference (1955), 477, 480, 489–90, 511, 512, 518

Bangladesh, 569, 573, 574

Bank of England, 235, 237, 669

Banking Acts (US, 1933, 1935), 255

Bantu Education Act (1954), 523

Barcelona, 323, 328; in civil war, 333–4, 335, 336, 338, 339

Baring Maurice, 163

Barnes, Maynard, 437

Barnowsky, Victor, 113

Barres, Maurice, 148

Barthes, Roland, 695

Baruch, Bernard, 16, 35, 88

Basque separatists, 688

Bataan ‘death march’, 428

Batista, Fulgencio, 619, 620–2

Bauer, Otto, 128, 153, 323

Bauhaus, 112, 114

Bay of Pigs operation (1961), 463, 624, 629, 630

‘Bayeux constitution’ (1946), 589, 595

Beamish, Henry Hamilton, 348

Beard, Charles, 228, 248

Beaverbrook, Lord, 370, 385

Beauvoir, Simone de, 544, 575

Beck, Ludwig, 353, 354

Begin, Menachem, 482, 483, 708

Beirut, 708, 716

Belgium, 188, 189, 415, 514–15

Bell, Clive, 29, 167

Below, Georg von, 126

Belzec, 415

Ben Bella, Ahmed, 496, 497, 505, 516

Ben-Gurion, David, 484, 486

Benda, Julien, 143, 337

Benelux, 448, 591

Benes, Edouard, 235, 440

Benin, 541, 542

Benjamin, Walter, 284

Bennett, General Gordon, 395

Bentley, Elizabeth, 458

Beraud, Henri, 142

Berg, Alban, 8, 113, 117

Bergner, Elisabeth, 116

Beria, Lavrenti, 302, 409, 455, 674–5

Bérillon, Dr Edgar, 145

Berle, Adolf, 27, 248

Berlin, Irving, 227

Berlin, 284, 582; as artistic world centre, 112–13; burning of Reichstag, 285; Hitler’s death in, 412–13; blockade, 440-2; Wall, 586, 760

Bernal, J.D., 276, 348

Bernanos, Georges, 328

Berzin, General Jan Antonovich, 335

Besant, Annie, 42

Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von, 12, 15, 16, 107, 108

Bevan, Aneurin, 467

Bevin, Ernest, 437, 466–7, 483–4

Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 570, 571, 573

Biafra, 514

Big Bang theory, 698–9

Bihar, 569, 572

biology, 777–80

Birkenhead, F.E. Smith, Lord, 221, 346

Birmingham (Alabama), 645

Bismarck, Otto von, 107, 108, 115, 116, 122, 134, 140

Black Dragon sect, 183, 185

Blackett, P.S.M., 402, 467

Blair, General Sir Chandos, 536

Blech, Leo, 113

Bleichröder, Gerson von, 116

, 358, 359, 362, 364, 366, 377, 379, 401

Bliven, Bruce, 218, 259

Bloch, Ernst, 116

Bloch, Marc, 364

Blomberg, General Werner von, 283, 298, 352

Bloomsbury Group, 29, 166–73

Blum, Léon, 151, 346, 365, 592

Blundell, Sir Michael, 508

Blunden, Edmund, 163

Blunt, Anthony, 172, 347

Blyumkin, Yakov, 266

Boeckler, Hans, 583, 584

Boer Nationalists, 522, 525

Bogota, 620

Bohr, Nils, 407

Bokassa, Marshal Jean Bedel, 532, 541

Bolsheviks, 22, 52, 59, 60–5, 72, 76, 78;
see also
Communist Party; Social Democrats, Russian

Bolton, Sir George, 664

Bondi, Georg, 117

‘Bonus expeditionary force’, 249–50

Book of the Month Club, 225

Borah, William, 258

Boris, Roland, 587

Bormann, Martin, 290, 292

Born, Max, 4

Borodin, Michael, 193, 196

Bose, Chandra, 469

Bose, Rash Behari, 185

Boston (Mass.), 211

Botswana, 526, 542

Bouhler, Philip, 413

Boumendjel, Ahmed, 496

Bourguiba, Habib, 538

Bourne, Randolph, 14, 207

Bowles, Chester, 624

Bradley, General Omar, 436

brainwashing, 548–9, 552

Brandeis, Justice Louis, 204

Brandt, Karl, 412

Brandt, Willy, 335

Brandt Report (1980), 692

Brauchitsch, General Heinrich von, 352, 353

Braudel, Fernand, 597, 695

Braun, Werner Von, 629

Brazil, 671, 673, 694, 703, 706

Brazzaville, 501, 517

Brazzaville Conference (1944), 507

Brazzaville Twelve, 540

Brecht, Bertholt, 112–13, 306, 307

Bredow, General von, 298

Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918), 82, 105, 133, 342

Bretton Woods Agreement (1944), 659, 663

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 674

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